S.L.A.T.H (stop lusting after these h***)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Is what I'm telling my self while I'm on my journey of sexual discipline and self improvement. I REFUSE to facilitate women's shytty attitude and behavior any longer. I'll only "lust" after one after she lusts after me...
and yes ofcourse I'm doing all I can to make myself as attractive AND high value as possible.

Yeah i know ,another crazy Gamisch thread...
I feel you, in theory...but be careful with that because women aren't always so overt.

The only way to know for sure which ones are fuking with you, is to approach and remove all doubt.

Yall wanna see field reports. Wanna hear im spending my litlle free time roaming the streets begging women for p00sy, beg 100 women to sleep with..1? Sorry. But I aint not like that. I'am like a rabbit /fish trap. Once she moves in and gets trapped she fecked and she will have to put up a HUGE fight with herself to get away from me! The downside is patience is necessary..hence the sexual discipline to fuel this way if thinking and living.
Elaborate on this one for me. :lol:

Meanwhile I'm getting better results than EVER before...this is not for everyone ofcourse I get that. Some of you will have to roam the harsh streets , spend tons of money in clubs ect to get the same amount of play that I get...still its a matter of CHOICE tho. I ,for example, dont care if I'm dry for ..a few months. You do care. Thats the difference.

Oh and by the way @We_ArE_VeNOM , this IS ALWAYS (nowadays)combined with mode 1!!! Why? Because i dont care about her box no more...imma straight up tell her what I want. She declines? Cool. Best actually. Saves me from spending time begging her for her p00sy (like I used to do for years and years and years)

Notice how a woman will ignore you like you dont exist, especially when you try to make forced eye contact or you look for ioi. Notice how a 100 women all separate from each other will ignore you and go bout their day..like you are a ghost.
Bro, it is all about Mode One.

Damn right.

So, if a woman is ignoring me to such an extent, then chances are, she wouldn't be receptive to my Mode One approach and is thus saving me time from even approaching her at all.

Like ARC said..

"I like my rejections QUICK".

Watch how this all changes when you apply SLATH, in combination with actually knowing how to game a woman and close the gap...

Another strange and crazy Gamisch thread, greeting from yours truly.
Naw FUK that.

Keep ruffling these simp's feathers.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I feel you, in theory...but be careful with that because women aren't always so overt.

The only way to know for sure which ones are fuking with you, is to approach and remove all doubt.
I agree . I am glad you broke my OP down like this. Its difficult to explain, but this is by NO MEANS about going mgtow or being blackpilled. I LOVE women. Actually, I approach even more than before...simply because I feel GREAT about myself. I don't necessarily "spam approach " but I by no means shy away from convos anymore.

E.g iam working and i ask this woman if her who walked out of the building if she had trouble with rain water technical shyte. I IMMEDIATELY noticed she likes me. She keeps talking to me ,brings me coffee ect. I am attracting her and its painfully obvious. I did not asked her number because i was working. Last week same shyte. These women are bagging and chasing ME and my colleagues can tell..even my female boss flirts with me.

My mouthpiece is ON. The only thing i dont do is "spam approach" women. They simply get close, ask me something stupid in the gym ect ect ect. Hard to put it in words.

If i really want to get close to one i simply gauge interest by saying "hi". The latter can use some improvement i geuss, to land even more and hotter women.

Elaborate on this one for me. :lol:
I am on this nofap sexual discipline journey..now mind you, most men use this as COPE( yes @Dr.Suave there is that word again lol) . They swipe right on urrthing with a hole, get zero ,and then say they are "sexually disciplined " while fapping their wrists away. That's a lie . Me on the other hand , i am actively declining women and p00sy more and more...

I can go in freeze mode for some time. Iam a horndog, that much I know by now. Yet I can ALSO refrain from sex. Its gives you AT LEAST 2 extra smv points. Especially when it is a woman you'll see more often. I geuss it makes them feel like you are not impressed by their beauty. And we all know what types of men are NOT impressed by their beauty..the top dogs. Doesn't mean you never look. You just dont drool over her anymore.

It works for ME. I've always been the "great bf type of man " to a lot of women. Rather than the player/,feckboy. Now I wanna up it a notch and possess their souls. Completely dominate them. And some actually like /LOVE that. Gotta be subtle with it tho...

