To break the cycle of an Attention Wh0re


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ultimatly NOBODY in life wants to be alone, even AW's have the big picture of starting a family getting a good husband and settleing down and haveing a nice family..

AW's are nothign more than misunderstood girls, they take patience yes and if you don't have the patience than don't bother with them, the thing is AW will only connect with people they have a close bond to. And walking up to an AW with an approch "are you single" won't cut it.

AW's aren't another species of female, they are just like everybody else just because you don't want to put in time doesn't mean that others wouldn't or wonder if putting in time even works.

it does

And about the comment of me being involved with an AW, truthfully i cannot deny that, because i am. I am good friends with a casual AW a girl that has been burned to the point where she put up barriers to sheild herself from emotion.

however i've broken plenty of AW's in my past and this one is no different they exibit all the same actions. I'm not trying to justify anything.

i'm only saying that it is possible to break an AW. Why is it so hard to grasp? I said in my first post. It takes TIME if you don't want to put the TIME in, Then don't But other men do want to, and wonder if it that TIME will work. Well the thing is it does.. so understand if your in a friendzone with an AW then you are in a good place. only from this point will anything be able to florish
Iv'e dealt with AW's who was a bi polar, and had a bit of personality disorder as welll.

Its true that some AW's think about being married, having a family and live in a nice home with a white picket fence. However there is something dark in their mind that will cause her to sabotage all of this. Essentially its like dealing with a 12 year old girl who wants everything and doesn't know how to get it. she cannot find satisfaction, even if she gets everything she ever desired she will not be happy.

You say its a good thing to be in a friendzone with an AW's? I beg to differ. You are a pawn, you are her friend because someday you will be needed, or that simply she is bored and needs the attension. When I was a friend with an AW, she called me constantly because she was afraid of guys that were stalking her. Those guys were stalking her because she sends them mixed signals of being attracted to them and using them for her whims. She builds up strong rapport with them and they end up thinking they will be in a relationship with her but then all of the sudden she drops the rapport and completly for no reason cuts them out of her life and goes after other guys for attension. Those guys get angry and start following her around, while she starts another relationship with other guys to divert their anger at them. I still remember the the angry look some AFC gave me when I came to pick her up from the mall and he was just standing there staring at me like he wanted to kill me and her.

In the end I too was naive enough to think we meant to be together, because AW acts like a camelion - she will act as if you are the only guy in town (laugh hard at your jokes, kino you, compliment you and want to hang around you constantly). Its also hard to break their spell because they tend to be extremlly attractive and they know how to manipulate everything around them. After I started dating her and got such a great feedback and as well both emotionally and physically *poof* out of nowhere she was gone, no warning, no signs but just a phone call informing me she is with another guy....When I heard this I wanted to stalk her and beat the crap of that guy!!! (see what it does to you! you become insane, thats what you actually feel like youv been suckered punched in the dark) I however managed to compose myself and end up looking for alternative help, which brought me to this site!! Thank you Sosuave for helping me see the light!.

You get involved with AW's and you are asking for unknown troubles to come your way.

P.S - Just read it again and saw you mentioned that you are a friends with an AW who got burned alot? The reasons she got burned alot because guys who can get many girls will eventually drop her because they will not put up with the drama as oppose to the AFC's who will. Her being burned and heartbroken is because she was probably the one who end up sabotaging the relationship with her odd behaviour.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by DJDamage

*Essentially its like dealing with a 12 year old girl who wants everything and doesn't know how to get it. she cannot find satisfaction, even if she gets everything she ever desired she will not be happy.

*You are a pawn, you are her friend because someday you will be needed, or that simply she is bored and needs the attension.

*She called me constantly because she was afraid of guys that were stalking her. Those guys were stalking her because she sends them mixed signals of being attracted to them and using them for her whims. She builds up strong rapport with them and they end up thinking they will be in a relationship with her but then all of the sudden she drops the rapport and completly for no reason cuts them out of her life and goes after other guys for attension. Those guys get angry and start following her around, while she starts another relationship with other guys to divert their anger at them. I still remember the the angry look some AFC gave me when I came to pick her up from the mall and he was just standing there staring at me like he wanted to kill me and her.

*In the end I too was naive enough to think we meant to be together, because AW acts like a camelion - she will act as if you are the only guy in town (laugh hard at your jokes, kino you, compliment you and want to hang around you constantly). Its also hard to break their spell because they tend to be extremlly attractive and they know how to manipulate everything around them. After I started dating her and got such a great feedback and as well both emotionally and physically *poof* out of nowhere she was gone, no warning, no signs but just a phone call informing me she is with another guy....When I heard this I wanted to stalk her and beat the crap of that guy!!! (see what it does to you! you become insane, thats what you actually feel like youv been suckered punched in the dark).

