Too Much Chauvinism Around Here

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr.Style
Is anyone else sick of the chauvinistic attitudes being displayed around this place lately?
Save it for your momma. And while you're at it, tell that fat skank to get me a cold one from the fridge. If she gives you any lip, punch her in the titties real hard.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Too Much Chauvinism Around Here

Originally posted by Don Ronny
Save it for your momma. And while you're at it, tell that fat skank to get me a cold one from the fridge. If she gives you any lip, punch her in the titties real hard.
Hey Don, be a good little homie and take your ignorant uneducated ramblings elsewhere. The men here are trying to conduct an intelligent debate and we don't need morons like you distracting us because you have neither the brains nor the initiative to fight your corner. Shouldn't you be busy listening to your latest Nelly soundtrack? D*ckhead.:rolleyes:


Jan 19, 2005
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I find it hilarious how some of these guys come on here and berate us for telling the truth about American women. They want people to think they're "level headed" and "fair", but that's exactly the mentality the feminazis feed on.

All women are not bad, but a lot of them are. How many women do you think would come to our defense on a similar site? Not a damn one. Until men get this chivalry shyt out of their heads, women will continue to take advantage.

If women acted like WOMEN, they'd be treated as such. But when you act like blood sucking, man bashing, evil cvnts, that's what you'll get treated like also.

Maybe someday one of these guys expounding on the virtues of femininity will run into a bytch who accuses them of rape, and ruins their lives. Because that's exactly what's happening to a lot of men.

I was just like you guys, but I found out the truth. You might not think we're right, but reality speaks volumes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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St. Louis Area
It seems that some people just can't handle the truth. Women here in the US of A are just plain shallow and greedy. Hell, I don't even apologize to women anymore.

I used to be a little bit of a "nice guy," though I've never been an AFC-supreme. I learned that wasn't working out very well, though I didn't learn why until I came here. Now, some people think I'm a jerk, and I've been called an assho|e many times. And people often think I'm a bit of a smartass, even though it's just my personality. It hasn't helped me too much with women (maybe I went to far with the jerk thing), but I do know that it works better. I just need to find the right balance.

I will give people (women included), a certain basic level of respect, until they give me a reason not to give it to them. You know, to give them a chance. But I don't let women walk all over me. Frankly, I've yet to meet a woman who I feel deserves lots of respect from me. It's sad, but it's true.

If acting like a man and not letting a woman walk all over me makes me chauvanist, them I am chauvanist.

If realizing that some women are just lousy, rotten, greedy, self-serving b|tches makes me chauvanist, then I am chauvanist.



Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
get out of here

You fag, this is for men not metros.

Didn't you know it's in a woman's nature to be sneaky, decieving, liars?

Men don't need to be "jerks". What they do is simple, they are charming but don't put up with CRAP from women, this means being CHARMING.

A lot of women are really manipulative and full of bull crap. Men often fall prey to the lying woman.

Women want to have 10 boyfriends, and then when they turn 30 are depressed and miserable, wondering why they are not married.

Statistically over 70 percent of divorces are initiated by women, Men are the ones trying to salvage the relationship, while women skip off to the next thing that makes them feel good about themselves. (for that short period of time) then on to the next new "good feeling" thing.

You need to re think your comments

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr.Style
Hey Don, be a good little homie and take your ignorant uneducated ramblings elsewhere. The men here are trying to conduct an intelligent debate and we don't need morons like you distracting us because you have neither the brains nor the initiative to fight your corner. Shouldn't you be busy listening to your latest Nelly soundtrack? D*ckhead.:rolleyes:
You just proved my point. You care too much about your fellow man's attitudes towards women. So what if women are mistreated or objectified? You dont hear anyone coming to our rescue when they mistreat or misuse us, do you? You need to grow up and realize that some women enjoy being treated like garbage, just like some men do, and your petty views on morality have little effect or bearing on reality.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Abbott

If acting like a man and not letting a woman walk all over me makes me chauvanist, them I am chauvanist.

If realizing that some women are just lousy, rotten, greedy, self-serving b|tches makes me chauvanist, then I am chauvanist.

You can respect women without letting them walk over you. This site tries to teach people to act like a Don Juan, someone who is neither a nice guy nor a jerk yet people on this forum are completely ignoring this and are of the opinion that we must all act like jerks. This is contrary to what the Bible teaches. This forum is filled with people who are going agaisnt everything that the forum is built on! So which is it? Are we supposed to try to be Don Juans or must the whole DJ Bible be revamped and everyone be told to act like a jerk?

I'm not advocating acting like an AFC or a nice guy and neither are the people who have agreed with me. Reread the previous posts.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Ronny
You just proved my point. You care too much about your fellow man's attitudes towards women. So what if women are mistreated or objectified? You dont hear anyone coming to our rescue when they mistreat or misuse us, do you? You need to grow up and realize that some women enjoy being treated like garbage, just like some men do, and your petty views on morality have little effect or bearing on reality.
Yet my petty views are the ones that this forum teaches and encourages. I'm not concerned about women being mistreated nor am I trying to be a moral crusader. I'm pointing out that the opinions of people on this site are contrary to the teachings of the site. Got that?

