True or False; Gay Bars Actually Help Your Chances At Picking Up Chicks?

Gay Bars Help Your Game?

  • True

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • False

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • Other (Explain Below)

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2011
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...and when they do go to clubs, they stand defensively in circles, to discourage the vultures.

OP: people can do what they want: gay bars are not the issue, it's the mentality of completely twisting ourselves around 180 to accommodate others which is the problem.

If you want, oversized goggles, feather boas, magic tricks and new rock boots could get you some IOI's, but that's not my gig. More power to you if it's yours.

Jaylan said:
It is a bit unorthodox, but given where I went to school it doesnt super scare me too much.

However, while the idea of gaming women who are pretty open and have their defenses down is appealing, I doubt I could be entirely comfortable with the barrage of men who prolly try to hit on everyone.

Like it was said before by myself and others, this is prolly the same reason many women avoid bars and clubs nowadays.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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real2 said:

I guess you interpreted my post from a completely chump-like perspective?

In that case, I'm sorry you feel that way :rolleyes:
You didn't get any and all you got was a feel of a boob right? That is a tease. You'd have a better time/luck going to a strip club.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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Why the fvck would a straight guy knowingly expose himself to the sexual advances of aggressive STD-infested f@ggots? I love how b!tches and f@ggots love to run that bvullsh!t "being secure in your sexuality" game.

If straight men should go to gay bars to be "secure in their sexuality" then b!tches should let me come in the female college change rooms with a video camera in one hand, and jacking my d!ck with the other, because they're "secure about their sexuality".

That is some f@ggot game bvllsh!t. If a bunch of homos congregated in one place I'll be somewhere else. Just to make sure there is no confusion about the way I roll.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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PappyS said:
Why the fvck would a straight guy knowingly expose himself to the sexual advances of aggressive STD-infested f@ggots? I love how b!tches and f@ggots love to run that bvullsh!t "being secure in your sexuality" game.

If straight men should go to gay bars to be "secure in their sexuality" then b!tches should let me come in the female college change rooms with a video camera in one hand, and jacking my d!ck with the other, because they're "secure about their sexuality".

That is some f@ggot game bvllsh!t. If a bunch of homos congregated in one place I'll be somewhere else. Just to make sure there is no confusion about the way I roll.

You don't realize how wrong you are. You aren't "comfortable in your sexuality" until you listen to the excellent advice in this thread along with the thread I linked to in this thread. Until you put yourself in the roll of being a woman by going to a gay bar and getting hit on by gays along with getting teased by attention w****s in those clubs, then you aren't comfortable with yourself. You just don't realize it because of your homophobic hatred and misogynist tendencies.


Now for m real opinion; I honestly agree with you. The only people that seem to "benefit" from this are people that don't escalate and like grabbing a free feel. Its truly an AFC mindset to think this is a good thing as I could get a better deal by going to a strip club as I can see a guaranteed nude woman. Other people seem to be woman like Jaylan that are trying to make more men AFCs so she can settle down and have pick of the litter.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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PappyS said:
Why the fvck would a straight guy knowingly expose himself to the sexual advances of aggressive STD-infested f@ggots? I love how b!tches and f@ggots love to run that bvullsh!t "being secure in your sexuality" game.

If straight men should go to gay bars to be "secure in their sexuality" then b!tches should let me come in the female college change rooms with a video camera in one hand, and jacking my d!ck with the other, because they're "secure about their sexuality".

That is some f@ggot game bvllsh!t. If a bunch of homos congregated in one place I'll be somewhere else. Just to make sure there is no confusion about the way I roll.
You done puffing your chest, brah?

You agitated bro?

Calling gay dudes faggots truly shows your homophobia. And dont say you are not. Because thats the same way that someone will say kiike, niigger, or spiic and then try to say they have no ill feelings towards jews, blacks or hispanics.

Funny thing is that the dudes who act homophobic and need to preach hard about their need to be away from homosexuals are the ones who tend to be closet cases and super insecure.

If straight women are generally around bi women and lesbians without any problem, why cant straight men be around gay dudes without the homophobia and the need to assert how straight they are? Its not a big deal. Someone is doing what they want to do and is not forcing you to do anything, so why the negativity?

