Soon 20, and I've never kissed, and I feel like I got no idea in the this whole relationship field


New Member
May 4, 2019
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After passing few rejections, and thinking about it deeper.. I came to the realization I have no fvckin idea in this whole field..
the problem with me is that I never experienced anything in this, not a kiss, so lets not even think about getting laid..
i'm the perfect loser when it comes to this..
It all started when I began to close myself from people - friends, girls, anyone..
in middle school, I became closed, was on PC everyday, avoided school, gained lots of weight.
shortly I reached high school, everyone got a girlfriend, boys and girls having fun with each other and hanging out and I have no idea how to talk with anyone or hold a convo (literally anyone, not just girls)
slowly I gained confidence, got some nerd friends, and slowly cooler friends, and up until 12th grade I started to speak with girls, first with stuttering..
now I'm closing to my 20's and I feel like i'm late af, what people have experienced when they were 12-14 year old I'm only starting to experience..
12th grade I started to hit the gym, lost a lot of weight, and girls became interested in my attention.. (and thats it.. I had no idea what did it mean back then with only partially confident) slowly this way I became friendzoned, because I had no ****ing idea.
now i'm soon in my 20's and I didn't experience ****.. I got some confidence, even asked some girls out.. but I always get rejected, and I dont see any attraction from girls.. only as friend.. they like to talk with me and thats it.. girls barely touch me, or tease me.. (or maybe I'm so blind I cant see ****?)
well, if you did read this, you might help me - fine with redirecting to different websites.. I read the dj bible.. with it I got the confidence to ask a girl out.. though losing so much is taking away my hope..
I was 100kg (180cm) and lost 20kg.. still hitting the gym for a few months already.. not fat anymore but not shaped like I would like to..
I wonder if it does matter.. I see, nerds, fatasses and skinny boys with girlfriends.. so I kinda doubt that hitting the gym will do anything..
I'm fine with talking to girls, they laugh and so on.. I'm not a fatass.. but still.. something is missing.. and I'm desperately here asking for your help
teasing? I tried,


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Desperate isn't attractive.
Sex isn't a charity. Women are savage. Ruthless even.

At 20, your SMV is below zero. You can be higher if captain of the football team or hockey pending the location. Varsity at your college or uni.

Read some solid books. 48 laws of power by Robert Green, way of the superior man by David Deida, power vs force by David R Hawking, what body's saying by joe navarro etc. It won't get you girls. It will rewire your mind.

As for game, check rsd free tour. Its free. Yes, thry upsell at the end after 3hrs but whatever. Rsd inner circle. Approach 3 chicks everyday. 365 days * 3 = 1095 chicks in a year. That's 100x more than most men ever seen in 10 lifetimes.

Seek competence. Try new things. Become aware of her body language. Is she leaning in or out. If you seek compliance (GAME) DOES SHE RECIPROCATE? For example, if you text, does she respond? If you make plans, does she flake? Its common sense.

Its the pursuit of competence not mpua. 3 chicks a day, you can do that on your way to the gym. If you don't lift, start immediately. Now! Try direct in the coffee shop or indirect. Try a combo of both. See what works.

Looks Maxx. Dress better. Lift. Clean up diet. Eat well. Lose body fat. Get paper right. Bank 20% of every dollar. Don't spend it. Save it. Education is key. Study STEM or a trade otherwise start a business. Take action. Travel. Make new friends.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
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Solid reply above from Deezedbrah.

OP, your post actually screamed to me:


You need to do that and figure out what works for you. There are templates, there are things you say and don't say, there are ways you act that turn them on. You need to figure out what out of all of this works for you, and experience is the best teacher.

Go forth and fail, learn why you failed, fix that, and then succeed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
It all started when I began to close myself from people - friends, girls, anyone..
This is your problem. Closing up is one of the worst possible things you can do to yourself because no one is going to come looking for you.

