Thoughts on younger women


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
I recently met this 23 college girl. Finally got her out with me this weekend and showed her a good time. She was holding my hand and arm while we walked through the busy city streets and was being affectionate during the football game. I tried to kiss her once during the game but she pulled back a little. Kiss closed at my house when we got home.

The next day I realize I mistakenly left my $150 sunglasses in her purse. I think I might have subconsciously did that on purpose. That morning I text her and she says "yup!" I text a couple more times to no response. Later that night I text her after 8 hours basically hey I just want my sunglasses back I can't believe you won't answer me.

I could have easily met her and got them or her bring them to me. She responds sorry I had a bad day bring them to you tomorrow (today). I know I may have been to pushy but I wanted my dam $150 Costas back and didn't see any reason why that couldn't happen yesterday. Impatience I guess and a little selfishness.

She's a really cute girl who admittedly has a drinking problem. My problem is I'm having a hard time reading her interest level. On one hand I realize she spent 10 hours with me and kissed me and on the other cynical side I think she just wanted to go to the Saints game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Dude, you acted like a 3-year old and you are still talking about your her interest level? Just because she didn't attend to your fvcking text messages in 3 minutes doesn't make her a thief or an alcoholic! Are you really that needy?

"Hey I just want my sunglasses back I can't believe you won't answer me"

must qualify as the most insecure, moronic text message I could think of, sent to a cute chick who you want to fvck. Plus she kissed you the very previous day...!

You totally acted like an idiot, and if she is gracious enough to talk to you again, do apologize and admit how stupid you have been. And then run.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
10 hours and 3 minutes are quite a difference in my opinion. It takes literally seconds to read and reply to a text. If she had left something of hers in my car that she either needed or wanted I wouldn't ignore it for 10 hours for no apparent reason barring serious illness or injury to myself or family member.

Maybe I expect too much ??

I would not have text or called her once until next week if she didn't have something valuable of mine.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
I didn't mention the previous less aggressive text message with a much less aggressive tone saying "hey when can I get my glasses back?"

I feel like it shouldn't have taken until almost 11 at nite to respond. Only after the more direct approach. I didn't care what her deal was, I expected at least to know SOMETHING in a reasonable amount if time and I let her know I was not ok with that.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I'd say yes she should have replied earlier in regards to your sunglasses. A little rude. I'd be upset too. However I'd of played it a little differently.

I would bet that her bad day excuse and her apprehension to kiss you were all due to her not being over an ex? Perhaps she just went out with you for self validation.

And why did you take a girl to a nfl football game for a first date? That's a lot of $$$ to drop on someone you don't even know. It does nothing but continue putting women on pedestals and aid in their self entitlement views.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
NSUballer said:
I recently met this 23 college girl. Finally got her out with me this weekend and showed her a good time. She was holding my hand and arm while we walked through the busy city streets and was being affectionate during the football game. I tried to kiss her once during the game but she pulled back a little. Kiss closed at my house when we got home.
Football games are 3+ hour affairs and really not good first date venues. Additionally you tried to kiss her at the game. This was when you should have been building attraction, not forcing it. Nice work on the kiss close but it sounds like it was perfunctory and not borne of real attraction.

The next day I realize I mistakenly left my $150 sunglasses in her purse. I think I might have subconsciously did that on purpose. That morning I text her and she says "yup!" I text a couple more times to no response. Later that night I text her after 8 hours basically hey I just want my sunglasses back I can't believe you won't answer me.
You don't have a backup pair of sunglasses? Texting her the next morning was a bad idea. Her "Yup!" by the way is straight out of the Alpha handbook. That's what YOU should have replied with after waiting for her to text, "hey you left your sunglasses in my purse." She then ignores your follow up. Clearly she has the frame and you just exist within it.

Your final text - one of righteous indignation - sealed your image as needy in her eyes. Even if it were just about the sunglasses, you are now a guy who can't afford to lose a pair of $150 sunglasses without freaking out.

I could have easily met her and got them or her bring them to me. She responds sorry I had a bad day bring them to you tomorrow (today). I know I may have been to pushy but I wanted my dam $150 Costas back and didn't see any reason why that couldn't happen yesterday. Impatience I guess and a little selfishness.
She meant, "Sorry, had a day that should have involved hamster-spinning thoughts of you in your absence, but you ruined that with your impatient texting."

She's a really cute girl who admittedly has a drinking problem. My problem is I'm having a hard time reading her interest level. On one hand I realize she spent 10 hours with me and kissed me and on the other cynical side I think she just wanted to go to the Saints game.
Ten hours is too long. You should have brought a buddy to the Saints game. Like I said the kiss sounds perfunctory. Interest level is easy...if it's hard to read it ain't there.

Learn and move on....


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Some of you guys crack me up. You are always too worried about what the guy did wrong, or what we did to negatively affect the girl. And in many cases I agree...but not here.

This guy took the girl to a NFL football game, a very expensive proposition. Yeah, he shouldn't have done that for a first date, but he did so whatever. He spent I'm sure a decent amount of change on her. So he leaves his very expensive, and to him VERY important sunglasses in her purse, texts her about getting them back, and she doesn't have the common decency to reply back within a reasonable time? Fawk her. I know if some girl took me to an NFL game, and she left her sunglasses in my truck or home? And she texted the next day do I have them and can she get them back? I would have replied right away "sure thing where do you want to meet to get them?" I mean its just common courtesy.

Actually this worked out well for the OP. This in a way was a test. And she failed. Or she just has low IL in the OP. Because I can promise you if she was a decent person who had high IL in OP? She would have replied to that text in a second. But noooo, she's too busy or had too bad of a day or too low of IL in OP to respond. After what OP just did for her? Again, screw her.

And OP, once you do get your glasses back? I would not contact her again. Trust me it will blow her mind. Only see her again IF she contacts you and offers to take you out.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
"She's a really cute girl who admittedly has a drinking problem. My problem is I'm having a hard time reading her interest level."

Nah dude, your problem is that you give a sh1t about someone's interest level who has a drinking problem.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
^THIS. You cannot trust the crazy party girl type. Drinking problem? It's just expensive sunglasses at risk now, but if you're in a relationship with someone like this, how will you ever trust her?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
I've dated the party girl before so it's nothing new. I never said I was interested in a relationship at least not exclusive or ltr. I don't really trust many people anyway so that's irrelevant in this situation.

She dropped the glasses off Tuesday afternoon and for the record she paid for her share of the expenses on Sunday. Btw it's much cheaper to go to a game here, especially when you have free tickets. Taking a girl to a saints game is almost like fishing with dynamite down here..


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Drinking is such a big part of the culture down here it's really difficult to find anyone who doesn't drink at least sometimes, most people drink a lot more than you guys might be used to. I used to drink a lot more than I do now and that's probably more than most if the people on this board.