I however managed to compose myself and end up looking for alternative help, which brought me to this site!! Thank you Sosuave for helping me see the light!

DJDamage hit the nail on the head here!

Anyway, I'd still give 5 starts to this tip. Not for the tip itself (that can work but with a not worthy result) but for the great debate that has been generated here.

It has just added more info about those so controversial Aws to the Dj forum.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
i just want to add, You shouldn't mis interpret a girl likeing attention from guys from a girl who lives and thrives off attention from guys. There is a difference

true both are AW behavior but the its the girls that don't need it and only use it to bridge some gap or fill some hole that are the ones that can be flipped around.

Squid no i have not married these girls, but i did go on to have a good realationship in which i broke off, moving foward with other girls. i keep friends with them because, well in some way i helped them break free of what they were trapped inside.

but i also wanna add, these girls were NOT seeking the attention of other men, other men sought there affections and they gave it to them freely. there is a fine line between love and hate just as there is a fine line between a true to life AW who leeches affections off of any and every guy for the sake of her own well being and a girl who just accepts a guys affections and gives them a little of her own because she feels the need to be validated.

the way you are speaking and other members of the board here, is that these girls are in a kamakize mission to the short and bitter end of there lives. This may be the case to those AW's who actually have clinical disorders but to the casual AW who seeks validation. These are the ones that i am talking about.

Take for instance my current AW friend

The AW i've been friends with currently for about a year, is breaking out of a seriously bad relationship, not bad because she was an AW because she wasn't for the longest time at least in the first 3 outta the 4 years they were together.

this guy was the first dude she ever loved, and even the first guy she ever had sex with. She downplays her emotions, and i called her on it and she agrees. now broken up and alone being her friend and probably her closest her game is revealed to me through her confideing in me. True AW's don't call themselvs pathetic, and desperate.

she verbalized she thinks the reason she seeks attention from guys since the point where things went sour in their relationship, was when he cheated on her she was hurt to the point where she lost sleep, wouldn't eat, lost weight, got sick the whole nine. From that point foward she said she VOWED (that's a big word to use) to never feel that way for a guy EVER AGAIN, and to to treat them exactly how they treated her.

So she started cheating on him exsessivly, at one time she had 3 boyfriends. But now fast foward to present time

they don't realize they have a problem with guys let alone verbalize it. This girl has, reason being her bytch sheild is coming down.

so understand there are diffrences between AW's and the difference is some girls are just scared little girls curled up in a corner with an invisable sheild around them, preventing anything from coming in so they won't ever be hurt


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit MI
DJDamage, very well said! The whole game plan for AW's is manipulation of a man's emotions any way she can for her much needed "attention fix" until she gets bored with you and looks to another guy but now all you are to her is yesterday's garbage to throw in the alley. Remember, these women are not capable of empathy at all so she can effortlessly drop you out of her life and walk away like you NEVER existed in the first place!

The normal guy's first reaction is to determine why this is happening all of a sudden and so now we enter the dark world of her accusing us of "stalking and harassment" and that makes us even more confused and bewildered! We try to talk to her, she may be "nice" and talk back but in double-speak and half-truths but then will turn around and accuse you of stalking her and it is very hard to fight because you WERE indeed trying to contact her and talk and that looks to those around her to be valid claims.

She is the ultimate shape shifter that can instantly become whoever she needs to be depending on who she is in front of at that very moment to achieve her ends! My AW was a MASTER at this; she would be heavy heavy flirting and eye contact and telling me this "relationship" would eventually happen and then mere minutes later when other co-workers were around act like I am a pariah and cower away from me when I woud come near her!:confused: I thought she was just trying to keep her "attraction" for me out of the workplace but then lo and behold I find out that she was saying I was harrassing her to half the store and to the other half she was asking them things like: " does Mike talk about me at all?" " has he said he likes me?" and I only determined after the fact that the harrassing story was being fed to the co-workers that did not care for me and the questions about me liking her were being fed to the co-workers that did like me! Nightmare City!

I now know, after doing all of the research on the web and talking to psycology profs and majors that these anecdotes I describe are quite standard and consistant with Histrionics and Borderlines; how close I came to being in VERY serious trouble with NO defense whatsoever because I kept on persuing her like a dumba$$, not knowing or making sense of what was going on! All I could firmly determine was that there was this "duality" about her that I could not get a handle on!

