Should I walk away?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Known this girl for a couple of months, was at college for the majority of it. Home now on break. I'll give some background

-girl is 2 years younger than me
-girl currently has ****ty bf whos her age
-girl says biggest regret was getting back wit ****ty bf
-girl constantly texts me everyday
-girl always drops little hints that she likes me but i think she is just teasing..such as when talking about studying for a test she asks "wanna be my study buddy? :)" and then when i laugh it off and am just like "hahah yea yea sure" says that she misses me already even tho she saw me 4 hours before....girl also tells me that shes home alone and ask me to come visit her but then when i ask at what time says that she doesnt know when her mom is coming home so it wouldnt be a good idea anymore
-but, everytime i hangout with girl it is always with a friend, preventing me from really doing anything. i told her one day ago that i want to hang out with JUST her and not her friends, should i give her some time to see if she will and if she doesn't walk away? i 50/50 right now...i think this girl is just a **** tease and trying to get me to hooked into her even more but then again i think shes kinda interested but either way i'm still willing to walk away. what do you think? is there any thing i can do or say to really know if shes interested in me? i was thinking of telling her that we shouldnt hang out or talk anymore since she has a boyfriend and she what she says....or is this a bad idea?


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I'd recommend using a bf destroyer. Otherwise your feelings are about as safe as a blind pig in a slaugterhouse.

That last sentence...Don't do it. If you rely on luck here, it won't be 50/50, it'll be more like 7/93. The odds are not in your favor.

You just have to become more attractive than the current bf. DO NOT FALL IN THE FRIEND ZONE! Don't come on too strong eiter. The latter can get you rejected plus the attraction will end faster than Milli Vanilli's career.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
As long as you are able to walk away you CANNOT LOSE.

I think your biggest advantage here is that you are 2 years older. But is she really worth it? How hot is she? How cool is his boyfriend? Will you look like a douche for stealing a girl off a guy thats 2 years younger?

Don't just hang around and be that 2nd dude. I see guys do this all the time and the girl never leaves her boyfriend and it leads to depression and AFCness because they believe she will eventually leave. She wont.

Try some kino and stuff and eventually demand an ultimatum. If she refuses then walk away.

Can't say im familar with 'bf destroyers'.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
biggest regret is her bf? Giving you hints of attraction?
Go for her. She will leave her boy for you..