The biggest lie sold to man....



1. NO. the frustration about flaking comeS from the ambiguity of a womans actions. how often do you hear men on and off this forum, say things like "why is she showing interest at first and then playing games!? wth!!" or "if shes not interested why doesnt she JUST SAY SO!!?" its the inconsistencies in whats being said vs the actual behavior
2. i repeat, mens dissapointments comes from realizing that all the rules and myths they once believed about getting a girl to like them are innacurate. how can you NOT expect a guy to get mad who went from nice guy virgin who always tried to follow the rules and be a decent guy to the women around him only to be lead on with nothing to show for his efforts , to watching the same "good girls" he chased after, get pumped and dumped by guys who dont play by the rules? i am not saying the former is right and the latter is wrong i am simply explaining what is happening is here

3. see 2
I hear both men and women wonder why the other shows interest then flakes. That behavior is not limited to women.

Anyone who thinks doing x will lead to y is going to be disappointed when it doesn't. I learned that the hard way. Life isn't a colouring book that we get to fill with our favorite colours, unfortunately. There's uncertainty and risks. Being disappointed is a learning opportunity to get beyond it, not wallow and stew in negativity and cynicism. Yes men should get mad when they get duped by a woman, but there's getting mad and moving on and then there's living in that madness to the point where every encounter with a woman is filtered to feed a set opinion. Then they post on sites like this, to try to influence others on that opinion and anyone who disagrees is blue pill, white knight, gay or beta.

I'm not implying that you yourself are stewing, I'm just saying that both men and women have been sold on a BS notion of love and relationships, in addition to other crap we are sold on.

Now that some of us know that, do we stay bitter about it or do we see how we can use that insight to improve our lives?


if that were true, this forum wouldnt exist.

most men do not aspire to be master seducers, not by a long shot, at least NOT AT FIRST.

most men just want a good looking girl that will do her duty as a good gf and be loyal to him to a fault

which is why ironically a large number of men find this community because they lost the girl that was with them and havent got a clue as to where things went wrong despite them having tried to do everything "right"

I too think most men want to find a nice girl who is kind and loyal. Most women want the same in a man. Modern dating is set up unfortunately where you have to weed through so much crap. But I don't think it's impossible to find a decent person, it's just challenging and I can see why people get frustrated and start becoming negative. however I don't see how dropping anchor on such negativity helps find a decent woman or man.


we are sold different lies and myths for different reasons.

without going too deep,
men are conditioned to qualify and please women to their own detriment.
women are told they can "have it all" and should be proud of being overweight etc

there is something we call "unplugging" from the matrix.

its a phase all men who discover this community go through that women will never understand. its a moment when the spell is broken, the curtain is pulled back and they feel like they are seeing the world for what it really is for the first time

"why do my eyes hurt?"
"youve never used them before"

its a disturbing, emotional and downright uncomfrotable moment of awakening.

why cant women understand this? because they were never under the spell, so to speak. everything guys are being taught here about the game and how to play it, women ALREADY know it by virtue of their gender and natural sexual strategy.

as i already stated, going through this unplugging phase is like facing the death of a loved one. men go through the same process.

many of these guys stay stuck at anger and skip strait to being jaded. and it shows in their posts.
other guys are still currently going through the anger phase but will pull through and come out better.

theres a couple of current active threads where i can spot jaded mgtow guys that have pleatued and a couple of guys that are going through anger but will be ok.

worse still there are some guys that cant handle it all and end up reverting to the old set of rules

everyone deals with unplugging differently
Right, like the movie.

Reading those stages you listed, I can see where people are coming from when they post certain things. Yeah that makes sense.

So the end goal once you reach all the stages is to then have a successful relationship with a nice girl who genuinely wants to be loyal, but not out of 'duty' as you wrote earlier as duty is something one feels obligated to do. A girl who sincerely wants to treat you well?


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Nooo, because the porn industry isn't and hasn't been thriving retard.
The cocaine industry is thriving too......this slack jawed yokel's conclusion must be that every man is on coke....

He knows the porn industry pretty well the compulsive wanker.

It's harmless banter.
No, it's typical white knight behavior. Desperately seeking women's approval and validation. Odds are high that
he's already pictured himself and the tranny posing as a woman walking hand in hand down the aisle to the soundtrack of "when a hero
comes along..."

Get'cha some girl.
Illiterate slob.....he must be addressing the faceless wh0re in his avatar....

Reykhel is done with this soon to be banned white knight troll.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
The cocaine industry is thriving too......this slack jawed yokel's conclusion must be that every man is on coke....

He knows the porn industry pretty well the compulsive wanker.

No, it's typical white knight behavior. Desperately seeking women's approval and validation. Odds are high that
he's already pictured himself and the tranny posing as a woman walking hand in hand down the aisle to the soundtrack of "when a hero
comes along..."

Illiterate slob.....he must be addressing the faceless wh0re in his avatar....