You need to learn to interact with people a whole lot more. Talk to random people thru out your day like the checkout person at the store. Importantly: Learn to look people directly in the eyes when you speak to them and smile at women that you pass on the street while looking into their eyes. They may reject you, but you need to get used to it, and eventually you'll learn to give them "that look".

I didn't kiss until I was 21, and your situation is likely not as uncommon as you might think. A lot of your insecurity is self-manufactured and not inherent to you. Also, get outside of your fvcking head. Stop overthinking things and pay attention to what's happening around you.

You need to grow up and become a man. Break the PC, uninstall your games, whatever... but do what it takes to get you out of cyberspace and social media. Those things suck away time that you're never going to get back. You are going to die one day and only you can make sure your life was a good one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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After passing few rejections, and thinking about it deeper.. I came to the realization I have no fvckin idea in this whole field..
the problem with me is that I never experienced anything in this, not a kiss, so lets not even think about getting laid..
i'm the perfect loser when it comes to this..
It all started when I began to close myself from people - friends, girls, anyone..
in middle school, I became closed, was on PC everyday, avoided school, gained lots of weight.
shortly I reached high school, everyone got a girlfriend, boys and girls having fun with each other and hanging out and I have no idea how to talk with anyone or hold a convo (literally anyone, not just girls)
slowly I gained confidence, got some nerd friends, and slowly cooler friends, and up until 12th grade I started to speak with girls, first with stuttering..
now I'm closing to my 20's and I feel like i'm late af, what people have experienced when they were 12-14 year old I'm only starting to experience..
12th grade I started to hit the gym, lost a lot of weight, and girls became interested in my attention.. (and thats it.. I had no idea what did it mean back then with only partially confident) slowly this way I became friendzoned, because I had no ****ing idea.
now i'm soon in my 20's and I didn't experience ****.. I got some confidence, even asked some girls out.. but I always get rejected, and I dont see any attraction from girls.. only as friend.. they like to talk with me and thats it.. girls barely touch me, or tease me.. (or maybe I'm so blind I cant see ****?)
well, if you did read this, you might help me - fine with redirecting to different websites.. I read the dj bible.. with it I got the confidence to ask a girl out.. though losing so much is taking away my hope..
I was 100kg (180cm) and lost 20kg.. still hitting the gym for a few months already.. not fat anymore but not shaped like I would like to..
I wonder if it does matter.. I see, nerds, fatasses and skinny boys with girlfriends.. so I kinda doubt that hitting the gym will do anything..
I'm fine with talking to girls, they laugh and so on.. I'm not a fatass.. but still.. something is missing.. and I'm desperately here asking for your help
teasing? I tried,
Here's some advice:

1. Become a photographer
2. Take pictures of models
3. **** them


New Member
May 4, 2019
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Well, some good advice, but not much of a new.. my serious problem is not to meet people or girls.. I do it, and done that.. my problem is that I end up in the social circle as a friend all the time.. lets say a girl is attracted to me, what are the odds she will say "want to go somewhere quiet?" (well, 0% for me so far) I dont know what are the actions which changes the hangout to getting laid.. and If I won't understand it the highest chance of me getting laid or into relationship will be only if the girl will hardly want that.. and so far it never happened


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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Start by bantering with all kinds of people - fat, ugly, old

Don't treat young women any differently

Most guys freeze up like a rabbit in the headlights

I also notice you use the word "relationship" don't use that word bro

Your mission is to have fun and gently lead a woman into bed, that's it

"Relationships" are the woman's department

You're still young and your value will slowly increase over time

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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If you don't develop you mind and heart with what's true and right, you will be reliant on others to lead YOU. Women need to be led. How are you gonna do That, if you are looking to Others for your value? I look to NO ONE for my value. I may look back to my ancestors and what they fought for for my value, but they had flaws too to be sure. You need to get busy developing what you believe, and why you believe it and sure those believes or sense of matters can come from your parents, maybe even brothers and sisters. But who do you trust the most? your kin? if not who? what if you did not have any kin? what then? books? I can tell you that a lot of people out there are Just Like You, whereby they count on Others for their value or feeling of self worth. It's a risky road to hoe, but it may very well get you laid, but you won't see truth. Once you see truth, you'll be able to Lead. The best leaders are marksmen, or can hit the target they are aiming at. You must be able to shoot well in order to be a good leader. Every military personnel should know that and I am sure many are in positions of leadership that shouldn't be.

