Serious Situation part 2


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2009
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Obliteraga said:
If you think it's a mistake, feel free to elaborate. I value everyone's opinion on this board and am taking everything into consideration
I don't know how many more way's there are to say "just leave this girl alone and go about your life". You are received the best advice. If you must say "something" send a text saying "Sorry but I won't do this anymore, I wish you and your baby all the best".


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
hahaha, this is classic sosuave...

guy comes in with problem, asks for advice, gets tons of great advice, ignores said advice, only reponds to advice that encourage his view, keeps thread alive, posters get increasingly frustrated and hostile, guy denies reality and claims to be open minded, goes against all advice and common sense, eventually stops posting for a long while, returns 2+ weeks later with sad story saying how every1 was right all along.... seen it all before...

basically these guys think they come here for advice, but they really just want their poor choices validated. they want someone to say "its ok, you did the right thing, thats a good plan, you handle that perfectly"

frankly i think you're as big a mess as she is and deserves everything that happens to you....

I mean who dates a pregnant woman? and then takes care of the kid? how screwed up must you be to do something like that? how low must ur self esteem be? i wish u could see my facial expression. imagine the face someone makes when they step in dog poo... ugh!


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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game.r said:
frankly i think you're as big a mess as she is and deserves everything that happens to you....

i wish u could see my facial expression. imagine the face someone makes when they step in dog poo... ugh!
Sadly, I agree. The OP is in a spin over some trailer trash and doesn't realize that the problem is himself. He's trying to be honorable and chivalrous with a girl that deserves neither. Reality is non existent and he wants to keep playing to soothe his hurt ego.

If he's lucky, he'll learn before he totally messes up his life.



Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I'm amazed you guys are still responding to this dude. I had assumed he was trollin' these boards.

Y'all are casting pearls before swine, IMHO. He doesn't want advice he wants more posts in his threads.


Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
It's a great cliff hanger, though. I'm not much for drama, but this one piques my interest. I hope we hear about the inevitable crash & burn.

It will certainly serve as an effective object lesson for the nebies that come along.
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score

My mind isn't made up, or I wouldn't have posted this thread.

I'm talking theory here. If I were to talk to her here's how it would go down and why. xxx yyy. Pros? Cons?

That's all I'm looking for here. Pros and cons to talking to her, and what I should say for those who believe that breaking up in person is the way to go.

If you think it's a mistake, feel free to elaborate. I value everyone's opinion on this board and am taking everything into consideration

1.) Pros to Talking To Her

As a summary, the main pros are that she could potentially change in fear of losing you or you could stop her from potentially stalking you.

I DO NOT think she would ever stalk you though.

2.) Cons in Talking To Her

As a summary, the main cons are that she DOES NOT CHANGE and is STILL the same person that she was (is), and it either gets you into a physical confrontation or it makes you MORE attracted to her (the issue you have can do this).

Which one do I think will occur? One of the Cons. This girl isn't ready to change yet, probably will NEVER change, most girls like this DON'T.

OP everything I mentioned in my thread earlier is correct (in my opinion). You are very needy and have a low level of self esteem, this is causing you NOT to see the negative consequences of truly engaging with this woman.

This is why I compared it to a bad addiction. When you are addicted to something bad, the bad influences of it keep you BLIND to the negative consequences of it. When you are shooting up that rock, you are only focused on the "high" you are receiving, you dont' even SEE the bad impacts it's having on your brain and body and for the moment you don't even care. OP, you won't really "understand" why you should cut this girl off until you've started to develop a higher level of self esteem.

You mentioned earlier that within weeks of knowing her you "were in love," is this MAINLY because SHE expressed interest in you and you had few women that did during that time? That's NOT love, that's desperation.