Reykhel is done with this soon to be banned white knight troll.
E.A.D reykhel. What kind of name is that anyway and who speaks in third person? Reality is calling you back. Snap out of your schizophrenic alter-ego. What's with you being in your feels and the temper tantrums, as if daddy's home?


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
Anyone who was around here a few years back will have noticed the precipitous drop in quality from then to now. I'm inclined to believe this was purposeful.

This thread is embarassing to be involved with.

I'm taking a break. I'll consider sticking only to my own content/threads instead when I come back. If those get swamped by women and virtue-snivelling white knights too, then I just won't post here at all.
Hey!!! Can we borrow your football though?


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
Big time player who has a oneitis over his bosses grand-daughter, and can't muster the courage to ask her out.
Yea, I would rather not risk possibly having to resort holding up a cardboard "Will work for food" sign at the local strip mall. I'm sure I could find something a bit more appropriate, but my job pays well and I would rather not chit where I eat.
"Likes" every woman's post on SS, and kisses arse.
The only women that I know of on SS are BE and Just a girl and yes, I've liked a few of their posts, because I sometimes I appreciate their perspective.
Shamelessly uses ebonics, like a wigger.
Here to undermine other men in the hope that one woman on the sosuave forum might finally show this omega some love by patting him on the head.
I honestly do not care. Or do I? The women are stampeding away in droves, from your like. The more the merrier I say.
Mouths off about how men can't make emotional connections, before I show him otherwise from a set I had. Then he runs off.
I'm a Cancer, so yea ok.
You are so out of your depth here, it's not funny.

I suggest someone gets rid of it.

Have fun.
Fine! Take your ball and run on home now. We didn't even want to use it anyway.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Big time player who has a serious oneitis over his bosses grand-daughter (lol), and can't muster the courage to ask her out.

"Likes" every woman's post on SS, and kisses arse.

Shamelessly uses ebonics, like a wigger.

Here to undermine other men in the hope that one woman on the sosuave forum might finally show this omega some love by patting him on the head.

Tried to get another member banned for escalating in the club.

Mouths off about how game-aware men can't/don't make emotional connections, before I show him otherwise from a set I had. Then he runs off.

You are so out of your depth here, it's not funny.

I suggest someone gets rid of it.

Have fun.
Fear not, women aren’t complete idiots and we loathe white-knights just as much as the angry single guys trying to pee on their legs... you don’t need to point them out to us, we’re very much aware of who they are and they’re not stealing your women, trust me :)
Macaframalama’s essay above has pretty much cracked the woman code... we’re not much more complicated than that. Just be better than every other guy and treat women like human beings occasionally. I haven’t read the rest of his posts in other threads so for all I know, he may very well be some skinny dork in his mom’s basement just looking for female validation, he may have stolen the essay from someone who IS an actual man lol but that one post pretty much lays out what women require. If we see a real alpha man treating us with respect, it’s pretty hot.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
The biggest lie and misconception sold to men is that women are Queens and Fairies. Its partially the reason why cucks treat them as such.

Women are deviants in nature. Dont care how good they may be etc. Their nature is shameless and undignified. Treat them like dirt. Its what they are attracted to.

IS the above incorrect? If so,please do elaborate as to why you disagree.
How is this for a thought. Women will become how men treat them... just like children will reflect the way in which they've been brought up. Just a thought.

The essential thing is there is no single identity. Human being is a process of becoming. :rolleyes:
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Fear not, women aren’t complete idiots and we loathe white-knights just as much as the angry single guys trying to pee on their legs... you don’t need to point them out to us, we’re very much aware of who they are and they’re not stealing your women, trust me :)
Macaframalama’s essay above has pretty much cracked the woman code... we’re not much more complicated than that. Just be better than every other guy and treat women like human beings occasionally. I haven’t read the rest of his posts in other threads so for all I know, he may very well be some skinny dork in his mom’s basement just looking for female validation, he may have stolen the essay from someone who IS an actual man lol but that one post pretty much lays out what women require. If we see a real alpha man treating us with respect, it’s pretty hot.
Why is it so important not to be skinny if you make lots of money?

Being skinny or muscular makes no difference to someone's ability to survive in the world today. This isn't caveman times.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Learn how to read above your estrogen-induced, baby bathwater-throwing tantrum. Greek God is me, not the woman.

You should feel guilty even talking to me with such intellect (lack of).

Stop smoking crack.

Is official.. you need a therapist.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
1. NO. the frustration about flaking comeS from the ambiguity of a womans actions. how often do you hear men on and off this forum, say things like "why is she showing interest at first and then playing games!? wth!!" or "if shes not interested why doesnt she JUST SAY SO!!?" its the inconsistencies in whats being said vs the actual behavior
2. i repeat, mens dissapointments comes from realizing that all the rules and myths they once believed about getting a girl to like them are innacurate. how can you NOT expect a guy to get mad who went from nice guy virgin who always tried to follow the rules and be a decent guy to the women around him only to be lead on with nothing to show for his efforts , to watching the same "good girls" he chased after, get pumped and dumped by guys who dont play by the rules? i am not saying the former is right and the latter is wrong i am simply explaining what is happening is here
Thesis - relationships are built on mutual interest. Get a good education and settle down with a good like-minded wife.

