Where are these "other guys" meeting LTR material women--The Million dollar question we all have!


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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So the answer is...they are meeting them everywhere. They just take advantage of opportunities that are right in front of your face that you aren't even seeing because you aren't focused on it at that time.
Yes, this is what I'm saying also when I say I don't 'do cold approach' or 'daygame'. I just go out and about and since I live in a city I just have to be receptive in order to have people talk with me. Since I have an open body posture and a friendly energy about me, people have no trouble coming up to me. I can switch it off easily -- when I withdraw my open energy, people in general will pass me by and not try to engage.

I don't think social circle or money matters at all if a guy is a complete package. I think women can intuitively tell based on how a guy speaks and behaves, whether he has a social circle or not.
Women are social animals and they can discern between someone being alone by choice or being lonely. Although I sometimes have company when I'm walking around, most of the time I walk alone but nobody would ever think I'm lonely.

He'd bang women very quickly and pretty much every time, they'd try to rope him into a relationship and he'd just bail. Lmao
I'd have 2-3 relationships simultaneously and usually 1-2 of them would try to go exclusive with me, but I wouldn't do that. And if they didn't like that anymore, they would leave. And that would be fine with me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Yet most of the time when I'm going to meet women or approaching single women of the same standard IRL at some stage I will usually get a comment like " wish you were a little taller " maybe not a dealbreaker but I definitely feel like from there I have an uphill battle and it can become wearing
Think of the girls you've dated in the past. You probably wouldn't have minded if their t!ts were a little bigger and firmer and if their @sses were a little rounder.

At the end of the day, it's 50% proximity and 50% other factors. A 5'10 guy in her social circle will win over a 6'4 guy she has never met.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
My guess is that most men want to believe they have power and merit in all important affairs, including the sexual market. Their success will be or was earned, whereas an average man who met his woman didn’t “put in the work,” and “didn’t earn it.”

It always irked me that the RP/This forum&RP Youtubers (espeically Blackpillers)have an underlying disdain for Chad/Tyrone or Bruce Lee. I think a lot of guys who don't get it may be on the autistic side. Not trying to talk down but in life, some people are going to have it easier than others. No reason to cry about it like a victimbitch, as a man you have to find a solution to your problem! Women are not some algebra formula that you can hack, yes I know people taught Mystery figured it out but half of the Mystery Method was overkill keyboard mumbo jumbo nonsense. Heck even Rollo overthinks it a lot of times as well. Back in 2006 I was super naive when it came to women. I saw how women treat and act around the men they truly desire(buying men drinks, having 3somes, giving men thousands of dollars) and I watched them and emulated them. However, they couldn't explain negging, mindset, etc to me. You have to understand these guys have been getting positive feedback not only from women but society since they were in elementary school. How do you explain something to a person you have been doing naturally since you were 6 years old? These guys figured it out at an early age and the positive feedback loop reinforces this. This is why finding this forum in 2008 really helped me grow with my charisma, body language, MINDSET, not being thirsty etc. The forum explained to me what my natural buddies were doing with ease and effortlessly. Where me as a naive dork at the time would throw up some shyt and sometimes it stuck a lot of times it didn't. Meaning sometimes I got the girl a lot of times I didn't cause I was a needy simp

Fast Forward in 2024 now you see the mainstream trying to push "Body positivity"(for women) and shame "Pretty privilege" The world has always been this way. You're not going to tell men and women what they should and shouldn't be attracted too, who da eff wants to lay up with lizzo? Looks, Money, Charisma and Status the one you can improve the easiest and fastest is your look. By Look I'm not just talking about your physique by hitting the gym but also your dress style. Have you stepped outside lately? lotta dudes can't dress for crap lol

I don't think social circle or money matters at all if a guy is a complete package. I think women can intuitively tell based on how a guy speaks and behaves, whether he has a social circle or not.

My roommate back in college was a GDI. He'd bang some hot, HOT women, some from sororities, some just from randomly approaching. He wasn't meeting these women through friends, wasn't meeting them by proving he had any status.

What made it work for him
1) 6'0'' & jacked. He was a fat **** initially but cut down 80lbs in one go, then bulked up about 40lbs. He ended at about 6'0'' 190lbs lean, and his arms looked like tree trunks. 16.5" lean arms without flexing.
2) Solid face
3) Charisma/game <-- this was huge. To this day I don't know of anyone as witty as he is.

