Self Evaluation (Warning: Long)


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score

Special thanks to Kaizen, for showing me this stuff, and for improving my life in a way I only could of dreamt of before i met him.

What i am about to tell you, will help you in ALL walks of life, not just girls.

Self improvement
You all know how important it is, it is the basis of all our DJ skill's. Everything we have done because of this site somehow revolved around self improvement, for example, when this site motivated you to talk to that HB and ask her out, that was a result of your new and improved confidence. When you succesfully macked a girl, that was a result of your new and improved conversation/body language/kino skills. It is VERY important for a person to be constantly improving, if a person isn't constantly aspiring to be greater, he may as well be dead. So now you all know how important self improvement is, let me ask you a question.

Is this site really helping you improve your life?

I mean sure, it may teach you how to be confident, how to get the ladies, and other things. But do you see.. you DEPEND on these people to improve your life, that's not the way any person is supposed to live. You shouldn't DEPEND on anyone, anyone succesful in life, doesnt depend on people, they go out and make breaks for themselves. To help you better understand what im giving to you here im going to give you a qoute.

"You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or you can teach him how to fish and feed him for a life time"

Now having given you that qoute let me try and tell you this again. People on this site are in fact GIVING you fish, you depend on these people to be fed, if they dont give you fish, you starve. On the other hand if someone was to come along and teach you HOW to fish(That's me) then you will have food for a life time. Now im going to give you a question.

Do you want me to give you fish?
Or do you want me to teach you to fish?

Well if you want me to give you fish, then im not going to, hit the back button on your browser and let those people give you fish. On the other hand if you want me to teach you to fish, then stick around.

But before I say anymore, let me get this straight, by NO means am i telling you to go away and never come back to this site again. You will see later in my post that this site is important, and can help you improve, but you just have to use it in the right way. I mean there's no harm in extra fish? Just make sure you dont depend on being given those fish.

Okay so now im going to stop referring it to fishing and am now going to refer it to improving youself. Because im going to teach you 2 methods of improving yourself (Both that i use, Once again a HUGE amount of credit goes to Kaizen). Well I dont want to waste any more time, here they are:

Self Evaluation
What is self evaluation? Self evaluation is a technique that you use to improve yourself (Duh!). How do you use self evaluation? Whoa!, slow down hot shot, first im going to tell you a little about making mistakes. I LOVE making mistakes, I LOVE failing, it's great!!!! The bigger the mistake, the more you learn from it, and the more you improve from it. Here is something Kaizen told me:
Stupid people are those who dont learn from their mistakes...
Smart people are those who do learn from their mistakes...
Wise people are those who learn from other's mistakes...
Genious is when you just know...
I'm not telling you to be a genious, im not telling you to be wise just yet, because right now i bet your stupid. Your not learning from your mistakes, and let's take it one step at a time, once your smart, then you can be wise. Just dont take to much on or else chance's are you will quit and give up. Okay having said that im going to tell you how to do it.

Firstly, i want you to go out and buy a little booklet about wallet sized that you can write in. As your day goes I want you to write down bit's and piece's about it, just a couple of word's that will jog your memory of what happened later. Then that evening before you go to bed, i want you to get out your book and recap over the day, and think of every little aspect you could of improved upon, how you could of handled a situation better, how you could of managed your time better, how you could of increased profficiency, even how you showered or brushed your hair. This is all it takes, it's so simple, and it works! Remember you dont have to write in your booklet straight away just make sure you write in it while it is still fresh in your mind. A mistake you can make is when you dont get a booklet then that evening you can't remember all the aspects of your day, that will slow down the self evaluation process. Okay so that's about it, if you have any questions on self evaluation and the evaluation of others, just let me know.

BEAR cycle, Even more credit to Kaizen

I use this and it's great, I still haven't properly harnessed it's power so i can't go in to detail. Maybe if Kazien is lurking around he may be able to reply to this thread and help me out.


Energy / Excitement

This is the BEAR cycle, a cycle of improvement. First you have to have belief in something, maybe you gained this belief while in the self evaluation process, but all you need is one belief to get you started. Belief ussually comes from self evaluation or trusting another person(trusting a well known poster on this site wouldnt be a bad idea). So now you have belief all of a sudden you have "Energy and Excitement" so you out into the real world and take action, and with that action you get results. Once you have been given results, this give you more belief's and the cycle of improvement continues.

Here's an example Kaizen gave me:

Asking a girl out for the first time... "aw.. what the heck.. why not"... little to no belief... but enough energy to do it. So with that energy, he takes action... he'll get a yes or a no. Lets say he gets a yes.... he got results now. With the results, he has more belief in himself! Which in turn gives him more excitment and energy, so he'll get pumped up and ask another girl out, or approach her again to further the "relationship".. he just took action, so with that, he will have more results. so he'll believe in himself even more... thinking himself more capable then he ever hes more excited. etc. Everytime you go through the cycle, you get better.
I asked him what if you get bad results, surely that would not give you more belief? He replied.,.

with bad results, theres two routes... learning from his error and go through the cycle again with the same amount of belief or less.. but he is more knowledgeable so he should have at least the same amount of energy and excitment. second route... hes a loser and gives up. Life doesnt reward quiters.

