Ring on the finger


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Freaking NEXT please!

Ah, the weakness of the American male -- hitting on something that is unavailable.

Look, if she's got a rock time to move on. If it's just to deter guys -- time to move on. A strong, confident women knows how to handle this situation. If she's engaged her IL isn't towards you.

I'm amazed at the wasted energy us American males spend on unavailable women (including yours truly typing this), it's stunning really.

WAY too many single women out there to be wasting time on anyone who is remotely interested in some game revolving around rings. Next, next, next, next ... time to move on.

Always a nicer, hotter, kinder, better woman around the corner ... or somewhere out there if you look long enough.

* A friend of mine almost got sucked into a married woman, who was flirting with him big time. Luckily he knows better, but then again, waste of time. Too many women, too little time. NEXT!!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Re: ...

Originally posted by SIXPAKGQ
well she is 19 years old, what can i say.

I am settling for less now, since there aren't any good women out there.
((Smacks SIXPAKGQ in the back of the head))

Never settle, never, never ever!

It'a an insult to you, because we all KNOW you can find better women and most of all because you DESERVE a better woman. There are good ones out there...you just have to look REALLY, REALLY hard.

You think it's EASY to find a woman who's worthy of your time and attention??? You aren't some average putz! You're a DJ and you need a special woman. Now go out there and find one before I have to smack you in the head again! :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ER!C L!VE
I've met many women who wear wedding rings so guys won't hit on them. Alot of women who work as bank tellers and other such women who work directly with customers use it as a way to deter men from asking them out.

I usually ask a hot woman with cheap-looking wedding rings on how long they've been married or 'how's married life treating you?'

If they're really not married, then they'll usually tell you that it's just a ring.

When a woman is wearing a ring on her ring finger, then I like to say something like, "Oh, I get it, you don't want men to hit on you". She'll typically respond with a story about how guys hit on her all the time.
this happens a lot. a ring doesn't really mean that much unless it's a very obvious rock. chicks do this to "take a break" from getting hit on. at least that's what my sister says. she does this sometimes too.

i had two chicks in one of my classes (hotties). dudes were trying to hit on them left and right. about 4 weeks into the course, both of them started wearing rings. one of them acually looked like a wedding ring and the other looked like something out of Cracker Jacks. it was pretty obvious though, that they weren't married.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
women who don't wear their rings

How about the inverse? Married women who don't wear their rings!

Here's the scenario: Me and my buddy are hitting on a group on women. My buddy zeros in on one that's kinda cute and starts talking and asking her out. Then her other cute friends chime in that she's married.

So I turn to the married chick and say "what's with not wearing your ring?"
Her: "sometime, i just don't wear it"
Me: "Really, and how does your husband feel about that?"
Her: "??"

I'm like WTF?

So the moral of the story is always assume the sale. ie. make a move and hit on the women, regardless of if she's wearing/not wearing a ring.

If she's married, she'll let you know



Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
No reason to waste time

A girl who has a ring on her finger is either engaged or married or playing a game: three reasons not to hit on her.

One of the things I've learned most from sosuave.com is to not waste time, something I've woefully done much of my life. There are some very strong merits to NEXTing people, though one can also pull the trigger too quickly in that area.

Despite my rantings on the demise of the American woman, there still are many, many quality single (no ring) women out there that one should focus on. Why even hit on someone with a ring? If they're wearing one to repel guys, they're bi-polar freakbags who need avoiding. A confident woman knows how to politely reject guys and politely accept guys.

The majority of the men on this site waste way too much time pursuing unavailable women and way too much time trying to rectify things with women who need to be dumped.

Next, next, next ... move on to SINGLE women and quit wasting so much d-mn time!!!


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
you should simply ask her about the ring. If she is engaged, she'll tell you about it, if not she'll probably tell you that too. Don't make a big deal out of asking and it won't be one. If your trying to figure her out your spending too much mental energy on her already. Stop stressing about getting her and start enjoying her. I really think things are more simple than we make them.