The best option for men is definitely MGTOW, the dating game is a lose lose game


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
I agree
Nerds and their new age wisdoms.

Let me teach you man-boy's some hard truths; 1st attraction that a woman feels towards a man is his looks and then it's his game; confidance, swagger, voice, etc etc.

Money does play a role but it comes much much later in the game but even without money, your potential and ambition is a substitute.

Lastly a parting wisdom from Spaz; always think with ur d1ck 1st with regards towards women, do not over think, over analyse, over anything, or worse put ur heart on ur sleeve.
Let things flow from there and over time make a decision.
I agreee with you, but I don't agree with: "Money does play a role but it comes much much later in the game but even without money, your potential and ambition is a substitute. " Money is important part of the game in every moment / phase... :)


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
I agree

I agreee with you, but I don't agree with: "Money does play a role but it comes much much later in the game but even without money, your potential and ambition is a substitute. " Money is important part of the game in every moment / phase... :)
Since u hv not experienced it then I strongly suggest you work on that part of game whereby women will volunteer to provide money and resources towards you.

And all you need 2 get it from women is display your potential and ambition to be a motherfvcking great man.

Multiple women will invest in you by then.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Nerds and their new age wisdoms.

Let me teach you man-boy's some hard truths; 1st attraction that a woman feels towards a man is his looks and then it's his game; confidance, swagger, voice, etc etc.

Money does play a role but it comes much much later in the game but even without money, your potential and ambition is a substitute.

Lastly a parting wisdom from Spaz; always think with ur d1ck 1st with regards towards women, do not over think, over analyse, over anything, or worse put ur heart on ur sleeve.
Let things flow from there and over time make a decision.
Thinking with our ****s is great advice. A man should not waste alot of time on females who aren't suppplying him poon.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
Why play a game where it is heavily rigged against men in favor the females. A 2/10 female has more bargaining power than a 7/10 male in the game. All a female has to do is put on makeup and make herself available and she can find a mate like. However, if a guy does not possess the looks to basically get day gamed by women in public or is not in a social circle that gives him access to truly single available women(not already emotionally/sexually attached to some guy that will not commit) then he is left to fight for scraps in the battle royale wilderness with all the other countless single men. In addition, Chad will eventually lose at this game. He might be winning big now, but eventually he will fall off because he will eventually commit and become your typical beer gutted former hs jock in a sales position, suffer the negative effects of constantly having an extroverted party lifestyle, or the girl will just dump him for another Chad. You can continue to play this pointless dating game and constantly come up with contradicting theories on what attracts women, but that's on you lol. In conclusion, the best route for any men is MGTOW.
Biological instinct to produce offspring. I'll be happier with a mini me running around at some point.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
This was a great discussion, but in some moment it just slowed down, I just would like to hear more opinions :)


Sep 1, 2018
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Just for clarification, what is MGTOW?

Does it mean celibacy? Meaning it's the same thing as incel, only you are ostensibly 'choosing' to be celibate even though you can't get laid meaning it's not really a choice?

Does it mean finding a woman from another country?

Sex dolls?



Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Just for clarification, what is MGTOW?

Does it mean celibacy? Meaning it's the same thing as incel, only you are ostensibly 'choosing' to be celibate even though you can't get laid meaning it's not really a choice?

Does it mean finding a woman from another country?

Sex dolls?

It means man centers his life around his self and his needs. He can still have sex. He wouldnt disrespect or disrupt his purpose behind women.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
Reaction score
Agree on the message, best solution in my opinion is a soft MGTOW which means go after girls only when they are on your way and it doesnt require to change your schedule or goals.
This is the best way!


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score

I was at a party a few weeks back, invited as a guest to the 9 I was with. I was sitting across two entrepreneurial doctors (large private practices) with net worths that I guesstimate to be between 5-10 mil. I ascertained their net worth as I normally qualify new potential investors in seemly innocuous casual convo (e.g. R/E, longevity of business, location, type of residence, etc.) which also supported what my date, the 9, had told me about them as they are in the same social circle.