Guys, I write this for your benefit and for you to learn from so none of you ends up fired from a job or in jail or beat up by a new "boyfriend" because of her manipulations and deceptions. My story is worth telling so you can see what the patterns are!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mike_The_Man
DJDamage, very well said! The whole game plan for AW's is manipulation of a man's emotions any way she can for her much needed "attention fix" until she gets bored with you and looks to another guy but now all you are to her is yesterday's garbage to throw in the alley. Remember, these women are not capable of empathy at all so she can effortlessly drop you out of her life and walk away like you NEVER existed in the first place!

The normal guy's first reaction is to determine why this is happening all of a sudden and so now we enter the dark world of her accusing us of "stalking and harassment" and that makes us even more confused and bewildered! We try to talk to her, she may be "nice" and talk back but in double-speak and half-truths but then will turn around and accuse you of stalking her and it is very hard to fight because you WERE indeed trying to contact her and talk and that looks to those around her to be valid claims.

She is the ultimate shape shifter that can instantly become whoever she needs to be depending on who she is in front of at that very moment to achieve her ends! My AW was a MASTER at this; she would be heavy heavy flirting and eye contact and telling me this "relationship" would eventually happen and then mere minutes later when other co-workers were around act like I am a pariah and cower away from me when I woud come near her!:confused: I thought she was just trying to keep her "attraction" for me out of the workplace but then lo and behold I find out that she was saying I was harrassing her to half the store and to the other half she was asking them things like: " does Mike talk about me at all?" " has he said he likes me?" and I only determined after the fact that the harrassing story was being fed to the co-workers that did not care for me and the questions about me liking her were being fed to the co-workers that did like me! Nightmare City!

I now know, after doing all of the research on the web and talking to psycology profs and majors that these anecdotes I describe are quite standard and consistant with Histrionics and Borderlines; how close I came to being in VERY serious trouble with NO defense whatsoever because I kept on persuing her like a dumba$$, not knowing or making sense of what was going on! All I could firmly determine was that there was this "duality" about her that I could not get a handle on!

Guys, I write this for your benefit and for you to learn from so none of you ends up fired from a job or in jail or beat up by a new "boyfriend" because of her manipulations and deceptions. My story is worth telling so you can see what the patterns are!
"HPD" and your sticking to it huh.

i think you need to sit back and understand that not all AW's are bordeline psychotics or suffers of HPD

they are meerly girls that have built up a defense meachanisim to prevent them from getting hurt.

for instance a girl i used to be friends with sarah, fell in love with a guy they had all these plans and everything, girl couldn't be any more faithfull, and she was defenitly an HB8.5

needless to say that guy screwed her over hardcore, he just up and left one day and never said a word, later she found out he was with another girl.

that point foward this girl wh0red herself out to any guy willing and ready to give her attention. its a pretty sad sight to see. In fact i was at a party with her last night me and a bunch of my friends and a bunch of her friends since we have the same social circle. The girl kissed about every guy and flirted with them giving mixed singles to a select few like a mofo very typical AW symptoms

But see i know why she is the way she is. And i garunte you should a good guy be willin to clock in the hours she'll have a change of heart.

so not ALL AW's are that way because its just there way of life, it may just be a way to cope with whatever the hell is going on in there heads, lives whatever


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit MI
Than I wish you the best of luck Christz. You are going to need it!


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Why try to rationalize bad behaviour? If a girl flirts with guys out there and giving them buying signals while she is with another guy is a pretty disrespectful act.

I think you need to sit back and understand that not all AW's are bordeline psychotics or suffers of HPD
Stop looking at terms of being a borderling psycothics or sufferers of HPD. The Bottom line is that AW's tend have psycological problems and do share many of the symptoms that borderling and HDP have.

they are meerly girls that have built up a defense meachanisim to prevent them from getting hurt.
Yeah but the end result is them hurting someone else with their manipulation, not only themselves. If someone gave you the flu, you can't really blame them, only yourself for being in the same location as the ill individual.

for instance a girl i used to be friends with sarah, fell in love with a guy they had all these plans and everything, girl couldn't be any more faithfull, and she was defenitly an HB8.5

needless to say that guy screwed her over hardcore, he just up and left one day and never said a word, later she found out he was with another girl.

that point foward this girl wh0red herself out to any guy willing and ready to give her attention. its a pretty sad sight to see. In fact i was at a party with her last night me and a bunch of my friends and a bunch of her friends since we have the same social circle. The girl kissed about every guy and flirted with them giving mixed singles to a select few like a mofo very typical AW symptoms

But see i know why she is the way she is. And i garunte you should a good guy be willin to clock in the hours she'll have a change of heart.
Noticed you said " a girl that I used to be friends with" what happen? you lost contact with her right?! typical AW dissapering act.

