The tide is turning for Asian Male Atrraction!

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Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
ketostix said:
Well I think this is a very honest assessment for why some people pursue girls outside their race. And revenge and trying to "take something away from the white guy" is a very wrong reason to be doing it.
I know, but that's the truth, all races are gunning for white women or at least view them as the best. I've said it before, but there IS racial hierachy and it works both ways and varies depending on country it seems.

ketostix said:
OK the media and society pedestalizes women in general. If you go to Asia or India or even a Latin culture, would you expect them to put western or "white" women up as the model of idealized female beauty.
Yes, they do. Most of the women who are idolised in typically non-white lands are very very fair. Look at Ashwarya Rai, hardly a typical indian woman. Even anecdotes of history show that men valued fair skin.

ketostix said:
The truth is it's only "OK" to and the media really only bashes white males, so it seems like the last thing white males would want or need is a bunch self-described minorities seeking "revenge".
Interesting. You said that women in general were pedestalised, not focusing on the fact that white women are pedestalised the most. But when it comes to males, you zoom in on the fact that white males get a bashing.

Just state it how it is dude. Women are pedestalised, men knocked down. Majority races are pedestalised and depending on region, minorities are knocked down but certain groups are better off than others. e.g.) In America black is deemed better than Chinese in terms of appeal to the opposite sex, in general.

ketostix said:
I think anyone should date whoever they want for the right reasons.
Yes but as we've discussed in that thread 'does every pretty girl have a bf', it's rarely the right reasons. From a white girl at my uni dating a guy because he's white and middle class, to a chinese or black guy chasing a white girl at the expense of his own race for 'revenge'.

ketostix said:
But when it's for revenge of some perceived need or it's to get at the "white male", then that's a wrong motivation as it gets and is racist.
Yes, but that's the human reaction to an uneven playing field. The chinese guy is ridiculed and stereotyped as a nerdy loser minority from China, so in the US he can't get girls. So they develop an obsession with white girls. Black guys do the same thing, wanting to get white girls as a revenge of the slavery days and the 50's where they were second class.

ketostix said:
White males don't generally date asians or any other non-white girls to stick it to the men of that group.
This isn't a very useful point. The point is that nearly any time there is a white-asian couple, it will rarely be a chinese guy-white girl. White guys get to date both whites and chinese, chinese guys struggle with their own group if there are white males competing. But I agree in general a white guy will date a white girl ... if he can.

ketostix said:
Just like they don't go after black females for revenge. Any time you see a guy who on the one hand criticize whites and white males, then pursues and lusts after white women, it's a pretty good bet they have bad motives.
Yes but whites in history haven't really had much to revenge for against blacks, and there is a case that in general white guys don't find black women that attractive. Remember social brainwashing and the media is powerful, so that helps install the belief that their own women are the best.

I think you're mistaken that a foreign guy criticises white males, I think he's more likely to criticise the dynamic in which there is racial hierachy and prejudice due to media, social brainwashing, outdated beliefs etc. Every guy knows that in an ideal world every guy wants a ton of hot chicks.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
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Latinoman said:
I went to Brazil back in the late 1980s...and Brazilian women were ALL OVER the Asian men. It was like Asian paradize. I have NEVER seen anything like that.

Note; Australia also have Aborigenes.
?? do you live in australia?

because aborignes in major city populations are as rare as a dodo. there aren't very many whatsoever. out of the hundreds of thousands of different faces ove seen in Melbourne, 2 maybe 3 of them were aboriginal

Itsm Anglo-saxon, mediterranian, asian, or indian asian


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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that guy is just plain ****ing ugly. I mean seriously it hurts to look at him. 90% of other Asian guys WAYYY more handsome than him.

With that said, I SIMPLY had to look at his stats. Guess what? the guy is 6'1".

Yeah, the handsome, average height 5'6" Asians can't get play, but a semi-retarded looking Asian can:cuss:

God damn this short man's syndrome is getting to me...I need to stop seriously:crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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Trinitron said:
Does dating outside your race feed some sort of need for validation for you guys?
No, sometimes we have no choice. Out of the ~400 students in my high school there are about 8 Asian girls. So should I only limit myself to dating those 8 girls? :down:


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
Latinoman said:
No offense taken...I am not here trying to be a PUA. I am here trying to get people to PREPARE so when they reach their 30s and 40s...they can say with confidence they are the real thing. To the point that they can still be involved with women in their 20s. But the thing is...if you don't work toward that when you are in your 20s...then you will waste your time. Most of you are.

I am a DJ...not a PUA. PUA are people that rely of fakeness and lies to pick up woman. The type that come here asking for canned lines and fill out this board with stupid threads.

I have evolved WAY ABOVE the point that I don't have to fake or lie to get laid. I show them WHO I am...and what they see is what they get. That's the huge difference between PUAs and DJs.

One are pretenders and others are the real thing. I am the real thing.

And I have NEVER had problems getting laid. In fact, from the time I was 21 to NOW...I have gotten laid AT LEAST once a week (with the exception being when I was stuck in assignments that kept me away from women). You do the math. Rounded to 40 as I will be 40 soon. 52 weeks x 19 years. And that is a MINIMUM as I am not the type that have sex once a week either. Heck, I can go 2-5 times in a day...if I had the time. LOL.
DJ = guys from trying to learn about women and up their game
PUA = guys from mASF trying to learn about women and up their game

there's no difference, other than you trying to convince yourself you're special because you claim one and not the other

Tao walker 2005

Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Latinoman, there are very few aboriginals in urban Australia (south of the tropic of capricorn that is). There was only ever about 200,000 of them in the first place, and they were extensively hunted by colonials in the 19th century. These days they live mostly in remote communities in Queensland and Northern Territory.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Berlex said:
No, sometimes we have no choice. Out of the ~400 students in my high school there are about 8 Asian girls. So should I only limit myself to dating those 8 girls? :down:
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