Reed247, I hope you weren't calling me a fag. If you are it shows your ignorance to the points I've been making. Again, reread my posts.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Originally posted by Mr.Style
You can respect women without letting them walk over you.
I agree. And I do my best, until a woman pisses me off.

Originally posted by Mr.Style
This site tries to teach people to act like a Don Juan, someone who is neither a nice guy nor a jerk yet people on this forum are completely ignoring this and are of the opinion that we must all act like jerks. This is contrary to what the Bible teaches. This forum is filled with people who are going agaisnt everything that the forum is built on! So which is it? Are we supposed to try to be Don Juans or must the whole DJ Bible be revamped and everyone be told to act like a jerk?
If you read my post I already admitted that I may have gone too far to the jerk extreme, and that I'm trying to find a good middle ground.

Originally posted by Mr.Style
I'm not advocating acting like an AFC or a nice guy and neither are the people who have agreed with me. Reread the previous posts.

As far as treating women like a piece of sh|t (referring to your first post), I actually don't until they piss me off. But at the same time I don't automatically volunteer to be her b|tch like many men (overall, not necessarily the ones who are on this board) do.



Don Juan
Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Abbott


As far as treating women like a piece of sh|t (referring to your first post), I actually don't until they piss me off. But at the same time I don't automatically volunteer to be her b|tch like many men (overall, not necessarily the ones who are on this board) do.

Like I said, I wasn't advocating an AFC attitude. I merely pointed out that many people on this forum have gone to the extreme with certain posts that have been made of late referring to women as being b*tches etc, and I simply pointed out that this is not what the DJ Bible teaches.

What do I get for my trouble? A bunch of people flame me even though I'm pointing out the truth! I mean for f*cks sake what is so bad about me acknowledging that some people are misinterpreting what the DJ Bible espouses?


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
I am in agreement with Mr. Style on this. It is undeniable that the "women haters" are the ones that have not yet come to terms with females. They do not have a handle on girls and their responses to them are a constant barrage of profanity and criticism. The fact that too much emotion is generated by these guys is a clear indication that there is no real understanding of girls by them. The guys that are not surprised by the girls' irritating and bytchy attitudes have a good grasp of the concept of women. This is what seperates the AFCs from the DJs. It is this understanding and knowledge of women that makes one better equipped to handle them. It is this that makes them cool, calm and collected. It is this that makes them not strike out at women. It is this that makes them know that all women are beneath them but they choose not to walk all over them.


Jan 19, 2005
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We're not talking about women with "bytchy" attitudes. We're talking about INSTITUTIONAL SEXISM AGAINST MEN. Why are we "not in control of our emotions" just because we tell the truth?

Some guys have been shyt on unbelievably; the time for decorum is over; we have to speak out against this. It doesn't make us woman haters, it makes us honest.

You say we don't understand women, but I dare say it's you who doesn't understand the true nature of the problem.

It's stupid to overreact, but it's also stupid to understate a problem.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
I've figured it out... it appears that:

Mr. Style is no other than..... Dr. Phil (Oprah's b|tch) :flowers:

Jus_LikeCandy, his overlord and master is..... Oprah :cheer:

They've infiltrated our forum and are now attempting to undermine the DJ cause with their Politically Correct rhetoric.

I for one, am not giving up without a fight... :trouble:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
The number one reason men are AFC's and getting severely burned in America is because they are treating hors as if they are women!!!

How can you love a hor? You can't and you don't!!!!

How can you respect a hor? You can't and you don't!!!!!!

So how do you treat a hor? As a HOR!!!!

Quit talking and respecting these hors as if they are women -- they are far from their desined natures!!!

When you respect and treat a lioness as a kitten, you get your ass eaten - and there are tens of millions of men walking around with no asses!!!!!!!!!

Chivalry and respect are dead and hors killed them!!!!!!!


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I'm with you Jake - whoever loves and respect hors go on one side and those who will treat a hor like a hor comes on my side .... there is going to be a rumble on Suave!!!! !!!:trouble:

Claim your loyalty - you either with the hors and homos or you are with the men and women!!!!

I knew it eventually would come down to this - bring out your club guys and GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!.

:trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble:

I'm getting my switchblade, somebody is going to get cut!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
I think any guy who is with a girl, or consistently is with girls who "deserve" to be treated like **** should rethink their qualification procedures. Not that woman cant change attitudes in the drop of a hat but why would that bother you. Just walk away and close the door. Whats the point of being an ******* when you know you can go out and work the numbers until you find someone worth their salt.

One trend that I've noticed is that the more chauvanist folks around here can also be some of the hyper emotional ones. So you take one part drama queen basketcase hor and mix it with one part emotional chauvanist and you wind up with an ugly, frustrated, angry slime that feeds off itself. I prefer a dramaless life. If the girl is *****y or gives me attitude cool I'll find one who isn't. Do I hate girls with attitudes or who are bithy? Why bother, its there life and I wont be involved in it.

