What is the point of Marriage in 2020?


Jan 17, 2020
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If you'r not religious or from a traditional background that encouraged marriage, why would you even want to get married in 2020 as a man?

The institution of marriage itself is now trivialized. People enter into it knowing they can just get divorced at the first sight of problems.

Without any benefits or security, why would any man WANT to get married?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Marriage is the still the best way to leave progeny - and trying to leave progeny in a common-law marriage is going to be something akin to marriage because of child support, etc. There is also the issue with the high cost of housing in a lot of places, so a man would need his woman's income to afford to buy a home (yes, if a man wanted to be Joe Renter, then this would not be an issue), and so if the idea is to buy property, you pretty much have to be married.

Now, if a man doesn't care about progeny, then he could just be a free agent, telling women who ask "where are we going with this" that he's not getting legally married, and having them leave. Sure Chad could do this with no problem, but normies have to play Husband Game lest they go on LONG dry spells. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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If you'r not religious or from a traditional background that encouraged marriage, why would you even want to get married in 2020 as a man?

The institution of marriage itself is now trivialized. People enter into it knowing they can just get divorced at the first sight of problems.

Without any benefits or security, why would any man WANT to get married?
Simps are going to play house. Cucks are marrying Chad and Tyrones baby mamma. It serves virtually zero value for men. The data shows that its ideal for the children. The argument then is wtf is that relevant when it comes to the problem of women initiate 80% and 90% (if college indoctrinated) of divorce. Look on social media. Look at the beta males simping to and conceding to their wife. The same wife who summited only to Chad or Tyrone (or both simultaneously lulz). They don't get it. They are retarded and so far plugged into the matrix that it will take cuckoldry or divorce rapey to severe that connections. Even then, some people never learn. More girls for me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Marriage is the still the best way to leave progeny - and trying to leave progeny in a common-law marriage is going to be something akin to marriage because of child support, etc. There is also the issue with the high cost of housing in a lot of places, so a man would need his woman's income to afford to buy a home (yes, if a man wanted to be Joe Renter, then this would not be an issue), and so if the idea is to buy property, you pretty much have to be married.

Now, if a man doesn't care about progeny, then he could just be a free agent, telling women who ask "where are we going with this" that he's not getting legally married, and having them leave. Sure Chad could do this with no problem, but normies have to play Husband Game lest they go on LONG dry spells. :mad:
Your emoji cracked me up.

I never elaborate on my views nor verbalize my thoughts on marriage. I refrain irl especially with married friends and family. It serves to counter the facts but its highly devisive and for obvious reasons. Marriage is viewed as the bedrock of our culture at least from a optimistic perspective. It is actually men who keep the order to one extent or another. The problem is that, modern women are not warranting white knights protection, marriage or any thing of the nature. I am optimistic that Rollos new book will be useful to the married men and those who seek to do so due to religious beliefs.

If a woman was a man and she pulled her BS out on a guy, how would it go?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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If you'r not religious or from a traditional background that encouraged marriage, why would you even want to get married in 2020 as a man?

The institution of marriage itself is now trivialized. People enter into it knowing they can just get divorced at the first sight of problems.

Without any benefits or security, why would any man WANT to get married?
I don't see it being as something a man should nor want to do. However, I think it's something that a woman actually needs to ensure her security. However, a damaged piece of trash woman is incapable of living up to her end of the bargain. The only woman who has the potential of living up to the marriage bargain is one who has never been alpha-widowed. Every other woman has been conditioned that riding a multitude of c0cks is socially acceptable. However, even the woman with the 1000 c0ck stare still has her need for security hard-wired into her brain which is why they still want to get married.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I don't see it being as something a man should nor want to do. However, I think it's something that a woman actually needs to ensure her security. However, a damaged piece of trash woman is incapable of living up to her end of the bargain. The only woman who has the potential of living up to the marriage bargain is one who has never been alpha-widowed. Every other woman has been conditioned that riding a multitude of c0cks is socially acceptable. However, even the woman with the 1000 c0ck stare still has her need for security hard-wired into her brain which is why they still want to get married.
The need being that state assuring his resources. The majority of women are getting ran through and cucks are marrying used goods. Not best years but post wall or nearly. Outside of religion and other conviction, I see no value for a man. My Muslim friends are married but its religious not through state. It's a loop hole but common law applies pending location. I saw a post wall 30 something female ranting about men no longer noticing her. UK has the fastest women in the western parts of Europe. Enjoy the decline fellas. Shout out to Cappy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I would be less tempted to fap if I get married I guess. Among other reasons of course.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
I would be less tempted to fap if I get married I guess. Among other reasons of course.
What makes you think that if you were married you'd get more action than with yourself? Ever hear of a dead bedroom? Once it gets to that point, the dude does have make a decision, and it's usually not an easy one (divorce).


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Wife = girlfriend with paperwork, three-way relationship with the government.

In an age of civil unions, marriage is pretty much a redundancy.

50 years ago feminists called marriage an oppressive institution. Now it's a tool for female leverage and a money maker for lawyers. Either way it's gov't insertion into your life.
I dont understand how owning a slave who would break his back to provide and would die to protect you as ever being "oppressive"....


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2020
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If you'r not religious or from a traditional background that encouraged marriage, why would you even want to get married in 2020 as a man?

The institution of marriage itself is now trivialized. People enter into it knowing they can just get divorced at the first sight of problems.

