The Female Nature: Always Dominate


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Hello friends. I've been on these forums for a long time. Not as long as many others, but enough to learn a lot about life and women in general. I’ve been dating my girlfriend for over a year now. She is HB 8.5 (Great body, cute face, b-cup breasts, petite yet plump ass). However this post is not about bragging to you about my hot and sexy girlfriend. It’s about your attitude towards women in general. Before I tell you about my experience I’ll give you a little back round info.

My girlfriend: Like I said, she’s about an 8.5 (Maybe better but I’m not here to brag). She’s 17 years old going on 18. She considers herself classy, as do I. She does not dress slutt.y, she is very opinionated, not a feminist, just opinionated and stubborn. Not a partier, however she does drink with me occasionally. She gets good grades, and has strict parents who she is mostly obedient to. The typical good girl type.

We have been dating for a year, and the past year that I have spent with this girl has been very educational. Tonight however was THE breaking point.

Off and on I have done well with this girl. At times I have been insecure, and also, at times I have been extremely confident. I am 5’7.5” which is about her height (hopefully gives some of you shorter guys some confidence). Well, tonight turned everything around. It was something about what tits ( . ) ( . ) said in a reply to a post in the main forum. Here’s his exact words

“Yeah? How are you gonna get one of those, wont she be with her boyfriend?

But seriously ..Hmmm yes and no.

See the guys that chicks are as your male brain perceives as "loyal" too (or something kind of close to it, the closest your gonna get) are the type of guys that fvck chicks with borefriends, as a matter of fact they dont give the borefriend a second thought.

So your kind of at a catch 22, fvcked in other words.”

With that, I realized I have been acting too fvcking nice to this girl. Even though I thought she was a good girl at heart, no girl really is a good girl at heart. Deep down they are all submissive sexual beasts.

I kept tit’s words in mind as we hung out tonight. We went to see “knocked up”, and then came back to my house and had a few shots. We didn’t have much time to full around before she had to go.

Well, I called her after I got home from dropping her off. I told her I was still horny. We preceded to have phone sex (probably about the fourth time we have ever done this.) This time was different though. She felt the presence I gave off tonight, the attitude that I truly didn’t give a fvck. It was the type of attitude that I would cheat on her at the drop of a hat with out even thinking about it (I didn’t say anything like that, I just gave off that presence). It’s fvcked up, I know. I didn’t try to hold her hand or anything. I let her initiate the kino. Didn’t give her her any special attention or little kisses like I normally do. This “good” girl of mine fvcking ate it up. While we were on the phone she asked me if I wanted her to call me anything. I told her to call me master. She preceded to call me master and asked me what I wanted her to do to her self. I told her to do a bunch of Like sticking her fingers up her puss.y and licking them. She did whatever I said. She then told me to call her dirty names. I called her bitc.h slu.t, coc.k slu.t, cu.m slu.t, and all kinds of crazy shi.t. SHE ****IN.G loved it. I have never been able to call her things like this before even when we were drunk, without her feeling disrespected. I really flipped a switch tonight. She got off twice tonight over the phone with her master.

What’s the moral of the story? No. I’m not here to brag about this. I’m beginning to see what pook was talking about when he said that women would rather share an unfaithful true man, than some faithful afc (not his exact words, but you get the idea.). And when fingers talked about the gangbang and rape fantasies that a lot (most) women have: “I have been studying females for a long time and one of my favorite things to study are their fantasies. You would be surprised how many of them dream about being totally violated, raped and yes, gangbanged! This is because women get off on submission, it is their nature to be penetrated physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Fingers is right. It truly is in their nature to be submissive. I no longer hold such a dear innocent attachment to my girlfriend. It doesn’t give me what I want, and it doesn’t give her what she wants (even though she may claim otherwise.)

She wants a dominant man who doesn’t give a fvck. I’m not saying be a bad boy on a motor cycle. I’m saying quit being the sensitive one. If you want something, you have to take it for yourself, no one is going to give it to you. We are men, not boys. Get a job, get ahead, save yourself first. Show her that you don’t take shi.t. Fuc.k another chick if you want. Better chances you will get what you want out of her if you are the type of guy that would just fuc.k another chick and do whatever the fvck else he wants.

