"We're through"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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So I'm hanging out with my lady last night, and we run into some of her friends at a local club.

We all sat down and were chillin, then I mentioned that I wasn't feeling the greatest and I'd like to go home. Now you have to understand, my girlfriend is usually very sweet and understanding. She knows that I don't put up with any garbage, and that I'll walk if she gets too crazy.

So anyways, after telling her friends that I was sick and that we were leaving, a couple of the "ho possie" started whining and asking her to stay for awhile. One of these bytches even offered to give me a ride home!!! LOL...(Yeah, I'm sure she wanted a ride)....so then..she asks me if it's "OK" if she stays. I'm staring at her with this "Are you kidding me" look on my face.

I asked her to step outside so we could talk, and she goes BALLISTIC!!!!! She says that I don't trust her, and that I'm starting to act clingy......I AM SO NOT CLINGY.....

So after a few minutes, I told her she can stay if she wants, but I'm going home. I told her if she has any integrity, she'll come with me. Then she says...."WE'RE THROUGH"....now understand, she was a bit drunk at this time, but the fact that she said it really pissed me off. I simply laughed, and walked away.

So....today my phone is lighting up. She's telling me that she's sorry, and that she feels terrible that she didn't come home with me.

I haven't answered her yet, but I'm kinda wondering what tact to take with her.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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I'm guessing she's under 23? Sounds like your typical young drama queen.

I sat down at a bus stop a few nights back whilst waiting for a lift. A girl next to me on the phone was going ballistic on her bf! As far as I could gather, he had failed to ring her back or something trivial. Those kind of girls get highs off this kind of crap. You're using the right tactic by not letting it bother you. At some point, you'll have to decide if she's worth these occasional blowups.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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I think you handled it well. I would probably just be straight forward and with a serious tone ask her what she's going to do to make up for this mistake. I dunno you can take my advice or leave it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Personally, I think you could have been much cooler about it, just wished her a good night and gone home. People need friends outside a relationship and I feel that should be encouraged on both sides.

Ultimately, I think you need to ask yourself why you didn't want her to stay. If you worried about her getting upto no good, it could mean lack of trust or some insecurity on your part. If it's because you wanted your own way, it may be that you're too controlling and posessive.

But overall, I think you should lighten up on her. She didn't actually do anything wrong except blurt out something she'd regret, but try finding anyone in a long term relationship who hasn't done that before.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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Jariel said:
Personally, I think you could have been much cooler about it, just wished her a good night and gone home. People need friends outside a relationship and I feel that should be encouraged on both sides.

Ultimately, I think you need to ask yourself why you didn't want her to stay. If you worried about her getting upto no good, it could mean lack of trust or some insecurity on your part. If it's because you wanted your own way, it may be that you're too controlling and posessive.

But overall, I think you should lighten up on her. She didn't actually do anything wrong except blurt out something she'd regret, but try finding anyone in a long term relationship who hasn't done that before.
Well, the reason I wanted her to come with me, was because I truly wasn't feeling well, and I thought it was kinda shytty that she'd want to be with her friends and not with me.

Im totally not controlling, but there is a standard of decency.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
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Fort Bragg, NC
Jariel said:
Personally, I think you could have been much cooler about it, just wished her a good night and gone home. People need friends outside a relationship and I feel that should be encouraged on both sides.

Ultimately, I think you need to ask yourself why you didn't want her to stay. If you worried about her getting upto no good, it could mean lack of trust or some insecurity on your part. If it's because you wanted your own way, it may be that you're too controlling and posessive.

But overall, I think you should lighten up on her. She didn't actually do anything wrong except blurt out something she'd regret, but try finding anyone in a long term relationship who hasn't done that before.
I agree with you 100%.

Dude if you're going to act like that then I think you need let her go out on her own or just go to different places. If my girl was to ever get pissed at me for not wanting to leave, the next time I go out, I'm going by myself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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Dude, what is she? You're mom? You want her to tuck you into bed and make you some chicken noodle soup? I don't see why she couldn't stay with her friends.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Why did she have to come with you if you were ill? I've been a bit under the weather these last couple of weeks, and out with girls i'm seeing. On one occasion I just told the girl I wasn't feeling well and I'm gonna go home. I hugged her and told her I'd call her the next day. She said she was going to hang with her friends and she hoped I'd feel better then hugged me and we parted ways. Why should I have a problem with her staying and enjoying her night if I'm not feeling well?
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Women shouldn't be at a club without their man - period!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Hey I think you played it very well. I would have probably done the same thing you did. If your not feeling well if she loved and respected you she needs to understand this and go home with you. You are the man in the relationship.

And when she said your clingy and were through you need to show her who the man is. Punish her be cold to her for the next few weeks. Let her know who the man is. Because if you don't you will be facing the same problem in the near future.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
WTF? Why does she have to come home with you?

I'd be p.o.'d too if I was her. You don't trust her, clearly.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
So Cal
Mr_knowit_all So after a few minutes, I told her she can stay if she wants, but I'm going home. I told her if she has any integrity, she'll come with me. Then she says...."WE'RE THROUGH"....now understand, she was a bit drunk at this time, but the fact that she said it really pissed me off. I simply laughed, and walked away.