Anti-thesis - What a lot of absolute drivel that was !@##$%^&**())(**&%$#. Women are motivated by anything but bourgeois values.

Synthesis - Logos is inseparable from Eros, live a self-determined life, and let a woman gravitate to you... or not.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
If those get swamped by women and virtue-snivelling white knights too, then I just won't post here at all.
It does seem to be heading that way....

You are so out of your depth here, it's not funny.
Yet, so blissfully unaware of it. The hubris of this white knight troll is out of control, but alas it shall be the rock it perishes on..

Why would supposedly another man (it's a female troll, you can tell by it's use of the shaming tactic: the charge of irascibility. It's used
it several times now. This is predominantly a tactic used by women or passive aggressive men.) come to seduction website just to shame and
ridicule the "players"?? Pretty TROLL.

I suggest someone gets rid of it.
On the way.....just like his partner in trolling @Sal
Last edited:


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Why is it so important not to be skinny if you make lots of money?

Being skinny or muscular makes no difference to someone's ability to survive in the world today. This isn't caveman times.
We like (consensual) rough sex. I’m 130lbs and in my experience the average skinny guy can’t lift 130lbs so my brain instantly puts skinny guys into the “just friends” category. The guy doesn’t have to be “muscular” (it could have some flab on it), it’s just nice for a woman to know her man could playfully put her in her place... money doesn’t replace that. Money doesn’t replace anything actually. It’s nice to have but if you truly dominate a woman’s mind by being her teacher and leader, she won’t care if you don’t have money.
When I was 21 I had a boyfriend with a PhD in one of the STEM fields who was beyond broke (6 figures in debt), genius IQ, who had the balls to tell me he knew I wanted kids and he didn’t and he wanted me to have everything I wanted in life so it was best we part ways... almost 15 years later there is still a gaping void in my soul that he didn’t want kids.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
We like (consensual) rough sex. I’m 130lbs and in my experience the average skinny guy can’t lift 130lbs so my brain instantly puts skinny guys into the “just friends” category. The guy doesn’t have to be “muscular” (it could have some flab on it), it’s just nice for a woman to know her man could playfully put her in her place... money doesn’t replace that. Money doesn’t replace anything actually. It’s nice to have but if you truly dominate a woman’s mind by being her teacher and leader, she won’t care if you don’t have money.
When I was 21 I had a boyfriend with a PhD in one of the STEM fields who was beyond broke (6 figures in debt), genius IQ, who had the balls to tell me he knew I wanted kids and he didn’t and he wanted me to have everything I wanted in life so it was best we part ways... almost 15 years later there is still a gaping void in my soul that he didn’t want kids.
What about height? I could get more muscular, but can't get taller.

Btw, what percentage of guys do you think actually have nice bodies? I don't think it's very much.

And I definitely won't be abandoning my plans to make millions flipping houses any time soon. How old are you? I think money might become more important as people get older. At least, I would hope so.

Could having a bionic d1ck make up for being skinny? Honestly, I just don't like working out. It takes too long and hurts my joints.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
You are saying I should treat women with... respect?

Why hasn't anyone pointed this out to me before!? This changes everything.

Thanks to mcmanaman, and imjustagirl, deesade will be turning over a new leaf starting right now. I promise.

Thanks so much.
My point was more about guys’ obcession with “white-knighting”... we know it’s a thing, don’t worry, we don’t fall for it either :)
...but before jumping to the conclusion that any dude who has something to say to another dude about the way he’s treating a woman is just “white-knighting” and trying to get into her pants, consider that he may have been raised better than to stand there like a dork while a woman is being mistreated in front of him and it has nothing to do with the woman at all.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
What about height? I could get more muscular, but can't get taller.

Btw, what percentage of guys do you think actually have nice bodies? I don't think it's very much.

And I definitely won't be abandoning my plans to make millions flipping houses any time soon. How old are you? I think money might become more important as people get older. At least, I would hope so.

Could having a bionic d1ck make up for being skinny? Honestly, I just don't like working out. It takes too long and hurts my joints.
What’s your height/weight? I’ll be honest, if my husband has a bionic djck, I would wear the skin off it LOL
I’m 35 and don’t really see guys bodies that often but at the beach maybe like 10-15%? Having a “great body” isn’t really THAT MUCH of a turn-on anyway (otherwise there would be more male strip clubs), you just have to not be so fat that you look like a lazy slob or be so skinny we worry about breaking you or feel fat on top of a stick-thin guy.
If you can’t gain much muscle, try gaining some fat on top of it?
Height also not THAT important. My husband is a foot taller than me and has 100lbs on me, the size difference is actually more annoying than anything... after 13 years of hitting that, I’m pretty sure his massive bone structure has modified the curvature of my spine...