Bro, it is all about Mode One.

Damn right.

So, if a woman is ignoring me to such an extent, then chances are, she wouldn't be receptive to my Mode One approach and is thus saving me time from even approaching her at all.

Like ARC said..

"I like my rejections QUICK".
I have to agree. I think about mode 1 with a smike kn my face now, whereas before( as you know) it actually scared the shyte out of me. Mode 1 is so much more than just going in and out: it's presenting a woman an opportunity and also threatening to take it away from her real quick. A small window for HER.

On top of that you MUST be (really) confident to do this. No need to have long azz convos about what race her dog is, what school she went to yadiya . "Whats ya number, wanna meet on Friday"?. If yes, THAT is when hh fun can start for HER. If ahe declines, hey ,that's fine! We dont have time for sillybgames anyway!!

Naw FUK that.

Keep ruffling these simp's feathers.
I think this is difficult to explain and graps , but where else can i talk about this ? Men want instant gratification and that's our biggest problem. The need for instant gratification ALWAYS stems from insecurity.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
Reaction score
I agree . I am glad you broke my OP down like this. Its difficult to explain, but this is by NO MEANS about going mgtow or being blackpilled. I LOVE women. Actually, I approach even more than before...simply because I feel GREAT about myself. I don't necessarily "spam approach " but I by no means shy away from convos anymore.

The first step in all this is to not be a pu$$y out here in these (dating) streets..

Amazing how much you can accomplish just from that alone.

E.g iam working and i ask this woman if her who walked out of the building if she had trouble with rain water technical shyte. I IMMEDIATELY noticed she likes me. She keeps talking to me ,brings me coffee ect. I am attracting her and its painfully obvious. I did not asked her number because i was working. Last week same shyte. These women are bagging and chasing ME and my colleagues can tell..even my female boss flirts with me.

"I can, but I won't".


"I can't, so I won't"

Big difference.

My mouthpiece is ON. The only thing i dont do is "spam approach" women. They simply get close, ask me something stupid in the gym ect ect ect. Hard to put it in words.

If i really want to get close to one i simply gauge interest by saying "hi". The latter can use some improvement i geuss, to land even more and hotter women.
That's what's up.

I am on this nofap sexual discipline journey..now mind you, most men use this as COPE( yes @Dr.Suave there is that word again lol) . They swipe right on urrthing with a hole, get zero ,and then say they are "sexually disciplined " while fapping their wrists away. That's a lie . Me on the other hand , i am actively declining women and p00sy more and more...
Decline p#ussy and going nofap?

I can go in freeze mode for some time. Iam a horndog, that much I know by now. Yet I can ALSO refrain from sex. Its gives you AT LEAST 2 extra smv points. Especially when it is a woman you'll see more often. I geuss it makes them feel like you are not impressed by their beauty. And we all know what types of men are NOT impressed by their beauty..the top dogs. Doesn't mean you never look. You just dont drool over her anymore.
I feel that.

It is difficult for me to not approach (all things equal) because the need to get closure will eat at me.

It can be become overbearing.

It works for ME. I've always been the "great bf type of man " to a lot of women. Rather than the player/,feckboy. Now I wanna up it a notch and possess their souls. Completely dominate them. And some actually like /LOVE that. Gotta be subtle with it tho...
Yup. I'm with that sh!t.

I have to agree. I think about mode 1 with a smike kn my face now, whereas before( as you know) it actually scared the shyte out of me. Mode 1 is so much more than just going in and out: it's presenting a woman an opportunity and also threatening to take it away from her real quick. A small window for HER.

On top of that you MUST be (really) confident to do this. No need to have long azz convos about what race her dog is, what school she went to yadiya . "Whats ya number, wanna meet on Friday"?. If yes, THAT is when hh fun can start for HER. If ahe declines, hey ,that's fine! We dont have time for sillybgames anyway!!
It's all good either way!!

I think this is difficult to explain and graps , but where else can i talk about this ?
Crazy because, conversations like these I can't have with most men.

Most men are either too conventional, or they simply lack the balls for direct game.

I try, but most men simply aren't there, and will never be.

Oh well.