Seeing the Ex at a Party...


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
My girlfriend broke up with me about two and half months ago. We hung out that day, I kissed her good-bye and got the phone call like 3 hours later. It was kinda a shock to me and I was devastated at first. She gave me the whole 'I can't only date one person in my life...I wanna be on my own for awhile to figure out who I am and if we're meant to be together, everything will work out in the end.' I have taken it for what it's worth. I told her that we can't really be friends right now because we obviously still care a lot about each other. She has 'respected' my decision for the most part. She has cracked a few times, calling me and telling me how much she misses me, but I have stayed strong. Well, anyways, I met her through one of my best girl friends because they go to the same school. It is my best friends' birthday party next weekend, and I am going to it. It happens to be at my ex-girlfriends' apartment, but I am not going to let her change my plans. I am going with another good friend of mine, and even though we broke up, I am still good friends with a lot of my ex-girlfriend's friends. Things aren't bad at all between my ex and I. I gave her the 'no contact' clause about a month and a half ago, but there are no hard feelings between us and we are just living our own lives for the time being. My question should I go about acting at this party? The last time I saw my girlfriend in person, I kissed her goodbye. I know it will atleast be a little awkward when I see her for the first time in 2 and a half months. I know that if I purposely ignore her, it will be obvious what I'm doing, but I also know that I can't engage in too many conversations with her because we are technically still in the no contact phase, and I plan on telling her that although I am going to see her, that doesn't mean the situation we are in right now will change.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, you've been played, hardcore. You kissed her goodbye? That's really pathetic, your basicaly communicating to her that your going to wait for her, when she takes you back.

She said that she couldn't be with just one person right now, basicaly she saying that she wants to f*ck around before she gets back with you. Is that what you want, some sort of disease?

Omg, this post is so pathetic I don't know what to say.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
No, misunderstood. I kissed her good-bye thinking nothing was wrong. I had no idea that she was going to call me and break up with me 4 hours later.

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
A-Man2151 said:
She gave me the whole 'I can't only date one person in my life...I wanna be on my own for awhile to figure out who I am and if we're meant to be together, everything will work out in the end.' I have taken it for what it's worth. I told her that we can't really be friends right now because we obviously still care a lot about each other. .
You've been given the whole "Let's take a break" game and are being played.

If she really cared about you she wouldn't have broken up with you in the first place. I pretty sure you know this. As Joeker from here says, "What would you do if your boss told you, I think you need to take a break from your job?"

I think you would be better served from a mental point of view if you take the approach that this relationship is over and you can never start it up again. I don't think you're at this stage yet and I understand it's difficult.


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
lol? Wtf are you sweating about? It's not like it's your ex's birthday party. Just go and if you see your ex, don't ignore her and be ghey like that, but don't go seeking her out.

Just do what you would normally do. This party's no different from any other friend's party.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
She dumped you. It's time to not give a damn what she thinks because now is not the time to reward her bad behavior. Show her that you have forgotten about her and moved on. Be friendly and cordial, but do not have any conversations with her what so ever. Say "Hello, how are you?" and that's all. Let her answer and then leave her.

I know that you won't to do what I'm telling you because you probably think it's going to hurt your relationship with your ex. So, what! What relationship anyway? She hasn't done anything to earn your respect, so forgive her and forget her for your own good. If you can take a date, please do. The ball is in your court, and you can win the game by living life happily without her.

Never convey or indicate that you are waiting for a woman to make up her mind. She must know that you plan to move forward in your life without her, and you don't have the time to wait for her to make up her mind. When you do this, she will be forced to make a decision, and if she cares, it will be in your favor. If she doesn't, then she's doing you a favor.

Good luck, Bro!