So....today my phone is lighting up. She's telling me that she's sorry, and that she feels terrible that she didn't come home with me.
Her response is what threw me all off bro. If a g/f ever responded to me with a "WERE THROUGH" then we would really be through. I don't put up with ultimatims or comments/out lashes out of anger or after drinking or whenever. I'm not having a girl that might try to pull out that card on me to prove a point.You told her she could stay if she wanted but if she had any integrity she'd do the right thing & accompany you. If my g/f was sick, I wouldnt be like "can I call you a cab?" Her response to end the relationship over some bs like that is unbelievable & a red flag in my book.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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Another part of this which us guys don't understand very well, is that chicks hate it when a guy complains about being sick.

Real men don't get sick, they certainly don't complain about it and they don't leave an outing because they are not feeling well (at least they don't advertise this is why they are leaving.)

Chicks have an instinctive negative emotional reaction to any weakness in a guy, whether it is just having a cold or experiencing pain or anything at all. You are supposed to be a Superman.

This played into the strength of her ballistic reaction.

When you talk to her about the incident again, leave the sickness part out of it.


New Member
Dec 29, 2006
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lookyoung said:
And when she said your clingy and were through you need to show her who the man is. Punish her be cold to her for the next few weeks. Let her know who the man is. Because if you don't you will be facing the same problem in the near future.
Next FEW weeks might be too much, give it 1-2 days, you don't want the strong feelings you have to wear off.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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JustDoItAlways said:
Another part of this which us guys don't understand very well, is that chicks hate it when a guy complains about being sick.

Real men don't get sick, they certainly don't complain about it and they don't leave an outing because they are not feeling well (at least they don't advertise this is why they are leaving.)

Chicks have an instinctive negative emotional reaction to any weakness in a guy, whether it is just having a cold or experiencing pain or anything at all. You are supposed to be a Superman.

This played into the strength of her ballistic reaction.

When you talk to her about the incident again, leave the sickness part out of it.
"Real guys don't get sick"??????? LOL

I think this is hilarious. Everybody gets sick Men aren't superhuman. If your woman thinks real men don't get sick, I think her standards are ridiculous.

I'm so tired of some of you guys and your "macho" talk. Most of the guys that talk like that are probably 120lb wimps, who watch "The View" and cry at the drop of a hat.

It's not like I was whining, I simply said I wasn't feeling well. Any chick with respect for her man wouldn't consider staying out.

But thanks for your imput. Maybe I did handle it wrong, but I don't think so.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
So Cal
Mr_knowit_all said:
"Real guys don't get sick"??????? LOL

I think this is hilarious. Everybody gets sick Men aren't superhuman. If your woman thinks real men don't get sick, I think her standards are ridiculous.

I'm so tired of some of you idiots and your "macho" talk. Most of the guys that talk like that are probably 120lb wimps, who watch "The View" and cry at the drop of a hat.

It's not like I was whining, I simply said I wasn't feeling well. Any chick with respect for her man wouldn't consider staying out.
I kinda laughed when you said "I wasn't feeling well"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Trojan said:
I kinda laughed when you said "I wasn't feeling well"

Yeah, kinda like your girlfriend laughs at your small penis before you try to have sex. :up:


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
So Cal
Mr_knowit_all said:
Yeah, kinda like your girlfriend laughs at your small penis before you try to have sex. :up:
rofl hahahahaha.... quit trying to be funny dude. I'm not the one who's girlfriend wears the pants & tell YOU its over then come running into this website crying about what to do. Grow a penis & some balls & take control of your relationship chump.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Trojan said:
rofl hahahahaha.... quit trying to be funny dude. I'm not the one who's girlfriend wears the pants & tell YOU its over then come running into this website crying about what to do. Grow a penis & some balls & take control of your relationship chump.

I don't have to try to be funny, your small penis is funny enough by itself.

Obviously you can't read either. I told the bytch to fvck off. She's the one begging me back. I just asked for advice on whether I did the right thing.

And you're right. It wasn't your girlfriend who laughed at your small penis, it was your boyfriend. I guess both of you wear the pants?

Fvcking little tulip.....


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
So Cal
Mr_knowit_all said:
I don't have to try to be funny, your small penis is funny enough by itself.

Obviously you can't read either. I told the bytch to fvck off. She's the one begging me back. I just asked for advice on whether I did the right thing.

And you're right. It wasn't your girlfriend who laughed at your small penis, it was your boyfriend. I guess both of you wear the pants?

Fvcking little tulip.....
Why you always talking about my penis? And now your bringing up gay chit.

And no you didn't tell her to fvck off u dumbfvck, last thing you said was

I haven't answered her yet, but I'm kinda wondering what tact to take with her.
Quit crying, grow some nuts and quit saying "I need help with my relationship." AFC trying to act tough online. You ever talked to me like that in real life I'd knock your homo ignorant azz out.