So what about morality? Fvck morality. If you can do something to your benefit without feeling guilty, go for it. More power to you. Just don’t kill anyone, cause that’s just fvcked up.

The world is filled with big muscled tall mother fvckers who she wants to fvck really bad (though she will never tell you.) Quit worrying that your girlfriend might not be as innocent as you think. She’s not as innocent as you think. You might not be tall, and you might not have big muscles, but you can show her that you are the man who is going to penetrate her physically, mentally, and spiritually, and not take shi.t from anyone. I once saw a skinny short redhead dude who weighed about 120 stand up to a big ass college football player because he was being an as.shole. Guess who came out more dominant and won in the end. It was the red head dude.

Quit giving a fvck. Quit waiting for validation. Quit being insecure. Fvck looks. They really don’t matter if you are a truly dominant man. They help if you aren’t though. Fvck the feminists, fvck the innocents, fvck the slu.ts. They will all cheat on you if they find someone better. Be the better man now, and quit waiting for some miracle life changing event to happen.

P.S. Don’t believe any girl when she says she doesn’t masturbate. They all do it and they fantasize about crazy fvcked up shi.t that I’ve talked about in this post. You be the one to give her that experience. And when she submits to you, tell her she’s a worthless **** slu.t. That’s what she wants to hear!

Yours truly,
The Master, Mctwist


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
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Wow, this is powerful stuff as i can relate to your observations. I've been seeing this cute 'n' busty girl off and on for half a year now. She's my landlady's daughter and we all live in the same house. (I'm in a studio apartment integrated into, but seperated from the rest of the house). After several months, i put the move on her and we started having a sexual relationship. At first, i was a DJ - aggressive, dominating her and initiating sex. She always responded favorably and loved going down on me, etc. But then, after a few shakey incidents (not related to sex), i lost my cool in the face of her sarcastic, strong, outspoken personality. I chumped-out and gave her the role of sexual leader. Well, as you can imagine, she hasn't initiated sex very often. Whereas before i was not afraid to come onto her full-tilt, I've since been timid with her physically - respectful and nice - never forceful and commanding. Yeah, she hasn't responded and the sex and overall vibe has plummeted. I've been really puzzled by her behavior. It could just be that she has lost interest in me or is just using me, as has been discussed in other threads, but after reading your post, the correlation between the change in sexual leadership and the decline in sex is obvious now.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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DOMINANCE, man. Get your shiit together!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
Indeed good fvcken post man. My gf told me she hates doing it in the backseat of the car and last week I turned her on really badly and done her in the middle of the day in a packed carpark.

I think I'm gonna start to go back to doing what I used to and thats not give too much though about her and just nail her when she gives off any vibes that she wants it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Things have definitley changed. Today she was standing at the door telling me to hurry up because we were about to go somewhere. I told her to "shut the fvck up and sit down." She did exactly what I said without saying a word. She normally would have never done that. It's all about the attitude I have now. I don't give her so much attention. It's more about me now.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
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wow, gettin' harsh! How was she before, McTwist? Was SHE dominating YOU? What tone did you use when you told her to STFU and sit down? Was it C-F or straight-up dead-pan jerk?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Mctwist4 said:
I told her to "shut the fvck up and sit down." She did exactly what I said without saying a word.
It kinda saddens me to see something like that...

I'm pretty sure thats not what Fingers or Pook meant when they said "Dominate always" or "Be a man." What you said was just insecure jerk-talk.

Don't confuse what she wants in the bedroom, with what she wants in day to day life. For example, we men like our girls to be a bit slutty and dirty in bed, but do we want that in day-to-day life? Some of us like dominatrix sh*t in bed, but do we really wanna live with a real dominatrix 24/7?

I won't disagree with you- girls love it when we're dominant in bed. But in normal life? It's not gonna be the same. Sure, she still wants you to be dominant, but don't be a d*ck.

