She suddenly went cold


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Well, maybe it's time he makes her his girlfriend then. Offering to be there for him, driving him, picking him up, she sounds like a keeper.

I mean, that's what a good relationship is, doing things for each other, being there for each other when needed.

Not to mention, him getting all twisted, enough to create this thread, because she wasn't as attentive as she normally is for a couple of days reflects his feelings go deeper than casual.
This girl is also talking about them as a couple to her friends and fam and it sounds like he doesn't want to communicate commitement.

The other thing is the OP is in CYPRUS.

Is there a worse part of the world for female attitudes? Let's think about the nearby countries: Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, all of the fundamental muslim countries nearby...

And OP is wondering why she's suddenly acting cold when this is where she lives and he won't commit... :rofl: