Should I get a Plenty of Fish account??


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Is it a goldmine??? I normally game bishes in real life. Does this internet provide greater benefits?? (serious)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Don't do it. Most of the girls on there are just attention *****s.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Dont waste your time. Hot girls never reply back and you get spam by the fat and fuglies


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
May as well make an account and see if any decent looking girls message you. It only takes a few minutes, and you don't have to put any work into it. I wouldn't waste time sending messages though. I made a fake profile with a good looking girl's picture and got over 100 emails in less than 2 days.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
There is no harm in it if you A) accept itas it is i.e a candy store for little princesses with huge amounts of entitlement & B) an exercise in futility

if you do go ahead, use goood photos, smiling, one individual, casual but stylish, and a couple of social/group situations, preferably with a few good looking women to hand.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Kerpal said:
May as well make an account and see if any decent looking girls message you. It only takes a few minutes, and you don't have to put any work into it. I wouldn't waste time sending messages though. I made a fake profile with a good looking girl's picture and got over 100 emails in less than 2 days.
Same when I put up a fake one in Tennessee, but when I put up a better fake one in another state, I don't get hardly any emails anymore. Guys are different in different areas? The cities I placed them were comparable in size.

It could be that guy on POF have grown wise to their game and don't msg anymore?

POF system rigged? ****ched? I NEVER get views anymore of my real profile on there. I'm thinking that some b!tch must have complained to POF that I "just wanted sex" because it's not like it was before when I'd log on to see 10 or so new views of my profile. Something's off.

As such, I have to make the first msg and am Still bagging numbers off of there. I just acquired one over the weekend from a 27 yr old, and I believe I'll end up fvcking her. She move here from that hell-hole, New Jersey, 8 yrs ago. She's definitely interested, but I see her as possibly being psychotic idk, but I'll fvck her.
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
You can get laid off POF...but there's a couple of things to know.

1. Don't put in too much effort. It is a quantity over quality thing. Friend requests actually do work.

2. Check the girls who viewed you but didn't say anything. They usually do think you're attractive but are waiting for you.

3. Get the digits fairly quick. As in, exchange a few messages without the mention of digits and then just ask her as if she said something that made u interested.

4. Show her you're different from the other online guys, ie create value. For me, being in my early 20's this was easy b/c most of the online guys my age don't have a steady job/own place/respect for women, etc.

5. If a girl wants to get laid off POF, she won't be hesitant to meet for a date...even at your house...and she'll be down to drink/smoke. Agree to whatever she wants to do, she's just trying to screen you b/c you're an "online guy"


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
great thread

GrimReapaLifeEnda said:
You can get laid off POF...but there's a couple of things to know.

1. Don't put in too much effort. It is a quantity over quality thing. Friend requests actually do work.

2. Check the girls who viewed you but didn't say anything. They usually do think you're attractive but are waiting for you.

3. Get the digits fairly quick. As in, exchange a few messages without the mention of digits and then just ask her as if she said something that made u interested.

4. Show her you're different from the other online guys, ie create value. For me, being in my early 20's this was easy b/c most of the online guys my age don't have a steady job/own place/respect for women, etc.

5. If a girl wants to get laid off POF, she won't be hesitant to meet for a date...even at your house...and she'll be down to drink/smoke. Agree to whatever she wants to do, she's just trying to screen you b/c you're an "online guy"
co-signs a 100%, pof chicks are slores

If your smashing 6's and ups props but i use pof, to break out of slumps, these women are slores and typically are DTF the first date if you qualify them right

three things to remember

1. Their looking to upgrade with a BBD, she already has someone in the wings, their not looking for anything serious unless they know your a catch

2. she may say she wants "something serious" but looking for her back to get blown out

3. If she sends you a dirty pics right away and says she wants something serious disregard that, pay attention to her actions not words
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Solomon said:
co-signs a 100%, pof chicks are slores

If your smashing 6's and ups props but i use pof, to break out of slumps, these women are slores and typically are DTF the first date if you qualify them right

three things to remember

1. Their looking to upgrade with a BBD, she already has someone in the wings, their not looking for anything serious unless they know your a catch

2. she may say she wants "something serious" but looking for her back to get blown out

3. If she sends you a dirty pics right away and says she wants something serious disregard that, pay attention to her actions not words
Well said. You actually want to be more direct on POF than real-life so you don't waste time.. Ask for those dirty pics and gauge her response. If she sends them, she's down as long as you show her the right attention for the right amount of time (won't be too long..sometimes a few nights of texts/calls is all it takes). If she say's "not yet" she's also down, just doesn't want to feel like a hoe so just act as if nothing happened and proceed with the G. If she's genuinely offended, next her.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
So its just a bunch of gross/fat broads that wanna get laid?? Has anybody pulled some decent girls off there? I was hoping there would be girls there that are decent but are just sick of the club scene and wanna meet up. Apparently not the case...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
The annoying thing about it is that at any minute, women can just decide to ignore you and that's it, that has even happened to me with a girl I met off there who i'd been out on 3 dates with, just ignored my text messages after flaking a couple times.
Prime example is a girl who'd agreed to a date earlier this week, IL seemed high, aksing me how my day was etc etc, you could tell she was interested. Then now she has ignored a message for 2 days, you can tell she's been online by the last online thingy, so basically someone she's more interested in has sent her a message so boom, you're ignored. I could be wrong, perhaps I'll get a reply soon but I'm not holding my breath.