Loving yourself is being secure, FULL, and having the ability to provide mature care, charm, and excitement to your mate. You get to this place by first getting to stability internally. Stable financially, emotionally, spiritually, health wise, etc. You are ONE with who YOU ARE. ONE with where you are going in life. You know where you are going, you know what you have to offer, and you KNOW it's good. You have over-flowing joy without people having anything to do with it. As a result, you are naturally confident, naturally self-reliant, naturally masculine, naturally the life of the party, naturally not afraid to approach, etc. etc. All those don juan "tips and techniques" come natural to the guy that LOVES himself.

Once you reach this stage, now you are capable of actually investing love in someone else. Expressing love in a mate is an investment, meaning, you don't just GIVE IT AWAY to anybody. As a result, you become a prudent investor on where you invest your "goods." Again, those don juan "tips and techniques" of not settling for crap from a woman, not taking crap from women, and going after higher quality women, come NATURALLY to the guy that LOVES himself. This is why nobody here needs Sosuave, they need LOVE.

However, at this moment OP you are a horrible investor because you don't understand the value of your goods, thus, you don't understand the loss of giving them to the wrong person. It's like a guy with a million dollars that has no idea of the value of that million dollars, just GIVING IT AWAY to any piece of crap that comes up to him and asks for it. Guess, who's more likely to ask him for it first? That's right, bad investments (bummy addicts) who only want the money to go off and waste it on their dumb ass addictions. That money could have been invested in a growing business, in a prudent charity for an important cause, etc.

This girl is a horrible investment.

1.) She already comes with a baby. This means she made a mistake in selecting a quality long-term mate to breed with.

2.) She doesn't know who the baby's father is. This means she's a wh0re. Point blank. I don't believe the rape claim.

3.) Speaking of the rape claim, I believe it's totally false to cover up the fact that she's a wh0re. Which means she files false rape claims, which means she's one of the ULTIMATE in WORST women EVER created. EVER. OP, do you even understand what false rape claim filers do to a guy's life? Do you know how horrible that is? I don't care if she didn't actually "file" it, to EVEN make a statement about it and lie about it, is ENOUGH in my book.

4.) She's a party girl (the past of wildly smoking, etc. which I DOUBT she's stopped doing)

5.) She talks to other guys that are sexually interested in her IN FRONT OF YOU. (the guy on the phone)

6.) Other guys she talks to says they want to kill you and she doesn't defend you or tell them to stop. Why would she even befriend a person that wants to KILL someone they don't know? Why even befriend someone that wants to KILL someone for NOTHING period? Isn't that telling you something OP? Isn't that telling you that the people that she DECIDES to engage with are low quality/scum? Wouldn't that make her the same?

There are over 200 million women in this country alone. Thousands in your area. THOUSANDS. You need to sit down and get some quiet time to evaluate YOU, so that you see YOUR VALUE. THIS IS THE FIRST THING. Next, survey this field of THOUSANDS of women in your area and go after the ones that are good investments of YOUR "goods" (your time, personality, charm, etc. etc.). You are NOT running out of women. You are NOT running out of suitable partners. You DO NOT have to spend your time on this worthless piece of crap investment.

This girl is NOT crazy. She WON'T stalk you. So don't worry about texting her to avoid that. Don't call, text her, and don't go around the people that remind you of her. Right now you are still negatively addicted and you must begin the rehab stage. The first step is to admit you are addicted, the next AVOID the people, places, and things that cater to that addiction (that includes SPEAKING to her).


Don Juan
May 12, 2010
Reaction score
East Coast
I still think he needs to talk to her. I DON'T think he needs to talk to her face to face, though. He can do it over the phone just as easily as doing it in person. It's important to close the door on this one. If he doesn't do that then not only might she turn up again later because she didn't have final resolution but HE might be tempted to forgive and forget at a later date. He needs to make her mad enough to not want him anymore but not so mad that she wants revenge. Just avoiding and disappearing is likely to make her want revenge. This girl clearly wants attention from multiple men, but she wants it in a very unhealthy and sick way. When baby daddy left her she started telling everyone he raped her. Why? Because she was most likely NOT satisfied with the way in which he left her. That's why I think he should talk to her to end it in a way that makes him look like the good guy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Ob- hate to break it to you, but your white knight need to do the right thing is not shared on her part.

