Texting, do or dont?


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2012
Reaction score
well ive read somewhere on these forums texting can fvck up an LTR or ruin chances with a girl your trying to get at. Is this true and if it is why?:woo:

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Because she will translate those stark letters on the screen into whatever she feels like making it mean. It doesn't matter what you are actually trying to convey with text, she will assign her own meaning based on the emotion of the hour and the alignment of Venus & Mercury.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Atom Smasher said:
Because she will translate those stark letters on the screen into whatever she feels like making it mean. It doesn't matter what you are actually trying to convey with text, she will assign her own meaning based on the emotion of the hour and the alignment of Venus & Mercury.
So true haha...I have never been a fan of texting. I have learned that texting is death. Some guys have great "texting game" which means they can actually build up good rapport texting in between dates, me personally I think texting sucks.

There is no visual to look for - body language to read, no tone of voice to listen to and go by, nothing but "typed words." They can really be interpreted anyway she feels like interpreting them.

The key factor is keeping your image of the "Non desperate, non needy, Alpha Male." By texting early on if you don't say the right things you just come off as "Hi I have nothing to do but to text you because I am so infatuated with you so please write me back!!!"

F*** that bro. Keep your mystery. Keep her guessing what you are doing in between dates. Contact her via CALLING HER only to make the next date and then get off the phone. Sometimes you can over chat/text and when you go on the date you have nothing new to talk about. So save for in person.

If your in a LTR its slightly different. Sometimes you can text your girl to ask her a question etc or if SHE texts you then you can have a quick convo but if you don't want to be on the phone all day, or if your too busy to call, just drop a text. Even then keep it to a slight min. She asks how come you don't like texting, just say "I prefer to talk in person."

I quoted a lot of guys that have given me the same advice. It is great advice. I would stick to it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Texting is fine as long as you are not needy, and keep it fun and Flirty..

Its the form of communication most people like using these days, use it to your advantage

An example of a recent text convo(convo is over several hours): woman(HB 8 Milf) was telling me she was going to Cleveland for a 40th birthday party for her friend

Kyra: I'm a little scared of this trip! I can't keep up with some of my friends! Lol
Me: Oh, so you xpect me to believe you are the tame one of the bunch? Lol
Kyra: Wellllll....um...hum...Yes?
Me: I'm not buying it Kyra...you seem like you got some sass in you, lol ;-)
Kyra: Oh there is no doubt I have sass and can be sassy...but I can't keep up with some of my friends...lol...they can drink all night...not me...I need my sleep!
Me: That's good...I like women with sass, lol...they got to be able to handle me! ;-)
Kyra: Lol ha....why is that?
Me: Cause they know how to strike a good balance between being wild and reserved at the proper times, lol
Kyra: I meant handle u! Lol <<<<Convo turning sexual HERE!>>>>
Me: Lol! Hmmmm....just like always...trying to have a nice, proper conversation with a woman and there they go trying to take it in another direction...;-)
Kyra: U took it there!! Lol, u said u need a woman who can handle u! I simply asked why! Lol
Me: Lol!! You pounced on that one like a lionness...
Kyra: Hahahahahaha
Me:Well, I would say to use your imagination, but it appears you already have been....hahahaha
Kyra: No....No I haven't! Lol
Me: Its alright Kyra, I don't mind you having those thoughts about me...hahaha...just don't sell me short is all I ask, lol
Kyra: Hahahaha...are u saying u are NOT SHORT
Kyra: Lol!
Me: Lol, I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself...I've been trained well, hahaha
Kyra: Oh....my...Lol
Me: I would say I'd spank you for being naughty, but I have a feeling you'd probably enjoy it...hahaha
Kyra: Gasp! Me? Clearly you have me confused with someone else! Lol
Me: Hmmm...something tells me better make sure we meet in a VERY public place...hahaha
Kyra: Absolutely...that way u will ahve to control ur urge to touch and kiss me hahahaha
Me: Hmmmm..no, I'll probably do that anyways, but at least it will ensure you stay out of my pants...I'm not that easy! ;-)
Kyra: Hahaha u wish!
Me: Hey Kyra! YOU'RE the one trying to investigate how long or short I am...hahahaha
Kyra: Hardly! Lol!

Yet, I am to believe this convo "hurt" my chances with her? Yeah, I'll let you know how hurt they were about 3 hours into our first date next week when she is taking it deep...
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
If it wasn't for texting my lay count would be half of what it is. I usually say though when it comes to these text threads, that I am a former english turned journalism major. I also write movie scripts, short stories, and poems. I've been writing creatively for 10 years. Writing is what I do. You have to play to your strengths. Texting is the strongest part of my game and a bulk of the reason why I have success.

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
textings just like anything else, theres a good way and a bad way. these threads pop up every week, can we please get a "how to" stickied???


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with Oxford, this comes up all the time. Personally, I think there is a huge potential upside with texting. I'm sure there's a downside too (like maybe if you're an idiot), although I've never experienced it.

One thing I'm sure of: The advice "never text" is hopelessly outdated.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
MisterD said:
If it wasn't for texting my lay count would be half of what it is. I usually say though when it comes to these text threads, that I am a former english turned journalism major. I also write movie scripts, short stories, and poems. I've been writing creatively for 10 years. Writing is what I do. You have to play to your strengths. Texting is the strongest part of my game and a bulk of the reason why I have success.

But here's the thing, I text very sporadically and don't get into long chains of messages each time. Even Maramel's message chain (depending on the time period it took place over) is kinda long, IMO. Plenty of statements, non sequiturs at times, things that won't "hurt" me if I don't get a response because they're not asking anything of the girl... though if they respond it keeps the flirtatious vibe going.

