Raw data on approaches


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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dbot said:
haha I remember this. The ones who didn't seem serious or came off as sarcastic I marked as unsure. The 5 or 6 that said yes were totally deadpan. They were like, "uhh..... right now? where are you parked?" with a completely blank face. It creeped me out a little. Then they'd follow me for a minute before I told them f*ck no I'm jk, which probably embarrassed them quite a bit in retrospect. Personally, I'd consider the stats pretty solid, although I agree that I should have just screwed them so we'd know for sure.
lol holy sh!t that's awesome.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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squirrels said:
How many of the women you asked were actually attractive?
none. I figured you guys would only be interested in f*cking the ugly ones.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
dbot said:
....It was actually a turn-off to see some very beautiful women agree to have sex with a completely random guy who's name they didn't even know. Fukin sluts!...
Bullshyt! A woman doesn't always have to be a desperate slut to want to fvck a total stranger she has the hots for. You can tell me you have never seen a woman in your life that you would fvck 10 seconds after you met her?If you know what you want, why in the hell wouldn't you do it if you could?:cool:

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
dbot said:
Yup, they pretty much just said sure. However I didn't have sex with any of them (at least not the ones I approached in this manner ;)) It was actually a turn-off to see some very beautiful women agree to have sex with a completely random guy who's name they didn't even know. Fukin sluts!

Although this is probably the gayest, immature and socially clueless quote I've seen on here in awhile I got to say well done on the experiment, I like it.

Lets hope after 2 years you still dont buy the "fvckin slvts" mentality youve been force fed for years.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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( . )( . ) said:
Lets hope after 2 years you still dont buy the "fvckin slvts" mentality youve been force fed for years.
fortunately, my judgement has faded with experience. Or maybe it's just adapted with my lifestyle :p My recent post goes a little into the acceptance (or lack thereof) of "slut behavior" despite its complete congruency with that of acceptable sexual behavior, if you care to take a look.

Regardless, calling anyone a slut today would just make me a hypocrite.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
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this is the funniest bloody thing i've ever read in my life

im in bloody stiches, freaking halarious!!

how did you work up the courage to really do it? or have you already have had alot of practice with cold apporaches before?

i'd probably do it, only if i had a buddy who would also do it

and another question: are you really an 8? and if you're skinny, that certainly doesn't help either, i doubt many women would just random fvck an 8, you would probably get more if you wera 9 with a good body, no offence


no way that behaviour is tolerated in australia, so ill never try it

and another question

what was the point?

de silva

Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
How many of the women you asked were actually attractive?
none. I figured you guys would only be interested in f*cking the ugly ones.
Why the sarcasm? It's obviously a matter of great importance so why wouldn't you expand further on exactly who you were approaching. (If at least the 'yes's were hotties, I'm sure a lot of guys wouldn't mind this approach, since it only takes mere seconds to carry out.)

Why didn't you provide a more detailed description of the outcomes? Surely the 'no's didn't say no in an uniform manner. You could have at least covered the 'yes's, since there was only a handful of them.

I beg your pardon, but I have a sneaking suspicion this 'study' wasn't even carried out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
props man :) I dont have the balls needed to do something like that

its a good lesson though

if u assume that, at any given time, 1 in 100 women you approach will want to **** you without needing any lines, "seduction", anything, then you realize that women want sex just as much as u do, and that most any technique you use will only raise that percentage (for the most part)


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Deep Dish said:
There was a study done at the University of Michigan, recording the responses to different of questions, ranging from "Hey I've seen you on campus, wanna go out on a date?" to "Hey, wanna fvck?" I forget what were the results but for the wanna fvck question they had a 1% success rate. Bear in mind, that was on a college campus. I have a friend who knew a guy who did this in bars, and actually tagged along to see for himself, and about one in twenty women would say yes, and he would get threesomes by asking an additional twenty women. It is self-evident that bars being a socialable setting where people are encouraged to engage others and where people drink alcohol to loosen their inhibitions, you will receive better results than, say, college campuses.
Saw something similar in my psychology class. Had an attractive woman walk around a college campus going up to guys and asking if they would sleep with them and almmost all the guys said yes. When the attractive guy walked around the campus asking girls to sleep with him, not one girl said yes


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
lordson said:

this is the funniest bloody thing i've ever read in my life

im in bloody stiches, freaking halarious!!

how did you work up the courage to really do it? or have you already have had alot of practice with cold apporaches before?

i'd probably do it, only if i had a buddy who would also do it

and another question: are you really an 8? and if you're skinny, that certainly doesn't help either, i doubt many women would just random fvck an 8, you would probably get more if you wera 9 with a good body, no offence


no way that behaviour is tolerated in australia, so ill never try it

and another question

what was the point?
Yeah.... how did you?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
lordson said:
and another question: are you really an 8? and if you're skinny, that certainly doesn't help either, i doubt many women would just random fvck an 8, you would probably get more if you wera 9 with a good body, no offence
Whether or not you get a positive reaction from this type of approach has very little to do with your looks. There's a huge difference between asking a woman if she wants to fuck you in an asshole/douchebag manner versus asking her in a GENUINE and DISARMING manner.