G'luck mate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Fender said:
It kinda saddens me to see something like that...

I'm pretty sure thats not what Fingers or Pook meant when they said "Dominate always" or "Be a man." What you said was just insecure jerk-talk.

Don't confuse what she wants in the bedroom, with what she wants in day to day life. For example, we men like our girls to be a bit slutty and dirty in bed, but do we want that in day-to-day life? Some of us like dominatrix sh*t in bed, but do we really wanna live with a real dominatrix 24/7?

I won't disagree with you- girls love it when we're dominant in bed. But in normal life? It's not gonna be the same. Sure, she still wants you to be dominant, but don't be a d*ck.

G'luck mate.
I have to disagree with you. It goes a long something else I read on these forums "women love to be put in their place." Yeah, what I said was pretty harsh. To be honest, I was joking when I said it. I didn't seriously expect her to do it. She walked right over to the bed and sat down, and I know it sounds crazy, but she seemed happy about it. Read finger's post again. Dominance doesn't only play a role in sexuality. She wants you to lead her spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I'm not going to walk around with a whip yelling "Do this you peice of shi.t." It's more like an agreement on who is more fit to be the leader. It works well because that's how it's supposed to be. That doesn't make me insecure. I just understand the natural order of things, and I'm not scared to let go and be the man in the relationship.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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"women love to be put in their place.

This is not being harsh.
This is recognizing her Femininity.
A Woman finds security in HER "Place".
As Men, Masculine Men, we decide the LEVEL.
MEaning, as leaders, we put her in her safe place so she can do what she does best. Be a feminine woman, whom is loved by us, and loves and supports us.
She can't do that well if she DOES NOT know her "place".
This has NOTHING , absolutelyu NOTHING to do with Mysogyny.
Nor is it demeaning, not degrading to women.

If you are a leader.YOU will "naturally"know YOUR place.

Read this:


When she cannot do this, she is unhappy and will find arguments against the relationships. She will find faults where there are none, in order to bring abou thte necessary change to effect the correct level of where the WOMAN is...............IN RELATION TO THE MAN.

She HAS to know this.
ANd she knows this...............THROUGH YOU.

This is why we CANNOT........and we do a DISSERVICE TO WOMEN.......

when we put them on the proverbial "pedastle" (of doom).


She will crack.
She will break.
She will not conform.

If what you want is a healthy, normal, natural relationship.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Interceptor said:

This is not being harsh.
This is recognizing her Femininity.
A Woman finds security in HER "Place".
As Men, Masculine Men, we decide the LEVEL.
MEaning, as leaders, we put her in her safe place so she can do what she does best. Be a feminine woman, whom is loved by us, and loves and supports us.
She can't do that well if she DOES NOT know her "place".
This has NOTHING , absolutelyu NOTHING to do with Mysogyny.
Nor is it demeaning, not degrading to women.

If you are a leader.YOU will "naturally"know YOUR place.

Read this:


When she cannot do this, she is unhappy and will find arguments against the relationships. She will find faults where there are none, in order to bring abou thte necessary change to effect the correct level of where the WOMAN is...............IN RELATION TO THE MAN.

She HAS to know this.
ANd she knows this...............THROUGH YOU.

This is why we CANNOT........and we do a DISSERVICE TO WOMEN.......

when we put them on the proverbial "pedastle" (of doom).


She will crack.
She will break.
She will not conform.

If what you want is a healthy, normal, natural relationship.
Exactly! Our relationship is much better since that night, and we are both happier. I am happy because I take my place as the man, she is happy because she takes her rightful place as the women. I am amazed at the fallacies in our society, however, after these recent events I am convinced that this is how it's meant to be.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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Read this:


When she cannot do this, she is unhappy and will find arguments against the relationships. She will find faults where there are none, in order to bring abou thte necessary change to effect the correct level of where the WOMAN is...............IN RELATION TO THE MAN.