An AW's are repulsed by good guys. Due to AW's low self esteem of always try to prove their worth, if a good guy trys to treats her with respect and dignity the game is over. She can stick long enough to a guy who won't treat her as good because she will always try to find a way for him to accept her and love her. Its a double edge sword, because after he dumps her, she screams to the whole world how bad guys are treating her, and deep down she vows to never to fall for them again. But emotionally she is fragile and she will go to the route over and over again unless she seeks proffesional help which they seldom do or want. In their mind as soon as they find "true love" they will be cured but the more guys she ends up dating the worse their disorder get.

The AW i've been friends with currently for about a year, is breaking out of a seriously bad relationship, not bad because she was an AW because she wasn't for the longest time at least in the first 3 outta the 4 years they were together.

this guy was the first dude she ever loved, and even the first guy she ever had sex with. She downplays her emotions, and i called her on it and she agrees. now broken up and alone being her friend and probably her closest her game is revealed to me through her confideing in me. True AW's don't call themselvs pathetic, and desperate.
Is that a fact that her ex was the first dude she ever loved and had sex with? or is that her own words? AW's always tend to downplay the number of guys they been with in order to not be branded a slvt. You will never know the real number of men she dated and fvcked because she does not want to scare you. You think just because she confides to you her emotional secrets that you can trust her? She only shared a small fraction of the truth, you will find out the majority of truth by yourself somewhere in the future trust me on this one.

she verbalized she thinks the reason she seeks attention from guys since the point where things went sour in their relationship, was when he cheated on her she was hurt to the point where she lost sleep, wouldn't eat, lost weight, got sick the whole nine. From that point foward she said she VOWED (that's a big word to use) to never feel that way for a guy EVER AGAIN, and to to treat them exactly how they treated her.

So she started cheating on him exsessivly, at one time she had 3 boyfriends. But now fast foward to present time

they don't realize they have a problem with guys let alone verbalize it. This girl has, reason being her bytch sheild is coming down.
A girl confides to you that she has cheated on her ex with three other guys and you are still sitting there and try to find a logical explanation to it?! THEY DON't REALIZE THEY HAVE PROBLEMS WITH GUYS BUT IF YOU REALIZE THAT THEN WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO ESTABLISH A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM? ITS THEIR PROBLEM NOT YOURS.

Why not go after healthy minded women? why hang onto a friendship with an AW in hope of fvcking her or LTR?! As soon as they find a new guy, you are good as gone. Friendship means nothing to them. In your eyes when people meet together and share deep emotional secrets and you are being there for her, it will make her forever grateful. In reality you are just an emotional tampon like the rest of the guys who lend her their ear (don't think you are the only guy out there that she confides stuff with, there are others but you don't know them because she won't tell you)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
It could work, but she'll maybe end up as your emotionally immature wife that will be a horrible mother to your kids.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
DJdamage, the first girl the one i lost contact with, i lost that contact on my own volition. I didn't approve of her wh0reing ways so i opted to split. Despite only being her friend before and after her transition into AWisim. i still opted to split ways because i would have said some stuff that would not have been good for either of us.

Girl number 2, this girl i know for a fact since having known her close circle of friends, they always spoke about her and her ex but it was only when i stumbled into her workplace trying to buy a CD that i found out who she was.

At that time, she was probably already into her AW ways. come to find that, ryan her ex was actually the first guy she had ever done anything sexual with. How do i know this because i know who he is (went to high school with him) and all the players involved in hooking both of them up.

before him she was a pretty innocent girl, didn't drink, smoke etc you know the drill

so let me tell you like this, had i not known these girls before and after i would probably be at the same door you are at. thinkin WOW these girls are messed up. But seeing how i'm looking at two different pictures side by side. I know each one of them can be reverted back to the way they used to be.

The first girl, I won't touch with a 10 foot pole it looks like she enjoys to much what she's doing. and that was the main reason why i stopped talking to her

The other girl seems like she's looking for something and just isn't finding it in the guys she's getting attention from.

so yeah i'll side with you on the point that if i didn't know these girls i would think yeah typical AW. But i do inside and out. Everybody has a story or some secret. Its all about who wants to know it


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit MI
Again DJDamage, Very well said!