If you do it correctly, she won't act disgusted or call you a creep. Instead, she will either laugh (defense mechanism), or stand there silently in shock. Even though she will still probably say no, it will only be after she seriously considers it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Dbots still around?? Really man, how did you built up the initial balls to do this sh!t?? Also, on a side note, you have any tips for getting out of you rhead, as the saying goes?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
just grab your balls and get through the first few, it gets easy and completely automatic after that. I used to do lots of cold approach sales, even model recruiting, same idea. The first few are scary as hell, after that it's no big deal. The secret is holding a strong enough "your answer is not big deal" frame. It's actually quite disarming to the target.

For you stat geeks it'd be interesting to see whether or not the "yes's" are order dependent, that is, did they occur near the beginning, middle, or end of the hundred, or were they evenly dispersed.

If they were clustered near the end, or after a certain number, it might be a good idea to ask fifty or so random girls for a blow job before hitting up a club.

Just a thought.


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
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Hey dbot. I am trying to replicate your experiment on 100 girls and I had a couple of questions, if you have time. Firstly, did you have eye contact or other AI before going up to the girls? Secondly, were they stationary or did you stop girls, and if so, how? Thirdly, did you pause at all or was it "hesitation is death"? Did you come from the front, at an angle or from behind (although I appreciate that none of these are "right" or "wrong".

Hope you can help.

TheWordsmith (from London, England)


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
Every woman was approached head on, and they had to have held eye contact all the way up to the point of approach. If a woman refuses to make eye contact with you and hold it, then she's either not interested, shy, or both, and shouldn't be approached. This is very important if you intend to repeat the experiment looking for similar results.

If it makes you feel better, the approach itself shouldn't be nearly as nerve-wracking as the extended eye contact that comes before it :D


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
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Thanks for the reply. That explains why they keep leaping a foot into the air when I go up to them! Lack of eye contact. It also explains how you can do the "half hug" that you mentioned in an earlier post - I had no idea how you were pulling that off from cold but it makes more sense if you have had previous eye contact.

When I get eye contact from a girl, I tend to try and keep a half-smile with laser eyes as I imagine bedding them. Not too serious. That sound right or should it be a full smile?

And I thought the previous poster's question was interesting. Were your successes evenly spread or did it get easier as you went along? Did you get "better" in other words?

So I am going to have to split my approaches. Where there is eye contact, Im going to stick with the Me: "hey, how's it going", HB: "good" etc Me: "you look great, would you like to come home with me" basic structure.

Where there is no eye contact but she is too good to miss, I might have to go with Me: "excuse me, i know this is very forward but if I didnt come and tell you how gorgeous you are, Id be kicking myself all day", HB: Blush/Blah and then go with Me:"I dont usually do this but you are so hot I cant help myself. Would you like to come home with me" to get round the lack of intial approach invitation.

Thanks again for the reply dbot. Obviously if you have any further thoughts I'd be most grateful.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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I would not recommend an approach this direct at a shopping center...all it takes is one hysterical woman to get security called on you if she perceives you as creepy.

Dbot obviously has some form of value going on through his looks so he may be able to get away with it. LA is also a more laid back culture...I would probably be arrested for doing something like this in conservative GA.

Plus this kind of approach is extremely canned and unoriginal. Plenty of guys that have never visited this site do this kind of thing. At the end of the day, it doesnt make you any better with women other than just getting lucky.

There are way more subtle ways to ask for sex without getting into trouble, if she's attracted to you. You don't need to go this extreme to make your point, women know the game and if they want you they will play along with it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
FutureSpartan said:
I would not recommend an approach this direct at a shopping center...
I wouldn't recommend it in any situation. The purpose of the experiment was to illustrate the potential of a calculated approach and to define a baseline of what to expect. If 1 in 25 hotties will bite on a line like that, imagine what your success rate would be if you actually made a decent approach. This demonstration simply brings to light the fact that most men (even the ones on this site) don't approach women at all.

The most successful men create opportunities, instead of waiting for opportunities to present themselves.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Hollywood, CA
Hey dbot i noticed you said you did this at the ontario mills mall...I happen to live about 15 mins from there and was just wondering where you call home man?