Tried street approaches - got blown out


Don Juan
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
...maybe this isn't my thing? I could barely get into conversations with 2/3 of the girls, they were always busy/on their way somewhere. I realize some of those are just made up excuses by them, but I literally had a tough time getting them to stop to chat. And yes, I was being coached along the way so it's not like I was using retarded indirect approaches like "Do you know where _____" etc. It just didn't work out at all for me.

I have picked up some attractive girls before (the once in a blue moon I approached), but they were always in more subdued situations like retail workers, or someone inside a store. Has anyone else found much better results from approaching girls in a store/mall who aren't busy at all compared to girls walking to and from where on the street? I feel like I should just give up on the street pickup game as I got absolutely nowhere and focus on easier environments for myself.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
The colder your approach, the more handsome you need to be. Basically.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
So you admit that you don't cold approach regularly esp on the street and you get blown out one day and want to quit?

More girls for the rest of us then, if you that's your attitude.

What were some of the opener's you were using? What was your body language, tone of voice like? Were you confident when you approached? Did you approach from behind, the side, or directly walking towards them?

The point I'm getting at, is understand that when you approach and you get rejected, the girl is rejecting your OPENER more so than rejecting you flat out.

Fix your opener, and girls will happily engage in conversation with you & you will see success.



Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Back before I turned 21 I had to learn how to do cold daytime approaches. Some went very well, some went mediocre, and only a few went awkwardly.

You need to keep trying. And you need to be direct. It also helps to wander around and be social to EVERYONE you encounter, instead of just wandering around in your head like a little troll, and then pouncing on a cute girl after you spent 20 minutes talking in your head.

One of be best (almost) successes came when this girl from LA was wandering a local mall near me, and I followed her into a store and got her number, and had her invite me to a bar. Unfortunately I was too inexperienced to realize the hint, and I told her that I needed to study. I ended up going to the bar and not being able to get in because I was under 21, so that night I netted out less studying, gas money wasted, little sleep, and no getting laid. It happens