University may kick me out harshly, need your advice please!


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2012
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Hey guys,

I got to a UK university and the first year don't count towards the degree and I only need 40% to pass each module. At my university, they allow students to retake up to 4 failed exams in the following September and carry on and continue their degree.

My situation is I got into university in Oct 2010 and in my first year I failed 8 out of 12 modules.

So I spent this year retaking these modules (Oct 2011-May 2012). I got my results and I found out I failed 5 out of 8 modules, where 4 of them I should've passed. They are considering me to leave the university.

Options are:

1) Redo the whole year again for the third time-waste of time and pointless, since I know what to do and just made time/few errors in exams. I know the whole content.
2) Leave the degree-They are strongly considering.
3) Retake these exams in September-Which I hope to do!

I was a sufferor of delayed speech, which has recently healed. But this is only 10% of what they will take into account, since my exams were written.

Exam 1: I passed my coursework and only need 35% in the exam to pass and I managed to mess up a few calulations which proved my downfall.
Exam 2: I got 70% in the coursework and I only needed about 20% in the real exam to pass and this is an open book exam. I managed to take a long time figuring out a question and I got 18% in total. So I failed this exam by time.
Exam 3: I know the whole content and I took my time in the exam, by the time I went to do regression analysis which is my favourite, the time was over and I lost 30 marks. WHICH I SHOULD'VE PASSED!
Exam 4: I failed the exam by 2%. The last question I messed up the whole question, so I had to scribble it out and re-do the whole question, but the TIME FINSHED and I lost 25 easy marks. I SHOULD'VE PASSED!
Exam 5: Hands down I found it hard and miss the pass mark by 20%.

So there you go, I've got good coureswork (this is a mini-exam) so it shows the ability I can do it. HOWEVER, I failed 2 easy exams due scribbing out and taking time in answers and in the other 2, messing up calculation, despite getting top coursework marks.

I KNOW 2 OTHER people who have failed 4 out of 6 exams in their second attempt and they have got the chance to retake these exams in September, pass and progress onto their second year. And they won't allow me to do this!

HOWEVER, I have a hearing in 2 weeks where I can fight for my case and maybe convince them to allow me to retake these exams in september and progress into my second year.


1) Why should we give you a third chance when you've failed on your second attempt? (as stated given 2 other people a chance to retake exams on their second attempt when they have failed 4 exams, I just failed one more!)
2) How will you go on and gain good marks in your degree? (more drive and determination)
3) How can you pass 5 modules and then go on to your second year?

What Can I say to convince them to allow me to retake these exams in September and then go on to get my degree? I was suffering from delayed speech which just healed now and my home life was difficult before (sufficient evidence can be provided) and I only made a few errors in the exams.

Much love and appreciation,
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
You sound like me in law school.

The review board will mostly want to know what is different this time. They will want to hear about changes in your circumstances now that were not there before, basically that you got through whatever your problem was. It could be any sort of personal problem like divorce or illness/death in the family.

And I won't tell you to do this, but know it is an option. You can always go get "certified" as having a learning disability like ADHD. I could have done it, but I just lost interest:D . I knew a lot of kids who only got through law school because they got certified as being disabled. The university gave them time and a half on exams - these are tests for which your grade is your rank against everyone else. They also got private rooms for taking the test. So many people got ADD certified that they ran out of the private rooms, though. Going that route gives the liberal academic people a way to feel good about letting you back in, because you were just a poor handicapped soul who would have otherwise been discriminated against because of your handicap. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks BibleBelt,

I've edited my post and I forgot to mention I suffered from delayed speech (and I got sufficient evidence of this too).

Lets hope this is a viable case.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
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City of Angels
Was your delayed speech considered a "learning disability?"

I don't see why they would deny you if your delayed speech truly was the reason for your failing.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Not really. Since most of the exams involving writing. However, it did dampen my self-esteem, self-confidence and the ability to fit in.