"The Secret" (Free Google Video)


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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New York


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
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Paradise (with rain)


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
Brian20o2 said:
To each his own.

Fair enough.

From "The Secret" video blurb:

"... presented by the worlds leading scientists, authors, teachers and philosophers."

WTF? That's just a blatant lie and a classic appeal to authority -- the oldest marketing trick in the book next to the bandwagon argument.

From the main page:

The Secret Superstore

Welcome to The Secret Superstore, home to some of the greatest teaching tools and materials on the planet today.


We have had Teachers from The Secret handpick one or two of their best learning materials … tools that will guide you in living life to the absolute fullest. That means happiness, health, and total abundance and freedom, every day. These Teachers tools are a fast track to mastery of The Secret.
In addition, our custom-designed Specialty Items have been conceived and created with the sole purpose of assisting you in fulfilling the principles of The Secret in your life.

Oh look, if I buy this stuff from the official website, I'll be on the "fast track" to happiness, health, and total abundance and freedom. And here I thought the secret was simple.

They even Specialty Items. Without them, maybe I'll fail at fulfilling the principles of The Secret in my life.

And don't forget the most important tool of all ... your personal copy of The Secret on DVD. Or of course you can watch it right now from your computer.

Well, the computer is cool, but I'd really like my personal copy. It's only 29.95 plus S&H.

When you find something you would like to order, create a ‘Secret Membership’ account (or just login if you have already created one). This means that after you order you can login at any time for support and billing or shipping needs. Secret Members are also entitled to special perks and discounts. And if you have any questions, just ask Genie! Click on the link on the left, or visit our ‘Contact Us’ page in the top navigation bar.

Oh goody, I get to be special too!

Why am I being snotty?

Because I'm now thoroughly convinced this is a crock of sh!t.

The underlying message of positivity is defensible. But the enterprise is not.

This isn't how you spread a gift to humanity. This is tie-in viral marketing in 2006.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
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whistler said:
Fair enough.

From "The Secret" video blurb:

"... presented by the worlds leading scientists, authors, teachers and philosophers."

WTF? That's just a blatant lie and a classic appeal to authority -- the oldest marketing trick in the book next to the bandwagon argument.

From the main page:

The Secret Superstore

Welcome to The Secret Superstore, home to some of the greatest teaching tools and materials on the planet today.


We have had Teachers from The Secret handpick one or two of their best learning materials … tools that will guide you in living life to the absolute fullest. That means happiness, health, and total abundance and freedom, every day. These Teachers tools are a fast track to mastery of The Secret.
In addition, our custom-designed Specialty Items have been conceived and created with the sole purpose of assisting you in fulfilling the principles of The Secret in your life.

Oh look, if I buy this stuff from the official website, I'll be on the "fast track" to happiness, health, and total abundance and freedom. And here I thought the secret was simple.

They even Specialty Items. Without them, maybe I'll fail at fulfilling the principles of The Secret in my life.

And don't forget the most important tool of all ... your personal copy of The Secret on DVD. Or of course you can watch it right now from your computer.

Well, the computer is cool, but I'd really like my personal copy. It's only 29.95 plus S&H.

When you find something you would like to order, create a ‘Secret Membership’ account (or just login if you have already created one). This means that after you order you can login at any time for support and billing or shipping needs. Secret Members are also entitled to special perks and discounts. And if you have any questions, just ask Genie! Click on the link on the left, or visit our ‘Contact Us’ page in the top navigation bar.

Oh goody, I get to be special too!

Why am I being snotty?

Because I'm now thoroughly convinced this is a crock of sh!t.

The underlying message of positivity is defensible. But the enterprise is not.

This isn't how you spread a gift to humanity. This is tie-in viral marketing in 2006.

Actually, according to the offical fourm of the secret ( I go there but don't post much there ) , one of the speakers who was involved in ut was so disgusted at how the secret ended up being distributed ( they thought it would be shown on TV ) that she asked to have all materials relating to her in the film edited out! Some of the stuff that is for sale in the shop were also less than ethical!