He'd bang women very quickly and pretty much every time, they'd try to rope him into a relationship and he'd just bail. Lmao
Yup Number 3 is so important, a lot of guys don't have the charisma or understand how to have witty flirty banter with a woman. I gotta buddy who is average in looks but he knows how to flirt his a$$ off and has banged some hot chicks. Lotta RP/PUA guys try to approach women logically and that's where they fail. I know my witty banter isn't as good as it was in my 20s but that's one thing that helped when I was on the prowl a lot in my early sosuave/Game journey

Another thing I would add is a Positive or Happy Go Lucky Mindset when it comes to normal guys who pull a lot or get hot girls. I have hung out with some PUA guys (not just from this forum but others I met in public) and some of them have toxic as hell mindsets due to past rejection and trauma when it comes to women. Some of those guys were very good-looking (Lower Tier Brad's/Tyrone, no flamingo) However their negative mindsets held them back from the success they sought and make no mistake women are like dogs they pick up on the "Vibes" like a 6th sense. There are some guys who really need to shift their mindset. For me that was a major factor beyond losing weight or making more money was shifting my mindset and learn to be more positive and accept the things I can control and the things I can't. To view each failure, each rejection, each bad date as a learning opportunity to improve. I became obsessed and that obsession helped me out a lot, it's the same drive now I'm using to improve my business. Mindset is the most important because it affects your confidence, verbal-non nonverbal communication I.e. Body language etc. How you talk/view women etc
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Don Juan
Dec 2, 2019
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I know gyms are not good places either (unless you take a class), but it would always be good if you can run into some of these attractive women you see at the gym outside of the gym. You can do an approach and be like "excuse me? I think we go to the same gym. It might backfire, but it's a good opener.
This works. Even better if you're already sort of friendly with her at the gym.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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At the end of the day, it's 50% proximity and 50% other factors. A 5'10 guy in her social circle will win over a 6'4 guy she has never met.
True, but we have to make a distinction between LTR and actually be desired by a girl

LTR more often than not has nothing to do with the girl desiring the guy and girls due to ego issues will stay with a guy ( most of the times in a sh1tty relationship for the guy ) only because she knows that very likely he will never leave her, while she can do what she pleases


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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The Million Dollar Question

The answer to the question is the question to the answer ...


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Never was a fan of "PUA social circles" you know where a bunch of guys meet up every weekend to "Sarge" those never worked out for me because a lot of PUA dudes are weirods lol
I remember going to a PUA meetup back in the early '00s. Everyone there was 5'6" or shorter. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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My guess is social skills.

I’ve been confirmed overweight in these situations and done incredibly well as I can chat shyt to anyone.

my favourite chat up was to ask a girl “I bet you £5 I can touch your teeets without moving my hands”

girl accepts

I just straight up feel her teets and hand her £5.

if you have the frame and social skills you can make this sound fun and not like a creepy rpist

maybe things have changed now but this was a-ok for me up to 2008
I'll have to add that to my repertoire. :up:


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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According to @Desdinova, you have to scoop a girl from a stale LTR that she's no longer satisfied with in order to get into another LTR, otherwise, there's probably a reason they are single right?
The point is, you need to be competitive. If you encounter a remotely attractive single woman, every horny guy within her radius is going to be hitting on her. What makes YOU stand out from the others?

Given the AFC, it is easy to lure a woman away from another man because she already knows he's a boring pushover who got comfortable in the relationship. Competing with other men she doesn't know is more difficult which is why we use tactics like kino, jealousy, push/pull, teasing, social status, etc. I've stolen women from other guys and have had women cheat on their man with me. Trust me, it's way easier getting her to wh0re around on her existing guy. You're also not only the first guy in line to take his place, but you're likely the only guy in line.

Pickup isn't black or white as you perceive it. Pickup is a numbers game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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For me I always wanted one,not for the sake of banging chicks but to be around like minded invividuals like myself. I have build social circles from scratch/intergrated myself into one etc rise and repeat. These weren't dorks but fly guys who had local clout, some had bread, some had looks and clout but BROKE, some had money and status but no looks etc. I wanted to surround myself with successfull, motivated invidiuals. Just a word of warning some social circles can be competitive this is why vetting the group is important for you as well.
Social circles are fantastic. They're even better if you can get the whole circle talking about YOU. Any women who are brought into the social circle are going to non-stop hear things that YOU did or YOU said. I have lays that directly benefitted from having social circles.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Women are social animals and they can discern between someone being alone by choice or being lonely. Although I sometimes have company when I'm walking around, most of the time I walk alone but nobody would ever think I'm lonely.
It’s simpler than that. If a woman finds you fvckable, she’ll assume you have, or could have am SO. I was at a house party & making out with a girl. At one point she asked me ;’how come you don’t have a girlfriend?’