Oh and as for the slant of people on this site, again who cares? You dont agree with a post ignore it. Whats the point of starting a flame war with someone with different views. If you have an intelligent discussion than yes good things may come out of it. Trying to change someones life views that you dont even know is pointless.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by jprjrjr
We're not talking about women with "bytchy" attitudes. We're talking about INSTITUTIONAL SEXISM AGAINST MEN. Why are we "not in control of our emotions" just because we tell the truth?

Some guys have been shyt on unbelievably; the time for decorum is over; we have to speak out against this. It doesn't make us woman haters, it makes us honest.

You say we don't understand women, but I dare say it's you who doesn't understand the true nature of the problem.

It's stupid to overreact, but it's also stupid to understate a problem.
I am puzzled as to why is it even considered a problem. Is it really all that difficult to accept things as it is? Is it even possible for the "problem" to be cured? The point is not whether you are being honest by speaking out. The point is whether speaking out actually makes you better at handling women.

You can go ahead and make a stand on all the frailties and faults of women. Voice it out to your heart's content. After doing that, do you still expect women to change?

I have many opinions on women. They are generally negative. I accept them the way they are. I do get into arguments with them. But I never think for a minute that they will change. All I look for is for them to understand my take on things and for them to accept me in return for the way I am. Usually women would not be able to accept or fully understand me, but I never get frustrated.

Why? Because they are beneath me. I do not even think for a minute that they'll be able to grasp the reality of the matter. However, they will start to know me a little better. If they choose to shyt on guys like crazy, it's a free world. The guys that get all worked up over that and whine about it are also beneath me. But I choose not to walk all over them. I try and help because I can see they need it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Great another foreigner with normal women telling us to treat them with respect.
How many times do we have to tell you to get this through your thick skull?
We're not dealing with women over here, we're dealing with WH0RES.

I suggest we start an exchange program,
where you send us your finest WOMEN and we in exchange ship you our pure-bred american wh0res.

This way, you too can experience the delight of a healthy fullfilling relationship. :crackup:

I'm not trying to put down women in any way. I love women. I fu*k Hos.
In America there are no women.
There's only Hos, Assh*les and Nice Guys.

To sum it all up:

American Hos aren't Women.
Your theory doesn't apply.
SEND US REAL WOMEN. :D We'll treat em good... Until then they're all wh0res to me.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
just been reading all this...

Woman hating hmmmm....
I will agree that there are some selfish greedy, bytchy etc etc women in the world, but then again i know men that are like that too. Some real selfish mofos. I hate those types.

I guess it all boils down to this:
Some people are good and some are bad.
If you do meet a woman like that, why waste your time on her? I treat everyone i meet in a friendly manner, but not with respect. Only few people have my respect , i.e family, some close childhood friends, etc etc. You have to earn that respect , male or female.

That doesnt mean im a big azzhole to everyone, women included and it doesnt mean ill supplicate to everyone , WOMEN especially. Like i said , ill treat u in a friendly manner.

I dont walk down the street and see a hot girl and think "i hate her!" nope. I dont really care, all i know is that i want to fvck her and how am i gonna go about doing that :D

About chauvanism, its not chauvanism at all, its just getting your rights back. Feminist views have been fed into our minds from the media and all sorts of sh1t. Girls are living in a fantasy world, its no joke. They want you to pull out chairs , buy em drinks and kiss theyre azz. BULLSH1T! thats being a fvckin leech, if i knew a male friend who wanted me to buy him weed and liquor everyday and then open bottles and roll those joints for him, id seriously set his azz straight. Same with women.

Chivalry died when our fore fathers got jiggy.;)

Bottom line is : if someone is out of line, and disrespects you...then set them straight - male or female. I dont hate women any different from men.

But then again, there are very nice women out there.... hot bycthes and good characters. :D

There was a time when i hated women, because i LET them do all sorts of shyt to me. Maybe that was a transition phase or something. im more at peace now with every thing.

If a woman wants to be an attention wh0re, dont bother me, if she wants to be a gold digger, dont bother me, if she wants to be a 3 timing hor, dont bother me, i wont hate them for what they are, i feel sorry for em. Ill just s3x em and move on.

A good frend told me something that i believe to be sooooo true, it was:

"Love a Girl, and she will **** you and **** a girl and she will Love you"



Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr.Style
Yet my petty views are the ones that this forum teaches and encourages. I'm not concerned about women being mistreated nor am I trying to be a moral crusader. I'm pointing out that the opinions of people on this site are contrary to the teachings of the site. Got that?
Many people's views here are contrary to the spirit of the site. I wont argue with you there. But I will say this much:

A mean, ignorant jerk will always get more action from the ladies than a whiny, supplicating chump who is concerned about their "feelings". The jerk may be misguided, but you can't fault him for not having balls! I think the majority of guys on this site are pvssies with no sense of confidence, not the chauvenists you claim they are.

Don't get mewrong, I love women. But given the choice, I'd rather read a chauvenistic post than a "Help me, I am AFC, depressed, mildly gay and upset by other people's opinions" post any day of the week. And Lord knows, there is plenty of that gay sh!t here (this post included)
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