She's over sensitive, wants "space". HELP!!

Jet Jockey

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gower Mo. USA
Ok, here's one I am not sure how to deal with, partly because of the circumstances. I am 40. She is 42. We had been having a long distance relationship, with her living 4 hours away. It wasn't a problem at first, in fact she always came to see me, every chance she had. IL was high, she would get sad and just about cry when she had to leave to go home.

Well after several months of this, and her driving 8 hours roundtrip every week to see me, I asked her to move in. She was so happy I asked her to, and it was gonna be good to be able to see each other more freuquently. We both felt we wanted this and were ready. I had been a player, having a diffrent woman for everyday of the week, and all that. I guess I got to the point where, I had the "one" it was her, and we started a committed relationship.

I helped her to go get her things from her old apt 4 hours a way, and we got that stuff moved in. All was good or so i thought.

Then the sh@t started. First of all I have a "friend" ( I use the term looslely, no longer a friend) that thought she was way cool. She made friends with him and his girlfriend, and I thought this was good. She knew no one here, and I figured, it would be good to have mutual friends. She has always been faithful to me and , I to her. I am not a cheater and a liar. But my so called friend is.

He secretly wanted in her pants. I work nights, and when I would go to work him and his girlfriend would show up to play cards with her. Now, he knew she would not cheat, he tested the waters, and she stood strong. So he set out to mess us up, figuring that if we were to break up, then he could get her to come stay with him ( since she knew no one else and was miles from home) Brilliant plan, but she wasn't interested in his nasty arse!

That didn't stop him from sharing with her, all my exploits, telling her about woman after woman i bedded down, alot of things i would have preferred to keep in the closet. He drug the whole closet out and forced it in her face. Told her about me having one chick leave, in time for another to show up 20 min later etc... that mf-er!! Well, that sucked, but to make matters worse, he then started telling her things like i have a huge temper, saying i was beating my women, ( I have never been like that!) Just basically, trying to shred any credibility i had with her.

She was in a abusive relationship and DID get beat and cheated on . time had passed, and she had swore men off, until she met me. Of course, all her old thoughts and fears came flooding back as he weaved his tales.

She started making a major incident out of little mistakes I would make. We had 2 vehicles, I once took one, and thought the keys were in the other, but they weren't. She couldn't find them. We lived in the country out in the sticks, so it wasn't exactly like she could walk anywhere if need be..but yet, I didn't think it was such a huge screw up either! things like that, he turned against me too, putting in her head things like " he's trying to control you when he does that", or if i asked her to do a few things for me ( us) before i went to work, then I was" being bossy". You get the picture. He was all over it, filling her head with poison. She being somewhat impressionable, an him being very convincing didn't help either.

Then came the morning I lost my temper. I usually am laid back, but I had had enough of this crap. I told her, that i did not want her to hang out with that liar and cheat, and I raised my voice out of frustration when i said it. i went to him a couple times prior and told him to cut it out, and he always, managed to get evasive, and just stayed away until i went to work. She viewed them by now as valuable "friends" since she knew no one else.

Well, she started telling people at work about her fears he had put in her head, and of course these people she told didn't know me, but they knew and liked her, and wanted to "protect" her from me. She was urged to move out. A friend of hers from work (female) came and helped her move while i was at work. i came home to a empty house, and no idea where she was. i was shocked, worried, and hurting all at the same time.

My attempts to reach her were futile. everyone covered for her. her friends and family pretended not to know where she was. I finally did get someone to tell me, and when I called, to ask her if we could discuss this, I was intercepted by her friend, and not allowed to talk to her.

So now her friends "relay" messages to me if I try to get in touch. Normally, i would just say next, and move on, but I don't because, 1. If she knew, what really happened ( i can prove it, because I got the ex friend to admit it, and he is willing to sing as to what he was doing) I could clear things up, and she wouldn't be afraid. She is AFRAID of me!!!! I confronted him, and told him basically, he made the mess, he needs to help clean it up. I have leverage on him cuz he happens to be in trouble with the law, and I informed him I would drop a dime on him, if he doesn't clena it up. She says, ( thru her friends) she needs her space, and loves me, but will call in her "own good time" I know she's scared and not sure whether or not to trust me. She was only living with me for 3 weeks when this all happened, but we were seeing each other far longer. But she wasn't living with me she says, so how does she know i am not this terrible monster he has me portrayed to be.

