Tips on Investing?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2011
Reaction score
Im joining the Air Force and plan on saving pretty much most of my earnings.
I want to be able to be a millionaire by the time i retire(20-25 years) I want to be able to get that nice $600,000 house off by the lake(I want to retire in texas, texas homes are huge once they get in the 350's)
Be able to have expendable income like crazy, go on vacations whenever i please, open a local small business with expendable cash.

Ill save in many ways,
-Eat as much as i can in cafe's on base(I heard its free of charge)
-Buy a used car, if i can, from a bank(Good deal, NICE car) or just off a lot(Spend no more than 6-9K)
-Dont get a GF, just have a single life(No strings attatched relationships)
-Limit going out and spending for useless things.
-Dont finance ANYTHING, only buy cash.

Theres more but these are the main things I think i need to avoid/do.
I want to have a life but Im sure i can do that without spending more than 400-500 a month(on strictly entertaintment, random things)

Now with all that saving, what can I do with that money that will generate more cash. Obviously there are IRA, roth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
the retirement pension is only half of whatever rank you retire at.

And they're going to take away that deal, too. The military budget is about to face serious cuts, and it's always pay and benefits to soldiers that are the first to be cut, especially retirees.