When you have investigated many things and trying to grasp reality (history) where we came from, how people came to think the way they do, then you'll be able to see who's dumb and who's not. You'll then start seeing Most people as living like you are currently, reliant on others for approval. Be one of the rare and respect yourself first. Then if someone else does, then it's a bonus. It's integrity, or being honorable. It's being a man to know thyself and what you stand for.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I see your problem is getting friendzoned.

Generally, a chick will only friendzone you for one or more of the following reasons:

1. You are not her looks/look type. (This is the most common reason.)

2. She was attracted to you, but you didn't make a move within the window of opportunity, and she's given up on you. (Sometimes you don't know she's attracted to you, or you don't believe it and wait too long for more "evidence." Or you do know and you were afraid to make a move. Or you weren't into her type.)

3. She's taken. (This is beyond your control.)

Based on #1, looks-max as much as you can. Body, hairstyle and clothes.

But all that aside, don't be afraid of friendzone. Honestly, accept it for now. Being extremely comfortable around chicks (even hot ones) and getting tons of practice talking to them is KEY to finding one that WON'T friendzone you.

As far as where to meet these chicks, that's a different debate.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2019
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Approaching 20 years old and still nothing ?
lol, I was a virgin until I was 21, and two years later I had 3 girlfriends in open relationships, all knowing about each other.
Age is just a number bro, there's no rule as to how young or old you should be to have such or such thing.

And actually, did you notice how far you already are ? most guys in the world in that situation will just complain and be stay depressed without doing anything.
On your side, you have already lost a lof of weight (which is great), and you are posting on this forum, which is a massive proof of motivation, don't dismiss that, that's already a good step that most guys at your stage will never take.

I would say you need to lower your expectation. Right now your goal is to get laid/have girlfriend, and that feels depressing because it looks far from where you are right now. But what if the goal was way easier ?

You can define your own program:
- 1st day: go out and make eye contact with two girls
- 2nd day: go out and smile at two girls
- 3rd day: go out and ask 2 girls for direction
- 4th day: approach one girl and say you are new in town, ask opinion about the good restaurants or bars in town (you don't give a **** if she doesn't reply, at least you made it)
- 5th day: etc...

And go on like this.
I know it looks pretty small to start, but the truth is that your mind is always acting on a principle of momentum (already noticed how hard it is to stop eating oreos once you started ?). As long as you start somewhere, your mind will keep on getting momentum, until you build the necessary confidence to try bolder things, like asking for a phone number or trying a make out with a girl in a night club.

The other thing is, by starting so small, it's very easy to get success, like with the steps I just outlined, and when you have success in small things, it helps you getting confident enough for harder steps.

And if even talking to girls and making progress doesn't bring you any happiness or positive feelings, then it means the problem is deeper and you might dig into some inner work, like julien blanc's transformational program, or any kind of meditation, hypnosis or healing practice (that's actually where I started before seriously trying to get girls, because I could notice my mind was too much blocked by ****ty beliefs)


New Member
May 4, 2019
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LOL be careful OP may be an incel
though one.. first time reading this terming, and I checked it on google.. even after all these rejections I never blamed the women on it.. I got rejected by a girl and still to this day we're good friends.. (best approach is to cut contact, i know)


Aug 22, 2017
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though one.. first time reading this terming, and I checked it on google.. even after all these rejections I never blamed the women on it.. I got rejected by a girl and still to this day we're good friends.. (best approach is to cut contact, i know)
lol u get rejected still try to be her friend no words OP