Stop The Self Improvement


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
loveshogun said:
A lot of anger up in here. U mad, bros?

And regarding the question of Jaylan's gender, I have never seen him/her troll or b*tch - in my opinion, a lot of his/her observations can be pretty deep. Idealistic and borderline hippie, maybe, but insightful nonetheless.

So... am I missing something? There seems to be a crusade against this guy/girl who can actually manage to maintain civility and discussion without resorting to TYPING LIKE THIS. Is this what we need to focus on? It's not like he/she's telling noobies to call or text their prospective date 20 times a day and pour their guts out about feelings they don't actually have.

As for LiveFree, he's a mixed bag for me. Some good concepts, some others not so good - all of them obfuscated by an intense anger and hatred for... something. Probably women. Maybe Canada, too. Some people just don't like things. I'm not gonna argue with him about it.

I will, however, point out that perhaps some of his advice is not so great for guys who are just starting out - especially the part about moving halfway across the world because life will automatically be better there. If someone's unhappy, it's not because of a lack of women.

Finally I really just want to address the comment about the gym: science has proven that regular exercise releases seratonin into your brain that you NEED to feel normal, balanced out, even happy:

So, even if someone's going to the gym because of insecurity, it's still not a bad decision. Health and happiness in exchange for people on the internet thinking you're a douchebag. That's an easy choice for me - though I personally dance about 8-10 hours a week. The gym is more for sculpting, because damn, I look good.

Whereas if a guy starts trying to pick up women out of an insecurity... well, the results are the formation of a world-wide internet community like SoSuave, which then becomes necessary to deal with all of the neuroses of AFCs that were insecure with themselves, and saw getting a girlfriend as the solution. That's called a vicious cycle.

The one thing that I've learned in my years of pick-up, is that a woman is highly unnecessary for me, personally, to be a happy, functioning human being. I guess I'm lucky.

Either way, it's the internet, folks. simmer down. Get laid.
Cosign all of this.

Btw he/she, him/her, his/her = he, him,, his lolz