She HAS to know this.
ANd she knows this...............THROUGH YOU.
Thanks for that, man. That is pure gold :)
My GF started doing that lately, telling me that I don't care enough about her and that I am not emotional and all.
Partially that was true, so what I did was start acting more emotional and showing that I cared. It backfired.
Not because I became emotional towards her, but because I was replacing dominance with emotional, instead of mixing the two. Than she started finding more faults, so I turned up my dominance more and she responded instantly.
I still need to work on my emotionality though. All this PU stuff has made me a little to aloof and indifferent. Read more about this particular self-limiting belief/behavior in the Sex Revolution Handbook.

As for Mctwist response. Maybe a STFU and sit down was a little to harsh and he could've gotten the same result using somewhat more 'decent' language. But the attitude got him what is best for the relationship and it was a much better move than saying: "In a minute, honey" ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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I've been sticking with the attitude I described ever since that night. Some things changed immidiately. Other things I am just now starting to see. Tonight after I dropped her off she sent me this text message...: Baby i love you so much. I truly am falling in love with you and i love being with you. I am so lucky to have you and i really appreciate everything that you do for me. I love being your girlfriend.

A few months after we started dating she might have said something like that when things were still fresh between us. Just two weeks ago she wouldn't even drink with me anymore. I was initiating all the kissing and touching. Now I don't need to do anything. It's so much easier just not giving a fuc.k because now she comes to me. I'm not the touchy and feelly. I don't get angered easily. I don't call her too much. I tell her suck my dic.k (you gotta get her goin' a little first ;) ). If she is being a ***** I tell her. She calls me master in bed now. She tells me I can do whatever I want to her. And all you have to give in return is nothing. I just don't give a ****, and she loves it.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2005
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Mctwist4 said:
She wants a dominant man who doesn’t give a fvck. I’m not saying be a bad boy on a motor cycle. I’m saying quit being the sensitive one. If you want something, you have to take it for yourself, no one is going to give it to you. We are men, not boys. Get a job, get ahead, save yourself first. Show her that you don’t take shi.t. Fuc.k another chick if you want. Better chances you will get what you want out of her if you are the type of guy that would just fuc.k another chick and do whatever the fvck else he wants.

So what about morality? Fvck morality. If you can do something to your benefit without feeling guilty, go for it. More power to you. Just don’t kill anyone, cause that’s just fvcked up.

The world is filled with big muscled tall mother fvckers who she wants to fvck really bad (though she will never tell you.) Quit worrying that your girlfriend might not be as innocent as you think. She’s not as innocent as you think. You might not be tall, and you might not have big muscles, but you can show her that you are the man who is going to penetrate her physically, mentally, and spiritually, and not take shi.t from anyone. I once saw a skinny short redhead dude who weighed about 120 stand up to a big ass college football player because he was being an as.shole. Guess who came out more dominant and won in the end. It was the red head dude.

Quit giving a fvck. Quit waiting for validation. Quit being insecure. Fvck looks. They really don’t matter if you are a truly dominant man. They help if you aren’t though. Fvck the feminists, fvck the innocents, fvck the slu.ts. They will all cheat on you if they find someone better. Be the better man now, and quit waiting for some miracle life changing event to happen.

P.S. Don’t believe any girl when she says she doesn’t masturbate. They all do it and they fantasize about crazy fvcked up shi.t that I’ve talked about in this post. You be the one to give her that experience. And when she submits to you, tell her she’s a worthless **** slu.t. That’s what she wants to hear!

Yours truly,
The Master, Mctwist
Very inspiring and enlightening post! Thanks


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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I think everyone has to realize that this "girl" is only 17.
Yep, seventeen years old.

What's happening here is you've stumbled on a girl discovering her sexuality with you. By you being a prick (I'm not saying this is wrong, after all it's working for y ou. And I applaud you for finding the right approach for the right chick on whom this works. Seriously, congratulations. This is part of your discovery on being a man, and realizing your masculinity. You should feel luck, a lot of guys NEVER get this in their life sadly. So keep doing what you're doing. Don't hurt her, but realize that liek all women she does want love, affection, and attention. Keep doing what you're doing, but keep an eye ouot for thos needs of hers, and you should keep her happy and satisfied a long, long time.)
, she associates you with dominance, therefore, masculinity and maturity. She believes you are experienced.
You also should consider that this girl, while turned on by dominance like most women, may not be as common as you might think.