I understand where you coming from, your a decent guy wanting to do the right thing.

Sadly women like this take advantage of that fact, they actually want men like you, because your values make you easier to manipulate, because rather simply, she doesn't operate the same as you do - there is no moral code of conduct - This woman is bad news, the more you invest time into trying to do the right thing, the more you award a snake.

Your like the frog on the scorpions back - hitching a ride to cross the pond.

Talk to her or not, at least run for the hills as fast as you can.

Seriously though, you dont owe this chick anything, I have zero idea why you want to do the right thing with this type of woman - it just makes you seem like some sort of charity worker - A charity worker who denys his own self respect and lowers his own personal welfair in doing the right thing for others.

that sort of thinking is what gets men like you to gas themselves by sticking a hose from the exhaust pipe of the car - over doing the right thing to people who will use that against you -

Accept it, some people including women are simply not worth the time and effort of a guy with higher moral values - and in this case you can see how that is shaping out to be - she is using you and manipulating you and you still feel like doing the right thing by her, like it is going to change something or make a startling revelation in her mind - Sadly this is the crux of the white knight, they have a superior sense of self importance - that just results in them being bit on the AS*.

You've been warned.

Sticking your hand in the fire when you've been told it burns, isn't clever it's just stupid.

Message boy she wont change, thats the last vestige of the white knight - the superior knowledge that his actions are going to pay off eventually and the poor choice in a girl he dated is sudenly going to wise up and turn into the perfect women he so secretly wanted all along. Dont give guys like this hope, it's like the life preserver in a torrent, they will cling to shi* like that in the hope that eventually the rapids wont pull them down to the squaller she is at - They always get sucked under, always!

Think of it like the guy who dates the fat chick, he tries to make her loose waight, when she does, if she does - she goes out and hor's it around, whilst he is sat at home worried about what she is getting up to now she is getting more attention - Even if you change the women they always move onto a shinier object rather than stick with the sub par AFC who settled for a fat, or damaged chick in the first place.

Because if anything all these women are, are nothing but reflections of the mans choices - she is a mirror reflecting back at him is fuc*ed up choices.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
This is only a "serious" situation because your perception and priorities are "seriously" flawed.

What do you have invested in this woman that is going to be a catastrophic loss if you just forget about her? Think of her as a woman who took yo j!zz for awhile, what's so serious about that? She is on the same level as that crusty pair of socks in the hamper. You don't have any kids, you won't lose your house or money, so what's the big deal?

Man, JUST FORGET ABOUT HER. They do this sh!t to guys all the time, one day you're the king and the next day she can't remember your name. Cut your losses, any further dealings with her will only increase your frustration and wasted time. You're 30 years old for chrissake, quit being a drama queen, time to saddle up and hit the trail John Wayne style.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
This thread is ridiculous. OP, why do you think everyone is responding in concert that you should go 100% no contact? Do you honestly think they're all wrong and you're correct?

If you want reinforcement of a bad decision, go post on LoveShack. Otherwise, do yourself a favor and just drop the bytch.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
If you really want to end it in gentleman's way as opposed to being Cpt. Save Aho, I have an advice for you:

Call her and say her this:

I'm sorry, we have to stop seeing each other. I'm broke, own money to some dangerous people, got a nervous brake down and I'm on some strong medications....I can't even get it up....and start crying.

That way her ego won't be hurt and she will know that she can't get any financial, emotional or sexual support from you. That should make her running.
If she offers(and delivers) you money, kind words and sex....marry her.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
game.r --- NAILED IT !!!!!

This sounds like a "My Name is Earl" episode.....

OP --- you owe this trash nothing.....EJECT!!

This would be comical if it wasn't so potentially tragic.....

I would offer advice....BUT....

A. You've been offered great stuff already

B. You seem to ignore it all anyway so why bother

YOU really have issues that YOU need to deal with about YOURSELF and YOUR behaviour

Over and Out.
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