And are you stupid? How is a straight dude who goes to a gar bar to get less hostile, possibly bisexual women the same as you having a video camera in a womens dressing room. The former is about being being secure enough not to be bothered by those of a different sexual orientation. The latter is about you being a idiotic creeper.

Like I said, the dudes who need to make extra sure "there is no confusion about how [they] roll" tend to be the biggest closet cases.

I dont see the need to come off so negative and hateful if people do things that dont negatively impact your own life.

Zodiac said:
Now for m real opinion; I honestly agree with you. The only people that seem to "benefit" from this are people that don't escalate and like grabbing a free feel. Its truly an AFC mindset to think this is a good thing as I could get a better deal by going to a strip club as I can see a guaranteed nude woman. Other people seem to be woman like Jaylan that are trying to make more men AFCs so she can settle down and have pick of the litter.
What I want to know is why some of you get so butthurt by someone elses opinion? Especially an opinion that simply says "its not harming me, let them do what works for them, I wont hate."

How is it AFC to game women who a less hostile? How is it AFC to game in a place with more women and less men? I have bi chick friends who go to gay bars and will tell you there and more women and less men there then at some straight clubs and bars. How is it AFC to not give a crap what some internet collective thinks and game women that give you a great chance at a 3 some?

And in what way am I trying to create more AFCs. All I am saying is that there is a point to what these dudes are doing. And im also saying its not my cup of tea but I understand it and wont hate. I can personally tell you women who are in the lbgt community, or friendly to those from the community, tend to be very sexually open and easier to game. I say this as someone who went to a school whos campus and town had a sizeable population of these folks.

While you have your stripper who cares nothing about you and prolly wont screw you without payment, some guys are easily gaming and screwing girls who actually want them. Being unbothered by lgbt folk earned me nothing but points with all the girls on campus, whether she was straight, bi, or lesbian.

If you decide to respond, please do so without any character attacks and actually rip apart my points if you can.

I honestly dont see what the big deal is to some of you guys. Its not hurting you at all. And I dare anyone to sit and talk about trying to do good by the collective male movement. Especially when some guys here would/have gladly stab their fellow male brothers in the back for some tail. All this is about is that some of you are so tied to your opinions and beliefs that its impossible for you to let others do their own thing, which differs from your lifestyle choices, without getting upset


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Jaylan said:
What I want to know is why some of you get so butthurt by someone elses opinion? Especially an opinion that simply says "its not harming me, let them do what works for them, I wont hate."

How is it AFC to game women who a less hostile? How is it AFC to game in a place with more women and less men? I have bi chick friends who go to gay bars and will tell you there and more women and less men there then at some straight clubs and bars. How is it AFC to not give a crap what some internet collective thinks and game women that give you a great chance at a 3 some?

And in what way am I trying to create more AFCs. All I am saying is that there is a point to what these dudes are doing. And im also saying its not my cup of tea but I understand it and wont hate. I can personally tell you women who are in the lbgt community, or friendly to those from the community, tend to be very sexually open and easier to game. I say this as someone who went to a school whos campus and town had a sizeable population of these folks.

While you have your stripper who cares nothing about you and prolly wont screw you without payment, some guys are easily gaming and screwing girls who actually want them. Being unbothered by lgbt folk earned me nothing but points with all the girls on campus, whether she was straight, bi, or lesbian.

If you decide to respond, please do so without any character attacks and actually rip apart my points if you can.

I honestly dont see what the big deal is to some of you guys. Its not hurting you at all. And I dare anyone to sit and talk about trying to do good by the collective male movement. Especially when some guys here would/have gladly stab their fellow male brothers in the back for some tail. All this is about is that some of you are so tied to your opinions and beliefs that its impossible for you to let others do their own thing, which differs from your lifestyle choices, without getting upset
*Yawn* I grow tired of trying to have a discussion of anything with this woman. This woman is a hypocrite and in her own posts when she calls for civility she goes out and makes cracks at us men to try and rile us up.

As for the strippers; I guess coping a feel is SO MUCH better than seeing a nude woman. :rolleyes: Neither gets you action inherently by design (Gay bars are for gays and strip clubs are teases) but at least mine gets a nice image in your mind. Sometimes however, strip clubs unlike gay bars, have woman going to them constantly which seem to be the kind you are talking about (They are into three ways, bi-sexuality and ENJOY looking at nude women. Think about it for a moment.)