Problem is the space issue, and getting communication open. If i ignore her, ( I have tried that) She doesn't call. Her friends say because she is still "scared" of me. How can I straighten this out with her?? I think communication is key, but its virtually cut off with all the c*ck blockers here!!!I try to relay messages, such as lets meet for dinner at a public place) but the damn friends of hers don't relay the freaking message. I love her, and i think she feels the same, but is petrified. If i date other gals, i know her...she'll ay ou ARE a player!!! He was right!!! How do i salvage this? Any ideas? I know quite a few will say move on, next her, etc. I'd like to try a few more things first if anyone has a great idea, that may work to get the truth out to her. I am pretty sure if the c@ck blockers would step aside, I could salvage this. She crys alot I am told, and tells everyone she loves me and misses me, and wishes i weren't such a player etc... Geeez! I let my other girls go to be with her, because we became committed, and I don't cheat. 2 way street thing and so on. Any help out here???


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Send her this post, but instead of telling this to us, tell it to her. I think if she was able to read this story - which sounds very genuine - she might see how these fears got planted in her head. Ofcourse you can leave out the introduction part but do mention the part about the 'friend' and the part about where you USED to be a player untill you found her.

If this story is not gonna convince her, I suggest you do forget about her. See, I think you have to at least give it a try, giving her the insight of YOUR part of the story.

Might I suggest though, to leave out the header saying 'HELP!!' :D


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Lafayette, LoUiSiAna
Then the sh@t started. First of all I have a "friend" ( I use the term looslely, no longer a friend) that thought she was way cool. She made friends with him and his girlfriend, and I thought this was good. She knew no one here, and I figured, it would be good to have mutual friends. She has always been faithful to me and , I to her. I am not a cheater and a liar. But my so called friend is.
There is your whole problem! Beat the fvck out of this prick dumbaxx idiot, and make sure he is hurt bad! Then beat him again! This kind of stuff pisses me off when a so called friend backstabbs you.

Once you nearly kill this prick and get his axx out of the picture then it will take some time to build up trust with your girl.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, that's harsh! Your former friend is clearly jealous and a pathetic excuse for a person.

If you look at it from her point of view, her fears are understandable. She only knows you through what you have told her and the first character reference she hears is one she feared hearing more than anything, and this is from someone she thinks is your friend. If she has been in an abusive relationship before, she must be very cautious about meeting someone new and always on alert for warning signs - including verbal outbursts etc.

From what I can make out, the reason she is avoiding you is not because she's not interested or because she's scared of you, but because she's scared of falling in love, losing her sense of reason and repeating a previous mistake.

It's a difficult situation as I expect she's fighting against her heart right now. The best thing I can suggest is writing her a letter explaining the truth: how your friend tried to sabotage things, and how that hurt and frustrated you. Tell her that you understand her fears and what she is thinking. Ask her to call your friend (if you can trust him). Ask her if you can meet, on her terms if necessary.

I would never normally recommend opening up your heart in this way, but it sounds like you genuinely care for each other and neither of you are playing games. It can be so frustrating to lose something like this (that is what you both want) over a stupid misunderstanding.

Good luck.

Jet Jockey

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gower Mo. USA
more c*ckblocking!

Tried calling this morning hoping to leave at least a message. Was told she is signing a lease on a new APt. SHYT!!!! I don't want her doing this! I am sure she has wanted to talk about this stuff to someone, and has confided in her friends from work, and family, but they don't know the real scoop, and do not know me. I can see right now I have limited time to straighten this out, or She is going to sign a lease, move he stuff somewhere, and then become totally disappeared!! I won't even have a phone # etc.

As for the friend, he's gonna get his. I just need him able to talk and tell her what he did first. I am so tempted to go kick his @ss around i the street for a few hours, but i have to be the man here and be in control, and not give in right now to my urge to watch him bleed. LOL. He'll get what he hs coming, just need him able to speak if i call upon him to speak.