Anyway, when my date went to the bathroom, the first question they asked was, "How did you do it?" They apparently knew my date through their social circle and have been trying to get with her for years (from what I gathered). Their personalities were great and socially acute, but they were average lookers. Despite their net worth, they never (according to them) find the type of women they desire (aka hot women). This story has also been corroborated by a dozen of my high net-worth acquaintances in regard to their finding or dating hot women.

I even asked my date afterwards, "Wealthy doctors, you never thought to give them a chance?" Her response, "They have been pursing me for years. No way!"

Money, in itself, does little in attraction.

Power as in freedom to do what you want to do, live where you want to live, and buy what you want to buy, but as demonstrated in the example above, does little in the way of attraction. Unless, of course, one takes the sugar-daddy role.

Confidence is broad. Confidence in making money does little in attraction. Differently, the confidence in being able to attain hot women at will, that is the sub-communication of "I'll have another 9 at my door tomorrow morning, so behave yourself," is what is magnetically attractive to most women.

Experientially, money has also done very little for me in attracting hot women. Although, it does enhance my LTR desirability to them as they figure it out.
Bro you are one of the realest dudes on this forum. I hate to agree with you but looks trumps just about everything. It sucks but its true. Most of the ***** I got was not my personality. My personality helped me not mess it up. It was looks that did most of the work ( I am average looking). Women are shallow creatures. I would rather be a broke very handsome dude, then an average looking rich dude when it comes to getting sex.


May 17, 2018
Reaction score
MGTOW are a bunch of fvckin losers in my opinion.Women have not changed one iota and have been the way they are since the beginning of time.I enjoy the mental part of the game as much as the physical.I have done very well without a social circle my only objective with women is to have fun and get laid.MGTOW men are either weak or ugly or lazy and don't need to be spreading their seed anyway for the good of the species.
One form of mgtow is just using women dor sex. There is different levels.all men who break take the red pill are mgtow. Its a spectrum.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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A girl doesn't know whether you have a net worth of 10k or 10 mil at first meet. She only goes by your style and presentation, both of which can be had by broke men. The question of wealth a/k/a security comes more into play in LTR evaluation.

Money can be used to attract using status symbols, but, again, the same can be finessed by insolvent men (see Richard's lambo).

What's relevant for the posters in this site is Looks come first. Though high status (e.g. yacht, lambo, mansions, frequent bottle service at the high-ends) can attract, but how many posters on this site will get to that echelon and even if they did, is that the type of women most here wish to attract?

Further, but most importantly, I have a long list of acquaintances of men 5mil+ net worths, who cannot find hot women to date. One or two of them are on this site!

Money in attraction is overrated. Fact.
I would caveat this by saying that money can be directly attractive insofar as it provides a glimpse into a man's way of being. By that I mean women are attracted to the lifestyle that being with certain men brings. A guy with zero net worth who spends all his salary on holidays, sports cars, bottles and partying will attract and slay more pvssy than a frugal guy with 10 investment properties, especially if there is clear evidence of this (porsche parked outside the club, instagram photos of his travels, etc.).

It's actually a pretty depressing (but simultaneously motivating) reality for guys like me in their 20s and early 30s who are just trying to save, invest and hustle. I do ok with in the game, but know I would do even better if I was more liberal with my money and I wouldn't even say I'm that frugal - I just spend less than most people do in my income bracket.

IME most women do not care about ambition at all, although many will say they do. In this instagram celebrity, instant gratification culture we find ourselves in, as far as most women are concerned, you either have it now or you don't have it at all.

Two years ago I was trying to get with a couple of HB8s who weren't really giving me much attention or being responsive. Then I went to Dubai and decided to download snapchat. I was there with work so the bosses were very generous and we had a lavish time. I of course made a couple of snapchat stories over the next few days and the girls I was trying to game viewed them. When they saw the fun I was having, they even went so far as to start reaching out to me. Interest level shot up. Coincidence? I doubt it.
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Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
I would caveat this by saying that money can be directly attractive insofar as it provides a glimpse into a man's way of being. By that I mean women are attracted to the lifestyle that being with certain men brings. A guy with zero net worth who spends all his salary on holidays, sports cars, bottles and partying will attract and slay more pvssy than a frugal guy with 10 investment properties, especially if there is clear evidence of this (porsche parked outside the club, instagram photos of his travels, etc.).