Christz, you are expecting women like this to "confide in you" and tell you anything resembling the truth? Christz, I hate to break it to you, but there is NOTHING even remotely resembling truth, honesty, or integrity with AW's! They are ACTRESSES! They lie as a matter of course! The lie that they are telling at that moment IS the truth to them until they get in front of somone else and then they recompose themselves in a split second to appear as the person now in front of them wants to see them. They are MASTERS at percieving what individuals want to see from them because they spend a good amount of time reading them. They know how to do this VERY WELL! I have seen this first hand! Chameleon does not even begin to describe them! How do you think that they are so good at stringing along so many guys at a time? NEVER take them at face value! Always get outside verification! Remember, her WORDS mean NOTHING; guage her by her ACTIONS ONLY! And even then I would put no stock in her actions because you can take to the proverbial bank the fact that there are things going on outside your realm of influence you know nothing about because she does not want you to know!


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by christz
the way you are speaking and other members of the board here, is that these girls are in a kamakize mission to the short and bitter end of there lives. This may be the case to those AW's who actually have clinical disorders but to the casual AW who seeks validation. These are the ones that i am talking about.

So she started cheating on him exsessivly, at one time she had 3 boyfriends. But now fast foward to present time

christz you need some consistency to your posts. If you are only speaking about a "certain type" of woman, then don't post about "how to break an AW".

girl with three boyfriends? did you not post earlier that "AW's don't cheat?"

You keep changing your posts to validate an argument that you cannot possibly win. It's been explained to you countless times that you cannot change someones personality with your system, it just won't happen, all you will be is her next pawn until she gets bored. Unfortunately, you refuse to listen to the advice of everybody else who has lived through this. I honestly wish you good luck with your endeavours, but I can only see it ending in one way, a huge waste of time, unless of course your only in it for some casual sex.

Don't get me wrong tho, an AW can be manipulated, I have friends who are good at doing it, but they will never ever be LTR material, certainly never a "good housewife" as you put it.


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
I have been dealing with an AW for about almost a year now. I never realized it until after reading this discussion. She has some serious problems. It is so funny how the situations mentioned on this discussion are so a like the ones I have been seeing right in front of my blind eyes. She is the main cause of the problems which makes me feel better.

We started out as friends. I saw some signs of AW in her but not too bad at first. She made me feel really special and was very aggressive towards me so I would gain her acceptance and wanted a relationship so quickly. I was stand offish because I saw some of her actions. I even heard her say I was crazy about her and following her around which was totally untrue. But on the other hand I just broke up with my gf so she was there to rebound me. We eventually started dating foolishly and she seemed not to bad and was actually a really good gf. Didnt really see the manipulation and real neediness of attention. But out of the blue one day she wanted to end it and we got into an argument. We didnt talk for a couple of days and started hanging out again later. Now we still hang out but after reading all of this I am seeing that she is a HUGE AW. It boogles my mind. She has some serious issues with attention. She tries to manipulate s$%& all the time and becomes very selfish. Now she is just a huge turn off to me because the stuff she tries to pull on others along with me. Payback would be nice so she could get a taste of her own medicine.
The real funny thing is as I was typing this thread the first time I was at work and I looked behind me and she was standing right there watching all the stuff I was typing. She asked what I was doing and who I was talking about I just siad whatever to shut her up. Gurantee that I will get a call from her tonight after work asking about what I was doing so she can gain her acceptance and attention from me. Pretty funny stuff.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
The AW I was seeing had distinctive charcteristics. She was good in manipulating, she acts all innocent but deep down has always a scheme going on. She was a very self absorb indvidual, if she was happy the whole world should be happy no matter if she causes others to be sad. Likewise the complete opposite when she felt bad, the whole world needed to comfert her and feel bad with her.

The biggest thing about her was that A) she was emotionally driven which meant that good or bad do not exist in her world but if her emotions tell her something would feel good she would go for it, while avoiding something that will feel bad (This way she would attract the bad boys who would end up hurting her and using the AFC where she ends up hurting them in order to fulfill her happy emotion)

B) Never ever takes responsbility for her actions. She could do no wrong again it ties with her emotional need for happiness. She never appologizes for anything bad she ever did but she will be the biggest hypocrite by crying when bad things happen to her the same way she did to others.