Titanium: If you have downloaded the movie from the guy who posted back on page 5 ( sorry, I forget his name ) or a torrent, you might be missing a special codec called Xvid, here is a link for the codec; http://www.xvidmovies.com/codec/

Just download and install it and try playing the secret again.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
All 3 Gratitude Rocks
The Gratitude Rock is a simple, powerful tool that will work wonders in your life. Carry it everywhere and each time you touch it think of something you are grateful for.
View Detailed Description
Price: $39.95
The only thing I have to say :moon:

I saw it coming!

If you listen to some speaker tell you that you can earn a million dollars next year, then you might also believe that all you have to do is load up your credit card to the limit with his books, tapes, seminars...

By Gerry Robert: the best-selling author of The Millionaire Mindset.
... and MAGIC ROCKS. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
That IS pretty pathetic. If you really want to use something like that why would you buy a rock if you can just pick one of the street.
It's pretty sad how they try making so much money out of it, since it's devalidating the rest of it.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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"And if you act now, we'll give you these energized hollistic healing crystals ABSOLUTELY FREE!"


Whether it's 1806 or 2006, snake oil is snake oil.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2005
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Now personally, I believe this stuff works
It does work, there is no two ways about it. Those
findings that took 20 years of research by Napoleon
Hill, confirmed by some of the most intelligent, richest
men in the world, weren't mere suggestions or wild
theories. What Dr. Hill talks about is a large part of
what the LOA does, although I agree it's subjective
and not everyone may have a suitable mental state for
the LOA to be internalised, but for everyone else, this
DOES work.

-AudiTy =o


Jul 14, 2005
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Monte Carlo, Monaco
I have the Faith that moves mountains in to the sea, that you will have faith to be saved from your sin through the very same Lord Christ Jesus of 2000 years ago who still performs miracles that lives today!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Based on the present conditions of middle east warfare, I've pondered whether it's the "End Times." Much of it seems to follow The Book of Relevations.

Is it at all possible God has just forgotten about us after we contributed to the murder of his son?

As a confirmed catholic, though not practicing, I barely understand the teachings of the church, and have grown cynical, though my heart is not hardened should the Rapture befall us. I'll just be stuck here for 7 years through pure hell.

I respect everyone's individual beliefs. It just knocks the hell out of me to ponder it.

Rock On. :rockon:



Don Juan
Nov 16, 2005
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bbestar said:
I have the Faith that moves mountains in to the sea, that you will have faith to be saved from your sin through the very same Lord Christ Jesus of 2000 years ago who still performs miracles that lives today!


Jul 14, 2005
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Monte Carlo, Monaco
Here is a experience of mine that I have observed since using this. Whenever Im heading to the supermarket or walmart, with infinite Faith, Belief and Thanksgiving, in just a few short minutes of waiting and seeking,

I get the best parking spot in the lot almost at 100% each time, even at walmart today there were hundreds of cars and a sea of people, but with this belief I was parking at the best spot in no time.

Before I left the parking observed all these people around me, and realized something, that I used to be one of them, for many years of my Life. Never having the best things in life. Thinking that it won't happen and you don't deserve it. Being anger about the traffic, and other people and life circumstance.

You can tell alot about what beliefs a person has by what car he drives, the posture, the clothes, and how he reacts to situations.

There is alot of negativity out there in the world and it does run through families. Realizing that there needs to be change, is the first step.

Like what Ive always told people, I don't Believe Luck, or its existence. Luck didn't make millionares or billionares, or great players in sports, and luck didn't have anything to do with me getting the parking spot I wanted neither did hard labor.

Let me leave something about one man's faith a Solider in the Roman Empire..

Book of Matthew
Chapter 8 Verse 5-13

And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,

And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.

The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
You can tell alot about what beliefs a person has by what car he drives, the posture, the clothes, and how he reacts to situations.
Exactly. You always here people who are fat, don't take of their looks and aren't that fit say: "It's not about looks, the inside of person is much more important."

I always think: "WTF, you can't even take care of your body, so how much is that character of yours"

Your appearance (I don't mean your looks you got from birth but the way you carry and take of yourself) is an very accurate reflection of your character.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
There´s a very good book that actually SHOWS what you can do to change instead of just having "the positive mindset" preached by the secret.