What about sending a simple bouquet of flowers to her at work, with a letter attached asking her to meet me ( at a public place) and stating in it the same thing I put here in my first post? If i call her work, they won't let you talk to her ( she works at a nursing home) but I bet it would be ok for her to get flowers at work. Or do you think she'll take the flowers and thru them and the letter away without reading? I also got to think that she has friends at work who are watching, and they will be saying so the SOB sent you flowers! Ain't that so sweet!!! Thats what i mean about her throwing them away....Now she is going to be under per pressure to treat me like dirt I think. Anyone got any other ideas for contacting her, and straightening this out? I gotta be careful here, since she is hyper sensitive. Also, the space thing. Do you think the "space" her friend said she asked for, is to give her time to just get a place and get where I won't know where she is, or do you think She really needs it to think, and will contact me later? I think time is of the essence here, and c*ckblocking by her friends, and this space thing are not helping much!

Jet Jockey

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gower Mo. USA
I reread Dirthearts reply. it's right on the money as far as the way the situation is. Yes it is very frustrating when you finally find a "keeper" and some dildo of a friend fvcks it all up for ya! Hell yes she is scared, and in her mind rightly so. Normally, I would not allow this "space" thing to continue for long. I would give a ultimatum and most likly move on. This case is WAY diffrent tho. Her perception is her reality, and her reality has me written in it as being a way I am not..thanks to outside interference.

I still have some things that belong to her that mean alot to her. I think possibly she will contact me to get those things. It may be a while possibly several weeks. Yikes, WEEKS . She is busy getting a "new life" started, getting her own place etc. Now another thought has occurred to me...

Her well meaning "friends" wll sooner or later try to set her up with somebody. One already has, from what i have heard, but she luckily wasn't responsive. Still hurting too much i guess. I need to get my side out to her and soon! it will make the diffrence I think.

I have but one shot when she calls or comes by to get her stuff. I do not want to let the dialogue get turned to a fight ( which it easily could because of her hurt feelings here). I need to stay undefensive,and open, yet, firm, with confidence and credibility. I won't likely have long to speak, since it will probably be a SHORT phone call, so I have to say something that will cause her to think.... and to listen! Any ideas here? I am walking a tightrope.

Jet Jockey

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gower Mo. USA
She just called. She started to ***** me out, but I did pretty good at not being defensive, yet letting her know that the answer is to talk about this. She agreed she would, but "when she is ready". No definite time, might be a couple days might be, a couple months, who knows.

I let her know I love her...and here is the kicker.. She said I just can't say that back RIGHT NOW. So i took a clue, and backed off on that.

I think she is confused. I think she is fighting her heart as dirtheart said earlier. Well, i can totally understand her needing space in this situation. But i can't stop living either. Normally i would say go for other gals, but I think it would be wise to hold up a bit first. Give her a chance to to get back to me, have her space yada yada. If it gets back to her I am seeing other gals, yes she will think i am a player and that will be the final blow. I think i need to set a time limit tho...if she takes forever to get back to me, just assume she won't and move on.

Can anyone think of anything else i can do while i am temporarly in limbo here, that will help my cause with her? Please make sure you have read the first post I made before answering tho, I don't think this is a "next" situation JUST YET.

Thanks in advance!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
I wouldn't want any part of a woman who took some other guy's word over mine.


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Id usually say go for a younger woman with less emotional baggage (read:garbage).

Anyway, the same thing somehow happened to me. My "friends" told my ex that a man can cry and that I wasnt really in love with her because I woudnt cry before her or that men can tell their feelings to other men and women while I wasn`t.

I just had my pride...

The day she came to my home giving me the "ultimatum" I had already bought engagement rings and was goin to show her but then she asked me to give her a proof of my love to her because she was about to leave me. I just took out the rings (costed me 200$ wich was A LOT for me at that time) and told her that shes never goin to have them from me. She then began to cry and say how sorry she was. I just went to the bathroom with her following me and crying and flushed the rings. I then told her to leave and never show herself before me.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
dude i totally feel yea, even though theres 26 years of age diff between us, my first ltr, man i loved that girl, hb9 too, geez, well neways cause of her friends producin bullsh-t, things got kinda stressy, so we kinda temporarily called off so much of a commitment, but like just a break, u know dont start nething up w/ neone else thats serious, u know, and we were about to get back together, one of her b-tch friends fabricated an affair between her and i, it ended up splitten us up...u gotta nip this thing in the bud as best as u can, or its over:(


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Wow man.......u seem to being seeing this pretty clearly.