Some of the best times I have gotten from women are girls I pulled at a strip club vs. the very few times I have had to go to a gay bar I have seen nothing but sausages that want to shove more meat into the casing or fag-hags/attention w****s that want to dance with men but since they are in gay bars figure they wont have to worry about getting approached for sex since hey they are in a gay bar.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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zodiac said:
*Yawn* I grow tired of trying to have a discussion of anything with this woman. This woman is a hypocrite and in her own posts when she calls for civility she goes out and makes cracks at us men to try and rile us up.

As for the strippers; I guess coping a feel is SO MUCH better than seeing a nude woman. Neither gets you action inherently by design (Gay bars are for gays and strip clubs are teases) but at least mine gets a nice image in your mind. Sometimes however, strip clubs unlike gay bars, have woman going to them constantly which seem to be the kind you are talking about (They are into three ways, bi-sexuality and ENJOY looking at nude women. Think about it for a moment.)

Some of the best times I have gotten from women are girls I pulled at a strip club vs. the very few times I have had to go to a gay bar I have seen nothing but sausages that want to shove more meat into the casing or fag-hags/attention w****s that want to dance with men but since they are in gay bars figure they wont have to worry about getting approached for sex since hey they are in a gay bar.*
Lol again. Even when I call you out, you again only stoop to attacks. How am I a hypocrite? In what way is asking for someone to maturely counter argue my points an attempt to rile anyone up? You are riling yourself up. You are so upset that I have a different view than you, that you can only mud sling instead of properly debating with me i.e. minus the personal attacks and actually staying on topic.

Did you read what I said? I said women in the lgbt community are easier to game and hook up with. How is that only coping a feel? How is seeing a woman naked better than actually touching her? In the thread that this thread originated from, a couple of the guys also commented on how much more chill these women are. A dude even had pics of a girl he easily gamed.

As I said, you need to befriend some bi women, and and they will show you the gay bars that are filled with less hostile women. As long as you dont come across as a sex crazed bro, or a homophobe, you will do quite well in there company. Doesnt matter where you go with them. Its great networking honestly. Every bar is different, gay or straight. Some are sausage fests, some arent.

And tbh I have never seen a large proportion of women in a strip club, so I guess in both cases we are having opposite results. Plus the women I have seen in strip clubs(who dont work there) tend to be VERY low quality.

All in all, I am sticking to my main point. Why get so bent out of shape if some guys do something that works for them when it doesnt affect you in any way. Sometimes they are just chilling with their open minded female friends, which turns into a good night for the guy. As I said, its not my cup of tea, but Im not gonna hate.

Its funny how you are arguing with me so hard on this just because I accept that some guys have different ways of doing things. Am I not allowed freedom of thought without some hostile azz attitudes? Are other folks not allowed to tr unorthodox methods without being hated on? It doesnt affect you in any way that warrants such hostility from you and your buddy Pappy.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Jaylan said:
Lol again. Even when I call you out, you again only stoop to attacks. How am I a hypocrite? In what way is asking for someone to maturely counter argue my points an attempt to rile anyone up? You are riling yourself up. You are so upset that I have a different view than you, that you can only mud sling instead of properly debating with me i.e. minus the personal attacks and actually staying on topic.

Did you read what I said? I said women in the lgbt community are easier to game and hook up with. How is that only coping a feel? How is seeing a woman naked better than actually touching her? In the thread that this thread originated from, a couple of the guys also commented on how much more chill these women are. A dude even had pics of a girl he easily gamed.

As I said, you need to befriend some bi women, and and they will show you the gay bars that are filled with less hostile women. As long as you dont come across as a sex crazed bro, or a homophobe, you will do quite well in there company. Doesnt matter where you go with them. Its great networking honestly. Every bar is different, gay or straight. Some are sausage fests, some arent.

And tbh I have never seen a large proportion of women in a strip club, so I guess in both cases we are having opposite results. Plus the women I have seen in strip clubs(who dont work there) tend to be VERY low quality.

All in all, I am sticking to my main point. Why get so bent out of shape if some guys do something that works for them when it doesnt affect you in any way. Sometimes they are just chilling with their open minded female friends, which turns into a good night for the guy. As I said, its not my cup of tea, but Im not gonna hate.