While I agree that it is important to be dominant naturally, and stay dominant naturally, there are certain parameters when being such a way with an FB or a seriousl romantic LTR/GF/Wife.
Especially one who has matured sufficiently enough.

In any case, it is true, that a mature, masculine man does his best when he knows himself and dominates naturally. It's because it's his place to do so.
Women want a man to dominate, but there are lines to be aware of.
Being possessive is a line.
Being jealous is a line.
Being untrustful is a line.
Ordering her around is a liine.

All these line vary according to each female you meet.

Some are very felxible in some lines,others not so much.

Some women may want to feel you are "jealous" when she talks to another guy, and they like it. It makes them feel you really care about them. It actually turns them on. Since they associate it with a masculine sense of "This is MY Woman." And they like to feel a degree.
Yet, observe the same woman, and her man keeps calling her cell phone every half hour asking her where she is and who is she with...and this same woman will get annoyed and turned off. Because the man has crossed THIS particular 'line". She doesn't want to be controlled, but she DOES want to "feel" "possesed by HER Man.
Get it?


New Member
Jul 1, 2007
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Interceptor said:
I think everyone has to realize that this "girl" is only 17.
Yep, seventeen years old.
This is key.

Interceptor speaks wisely. Mctwist, your approach is working, but it is suggested that you use it cautiously for it may backfire on you. Realize that it works because you have tapped into her internal insecurities and "daddy complex". Your attitude will continue to work for you only until she becomes more mature and more confident with herself.

Yes, dominating a woman and suppressing her self-esteem will work, but it has negative consequences in the long run.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
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Woman said:
This is key.

Interceptor speaks wisely. Mctwist, your approach is working, but it is suggested that you use it cautiously for it may backfire on you. Realize that it works because you have tapped into her internal insecurities and "daddy complex". Your attitude will continue to work for you only until she becomes more mature and more confident with herself.

Yes, dominating a woman and suppressing her self-esteem will work, but it has negative consequences in the long run.

This is so very true. I know first hand. I knew a guy who was doing pretty much what you were (they were both 17 & 16 at the time). They dated for a long time, nothing sexual though (trust me on this), but she was totally loyal to him and took her role in nature (being the woman and all). They seemed happy for the most part.

As she got older this girl started to mature, and they began to fight a lot. Eventually, this lead to them breaking up. I remember her telling me, 6 months after they had split up and looking back, how unhappy she was during most of the time they were together. Her view on relationships/commitment got kinda warped. She felt pretty bitter about it.

Of course this was all before we started dating. :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
I think everyone has to realize that this "girl" is only 17.
Yep, seventeen years old.

What's happening here is you've stumbled on a girl discovering her sexuality with you. By you being a prick (I'm not saying this is wrong, after all it's working for y ou. And I applaud you for finding the right approach for the right chick on whom this works. Seriously, congratulations. This is part of your discovery on being a man, and realizing your masculinity. You should feel luck, a lot of guys NEVER get this in their life sadly. So keep doing what you're doing. Don't hurt her, but realize that liek all women she does want love, affection, and attention. Keep doing what you're doing, but keep an eye ouot for thos needs of hers, and you should keep her happy and satisfied a long, long time.)
, she associates you with dominance, therefore, masculinity and maturity. She believes you are experienced.
You also should consider that this girl, while turned on by dominance like most women, may not be as common as you might think.

While I agree that it is important to be dominant naturally, and stay dominant naturally, there are certain parameters when being such a way with an FB or a seriousl romantic LTR/GF/Wife.
Especially one who has matured sufficiently enough.

In any case, it is true, that a mature, masculine man does his best when he knows himself and dominates naturally. It's because it's his place to do so.
Women want a man to dominate, but there are lines to be aware of.
Being possessive is a line.
Being jealous is a line.
Being untrustful is a line.
Ordering her around is a liine.