You tend to feel bad for them but in the end you can't do anything to help them, if you try you will get hurt as well and it will frustarate the hell out of you.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit MI
People with Cluster B personality disorders learn how to push buttons in order to get attention, adoration, love, admiration, etc. One way is to push people away and watch them beg. This becomes an addiction. The Cluster B doesn't so much fear abandonment of the person as much as they fear abandonment of the attention, desire, control, etc. Cluster Bs use all kinds of techniques to deceive, manipulate, and control other people in order to get what is called "supply." They need to be wanted, desired, admired, lusted after, found sexy, important, etc. Dumping you is a technique of getting you to give supply. There are many such techniques. A Cluster B does not have empathy, therefore thinks of you as an object. This is why it is so easy for them to treat you erratically. They just want supply. They will do whatever they need to in order to get it. When they can't get it, they move on to another source. No regrets or sorrow or mourning over the loss of YOU, only over the loss of supply!
The actions of Cluster B's don't make logical sense. They never will. Those actions are completely irrational, sinister and messed up. We can never really understand what motivates them to do what they do -- but we can know for sure, that they will repeat the same destructive patterns over-and-over again throughout their lifetimes - and never escape the self-created cesspool that is their very existence. Too bad for them. I feel most sorry for the lovers they've yet to meet. Our exes will continue to seek out and damage new "supply" as they have damaged us - and leave nothing but emotional chaos in their wake from now until they die.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by Mike_The_Man
The Cluster B doesn't so much fear abandonment of the person as much as they fear abandonment of the attention, desire, control, etc. Cluster Bs use all kinds of techniques to deceive, manipulate, and control other people in order to get what is called "supply." They need to be wanted, desired, admired, lusted after, found sexy, important, etc.
That's why I posted this:

Mike, you're very well informed about all those clusters and definitions. Some people are blind to this until they find "narcissists", "AWs", etc. After that when they inquire a little bit, they discover all the lies and manipulations done by those "people".


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
The Cluster B doesn't so much fear abandonment of the person as much as they fear abandonment of the attention, desire, control, etc. Cluster Bs use all kinds of techniques to deceive, manipulate, and control other people in order to get what is called "supply." They need to be wanted, desired, admired, lusted after, found sexy, important, etc. Dumping you is a technique of getting you to give supply. There are many such techniques. A Cluster B does not have empathy, therefore thinks of you as an object. This is why it is so easy for them to treat you erratically. They just want supply. They will do whatever they need to in order to get it. When they can't get it, they move on to another source. No regrets or sorrow or mourning over the loss of YOU, only over the loss of supply!
This is very true Mike. If she gets upset because you left her its not because of your unique self, its because of the attension you supplied her. That is why when there is a new guy who gives her attension, its like watching a child get a new toy and forgeting about the old one. Eventually other guys will fill the empty void of attension and she wouldn't really care if you existed or not.

I think it was Blue Pheonix that said it: after they are done with you they walk all "happy" like nothing happened. I was floored when I first read this because this is what exectly happened to me and I couldn't understand where this behaviour dervied from.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit MI
Originally posted by Blue Phoenix
That's why I posted this:

Mike, you're very well informed about all those clusters and definitions. Some people are blind to this until they find "narcissists", "AWs", etc. After that when they inquire a little bit, they discover all the lies and manipulations done by those "people".

I HAD to learn this stuff in order to convince myself that I was not the crazy one!:rolleyes: Remember, I fell quite hard for this girl, not knowing what I now know. Here is more from another source and this will be my last on this subject unless directly assisiting another poster; there is now more than enough info here about this so that nobody can complain for lack of info:

Typical Cluster B stuff: Controlling, abusive, irrational, erratic. It's all about attention. She needs to be the center of attention and does not give a **** about anyone else. She will say or do whatever she feels like, which means whatever gets her attention. She does not like you, never did like you. You were just a source of "supply." Nothing more. Sources are people who provide admiration, attention, adulation, love, drama, and can be manipulated and controlled. It gives the Cluster B a sense of power and worth. It is their way. It is their only way. Everything else is an illusion. She conned you. Of course, as you are well aware, there were huge red flags waving savagely in front of your face and loud sirens screaming in your ears. But you did not see, nor did you hear. You were smitten. You thought you were special. She "liked" you. Well. We've all been there, so don't feel bad about being a target, and don't feel special. We've all been there. They use us, then discard us when they are done with us. They do come back, I hope you know that, to suck you dry if they can, so be prepared for it. You should run away, have no contact whatsoever with her, and learn as much as you can about these human parasites, vampires, and predators.

