seneding message to myspace, friendster


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
guys need youre tips here..What is the best message you can give to your myspace and friendster girls? and im also thinking to write a (testimonial/comments) what do you think is the proven theme or delivery that i should say? thanx guys


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Usually I say something like, "So, xxxxx, I was bored the other night and came to your profile and thought, damn, she's hot, so i thought i would talk to ya and get to know ya." Sometimes they respond back, sometimes they don't. Most won't, but that's real life anyway.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
don't try so hard it looks needy...... be simple and direct..... "Hey what's up? if you want to chat sometime send me your email and I will add you to msn"

something along those lines I find works well..... doesn't sound needy don't need an intro about yourself when they can simply look at your profile. They usually reply with their email then you can chat them up in private and do your thing.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
I just send a message like "Hey, whats your screen name? Their is something about you that is kind of cute". Most of the time I am sending these kinds of messages to girls whose walls are covered in comments from guys calling them hot and stuff, so the "kind of cute" works as a nice lil' neg hit. One or two out of every ten respond with an lol and the screenname and ifyou can get them to laugh during the first IM you are guarenteed a number.

When they respond saying "do I know you" which happens more than not, I send them back one saying "No, but since its the holiday season I figured I would be charitable and give you an early present by getting to know me =)". Usually I get the screename as a response to that.

Now I just hope you understand that myspace and friendster should just be a side thing, and not your game. If this is your entire mack, then you're not improving because the majority of stuff you should be learning here should be applied out in the real world and not on cyber space. Like I said above, this should be a little supplemental action so that when it is a Monday or Tuesday night and you have nothing to do you can go on a date with one of these chicks.


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
THis is what im sending to all the girls in my space and beleive me 96percent of those chicks give me their ym or their mobile number..try it it works..

"Hey, Well I have to make this short since i youre being so bored with a lot of guys saying youre preety and blah balh balh... So ill try my best not mentioning you have sexy neck line and mysterious eyes..Any way i saw your profile and i think youre cool and were gonna jive well.. so what is your ym id so I could know you more and mabye have a cute friendship in the future...


this is my myspace check my girls...