All these line vary according to each female you meet.

Some are very felxible in some lines,others not so much.

Some women may want to feel you are "jealous" when she talks to another guy, and they like it. It makes them feel you really care about them. It actually turns them on. Since they associate it with a masculine sense of "This is MY Woman." And they like to feel a degree.
Yet, observe the same woman, and her man keeps calling her cell phone every half hour asking her where she is and who is she with...and this same woman will get annoyed and turned off. Because the man has crossed THIS particular 'line". She doesn't want to be controlled, but she DOES want to "feel" "possesed by HER Man.
Get it?
Good shi.t bro. I know exactly what your saying. Lately I do throw out a little too many orders and I can see it's starting to get to her as she has held back a little tonight in bed because she got a little offended (I went too far with it). I'll definitley keep it more natural and respectful from now on (to an extent). I still hold strong to my masculine nature and her feminine nature and the whole theory I provided. It' slike what you said though. There is an extent to which you can order them around, and I took it a step to far tonight. Lesson learned.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Woman said:
This is key.

Interceptor speaks wisely. Mctwist, your approach is working, but it is suggested that you use it cautiously for it may backfire on you. Realize that it works because you have tapped into her internal insecurities and "daddy complex". Your attitude will continue to work for you only until she becomes more mature and more confident with herself.

Yes, dominating a woman and suppressing her self-esteem will work, but it has negative consequences in the long run.
Yeah she's seventeen. But she really doesn't seem that young. She'll be off to a good college next year, she's up a grade from most girls her age, and I'm only going into my second year of college. It's more like she's a year younger maturity wise. Tapping into her insecurities? Not exactly, of course, they all have them. She taps into her own insecurities, I normally tell her she's wrong (if it's the truth, which it normally is). I know this post makes it seem like I'm total as.s fuc.k but I'm really not. Suppress her self-esteem? Cmon dude...She's still my girlfriend of more than a year. I'm not here to make her feel like shi.t.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Jon55 said:
This is so very true. I know first hand. I knew a guy who was doing pretty much what you were (they were both 17 & 16 at the time). They dated for a long time, nothing sexual though (trust me on this), but she was totally loyal to him and took her role in nature (being the woman and all). They seemed happy for the most part.

As she got older this girl started to mature, and they began to fight a lot. Eventually, this lead to them breaking up. I remember her telling me, 6 months after they had split up and looking back, how unhappy she was during most of the time they were together. Her view on relationships/commitment got kinda warped. She felt pretty bitter about it.

Of course this was all before we started dating. :D
Don't associate me with your buddy or girlfriend. That sounds like a totally different situation. They started fighting because she was maturing? This isn't about maturity, it's about the female nature and her hunger for male domination. That doesn't change with age. Maturity might, but in my opinion the more mature she gets, the more our relationship improves. It seems to me like a lot of guys are scared to treat a woman this way. I'm really not an as.s hole to her, it's just my all around att itude that has changed. For instance, tonight we went to watch fireworks, and I took off one of my nicer shirts so that we could both lay on it in the grass. It was a romantic moment, guess you had to be there though. Yeah, I'm not a total as.shole. I just found my masculinity in all of this, and after seeing how much she changed in the past week I will never go back because I have more self-pride now, and she has more respect and treats me like the man I am. It's what they call a win/win situation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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I recall something about this in David Shades work.

"It's about being Dominant, but not domineering.
It's about being exciting, but not reckless.
It's about being macho, but not totally uninterested."

and the other flipside:

"It's about being considerate, but not boring.
It's about being intelligent, but not a sexual dud."

It's about being a REAL MAN, which are very rare these days.
Your motive shouldn't be to have control over a woman by dominating her (that is not being a real man, that is having low self-esteem).
It should be about having an amazing time together with her knowing she is very fortunate to have you around.
Finally it comes down to living your highest principles, always have self respect & understand that a man must act masculine and a woman must act feminine in order to have an awesome relationship.