If you can get around that side of things then it's fine, there's plenty of girls there but the ones worth dating aren't easy to meet up with, I will say that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I signed up quite recently and am quite overwhelmed by the mails I've been getting. Many of the hot women are saying much the same as you guys are saying here, about how all the guys are idiots, losers, fake or ugly.

I've had my share of ugly girls mailing me, but a number of hot ones too, and they're throwing their numbers at me. I had a date Sunday, which was great and I've got more dates lined up during the next 2 weeks.

A couple of things that worked for me is to let the women do the pursuing. I've let them email me and waited for them to volunteer their number. This just shows me that they're genuinely keen and not just getting off on my attention or playing me.

The second, big thing I've done is portray myself as a prince charming type character. I've written my profile talking about my old fashioned values, how I'm seeking a woman who is intelligent as well as beautiful and alike. It sets me apart from all those gangsta and badboy wannabes and posers. Nearly all the emails I get say how nice my profile is and how I seem like such a great guy etc etc.

I know, I know, we've been conditioned by this site not to be the nice guy etc, but this is just a hook that plays to the romantic fantasies of women. Once we've got chatting and built rapport, then I introduce sexual topics and raise the heat a bit.

Another key is to get yourself in shape! I've not put any topless pics of myself on there, but the clothes I'm wearing show I've got a good build. You only have so much control over your natural features, but being in shape will increase your value tremendously in the dating world, and especially on a site like POF where you're trying to grab someone's attention.


New Member
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
I was emailing this girl on POF and it seemed like she was interested. All of a sudden, no reply for no reason at all. A new girl replied recently and just sounds like a skank so I would not be surprised if she stopped replying. These girls get so many messages and I'm sure it boosts their ego.

It's worth it to try because you never know when you'll find a diamond in the rough.
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
LuisGarcia10 said:
The annoying thing about it is that at any minute, women can just decide to ignore you and that's it, that has even happened to me with a girl I met off there who i'd been out on 3 dates with, just ignored my text messages after flaking a couple times.
Prime example is a girl who'd agreed to a date earlier this week, IL seemed high, aksing me how my day was etc etc, you could tell she was interested. Then now she has ignored a message for 2 days, you can tell she's been online by the last online thingy, so basically someone she's more interested in has sent her a message so boom, you're ignored. I could be wrong, perhaps I'll get a reply soon but I'm not holding my breath.

If you can get around that side of things then it's fine, there's plenty of girls there but the ones worth dating aren't easy to meet up with, I will say that.
The main thing to realize about POF is that it's about catching a girl at the RIGHT TIME. Most girls succumb to online dating when they're in need, ie just broke up with someone, want to sleep w/ a guy none of their friends know, just moved and don't know anyone, etc. Once you catch a girl at this time, you just go through the motions and you should get her. But remember, she also is broadcasting she's available, so she'll have a million guys online also asking for her # and waiting to replace you. So if you get the chance, you have to keep your attention consistent for that time period. Also, a good strategy that works is contact the girls with new profiles...they just got on the site and are probably looking for something immediately. Also, they may be newer to online dating and not have as many defenses up.

The girls that seem to require a lot of attention but are inconsistent/flaky are also in need, but they want strictly attention and its almost useless to try to break through this wall to try to get laid. If you try to heat things up too hot, she's liable to just move on to some chump who she knows will give her all the attention she wants but is too scared to try to initiate anything sexual.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Szyzzlin said:
I was hoping there would be girls there that are decent but are just sick of the club scene and wanna meet up. Apparently not the case...
There are a lot of those. Unfortunately, they don't want to date guys like most of the men on this site.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
The amount of flaking is just astronomical. Let me give you a few examples.

Had an amazing date Saturday, unreal chemistry. She was all over me, must have told me 10x how handsome I was, how much fun she had, how she couldn't wait to see me again. We fooled around. Call her yesterday and she never got back to me.

Sunday night a girl IMs me, we chat for a bit, asks me to call her, talk on the phone for 20minutes and arrange to meet up at her place yesterday. She even initiates a text with me in the afternoon asking if we're still on, but doesn't reply when I text back telling her we are and suggest a time.

Last night, a girl IMs me and after chatting for a bit she is absolutely hell-bent on seeing me today. We arrange to meet tonight at 8, mind you she's acting estatic about it as if she were meeting Brad Pitt. Text her an hour ago asking if we're still on and no response yet.. basically, she's going to flake.

These are all HB 6/7's.

This is the kind of sh!t you have to deal with on there, and it gets old very quick. I've gotten laid more than enough from it, but you sure have to wade through the bullsh!t to get there.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, you have the opportunity to perfect your flirting skills for free. A chance to score a date, maybe a chance to get laid.

Again, did I say that this is all free?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Jariel said:
Another key is to get yourself in shape! I've not put any topless pics of myself on there, but the clothes I'm wearing show I've got a good build. You only have so much control over your natural features, but being in shape will increase your value tremendously in the dating world, and especially on a site like POF where you're trying to grab someone's attention.

^^^agreed, if your a guy in great shape your already in the top 10%, I'm telling you on a site like that you will clean up house

*looks at beer belly*



Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
in my area its only fat girls on there , and one girl pointed out alot of leos on there , hopeless romantics (im a leo as well >-> lol) but i hate the site