Stop pursuing women with low and borderline medium interest!


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2010
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It's a common theme I see on this forum where a woman is showing very low interest or at best borderline medium interest, and the poster wants advice on how to convert the lady into a high interest prospect.

Yes it is possible to convert low interest woman into a high interest woman and it happens every day. However there are many dynamically moving variables that make it near impossible to achieve. Even if you pull it off successfully its not repeatable, you won't know the exact formula or how to execute the formula in the same way, and each women's response to the formula will vary significantly depending on a multitude of sociological, biological, and emotional variables that are outside your control.

If she has low or borderline medium interest she will not respond to your text messages and if she does respond her replies will become slow with little effort. If you try to arrange a date she will never declare her availability or will find 1000 reasons why she can't meet on the days you suggested, and funnily enough she will never contribute and make a suggestion! If she does agree to a date she will flake at the last moment or pretend she forgot about the date.

If you persist she will downgrade you to an orbiter status, some random guy she uses for attention. You will think you are making progress to get her on a date, meanwhile she is going on dates with other guys and getting 'extra' attention from you! Why would you want to hang out with somebody who doesn't want to hang out with you? If she wanted you in her presence she would make it easier not harder for you!

Some individuals 'claim' they want the challenge of changing the woman's mind or are too stubborn to focus on that nerdy and possibly less attractive woman you know who is readily available. Whatever the reason, please stop!

Seducing a woman is a process, in most cases a difficult and long process so choose your battles, you don't go into war fighting the strongest enemy, instead you pick the battle you can win in the most efficient and cost effective way. Here is an analogy, low and borderline medium interest girls is like fighting a well equipped army, whereas high interest women is like fighting a developing nation.

A man can only fight so many battles before they get drained physically, mentally and spiritually; so the best course of action is to stop fighting a difficult battle or a losing battle with a woman. If a woman is deliberately being obstructive to date or she is not committing to a plan from the beginning of the courtship then its already a lost battle and you should begin to walk away to an easier battle. She probably doesn't like you, doesn't like you enough or is entangled with another guy whom she prefers.

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Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Most guys never get to experience a high interest woman though, that’s why they chase medium and low interest women. Women also are good at feigning high interest when they really have little to no interest.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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Friend of mine is not the most attractive but he is very persistent and it's gotten him laid many times. I consider myself a fairly attractive guy but don't like to pursue and I don't get half the girls he does.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Friend of mine is not the most attractive but he is very persistent and it's gotten him laid many times. I consider myself a fairly attractive guy but don't like to pursue and I don't get half the girls he does.
Is he young? I was that way and it wore me down when I got older. I turned into how you are now. You can’t chase balls to the wall all the time, just like you might be fast but you can’t sprint all day without getting tired. Another thing that’s made me not put in near the effort I used to is I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older I have a hard time getting past 4-5 dates before they break it off with me. I’m not doing anything different than I was back then when it hardly ever happened. Who wants to chase woman after woman when that keeps happening? Not me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Most guys never get to experience a high interest woman though, that’s why they chase medium and low interest women. Women also are good at feigning high interest when they really have little to no interest.
This. Plus, isn’t “seduction” a thing?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
This. Plus, isn’t “seduction” a thing?
You have to have an opening to seduce a woman. Kinda hard to seduce them when they won’t come to your house to hangout but insist on “going out somewhere”. When you try to set something up at your place it’s “you live too far” or something.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
Reaction score
Is he young? I was that way and it wore me down when I got older. I turned into how you are now. You can’t chase balls to the wall all the time, just like you might be fast but you can’t sprint all day without getting tired. Another thing that’s made me not put in near the effort I used to is I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older I have a hard time getting past 4-5 dates before they break it off with me. I’m not doing anything different than I was back then when it hardly ever happened. Who wants to chase woman after woman when that keeps happening? Not me.
He's 40 but looks like he's mid 30s. Dude is very persistent. A style I disagree with. But he gets results.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
He's 40 but looks like he's mid 30s. Dude is very persistent. A style I disagree with. But he gets results.
No I get it, you basically have to be that way this day and age. I’m his age 38) and I can’t do it anymore. I did that in my teens and 20’s and got burned badly a few times in my 30’s doing that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
You have to have an opening to seduce a woman. Kinda hard to seduce them when they won’t come to your house to hangout but insist on “going out somewhere”. When you try to set something up at your place it’s “you live too far” or something.
Yes but cant you seduce them to come to your house?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Yes but cant you seduce them to come to your house?
Used to be able to easily. Now I dunno why I can’t. It’s like my “game” got worse as I got older. Probably had alot to do with I don’t try as hard. They really do use the “too far” excuse alot though. They never did that when I was younger. Never. They’d drive an hour to come see me, now they won’t drive 30 mins lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Used to be able to easily. Now I dunno why I can’t. It’s like my “game” got worse as I got older. Probably had alot to do with I don’t try as hard. They really do use the “too far” excuse alot though. They never did that when I was younger. Never. They’d drive an hour to come see me, now they won’t drive 30 mins lol
I feel you man, I’m having the same issue these days and that my results this year or not as good. I think it has to do a lot with the pandemic to be honest. People just got used to staying at home and not going anywhere


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Women don't pursue anybody, men have to pursue women. Women won't knock on your door just like that, out of nowhere. But there is a good and a bad way to pursue women.
I disagree to an extent. Women will throw themselves at Chad. I’ve seen it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
I feel you man, I’m having the same issue these days and that my results this year or not as good. I think it has to do a lot with the pandemic to be honest. People just got used to staying at home and not going anywhere
It was before the pandemic too but yeah that’s right


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Women even approach me from time to time. Carson it’s not like I can ever do anything with it
Yeah they do me sometimes but I’ve also noticed a ton of married or women in relationships striking up random convos with me. It’s weird. They think I want to talk to them for the sake of talking lol there was a girl last night that I said hey to passing by in a parking lot and she started commenting on my watch. Then she kept talking and talking and talking. Then she of course dropped the “yeah my boyfriend” bomb so then I tried to break away 3 fvcking times and you know what? She kept talking.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
Reaction score
Used to be able to easily. Now I dunno why I can’t. It’s like my “game” got worse as I got older. Probably had alot to do with I don’t try as hard. They really do use the “too far” excuse alot though. They never did that when I was younger. Never. They’d drive an hour to come see me, now they won’t drive 30 mins lol
Unfortunately the bidding war for women has skyrocketed and I hate to say this but maybe what you're investing isn't enough.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Yeah they do me sometimes but I’ve also noticed a ton of married or women in relationships striking up random convos with me. It’s weird. They think I want to talk to them for the sake of talking lol
Yeah that doesn’t happen to me anymore because mainly being in sales for so long I can spot when someone just wants to talk your ear off and I cut that **** out. But I’m talking about women coming up to me and giggling with their friends and saying some weird comment about some thing that I’m doing that they like and then just walking away. I have no idea what to do with that situation


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah that doesn’t happen to me anymore because mainly being in sales for so long I can spot when someone just wants to talk your ear off and I cut that **** out. But I’m talking about women coming up to me and giggling with their friends and saying some weird comment about some thing that I’m doing that they like and then just walking away. I have no idea what to do with that situation
Those girls have got to be 21 or under. Have to be.