All Cluster Bs are addicted to attention, admiration, sex, lust, being wanted, desired, romance, etc., known as narcissistic supply, or just supply. They are erratic and have no emotional consistency and no impulse control. They are emotional hemophiliacs. So, at any moment they can feel totally infatuated with someone, but the feeling is fake in the sense that it exists in order to get supply. Getting married is one way to get supply. Taking a partner as far as possible is part of the drama. But infatuations shift, emotions change, and newness is required in order to get supply. They DO want commitment, but it is inconsistent. They want commitment from one person, then they meet someone else who gives better, newer supply. Also, they have no impulse control, so will act without thinking simply to get supply right away. They are never sick of jumping from one person to another, just as a drug addict is never sick of getting drugs. It is how they get supply. What they get sick of is being in a relationship that is steady. That is death to them. They need change, drama, new trends, excitement, and constant attention. It must be very tiring to be constantly looking for something new.

People with cluster B personality disorder use humans as objects. They easily move from one to another just as we get a new couch. They commonly have someone in waiting; cheating and lying are reflexes for them. They are pathological liars. Yes, you were used. It was "fake" in the sense that a small child "loves" a bicycle until a new one comes along, then the bike is discarded. You were a bike. That's the way it is with them. Get used to it, or get out. No contact is the best. You're right, it's serious business to mess with someone's heart and emotions. But Cluster B's don't care. Do you care about the feelings of the objects around you? Cluster B's know you have feelings, they just don't care. They use your feelings to get what they want: attention, adoration, sex, being wanted, etc. Then you are discarded when someone else can provide better supply

Just remember this: Cluster B's are children, manipulators who cannot regulate their emotions, they cannot relate normally, they use people as objects to satisfy their need for attention, dependency, sex, romance, and obsession, they are fakes, psychopaths, you cannot believe what they say or do because it is just role-playing to get people to respond, no one person can satisfy them, they have to play their game with many people, usually more than one at a time, they are 10 years old emotionally, they are mentally ill, they have no conscience, cannot view another person as a human being, we are just objects that supply their needs of attention, they want us to need them, they are cruel and unpredictable.

Their words are just words. They are used to get the attention, dependency, love, affection, etc. that she needs. They are manipulations. They are not true feelings; I don't think she can feel anything but immature excitement, physical pleasures, and depression. Love or affection as normal people know it are things she cannot feel, so she desperately needs to get them from others whom she then identifies with. She gets her identity by preying on others. She manipulates them into a love dependency, an obsession with her, then identifies with that to get the love she needed during childhood but did not get. Then when done, she moves on to the next victim, and we are left hanging, confused, shocked, damaged! They are not capable of mature love, they are like children who need attention and affection, so they get it however they can. It doesn't really matter to them who they get it from, in fact, one person cannot satisfy their needs, so they will continually jump from one relationship to another, often overlapping, and will dive into intimacy right away in order to get the love and obsession they want and need from others. They have little or no conscience about what they do, it is part of their nature and they consider it normal. They do not empathize with others, and therefore have little insight into how hurtful their behaviors are. These people are so cruel and hurtful. It is wrong to think of them as normal. When we remember the good times, we must also remember that they were fake. They were role playing for us to get their needs met. They need a daddy, sex, to be wanted, an obsession for them. They get their self esteem by being desired sexually. They mirror us in order to get that. It is a fix, it is their drug, to use people. Manipulation and control, domination and dependency are what they want and need. It is hard to understand.

It's not that they don't know, it's that it doesn't matter to them. Do you care what you say to your refrigerator? To a pencil? You say whatever is necessary to get what you need. These people want attention, adoration, sex, to be desired, to be worshipped, etc. They "know" what they are doing, but don't care one way or the other. They use people to get attention and adulation to feed their false sense of themselves. They know they are doing something hurtful, but will do it if it gives them attention. If kicking the refrigerator door will open it, then you kick it. You know it's hurting the refrigerator, but you don't care. These people cannot empathize with other people. They can't feel that we have feelings. They "know" we have feelings, but it doesn't connect to their emotions. They don't "feel" that we have feelings. Even if they did, they would still act the same because it is a reflex to support their need (they are addicted) for attention and admiration. They are children who have no true sense of self. They are machines!

All Cluster Bs are addicted to supply. They use words as tools to get people to react, so they can get sympathy, drama, attention, admiration, even anger. If you react to them, it means they are powerful and important, capable of controlling people, and using them. Cluster Bs do not use words to communicate, to help, to ask for advice, or to give support. They are only pretending to do that. They might not even know what they are doing themselves, some of the time. For nons, it is sooooo easy to get sucked in, to read (or hear) what a Cluster B says and react as if the words mean what such words usually mean. But, sadly, they do not. It is an act, role playing, a gimmick, a means to an end. An angry reply is as good as a sympathetic reply. To the Cluster B, all such replies are supply. Supply, supply, supply, that is why they are here, that is why they are there, that is why they are everywhere. When will you learn?