There is nothing worse than being in limbo, with all the power in the other persons hands.

She is DEFINATELY fighting her heart. No doubt about that. U got it right she is confused, and thats why she cant say "i love u" to you right now.

U really need her to read this entire dialogue u just told to us.

However this problem will take a long time to fix. Even if she does decide to spend time with u again and "work it out", this will cause many problems for a long long time. Hope you are ready to hang in there.

U said u were thinking of sending flowers to her at work? I assume u know where she works? Why not go to her work and try to speak to her in person. Take a copy of this dialogue with u.

This is also a hard one, because u keep chasing her could possibly force her away more, or could work. Thing is u need to let her know u have done NOTHING wrong and if she would just give u a chance to proove it to her then she would understand. But because u have done NOTHING wrong u wont be here feeling like u have and chasing her around everywhere. She has to give u the chance u deserve. U have to be firm about it, otherwise she will just let u suffer for as long as she can.

Jet Jockey

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gower Mo. USA
Clooney all good points..

I can't go to her work, because she works at a nursing home, and the charge nurse has said that if she gets anymore visits ( apparently the A-hole that started this has been trying to see her at work too) she will lose her job. Her job is important to her, and I don't want to screw that up.

Thats why I came up with the send flowers Idea, and attach a letter, don't try to explain the whole situation in the letter, it would be too long, and she is less likely to read it. Instead Just ask in the letter, if she will please get ahold of me/meet in a restaraunt, so we can discuss this. I take a chance she won't read the letter, and will just throw the flowers away, but since i cannot call her work, and i have no other way to reach her, its my only shot. I tried sending her a letter, us mail, figuring her mail would be forwarded, she says she has changed addresses, but it came to me at this address. So the mail is out. Its either send flowers and a note, or just wait for her to contact me.

I'm not even sure what to put in the you word something is everything!!!
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
1. Your definately NOT a player, cause a playa would have no problems cheating. And you never were a player that's for sure. You were just a guy who dated a lot and that's cool.

2. There is more to this story than what I am reading! The problem is that we can only hear your version of the truth.

3. Here is what you do:

a) have your so called friend write a confession letter if that is the real reason why she is afraid of you...then have her friends read it and deliver it.

b)have your freind and you and her meet with her friends in a neutral place so he can verbally confess...and let this be known.

c) get rid of your one-itis also. it doesn't serve you in this situation and weakens your inner strength. I recognize the reason alot of men in your situation want a woman to move in is so that they can have more control over them. You called her the one, and that is only because she is submissive to you. You are probably a control freak like me and you only want submissive women. This woman had been abused before so her submissive nature is probably high.

Your probably addicted to the control and that is why you can't let it go! As I said there is more to this story than what you put up. I've been there before to. Addicted to control over my last LTR of 8 years. I started dating her when I was in my early 30's and she was 17 almost 18...she lied to me about her age so I would go out with her. This kid never had a father and all that. I got addicted to the control she gave up. And when she left I freaked! That is until I realized I couldn't stand her as a person...I just wanted her under my control. I enjoyed going out fawking other women and then coming home and calling her at 2am to come over and give me head so that I could get to sleep and sending her home that is control.

It's a double edged sword. To get it we must give up something too.

No woman is worth all this! Not relationship is worth all this. And forget that "oh but I love her shyt" You hardly even know who she really is. Just cause she is submissive which is why your friend wants to control her also...doesn't mean that you truely love her.


Jet Jockey

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gower Mo. USA
Player supreme...I will try having my ex friend make a confession to her with witnesses. A letter she would just say was "faked" by me.

Your right I am not a player. Just becaus I had a diffrent gal to fvck for every day of the week, and two for Sunday, does not make me a player. It was probably just luck that i had all those women huh?

And if the definition of a player according to you, is that I would cheat on a woman I chose to be with exclusively, such as in this case when her and I chose each other, than I am Definitely not a player, cuz I am honest and would not cheat on her. She is diffrent to me than the other 99% of the women out there....which incidentally makes it worth a wee bit more effort.

