The Secret to getting a lady to open up to you...

MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
In my experiences, i have realised that there are obviously many ways to getting a girl up to you. However, one of the things that works time after time with me, is making them reach a level with you where they'll truly open up to you...

This is bringing out their "Inner Child"

Every girl and lady has an inner child. some girls are naturally playful, and others act quite sophisticated and serious. but doesn't matter what category they fit into, all have that inner child, and its up to you to bring that out.

Now why do we bring out that inner child? once you get and reach the rapport level with a girl that she feels comfortable to say stupid childish sh!t and be playful with you, it does a number of things.

firstly, she'll feel comfortable enough with you to start opening up to you on things she wouldn't tell others. this is a good thing because it will get both of you alot more closer. obviously it is up to you to make sure from there you don't get into the friend category, but that can be stopped by the next benefit.

And that next benefit is the use of kino. bringing out the inner child enables the ease of comfortably using kino whenever you want. if you get to that communication comfort level, its easy to start using kino because comfort is already there. i cannot stress enough however to keep up the kino, because this is what will seperate you from being a friend, she will see you as a lover who has excellent communication skills instead of a friend with great communication skills.

Thirdly, by bringing out the inner child, you will portray your 'natural confidence'. And that is your confidence to be able to play back with her. you showin that you're comfortable enough to play back, give her sh!t, tickle her, tackle her to her bed and wrestle, pick her up with a piggy back, all demonstrates your confidence in not givin a flyin fvck on what she thinks of you havin an inner child. you will show your confident enough to be you and not care.

And lastly, the fun aspect. Not everyone can bring out a girls inner child. But a Don Juan can... when she thinks of you, and when she knows when she'll be around you or with you next, she's going to know that she's gonna have fun with you, because you've brought her to that physical and emotional fun level by bringin out the inner child. and without you knowin it, you've automatically registered yourself as being associated as fun. positive and fun energy breeds postive and fun energy- that's what every girl wants, whether she's serious or easy goin. That people, is my secret to a lady opening up to you.


-MMA Juan

MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
Cheers bro. That was one of my ideas anyway, what's anybody's else's feedback on how to get a girl to open up to you? Lets see what you playaz have got.