Okay so that about wraps it up, but before i leave i want everyone to know that I like this site, it's a great way to evaluate others to help my course of improvement, im just saying you shouldnt depend on this site. Once again special thanks to Kaizen.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Very nice... and you're very welcome. I'm happy just to know that I have impacted someones life in any way shape or form. Again, like the good book says "You must learn to service the many, because through servicing the many leads to greatness." What Sammo here has posted was my conversation with him... almost verbatim. Alot of the things mentioned here are done by millionares and billionares. Many people know about what is spoken up above, but very few follow it. Actually, its less than 5% of the population of the United States that understand that and use it correctly to become successful in life. The odds that you will fail to do this, and even fail in life are actually 95%. Its sad, but its something to think about next time you want to do something stupid or wasting your time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, and it's pretty simple too. I don't think people on the board are interested, maybe i wrote to much.

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
I am interested, Sammo and Kaizen. Could either of you expand on the traits that millionaires and billionaires share? Re the BEAR cycle, how would you suggest you cultivate the excitement, especially when you have conflicting emotions such as fear, nervousness etc.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Matt Rogers
I am interested, Sammo and Kaizen. Could either of you expand on the traits that millionaires and billionaires share? Re the BEAR cycle, how would you suggest you cultivate the excitement, especially when you have conflicting emotions such as fear, nervousness etc.
The fear that you are feeling, or the nervousness are all learned through out your life. None of those are natural. The only natural fear we are all born with is fear of falling, and fear of a loud sound... everything else is learned. What you have to do is simply unlearn them... how? Just ignore them the best you can untill they slowly disapear. How do you think people who are acracniphobia cure their fears? They confront their fear... the spider... ignore the feeling that they have, and unlearn the fear by learning that the fear they had was ridiculous. You asked "How would you suggest you cultivate the excitemnt..." Many people ask how. About 95% of the population ask how, figure it out, but for some reason still fail. There is a saying that is said from successful people... "If you know how, then you can only make a living, but if you know WHY, then you can make a fortune". The question is not HOW, the question is WHY. When the WHY is strong, the HOW is easy. I can tell you how, but that would do you no good, and probably waste both of our times. Although I can tell you that you the WHY is all that you need. I can not tell you what your WHY is.... only you can do that. Which takes me back to that famous quote..."you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or you can teach him how to fish and feed him for a life" Learn how to fish... find your WHY. '

Will you do it though? I dont know... that brings up another quote "you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink". Again, majority of people will fail because of ignorace. They feel comfortable the way they are... ignorance is bliss. Again, find you why, and make it strong.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
I forgot to mention... you asked about the the Engergy/excitement. You are starting at step two before step one. The E would be easy to get to if you start with the B... Belief. Build your belief with a strong WHY.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Fear of falling and fear of loud sounds? WTF are you talking about Kaizen, lol... Its true though that most people are afraid of improvement, although I don't know where you get that only 5% suceed in that :rolleyes: .


Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sammo
[Do you want me to give you fish?
Yeah Yeah Yeah, I'll thake the fish thank you wery much !:D
[/B][/QUOTE] Or do you want me to teach you to fish?[/B][/QUOTE]
Ahhh no not today. ;)

[/B][/QUOTE] Well if you want me to give you fish, then im not going to, hit the back button on your browser and let those people give you fish.[/B][/QUOTE]
Awwwwh fvck you !:(

[/B][/QUOTE] On the other hand if you want me to teach you to fish, then stick around.[/B][/QUOTE]
Ok, lets hear what the dude has to say ?

Lol cool post, thanks :)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by USSOCOM
Fear of falling and fear of loud sounds? WTF are you talking about Kaizen, lol... Its true though that most people are afraid of improvement, although I don't know where you get that only 5% suceed in that :rolleyes: .
Fear of falling and fear of a loud sound is the only natural fear a human being is born with. Every other fear is learned. If it is learned than it could be unlearned.

As far as improving... if you understand it, and fully use it to its absolute fullest extent, you will be garanteed to be making, or one day making 6 figures or more. Only 5% of the United States population... after graduating from great universities, ivy leage colleges, and so on.. understands this and succeed in life... while the 95% of the college students, graduating from the same top universities fail.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Where are you pulling these numbers out of! When you are first born you have no fear at all, your brain can not comprehend anything other that neccesities like food water etc. This is why baby's look to see their parents reactions. What we do learn is what things hurt and what thinks don't. Fear is NOT a real emotion.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
As far as the numbers... its needed knowledge for me in the type of business I do. I get payed on how well I can help people make the type of money that I do. The study of college graduates, and the statistic has been done by UCLA and insurance agencies across the United States.

As far as the fear. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. I was heavily into psycology back in college. Please dont argue with me. I teach people that are probably older than your parents and I work with people that are are of millionare and even billionare status.