Spring Break = no working out


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
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Hi all, title says it all. Been while since I visited my family and I intend to do that during my spring break in 1 week. So what am wondering now is how is this going to affect my lifting.

I have been working out since January 30th and this will be my first time taking a break from lifting. Are there going to be any bad effects of skipping 3 workouts???

At home I got a max amount of 90lbs of weights and two 25lbs barbells. Can I do anything with this to just continue building some muscle?

I do intened to keep eating strong 1.5- 2x bodyweight in protein... do some cardio and what not maybe... push ups, crunches, will this be enough?

All advice welcomed except flaming :D!


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2007
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You can overreach before going and take a good rest. Or man up, read Dinosaur Training and lift some logs, anvils, barrells and stuff.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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I've been doing lots of bodyweight stuff lately. You don't need any special equipment for most of it. Here are a few ideas:

Pull ups - can be done on anything that you can hang off of. I've done them on railings, monkey bars at playgrounds, tree branches etc. Lots of different possible varations: side-to-side, clapping, chin ups, etc.

Bodyweight squats - tons of variations: 2 leg, 1 leg (pistol), Hindu, etc.

Push ups - again, lots of different variations: 1 arm push ups, clapping push ups, Hindu, divebomber, handstand, etc. You can use cinder blocks or chairs to increase the range of motion.

Glute-ham raises - I do these at the playground at a local park by putting my ankles under the ladder for the monkey bars. Bring a couple of folded up towels to kneel on, otherwise it will be very hard on your knees.

These are just a few ideas for bodyweight stuff. You could also put on a backpack with stuff in it for all of these exercises (except pistols, a weight on your back will unbalance you too much, just hold a weight in your hands) to increase the difficulty.

Odd objects can be used too. Got a sledgehammer? Try sledgehammer swings into an old tire. If you have anything that can be used as a sled, you can put your weights on it and attach a rope and drag it around.

The possibilites are endless, just use your imagination :D

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
3 workouts... 3 workouts.. good grief, you will fade away to nothing and the past ten weeks hard work will be undone. How about spending time with your family, eating what you want and not being so obssessive compulsive? Relax man, the break will do you good.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2007
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Thanks a lot everyone.

Was not really obsessing with it Alex :). But will take your advice and just relax for the week hehe. Ahhh yes good old home cooking from Serbia yum yum.

The good thing about our cooking is we eat tons of meat like beef, pork, some chicken and fish but yeah mostly beef and pork haha :). So no problem for protein intake..

Thanks a lot once again for your input guys Thread can be Considered Closed.