What do you do if the girl had bad text game?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
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What if you're trying to see logistics to set up a date with a girl whos number you got, but she's just boring on text? How are you supposed to find commonalities or interests you share when you're making statements and she doesn't know how to communicate for example
"What I noticed about you is you're wearing all black. You must be an Official lawyer"
and she responds with "No."
Then what do you do? Such a **** response, she doesn't even get the social cue to say "Noo, I am this." So do you keep guessing or ask a question?
"Ok then I'm gonna guess you're an accountant."
and she responds with "Black clothes can be worn for many occasions."
You're not gonna keep guessing wtf she does if she doesn't know to just tell you. So what do you do... You need to ask her "Hmm so mysterious. So tell me what do you do?"
But generally how do you deal with a girl who doesn't hook, you keep making statements until you find a commonality? What do you do if you can't find anything like you ask. I want to set up a date but not straight up ask her "Let's go out on a date", I want to build up to it and see what area she lives in and a general idea of what she likes so I can choose a place to take her. But what do you do if she replies like this:

You: "Do you prefer coffee or tea"
Her: "I don't drink coffee",
You: You seem shy",
Her: "Yes, I'm shy".
You: What fun adventures are you doing today
Her: Nothing

How do you change your text up for a girl like this?
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The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
What if a girl is interested in you and you're trying to see logistics to set up a date, but she's just boring on text? How are you supposed to find commonalities or interests you share when you're making statements and she doesn't know how to communicate for example
"What I noticed about you is you're wearing all black. You must be an Official lawyer"
and she responds with "No."
Then what do you do? Such a **** response, she doesn't even get the social cue to say "Noo, I am this." So do you keep guessing or ask a question?
"Ok then I'm gonna guess you're an accountant."
and she responds with "Black clothes can be worn for many occasions."
You're not gonna keep guessing wtf she does if she doesn't know to just tell you. So what do you do... You need to ask her "Hmm so mysterious. So tell me what do you do?"
But generally how do you deal with a girl who doesn't hook, you keep making statements until you find a commonality? What do you do if you can't find anything like you ask. I want to set up a date but not straight up ask her "Let's go out on a date", I want to build up to it and see what area she lives in and a general idea of what she likes so I can choose a place to take her. But what do you do if she replies like this:

You: "Do you prefer coffee or tea"
Her: "I don't drink coffee",
You: You seem shy",
Her: "Yes, I'm shy".
You: What fun adventures are you doing today
Her: Nothing

How do you change your text up for a girl like this?
From my experience, girls who're boring on text, are boring IRL, and I give them a miss.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
The point is to get her interested in you, right?

How is a girl supposed to be interested in you if you just started texting with her? That's the point of a guy who has good text game is to get her interested.

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
The point is to get her interested in you, right?
Wrong. You can only amplify interest in an already interested girl, but not to create interest. And that amplifying interest, you do with a good txt game.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
Interesting. I never thougt of it like that. So generally a girl who's boring over text, even though she gave you her number, just means shes not interested and there's no way to get her interested over text? If she wasn't interested why would she even bother giving me her number to begin with?

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
Interesting. I never thougt of it like that. So generally a girl who's boring over text, even though she gave you her number, just means shes not interested and there's no way to get her interested over text? If she wasn't interested why would she even bother giving me her number to begin with?
Cute, attractive girls could give their # to a 5 guys a day, with no intention to take it further, unless you're somehow triggered her interest when talking to her when asking her # , or , you're an attractive man yourself. (high on the LMS)

Also, she could be interested in you today but could get cold on you tomorrow for million reasons that not in your control.

Her boring txt answers indicates boring personality or total lack of interest in you.
In both cases, it's waste of your time to pursue her.