The Power of Belief


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
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Belief is the single most powerful component of the human mind. Don’t believe me? Just try to convert a devout Christian to Atheism. Assuming that you gave up some way through the process, welcome back.

Beliefs shape our reality. They affect how we see things, the decisions we make, and the actions we perform. They have more effect on our lives than you can imagine. Keeping that in mind, ask yourself this: If you intellectually understand why you can’t approach women, if you understand why you’re insecure, why it is that no matter how much logic you apply to the problem, no matter how many reasons you give yourself not to be afraid, you still are?

That’s right, kids – you’re addressing the effect rather then the cause of the problem. The effect being the fear that you experience. The cause being your BELIEFS. If you believe deep down that you’re a loser, then no amount of logical arguments, no matter how much money you have, what car you drive or how big your biceps are will change it - because it is a BELIEF. Beliefs are concrete (that’s not to say that they can’t be reshaped with the right tools).

You might have heard the statement “Attraction is not a choice”. Similarly, FEAR IS NOT A CHOICE. You do not chose to be afraid, therefore it is impossible to logically convince yourself not to be afraid. Logic is used to manipulate ideas, but ideas and beliefs are two very different things. Beliefs are based on emotion, and in exactly the same way as you can’t convince a girl to feel certain emotions towards you with logic, you can’t change your beliefs with logic.

Ever been in a club standing around the dance floor with your friends checking out all the fly hunny’s, trying to psyche yourself up to actually approach? Notice how it never works? You’re trying to change your beliefs with logic! So stop trying to psyche yourself up and instead, change your beliefs to support your desired outcome. The rest will flow.

Now, that’s not to say that you should be a pvssy and not approach if you’ve got the slightest bit of anxiety :nono:. You gotta get yourself out in the field no matter what. But my point is that everything starts with BELIEFS.

Belief -> Thought -> Action

That’s how it goes.

So I hear you ask – How the hell do I change my beliefs!? No doubt, everyone will have their own strategies for this but to get started look to NLP. Heres a couple of links to get you started:



Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
good post man. its so true. you gotta get at the base of the problem. negative self-image makes things infinitely harder.

great book about that topic >>> psycho-cybernetics .. check it out