So now that we have that established.... that i am not a player (geeez, always have to show ID in this place!!! LOL) lets move on to the next thing thrown out by player supreme, and that is that he thinks, that it is a control thing.

Well that one can be argued all day long I'm sure. For her and I, it was not about that. I have always, been pretty easy going with her, and tried not to be controlling. But as any of you know who have been with a older woman, once they are in a bad relationship with some tyrant, they view asking them to pass the potatoes as control!!! They over react I guess. She can ask me to do things and I gladly do them, and it was a 2 way street, so i think the control thing is a bit of a farce. I'm not afraid of losing control as much as i am afraid of losing her.... I have looked far and wide to find her, and I found her, or did she find me? Anyway, nice try at analyzing tho. I think with her it is a afraid to get hurt thing, and with me, its a I found the woman I want why won't the bast@rd leave us alone thing. If her and I could remove all the interference from our realtionship, the shyt would stop, and I think we could both relax and not be so stressy.

Any knowledge out there? Anyone think of anything I can do to bring this around?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
You need to communicate 2 things to her:

1) You need to admit to having made a bad choice as to which of your "friends" you introduced her to. Tell her the truth...that he wanted to get into her pants, when she shut him down he started making up lies, and you two are no longer friends.

2) You need to LET HER GO. You need to express the fact that you still want to be with her, but YOU don't want a life with here where she's constantly looking over her shoulder wondering if those things he said about you are true, and you know SHE doesn't want a life like that either. The pool that is her mind has been p!ssed in, and if she won't or can't clean it out, then you're both going to be happier going your separate ways. But it's up to her now.

You don't want to win this woman back, only to have her always suspecting, somewhere in the back of her mind, that there's this dark side to you just waiting to pounce on her when she lowers her guard. That would be murder on both of you.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
Knox, Tenn.
Go with squirrels advice. But I'd add:

3) Move on, and better luck next time.


Jet Jockey

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gower Mo. USA
Ok Ok, I think I know what to do.

She wants space right? She believes this drivel he told her right? This will be a test on her then.

I let her have her space. In about a week, I'll send some flowers to her work, since i cannot stop by without gettiing her in trouble. Attached to the flowers will be a short letter to her. It will say something to the affect of, "if you really want to know me, contact me, If you really did/do love me contact me, you have the number. I am giving you what you asked for...some space. It would be good to hear from you, but thats your decision".

Then i go on with my daily routine. Do the things i like, go to work etc. Finish those old projects i never got to. If after say, 2 or 3 weeks, i haven't heard from her, assume she don't wanna know and forget her. Start seeing other women. I know of at least 3 i could get with tomorrow if i choose, But i will give her the 2-3 weeks of space first. It ain't gonna kill me to wait that long b4 going for the pu$$y. Once i start seeing other women, it will be up to her to convince me to stop, cuz she should have talked to me in the first place before believing that shyt from him.

If after 2-3 weeks or longer she wants to be friends only, so be it. I won't drop everything for her, but maybe being friends will give her a bit more insight into who i am, and she'll realize, that she had it all wrong believing him. If there is love there, then she'll know what to do. If not, I guess whats the point anyway. There was love, I mean if it is still there.

All I have to do, is...nothing. Give her space. Life goes on. She will climb down off her high horse eventually. When she does I will see how sincere and strong SHE is. If it is worth having, this is just a bump in the road. She wants her space....she's got it.

Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
See I read this much differently than most of you other guys.

IMO she either never was or isnt now that interested in him. Because I know from personal experience living with two gf's-one an ex, that there is NOW WAY IN HELL either one of them would just get up and leave just because some guy was filling her head with stories. I mean it just wouldnt happen. They would always take my word over some "friend". Something isnt adding up here. They would have a long talk with me to clear anything up, and leave it at that because they loved me.

For a woman to just start beleiving some guy she just met and to actually move out over it, either her IL was low, or there is something else our friend her isnt telling us.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Good point, Jay, but you are forgetting that this is a story about an abused woman who is appearantly VERY scared to fall into the same trap and I actually think she is very wise to go against her heart at this point. Ofcourse at some point she will have to open up again but i certainly cannot blame her for running.