Without any benefits or security, why would any man WANT to get married?
Amen brother. I got married young (24 y.o., now 27 y.o.) and I'm currently in the process of getting divorced. I was a beta male for sure when I met my wife senior year of college and went right from mom -> gf -> fiancé -> wife. It sucks to admit this right now, but I was for sure pressured into getting married based on religion and my wife's conviction. I thought it was the 'natural' thing to do when you love someone. She had a great family and values, but as soon as we got married she began to change and her true colors showed. Total lack of affection, lack of sex, miserable, anxious, depressed, narcissistic, etc. I am much happier now on my own. I can tell you one thing, if I ever get married again it will be a long time. I want plenty of years of practice with game and I am so happy I found out about TRM and SS. I only wish I read TRM senior year of college..... hahaha.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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What makes you think that if you were married you'd get more action than with yourself? Ever hear of a dead bedroom? Once it gets to that point, the dude does have make a decision, and it's usually not an easy one (divorce).
Fapping could be a type of religious venting so the dead bedroom would be an exclusion since there is nothing material to vent about.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2020
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Wife = girlfriend with paperwork, three-way relationship with the government.

In an age of civil unions, marriage is pretty much a redundancy.

50 years ago feminists called marriage an oppressive institution. Now it's a tool for female leverage and a money maker for lawyers. Either way it's gov't insertion into your life.
Absolutely. Seeing the other side of the law right now going through my divorce I can't believe how absurdly tight the government is intertwined in the institution of marriage. You hit the nail on the head brother. Even if you don't get legally married, you can still get f!cked with common law, child support, etc. Gotta love that it is still heavily weighted towards the woman. I lucked out with no kids and a three year marriage. Everything is just split 50/50.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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If you'r not religious or from a traditional background that encouraged marriage, why would you even want to get married in 2020 as a man?

The institution of marriage itself is now trivialized. People enter into it knowing they can just get divorced at the first sight of problems.

Without any benefits or security, why would any man WANT to get married?
Marriage is the best environment for raising children.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
If you'r not religious or from a traditional background that encouraged marriage, why would you even want to get married in 2020 as a man?

The institution of marriage itself is now trivialized. People enter into it knowing they can just get divorced at the first sight of problems.

Without any benefits or security, why would any man WANT to get married?
Marriage has never benefited men. Marriage is designed to protect women and children by making a man financially responsible for them.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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While I consider myself to be a traditionalist when it comes to raising children, I've otherwise never understood the concept.

Statistically, around half of the marriages end in divorce, while those remaining married ... only half (or less) are happily.

... but even with such odds right in their face, everyone thinks that *their* marriage will be "different." These are the same people that hold me up at convenience store lines; spending money on lottery tickets because despite the odds, *they* are going to win.

If the cattle mentality wasn't bad enough, I've met countless women scrutinizing me because I didn't make their same (divorced status) mistake.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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While I consider myself to be a traditionalist when it comes to raising children, I've otherwise never understood the concept.

Statistically, around half of the marriages end in divorce, while those remaining married ... only half (or less) are happily.

... but even with such odds right in their face, everyone thinks that *their* marriage will be "different." These are the same people that hold me up at convenience store lines; spending money on lottery tickets because despite the odds, *they* are going to win.

If the cattle mentality wasn't bad enough, I've met countless women scrutinizing me because I didn't make their same (divorced status) mistake.
If you don't want to get married, don't. They can't force you. I think it is totally pointless unless you have a very good reason (immigration issues etc) and even then, you need to be careful about what kind of financial liabilities you are taking on.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I would be less tempted to fap if I get married I guess. Among other reasons of course.
Man, fvck that ****. I'm essentially cheating on my hand by having sex with my GF. A woman can do a pretty good job at pleasing you. You're going to do the best job pleasing yourself because no woman is a mind reader.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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What makes you think that if you were married you'd get more action than with yourself? Ever hear of a dead bedroom? Once it gets to that point, the dude does have make a decision, and it's usually not an easy one (divorce).

Rick mate, a lot of fellas are retarded. You said that dark truth. The notion of women post carousel and wall having higher sex drive is laughable. It is not true and while she maybe more sexual, she is doing so in manipulation. She is aware that the milk is going bad. Two thumbs down for saggy ass and titties. A lot of us are closer to forty than 18 or 20. I have not slowed down nor allowed pandemic to detour me from getting girls. By that, I mean I am still sourcing. By no means am I implying it has not affected the SMP.

If fellas buy Aaron's new book or just did the research, the numbers are trash. The common talking point is that divorce ends half the time. That's not a good bet but the real number is 80% of divorce is initiated by women and 90% of college indoctrinated women. The Kevin Samuels average at best vid that went viral is a stat. 35 yr old woman single mom 5/10 by her words, sketchy baby dad, and she wants a 1% man. 10% of men in America are making 6figures. No clue what percent is white, Asian, black, etc assuming she wants a black man, let's say 5% (I know it's far smaller), she simply doesn't qualify.

@stringerpull and others can be a outlier. The same for religious lads. The problem is that, women hijack the religion, cherry pick verses, and are skiing down cawk mountain. Many Christian women are single moms, having abortions, and are a booty call in her best years. The biggest issue for me is that, any fallout ruins a man's life. It trashed him in the present and the future. If a woman gets fat, low sex drive, bitchy, and any boundaries crossed, a man can #next. A married man is cucked and divorce raped while FUNDING HER ON THE CAROUSEL. but I am preaching to the choir. Cucks are still lining up paying full price for expired.