It's actually a pretty depressing (but simultaneously motivating) reality for guys like me in their 20s and early 30s who are just trying to save, invest and hustle. I do ok with in the game, but know I would do even better if I was more liberal with my money and I wouldn't even say I'm that frugal - I just spend less than most people do in my income bracket.

IME most women do not care about ambition at all, although many will say they do. In this instagram celebrity, instant gratification culture we find ourselves in, as far as most women are concerned, you either have it now or you don't have it at all.

Two years ago I was trying to get with a couple of HB8s who weren't really giving me much attention or being responsive. Then I went to Dubai and decided to download snapchat. I was there with work so the bosses were very generous and we had a lavish time. I of course made a couple of snapchat stories over the next few days and the girls I was trying to game viewed them. When they saw the fun I was having, they even went so far as to start reaching out to me. Interest level shot up. Coincidence? I doubt it.
so they wanted to use you to travel to dubai and put pics on IG or they wanted your money or they wanted that lifestyle?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
so they wanted to use you to travel to dubai and put pics on IG or they wanted your money or they wanted that lifestyle?
You can't have the pics without the lifestyle and you can't have the lifestyle without the money.

They weren't social retards so it's not like they were saying "take me to Dubai" but they were generally a lot more responsive and chasing me once they caught a glimpse of the lifestyle I was living.

Most women are idiots and don't really understand that you can't live that lifestyle sustainably unless you have substantial wealth, savings or income - and most men have none of these things.

I see a lot of guys spending their rent money trying to present an image of their lives, that doesn't reflect reality. They post snaps and instagram pictures of their holidays, new cars and sparkly bottles at the club tables. And these guys actually get the girls (and not just the vacuous airheads).

A lot of women live for the moment and don't really think about the future so it makes sense that they wouldn't care about this quality in the guys they go for either.

Girls really do just want to have fun.


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2018
Reaction score
Why play a game where it is heavily rigged against men in favor the females. A 2/10 female has more bargaining power than a 7/10 male in the game. All a female has to do is put on makeup and make herself available and she can find a mate like. However, if a guy does not possess the looks to basically get day gamed by women in public or is not in a social circle that gives him access to truly single available women(not already emotionally/sexually attached to some guy that will not commit) then he is left to fight for scraps in the battle royale wilderness with all the other countless single men. In addition, Chad will eventually lose at this game. He might be winning big now, but eventually he will fall off because he will eventually commit and become your typical beer gutted former hs jock in a sales position, suffer the negative effects of constantly having an extroverted party lifestyle, or the girl will just dump him for another Chad. You can continue to play this pointless dating game and constantly come up with contradicting theories on what attracts women, but that's on you lol. In conclusion, the best route for any men is MGTOW.
Learn the Game before taking something *"Drastic"* as MGTOW.

Would a MGTOW feel the same way if he can go hunt & win over a woman, and have two or one more in orbit catering to his needs? What woukd H. Heffner (playboy father) think of you as a Man?

IMO, I rather die trying & learning game, then to excuse myself from it. I rather inspire Men to "conquer" The Game for a better define society. The resources are out there for free.

I rather evolve or "die trying" to be the guy women compete for, be the person who understood game, see the patterns as they bagan happening, instead of being the lonely guy who did not get it - who will die angry.

Gentleman, Game is every where. Choosing to walk away from the ring will not change it.

We are Men, this is what's in store for all of us. Arm yourself with the skills & you will do just fine. Be well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I see a lot of guys spending their rent money trying to present an image of their lives, that doesn't reflect reality.
That reminds me of when I used to take walks through a poor section of town. People would be living in crummy houses or apartments. But out front in the street there would be brand new sports cars parked up and down the block.

I'm sure some ladies somewhere were impressed, but it was obvious they were blowing their checks on high car payments. Oh well, people can do what they want with their money, I guess.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
The best option for a man is to do whatever the fvck makes him happy.

Never liked MGTOW as a movement, never will.