The 7 habits of highly effective people. This book is all about a paradigm shift, it really opens your mind. Something like this website when you first realised you were an AFC and dint´t know what to do about it.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Oh what the hell, I'll bite,..

bbestar said:
Here is a experience of mine that I have observed since using this. Whenever Im heading to the supermarket or walmart, with infinite Faith, Belief and Thanksgiving, in just a few short minutes of waiting and seeking,

I get the best parking spot in the lot almost at 100% each time, even at walmart today there were hundreds of cars and a sea of people, but with this belief I was parking at the best spot in no time.

You can tell alot about what beliefs a person has by what car he drives, the posture, the clothes, and how he reacts to situations.
So by this logic would you say that a person who owns a luxury car, wears expensive clothes and always has a smile on his face (regardless of actual mood) is indicative of someone who is 'blessed' by God (or the "Secret" for that matter)? In otherwords, is wealth an out-ward display of piety (or a proper practice of the "Secret")? And is the opposite a necessary indicator of a lack faith (or positivity)?

If I arrive at 8am when WalMart opens and I get a good parking spot everytime is that indicative of faith or just good plannng?


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Good Planning and Faith go well with each other, I never said planning was un neccesary.

The act of even walking to your car, turning it on, and driving to walmart, having a good parking spot and surviving without a accident is an act of faith, weither you have alot of faith or little faith.

Regarding the luxury car and clothes.. Yes that person is blessed... But only at that moment in time. Anything can happen after that exact moment. If that person loses he's car or house or he's arm, will he say... I am surely blessed...

I heard of a korean man, during the korean war which devestated him, he was paralized, blinded with both of his eyes gone, and put into a wheelchair. And the Americans who came by to tend to the wounded began to cry in pity when they saw this man. And yet this very korean man told them, he had riches untold, wealth and peace because he has a true Relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ who saved him.


Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, you guys wanna know a real SECRET?

Krassus is gay. He PM'd me:

Re: Hey you're a troll...

Originally Posted by Krassus
**** you chickenfukr, get off this site. I'm going to **** you up the ass. Next time be careful who you **** with, ****er.


but shhhs, it's a secret. don't tell anyone I told you so.
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Krassus is not gay! You are such a troll. This is why I spread the good word of WSA.

We welcome everyone including gays. That does not mean Krassus is gay! He likes gay people, but not like that. I do not know Krassus that well, but I do not think he is gay. We have a sub-forum for gay people at WSA, but not everyone is gay on that forum, only a few. It is not a very active sub-forum.

Gay people are people too. If you are gay, please visit www.worldsuccessalliance.com



Don Juan
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
I am a member there, but just for the record I
am not gay. I do like to cuddle with men but
that is as far as it goes.

-AudiTy =o


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Positive Expectation.

Jim Rohn talked about it. Even Jesus Christ was mentioned as having some defined as "Positive Expectation." It's the belief that regardless of what appears around you PHYSICALLY, emotionally, psychologically, it will work out, so long as you work out, too.

We, as humans with uncontrollable emotions, get ahead of ourselves. We worry about the situations in which we may NEVER use certain skills/tactics taught on this site. That parking space is just ONE example of Positive Expectation. If you get a close parking space, PERFECT. A shorter walk. If you don't get a close parking space, then maybe the additional walk will benefit you, if only slightly. Or maybe you'll eye a fine babe. Or park your car far enough away some teenager won't whack the crap out of it.

I've always found, REGARDLESS of how I planned, things rarely go as planned, because in this universe of infinite moving parts, you can't control THOSE things. The only thing you control is your emotions, your perceptions of interactions with reality, and your decisions about reality. You can't control people, and even if someone acquiesces to your demands, it's not REALLY them responding, it's their fear about you, or their love for you; it's some MOTIVATING emotion or connection to you or about you that brings about their action, not their actual desire or willing consent. Ayn Rand explained as much (whether you buy her philosophy or not, the point is still made well and true).

The HOW'S of things coming about are meaningless. The only that matters is that we have desires or wishes or wants, and we make them come about.


Wealth has ALOT of different definitions. I do know people who the mindset that WEALTH is ABUNDANT and comes in all forms and directions, and he keeps getting. From winning in poker tournaments, to winning at work with happy clients. His ability to give constantly has him getting more from people. Either he gives in time, in concentration, in professional assistance, sometimes money, or just his mind occasionally, he GIVES, willing to give with no conditions on his giving.