Words are useless. Cluster B's push buttons. They don't use words to communicate, they use them to get supply. They say this, then that, they say anything... whatever makes you give them attention or create drama or make them the center of your universe or get whatever they want at that particular moment. They are robots. They cannot empathize. They don't know what it's like to be a human being, so they can't imagine what we are experiencing. They are self-absorbed on their false selves. They are addicted to supply. Words, like any of their actions, are used only to get supply. It is pointless to use words for communication. That will not work! They idealize, and then eventually devalue. Moving on is what it is all about. They need to move on before they are found out. They need to recreate themselves. They need someone new, someone for whom they can create a new illusion and get drenched in attention, admiration, adulation, sex, lust, and caring. Eventually, that gets old, and then it's off to another target. I think it is rare that personality disorders change very much, and it is not possible for Cluster Bs to show and feel mature, adult love that includes impulse control, empathy, and caring.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Okay people, I'm gonna give you my experience of cracking an AW. Although it did take more time than attracting a normal woman, it took only a FRACTION of a year to do it. It was also one hell of a challenge, and I was willing to take it on. However, I didn't spend all my energy, nor my money on her. She was a side project.

I used to frequent this bar that had one AW who would basically make out with guys and get them to buy her drinks. She was pretty and hot. She had the physical features that I loved in a woman. As usual, she'd make out with me and try to convince me to buy her a drink. I never bought her one. I would always turn it around on her and ask things like, "How come you've never bought ME a drink" or "What am I getting in return?"

When I asked the ladder, she'd say something stupid like "I'll give you the best kiss of your lifetime."
I responded with "I can get that anytime I want". Basically, she had nothing to offer me instead of making out. I could go get that from damn near any woman I wanted. The price of making out was too low to exchange for an expensive drink.

After two or three months went on and this crap continued, I finally number closed her.

I phoned her a couple days later, hoping to arrange a date with her. I talked to her for about five minutes. I didn't arrange a date by my choice, and I'll get to the reasons at the end of my post.

The next time I saw her at the bar, something had changed. She didn't come over as she had previously done to make out with me and possibly get a free drink. Instead, one of her female bar buddies came over and said, "Amber wants you to come talk to her." I stated that if she wanted to talk to me, she can come over to my table. A couple minutes later, her friend returned and told me "Amber really likes you, and she's too shy to come over." At this point, I knew my challenge was over, and I quit putting any energy into attracting her.

Here's the reasons why I didn't set up a date. Within that 5 minute phone call, I realized that she was already drunk (it was noon on a Saturday when I called). She told me about how her mother gives her hell about her drinking. She also told me that her ex-bf's father had custody of her child (neither of them are the biological father). This absolutely blew me away and I decided that it was pointless to become part of her drama-filled world. I never called her again.

The conclusions I drew from this experience is that, yes, AWs can be won over. All you need to do is not put up with any of their crap, but show a genuine interest in them as a person instead a piece of meat which is what they're used to. However, the AW's life is filled with messy drama and just isn't worth the time. From that point on, I just avoided AWs. They have no value.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
desdinova your post comfirms and concludes this whole argument

the thing is, is girls with disorders and girls that just in general want attention from other guys, is huge!

this girl you delt with sure she was an AW, she used guys into getting free drinks. However she didn't have a clinical disorder.

Some AW's are harder to break than others, and your right you have to approch them a diffrernt, way but one things for certian between these AW's is that if you know them well enough you can always trace back the steps to how they have a not so good home life or some kinda drama in there lives.

its not about it being IMPOSSIBLE, because it IS possible. to break an AW its all about WHO is willing to put in the time to do so, you have to put aside the games they play and generally stick through the shyt test and the flakyness and all that.

How many guys will ACTUALLY DO IT not many.. but some want to or are trying to right as you read this post.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
sigh, I'm going to post in this thread for the last time....

How is this "turning an AW into a housewife" as your original post stated, this concludes nothing. Yes, I agree it is possible to "date" an AW, hell I've done it too (what a nightmare that was). But it won't take long for them to revert to their AW ways, you will not change them, or convert them into good LTR material like your post claims. All you are doing is jumping on the roller coaster ride until you can't take anymore and have to get off.

Change your post to "how to date an AW for a while" and then I will agree with you, but don't think for a second you can change anyone long term.