Its funny how you are arguing with me so hard on this just because I accept that some guys have different ways of doing things. Am I not allowed freedom of thought without some hostile azz attitudes? Are other folks not allowed to tr unorthodox methods without being hated on? It doesnt affect you in any way that warrants such hostility from you and your buddy Pappy.
Still the same old "Do what I tell you to do not what I do" argument that women tend to make... Your posts pretty much rip yourself apart.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
I rip myself apart? All you did was just say "Im not going to logically debate you like you asked, I am going to do what I what and attack your character and tap dance around the issue"

I have learned that with the likes of you, you will continually dismiss any points of a discussion when its become apparent that you cannot logically refute them.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
I rip myself apart? All you did was just say "Im not going to logically debate you like you asked, I am going to do what I what and attack your character and tap dance around the issue"

I have learned that with the likes of you, you will continually dismiss any points of a discussion when its become apparent that you cannot logically refute them.
Miss you are speaking to a mirror.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Zodiac said:
Miss you are speaking to a mirror.
Thats pretty true. You are a sort of a logic and rationale mirror

You seem to cast away logical responses once they reach you, the same way a mirror casts away light and sound when those reach it.

Good day to you sir :wave:
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Thats pretty true. You are a sort of a logic and rationale mirror

You seem to cast away logical responses once they reach you, the same way a mirror casts away light and sound when those reach it.

Good day to you sir :wave:
Again the mirror is facing you when you type the above. You don't see the irony do you?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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:rolleyes: Believe what you want bro. I could just shut you down with a youtube video but its not worth my time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Zodiac let it go, it's not worth it.

Regarding the thread...well going to a gay club to seek straight girls doesnt make any sense to me, however it could make a great episode for tv series like sex and the city or bill and grace.

I mean it's like going to the mountains looking for fishes, a speed dating event is probably the best event to meet many single girls with an acceptable ratio of competition.

In my case I wouldnt feel comfortable there especially because in certain part of this world going out from a gay club grant you attention from groups of big shaved head guys with black jackets or even worse the regular police.
And most of all while inside there would be man hitting on me without me have the right to be annoyed since Im playing in their home.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
I could see them liking you maybe for being open minded and winning their gay friends over, which probably doesn't happen often cause a lot of straight guys are uncomfortable around gay dudes. That's about the only advantage though.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
:rolleyes: Believe what you want bro. I could just shut you down with a youtube video but its not worth my time.
You wont though because you are a woman. I could also get a video saying I'm so and so but would that make it true? :down:

Strelok said:
Zodiac let it go, it's not worth it.

Regarding the thread...well going to a gay club to seek straight girls doesnt make any sense to me, however it could make a great episode for tv series like sex and the city or bill and grace.

I mean it's like going to the mountains looking for fishes, a speed dating event is probably the best event to meet many single girls with an acceptable ratio of competition.

In my case I wouldnt feel comfortable there especially because in certain part of this world going out from a gay club grant you attention from groups of big shaved head guys with black jackets or even worse the regular police.
And most of all while inside there would be man hitting on me without me have the right to be annoyed since Im playing in their home.
Speed dating would be the best bet; if you cant win them over in under 5 minutes then you just move onto the next woman until something clicks. Women always know within the course of 1 minute (Actually under 30 seconds but 1 minute is what woman will own up to) whether they are attracted to you at all. Its all about liking someone for their looks then seeing if you like their personality.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
If in help your game you mean help you find a tranny...haha. WTF dude seriously you are going to turn into a fag hag to meet women? Integrity brother


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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yuppaz said:
If in help your game you mean help you find a tranny...haha. WTF dude seriously you are going to turn into a fag hag to meet women? Integrity brother
You didnt read the thread at all it seems. The guys in here who have gone to these clubs dont go to be fag hags. They go with their chick friends and go solely to game women who are easy going and less hostile.

To each their own. I dont see how these dudes take an integrity hit for being open minded enough to just chill where they wont despite what haters think.

Btw, Traps are easy to spot lol.

Zodiac said:
You wont though because you are a woman. I could also get a video saying I'm so and so but would that make it true? :down:
Oh?...a video I make that contains evidence to shut down haters like you wouldnt prove what I am typing true? but what some stranger says about me on the internet...some random person on an anonymous internet board who I have never met before and can provide no information about who I am...what this person says must be true, right? :confused:

Some logic you have there kid. :rolleyes:

Drop it and quit trolling. :nono: