The Consent Method (or Pook Still Sucks)


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
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This is a short post on how to pick up chicks. I am a PUA. I'm not going to write some novel of theoretical crap. You don't need to be oozing testosterone. You don't need to go mountan climbing. You don't need to stop masterbating. You don't need to invest in stocks, bonds, or forex. You don't need to be bulging with muscles. You don't need to be making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.

First: You just have to not suck. You can't be spending tons of your time on the internet or working a dead end job.

Second: Be charming and funny/quirky. Walking around being masculine will not have girls wanting to hook up with you. It's about being willing to talk to girls and calibrating.

Third: When you're alone, you can practice being cool. Talking to the mirror so you can see your own body language, the way your eyes look, and how you speak.

Fourth: Peacock. Wear clothes that look stylish nice on you and stand out.

Fifth: Have confidence like David DeAngelo. Believe in yourself, that you will get there.

Sixth: Be more like me.

I have spoken.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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I also know that being masculine does not do sh!t.

But why though? Should chicks not be attracted to guys or what?


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
being masculine is a character trait, not physical trait. Being masculine and outgoing is the way


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2004
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Have confidence? Pull it out of nowhere? Turn on the switch? You have to have something to be confident about, otherwise you'll still feel empty and everyone will laugh at you. I guess that comes with "not sucking" though.
When you're alone, you can practice being cool.
I also know that being masculine does not do sh!t.
Yeah let's all be women, then when we're pulling ourselves we'll actually be having sex with a woman. That's one way to do it mate!

Did I mention that American Football sucks? Because it does, and that's how you play chess.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
I disagree completely.

Maybe what you do works for you, and others like you, but it doesn't cut it for me.
At first, I used to be charming/quircky funny, and I got nowhere except LJBF. Once I started being masculine, chicks started approaching me, and I got very physical very quickly. My success rate skyrocketed, and I met alot of great women.

Different strokes for different folks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Consent said:
This is a short post on how to pick up chicks. I am a PUA. I'm not going to write some novel of theoretical crap. You don't need to be oozing testosterone. You don't need to go mountan climbing. You don't need to stop masterbating. You don't need to invest in stocks, bonds, or forex. You don't need to be bulging with muscles. You don't need to be making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.

First: You just have to not suck. You can't be spending tons of your time on the internet or working a dead end job.

Second: Be charming and funny/quirky. Walking around being masculine will not have girls wanting to hook up with you. It's about being willing to talk to girls and calibrating.

Third: When you're alone, you can practice being cool. Talking to the mirror so you can see your own body language, the way your eyes look, and how you speak.

Fourth: Peacock. Wear clothes that look stylish nice on you and stand out.

Fifth: Have confidence like David DeAngelo. Believe in yourself, that you will get there.

Sixth: Be more like me.

I have spoken.
Wow I'm a PUA I need to come to a website and state I'm a PUA, dude go away !!! and Deangelo might have all the game in the world and I bet there are guys here who without saying a word would be able to pull any girl away from him.

BTW the masculine way works try it out yourself oh thats right you rely on canned routines to get easy desperate girls into bed.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
the second one you mentioned be charming and funny/quirky......doesn't really help any one much, you might as well of said here is how to pick up chicks.......go out and pick up chicks!


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Consent said:
This is a short post on how to pick up chicks. I am a PUA. I'm not going to write some novel of theoretical crap. You don't need to be oozing testosterone. You don't need to go mountan climbing. You don't need to stop masterbating. You don't need to invest in stocks, bonds, or forex. You don't need to be bulging with muscles. You don't need to be making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.
LOL at least he made one good point. Everyones gone overkill with the whole Pook philosiphy thing, and I don't think many people can truly say they properly understand him anyway. Point in case is, see the first quote.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Consent do you really practice being cool when your alone?

That does not sound that cool.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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southern usa
To pick up chicks, all you have to do is grab and lift straight up. Of course, this might not work well on the chubby ones.
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Actually the best way to pick up chicks is to ask them...

Now that was the shortest post ever on how to pick up chicks. (I win.) :)
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
oo... btw Pook wasn't a PUA, he's a DJ. And this isn't a PUA site. Just in case you didn't know that.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Shezz said:
But i thought you said this thread was on how to pick up chicks? Here you are, contradicting yourself by telling the guys to be Gay!
No, my tip was on how to pick up chicks. I think the gay one is you calling every guy your "mate". haha...I guess they are your mate. It all makes sense now.

Hey Consent, question for your bro - How do you get Dandruff off a Cvnt?
Um, I don't have a bro. You should ask your welfare mom that question. Maybe she can afford conditioner? You live in low income housing with a family that is on welfare and you have the audacity to ask me about dandruff? Your problem isn't dandruff but lice.

I saw your PUA blog and no wonder you are a joke on every dating forum but here--this is the only place that has enough KBJ's and AFC's to kiss your butt. You might have good reputation on here, but you're nothing in real life. Guess I must have struck a nerve when I said a person shouldn't suck. :woo:


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Consent? I have a real question for you.

Have you ever been rejected before like anybody else?
Why did this happen?

If your really good at this sh!t it would make sense if you knew why you were rejected.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
southern usa
Consent said:
No, my tip was on how to pick up chicks. I think the gay one is you calling every guy your "mate". haha...I guess they are your mate. It all makes sense now.

Um, I don't have a bro. You should ask your welfare mom that question. Maybe she can afford conditioner? You live in low income housing with a family that is on welfare and you have the audacity to ask me about dandruff? Your problem isn't dandruff but lice.

I saw your PUA blog and no wonder you are a joke on every dating forum but here--this is the only place that has enough KBJ's and AFC's to kiss your butt. You might have good reputation on here, but you're nothing in real life. Guess I must have struck a nerve when I said a person shouldn't suck. :woo:
I think you need to get out more.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
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Mandiblard said:
Have confidence? Pull it out of nowhere? Turn on the switch? You have to have something to be confident about, otherwise you'll still feel empty and everyone will laugh at you. I guess that comes with "not sucking" though.

Yeah let's all be women, then when we're pulling ourselves we'll actually be having sex with a woman. That's one way to do it mate!

Did I mention that American Football sucks? Because it does, and that's how you play chess.
american football only sucks to u cus prolly dont kno how to play very well....i could say soccer is borin cus they score like wut....3 goals the entire game? wuts that hav to do wit this anyway? (not dissin u, jus sayin.....)

consent, wut ur sayin works but some people dont kno how to do all that...maybe if u gave us a story or somethin, there wouldnt be this much hate

and bein manly does help, u dont hav to act like freakin rambo tho, jus hav pride in ur sexuality


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
But nah man standing in front of my mirror for 3 hours trying to look "cool" is gonna make me a PUA man, damn now I know what Ive been doing wrong all along, I'll get onto that right away.

Man go crawl back under the rock you popped out underneath of.

Me thinks you have trouble being your sexual self around girls thats why you have to stick on a act and try and get them ............... in other words you = try hard.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Shezz said:
Man, i know your trying to be funny, but please for the love of Comedy...just stop. That's about as funny as toothache :eek:
Who said I was trying to be funny? I was just stating the facts, moron =D

Oh yeah, sorry i'd forgot that i'd met you in real life
You didn't meet me in real life but you met my friend from online and he told me what a try-hard you are. :D I like how you pretend not to be poor. I guess it must hurt to come from a family of crap. :crackup:

what a fool you are - you come on here and try to make up your own little PU method, haha. You don't half make me chuckle, no wonder this site is going down hill - it's guys like yourself that are taking it there.
Oh yeah, this site is going down hill supposedly because of me so you keep replying to me then? haha...what a hypocrite. Considering you've racked over 2,500 posts on here in just over a year, you are one of the biggest reason why this site is at the state it is at. Thanks for insulting yourself. lol

Keep up the great work

typical said:
But nah man standing in front of my mirror for 3 hours trying to look "cool" is gonna make me a PUA man, damn now I know what Ive been doing wrong all along, I'll get onto that right away.

Man go crawl back under the rock you popped out underneath of.

Me thinks you have trouble being your sexual self around girls thats why you have to stick on a act and try and get them ............... in other words you = try hard.
Oh I guess you should trade in all your clothes and buy everything from wal-mart since you're just a try hard for attempting to impress people with trendy clothes. Don't get hair cuts either since you're just trying to seek others' approval.

BTW the masculine way works try it out yourself oh thats right you rely on canned routines to get easy desperate girls into bed.
No, I've never used canned routines. But you should ask Shezz on that one, he's a pro at it. Ask him about his routine about 2 girls fighting over a guy outside of a bar. I'm sure he's said that one over 50 times.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
bvbidd said:
Hey Consent? I have a real question for you.

Have you ever been rejected before like anybody else?
Why did this happen?

If your really good at this sh!t it would make sense if you knew why you were rejected.
Yeah, I used to get rejected quite a bit when I followed the ideologies of anti-dump, pook, and a few of those other guys. Before I came to this site, I would only get average looking girls, after I listened to their advice it was more of the same type of girls but actually less quantity. Notice how guys who know how to pick up in real life, leave this place very quickly because they are so sick of the theory here. If you read some of Pook's posts, he admits that all the tips he writes about is not for anyone else but for himself only. He completely neglects social skills, charisma, and other things which are integral in getting chicks.

It probably also has to do with the person and lifestyle. I am relatively wealthy and above average in looks. I now bang HB9's regularly and have worked very hard at it. I even spent time sarging with TylerDurden to refine the art form.

here's a good quote from sexpdx: "The whole thing about "being a man" and making yourself appear confident is great but you can only strech that so far from where you are genuinely at before you are incongruent and make those around you pick up on insecurity or be suspicious of you."

Let's put the question this way: if the advice on sosuave is so great, why is it that this place is infamous for having keyboard jockeys? I've seen other threads where most members agree that the majority of people here are not successful with women. There's a reason for that. 75% of the guys with high reputation points on here do not know what they are talking about. Even that troll who recently got banned has a lot of reputation points. It is the blind leading the blind. I never expected most people on this board to accept my advice because if they did, they wouldn't be the type of people who are still struggling with women.