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If you are speaking of LTRs, the three main components that go into a woman's decision are the following and in this order:

1. Social proof (connections and ability to influence others)
2. Money
3. Looks
I think the main factor on whether or not the girl is good for LTRs is whether she's a raging wh0re or not.
Now that's not the last filter to cross, but it starts there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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It’s simpler than that. If a woman finds you fvckable, she’ll assume you have, or could have am SO. I was at a house party & making out with a girl. At one point she asked me ;’how come you don’t have a girlfriend?’
I think I may have answered that in another thread, where a girl said, "so, you have a girlfriend?" and I said, "No, four," which sparked a whole discussion on why four women would share a stud muffin like me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The point is, you need to be competitive. If you encounter a remotely attractive single woman, every horny guy within her radius is going to be hitting on her. What makes YOU stand out from the others?

Given the AFC, it is easy to lure a woman away from another man because she already knows he's a boring pushover who got comfortable in the relationship. Competing with other men she doesn't know is more difficult which is why we use tactics like kino, jealousy, push/pull, teasing, social status, etc. I've stolen women from other guys and have had women cheat on their man with me. Trust me, it's way easier getting her to wh0re around on her existing guy. You're also not only the first guy in line to take his place, but you're likely the only guy in line.

Pickup isn't black or white as you perceive it. Pickup is a numbers game.
That is your style and if that works for you then you do you. You have an 8 year girlfriend out of it. However, it requires that you subscribe to a certain ethics/morality that I don't think everyone is going to sign up for, especially for more inexperienced/newbies who are taking baby steps and others who have just have standards against that type of thing (ie if she's unfaithful to him, then she could be unfaithful to you too and is not a keeper). Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should do it. Then where do you draw the line? Suppose the woman is married and has a family but it's the only woman you have chemistry with and is excited about you and is willing to divorce-rape her hubby, tear up her family, and then enter a marriage with you, would you at least draw a line in the sand there? You could use the same logic..her husband is an AFC who got comfortable and you have no competition. Even you have to have limits.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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However, it requires that you subscribe to a certain ethics/morality that I don't think everyone is going to sign up for
Why do you need to hold yourself to a certain level of ethics/morality when women couldn't give a fvck about ethics/morality? The nature of the woman is to find her soulmate, and she'll throw any other man under the bus if she thinks she's onto "the one". Women believe in 5hit like destiny, and if their emotional buttons are pushed enough, she'll believe she's stumbled onto it.
especially for more inexperienced/newbies who are taking baby steps and others who have just have standards against that type of thing (ie if she's unfaithful to him, then she could be unfaithful to you too and is not a keeper).
Let me tell you this... A good 80-90% of adult women are NOT keepers. You know what else? Most women are on their best behavior in the first 6-9 months of a relationship. If you want a "keeper", you're gonna have to filter through these women as quickly as possible. You're not going to successfully screen a "keeper" on the first meeting. You essentially have to throw darts and hope you get a bullseye. If you've never thrown darts, then you need to practice in order to have ANY HOPE of hitting the bullseye. So what if these women are unfaithful? Dating her means that you've just gotten a little bit better at throwing darts. Once you realize you didn't hit the bullseye, then you throw another dart.

What you're doing is making sure you have a dart that is new, sharp, and that you have a clue on what the rules are for playing darts. However, every time you throw one, it lands on the ground because you don't practice and every other player clobbers you in the game.

Then where do you draw the line? Suppose the woman is married and has a family but it's the only woman you have chemistry with and is excited about you and is willing to divorce-rape her hubby, tear up her family, and then enter a marriage with you, would you at least draw a line in the sand there?
First of all, I've had chemistry with multiple women. You don't marry the first one you have chemistry with. As for divorce raping her hubby and wrecking her family, that's her decision. All I've done is made her realize that she's not happy with her choice in a husband. Also, if she's been married or has been alpha-widowed, then she's not marriage material. Again, she falls into that 80-90% of damaged trash that you throw away.

Even you have to have limits.
My limit is to not marry trash. Everything before that is fair game.

As for taking "baby steps", it looks like you've been taking them since 2009. When I joined this site back in 2001, I went out and fvcked up multiple times. Two steps forward, one step back. It took me about a year before I found myself successfully dating a woman that I had cold approached. And then I started dating a SECOND one. That was the moment I knew I was doing something right because I suddenly had an abundance of women... I had TWO while most other schmucks had one or less. If I could have given myself an award at any point in my life, that would have been the moment.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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You have to understand these guys have been getting positive feedback not only from women but society since they were in elementary school. How do you explain something to a person you have been doing naturally since you were 6 years old? These guys figured it out at an early age and the positive feedback loop reinforces this
This is me until 12