I think it's like the old Mystery Method "I don't have much time I have to get back to my friends but..." thing. You don't want to be having extended conversations... just something quick, playful and memorable... and then keep it moving.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
NewAndImproved said:

But here's the thing, I text very sporadically and don't get into long chains of messages each time. Even Maramel's message chain (depending on the time period it took place over) is kinda long, IMO. Plenty of statements, non sequiturs at times, things that won't "hurt" me if I don't get a response because they're not asking anything of the girl... though if they respond it keeps the flirtatious vibe going.

I think it's like the old Mystery Method "I don't have much time I have to get back to my friends but..." thing. You don't want to be having extended conversations... just something quick, playful and memorable... and then keep it moving.
Those messages took place over about 8 or 9 hours...I tend to be more like Brad80 with my texting and carry on slightly longer conversations...definitely has not hurt me...just don't be that boring guy asking her stuff like what are you doing and other dumb sh!t

I also am not texting these women everyday, more like every 3 or 4 days unless they initiate(which they often do), then I will usually send a few texts back and forth and tell them I gotta go. I use a lot of stuff from girlschase.com it works really well.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Here's the problem:

Texting makes you "common".

She chatters all day and night with her remote friends, and what happens when you text regularly with her is that you become just another chatterbox to her. Texting is SAFE for her because it removes responsibilty and personal investment. It's a rut that she's in.

My experience shows me that it's best to use texting to your advantage, but use it extremely sparingly. You need to rise above her mundane life, and not be a part of the most common, "autopilot" part of her life. A man of power is ABOVE texting except very sparingly. He doesn't have time to sit with a tiny little cell phone typing tiny little keys just like her girlfriends do. He should be out slaying dragons in her imagination, not crouched in a corner tapping away just to day "Hi".

Texting is the antithesis of remaining scarce, one of the basic tenets of establishing power.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Martinez, California
Texting = death

Unless you're just looking for a quick lay. Then you gotta be good at it. Of course it's impossible to keep up being good at it long term. So these playa playas who use text game better get what they want quick.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Martinez, California
marmel75 said:
Texting is fine as long as you are not needy, and keep it fun and Flirty..

Its the form of communication most people like using these days, use it to your advantage

An example of a recent text convo(convo is over several hours): woman(HB 8 Milf) was telling me she was going to Cleveland for a 40th birthday party for her friend

Kyra: I'm a little scared of this trip! I can't keep up with some of my friends! Lol
Me: Oh, so you xpect me to believe you are the tame one of the bunch? Lol
Kyra: Wellllll....um...hum...Yes?
Me: I'm not buying it Kyra...you seem like you got some sass in you, lol ;-)
Kyra: Oh there is no doubt I have sass and can be sassy...but I can't keep up with some of my friends...lol...they can drink all night...not me...I need my sleep!
Me: That's good...I like women with sass, lol...they got to be able to handle me! ;-)
Kyra: Lol ha....why is that?
Me: Cause they know how to strike a good balance between being wild and reserved at the proper times, lol
Kyra: I meant handle u! Lol <<<<Convo turning sexual HERE!>>>>
Me: Lol! Hmmmm....just like always...trying to have a nice, proper conversation with a woman and there they go trying to take it in another direction...;-)
Kyra: U took it there!! Lol, u said u need a woman who can handle u! I simply asked why! Lol
Me: Lol!! You pounced on that one like a lionness...
Kyra: Hahahahahaha
Me:Well, I would say to use your imagination, but it appears you already have been....hahahaha
Kyra: No....No I haven't! Lol
Me: Its alright Kyra, I don't mind you having those thoughts about me...hahaha...just don't sell me short is all I ask, lol
Kyra: Hahahaha...are u saying u are NOT SHORT
Kyra: Lol!
Me: Lol, I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself...I've been trained well, hahaha
Kyra: Oh....my...Lol
Me: I would say I'd spank you for being naughty, but I have a feeling you'd probably enjoy it...hahaha
Kyra: Gasp! Me? Clearly you have me confused with someone else! Lol
Me: Hmmm...something tells me better make sure we meet in a VERY public place...hahaha
Kyra: Absolutely...that way u will ahve to control ur urge to touch and kiss me hahahaha
Me: Hmmmm..no, I'll probably do that anyways, but at least it will ensure you stay out of my pants...I'm not that easy! ;-)
Kyra: Hahaha u wish!
Me: Hey Kyra! YOU'RE the one trying to investigate how long or short I am...hahahaha
Kyra: Hardly! Lol!

Yet, I am to believe this convo "hurt" my chances with her? Yeah, I'll let you know how hurt they were about 3 hours into our first date next week when she is taking it deep...
I'll admit it, you're good. Most guys are not. But seriously, good luck keeping that game up for long brother. :) I'm guessing you'll get what you want temporarily. And if that's what you're after I'm happy for you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
I'm good with text game, and it's landed me pretty well so far. I think it's just fine - even long-term, yes. The trick is to not have just a normal text conversation - don't be the average guy.

If done wrong, it's a quick death. If done right, it's a great way to bring up interest.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Texting should have a goal in mind. I've used texting very successfully to seduce women, it definitely works, because you can say things you mightn't say face to face and get away with it. I tend to always escalate to sexting ASAP - innuendo and game-playing, or text to organise dates.

I DEFINITELY don't do the "How are you?"... "What you doing?"..."Weather's really grey today" crap, I always have a goal in mind, always try to engage them. It's all about purpose and always should be.