And yes wealth is a positive mindset, but there are negative ones, too, with people who think it is had by taking from people. It is not a zero sum game. In fact, the greatest wealth is unleashed whereby people provide a GREATER service to the person/public THAN the money you receive in return.

Consider how affordable the internet is, yet those moguls making a killing or doing it with people spending relatively little as a % of their total wealth or income. Gates, Jobs, Cuban, Dell; all provided more than what it cost the individual to enjoy the benefit.

I would consider the opposite when thinking of oil and/or gas. The only reasons we keep using such supplies is because there's nothing better, and as a fundamental component of our current economy and way of life the world around, it's perhaps only a few ranks behind air, water, and food with sustaining life as we know it. Without oil, products necessary to save lives wouldn't be had. Hospitals couldn't operate. Schools wouldn't be open in winter. Homes wouldn't be heated, or air conditioned, and many elderly would probably die in extreme climates. That REQUIREMENT for the way we live is quite a strangle hold, and extracts QUITE a bit of wealth from people, when it's a natural renewable energy sources created not from fossils or squished plants, but hydrocarbons pushed through the earth's surface. It's been confirmed the same components found on other planets have been found here, components that make up oil.

We could speak on economics, but this isn't about that. Rather, a person seeking to generate, create, and keep wealth can do so infinatum, SO LONG AS it's providing a service/product in greater value than the person creating it gets. At some point, the market might stop consuming what it is, because the cost has gotten greater than the benefit it yields, to which an entrepreneur MUST reinvent or die (in economic sense).

Wealth can ONLY be had through mutual benefit of interacting parties, because it's ENERGY. A great example of ENERGY in terms of MONEY is found with the book "Behold a PALE Horse" by William Cooper. Though he explains it from the vantage of CONSPIRACY THEORY, it still holds true all the same.

There's the 3 levels of energy, or resources.

1. Actual Capital (land, natural resources, the product)
2. The servers (managers, engineers, inventors)
3. The grunt/proletariat (those who turn the capital into a viable end product)

Obviously at each level your ENERGY or WEALTH differs. IF you can ascend to a different level then you can gain more wealth, OR if you can go directly to level I by finding/inventing something you can also claim right to wealth. It need not be of the kind of physical material; it might be intellectual, as all wealth begins.


How you think/feel matters most and here's why. Let's say I get down on my life. That things are tense btw my girl and I. I'm bummed out that my friends aren't around. That I'm getting older, though I'm not old. Maybe I haven't the money in my account I want. Perhaps I don't have the vacation home I want yet. Etc. Etc. Etc. What do you think happens by an extension of that line of thinking, as it seems to dominate ALOT of people's thoughts today?

You don't really do anything, because you don't FEEL good about where you are. You're asking ALOT of how's. Why did I get here. What did I do. Etc. But it isn't helping. It's only imbedding things deeper.

Taking the opposite line of thinking. I should be grateful for the beauty of a woman I have. That I have a functional body I can use and am not confined to a wheel chair or any other disability. That I have plenty of money to do what I want NOW. That I am employed and young and have a head on my shoulders. That I can take charge of ALL my life now and CHOOSE what I want to do. The past is useless and regardless if only to learn LESSONS. A mistake is only a mistake if REPEATED twice. The first occurence is just an out come. And I am happy I have lots of friends with whom I can hang out with, even if our time is brief. They are loyal, trustworthy, well off, level headed, and happy. Being happy with WHERE you are, and a positive expectation of GREAT things to come, is WAY better, and is absolutely LOA in ACTION.

It's a matter of perspective or a paradigm shift of where you are. But far too many people ask "why me," as if this is their LOT or ROLE in life and they have no say. Quite the contrary, you might be PUT there to rise above your meager circumstances, making you ALL the better. Perhaps the GREATEST fear we have is precisely what we should GO for, since we will grow emotionally, psychologically and spiritually the MOST from that effort alone. Small steps work within the realm of the ego as it doesn't push to hard against the comfort zone. LARGE steps push the SPIRIT, the very soul of who we are.

I absolutely believe in the Law of Attraction. You need only look at people who the RIGHT attitude and continuously attract more of what they want and less of what they don't as clear evidence of that fact. That guys with the RIGHT way about them attract the RIGHT girl time and time again. And guys with the wrong way about them, don't.
