Ready To Next Her


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
My gf has been treating me like utter crap lately, she's selfish all she cares about is herself. Fact is i thought it was cos she was going off me turns out it's because shes a very dulll girl, u know the kind thinks about her own interests only talks about those.

Well this morning peed me off to much, she said "i deserve better, because all the other girls i seem to know do a better job at making me happy." u know the jealous so i sent her a text and said:
Maybe i do deserve better :) its obv you dont need me now anyways :) but i dont care no more do wha u want

Im ready to next her, i already have 4 girls in the lineup

as anyone ever come across these girls? shes a HB 7, dull, talks about her own interests (horses ffs!) cares about herself, when people are upset she trys to get the attention

i think its pretty clear that i dont need her


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Well, just do it then, indeed.

There's no point in sticking around if it's not fun. You're not staying together for the kids sake, neither of you are terminally ill, and there's no nasty divorce to deal with. No better situation to walk away from.

Walking feels good. I was with this one girl for about a month, and the sex was great, she was super hot (9.7), good social circle from her, all sorts of positives. But she was dumb. I mean really dumb. So dumb in fact, she would probably be the first eliminated in an on-line spelling bee, if you know what I mean. And one day I just thought, screw it. I hate how dumb she is. Why the hell am I not out looking for the girl who has all of Aspen's positive traits, but isn't stupid? And that was that.

There are enough girls out there, and you can get any of them, so there's no reason to stay serious or stay at all with a girl who's not everything you want.
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Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
It is hard due to the fact i have a oneitis problem but i can see shes dull i just feel peed off the fact i put all my effort in the relationship