Radical Edge of the Manosphere


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Just as in any group, there are fringe elements. In recent discussions, I have noticed a form of defense which really, in the end, harms the idea of sosuave(and the manosphere as a whole).

The defense goes along the lines of "you are a tool of the feminist movement", "you shame other men!", "you defend women", etc. AKA the ManoMastur Defense. (Manosphere Masturbator)

The majority of men here do not employ this tactic....and that's a good thing. Now, while there IS IN FACT the movement of feminism influencing men(and negatively doing so), not every criticism is feminism at work. Not every man pointing out the error in your ways is "a feminist". Just because you get called "insecure" or "fearful" doesn't mean the one giving you that criticism is attending an event later that evening titled "How To Eliminate the Male Population".

The "manosphere" is a good place. It has good intentions.....but just like every movement it falls prey to those people who become so blinded, either by rage or misinformation that they constantly spew stupid sh1t that ultimately discredits NOT ONLY THEM, but the movement as well.

There is a big difference between being "criticized" and being "shamed". Shaming has the motive of trying to force you into another action by trying to embarrass you or pressure you. Criticism is simply an opinion and often times the person giving the advice is carefree if you change or not....it's your loss in their eyes.

If you can't handle the opinion of another and take offense every time someone calls you out on something.....do yourself a favor and go find your nutsack. Start acting like a man. Quit whining, crying , and complaining when someone is not nice to you or calls you names. It would be quite an amazement to see some of you radicals in the workplace. I guarantee you are completely different and don't call your boss a feminist each time your work is critiqued.

Continue to hide behind your computer screens.......better yet.....vanish into the sunset and leave the sosuave movement with the credibility it deserves.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
LOL what a pus$y. This is some white knight beta sh!t. Misandry denier. Keep pretending hypergamy doesn't exist. Keep defending all those cheating $luts. Brainwashed by feminist society. I'll bet you let women disrespect you without even shoving them into a wall, huh? LOL fagot. Do you even lift bro?

(For those whose sarcasm meter is broken, I think TheException is one of the best posters here)


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Excellent post.

I think of female equality and womens rights etc. as a huge positive for men, especially a DJ. The only type I can imagine being afraid of it are weak betas who can only get women because of their financial security and societal suppression, for example almost all of recorded history up until about 40-50 years ago.

For an "alpha", sweet let the women do more of the work for a change. Let them be lawyers, doctors, politicians. What do I give a fvck, they still need a dîck in them at the end of the day.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Danger said:
The key takeaway is that you are requesting the right to call people "insecure" or "fearful" in lieu of attacking their argument or position, but at the same time you demand they do not have the same right to attack YOU with the same weapon you are utilizing.
Agreed, that's really all this thread is about.
The question should why would would someone in the manosphere want to enable women's bad behavior, and help them in their efforts to shame and manipulate men in the process?

jurry said:
For an "alpha", sweet let the women do more of the work for a change. Let them be lawyers, doctors, politicians. What do I give a fvck, they still need a dîck in them at the end of the day.
Zarky has always argued that feminism is a good thing because it supplies more slvtty women who will entertain multiple partners and one night stands more easily. I can understand that argument, even if I don't agree with it.

But let the world burn, just so long as you get a vagina to stick your weiner into? Can't say I can go along with that attitude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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zekko said:
But let the world burn, just so long as you get a vagina to stick your weiner into? Can't say I can go along with that attitude.
Certainly an exaggeration to say that women having equal rights means the world is burning, no?

I can't wait to read this forum in 2 years when Hilary Clinton becomes president. I imagine that will be interpreted as the apocalypse.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Who says they are sluttier? How is the world burning because of gender equality??

These are the ludicrous, fact free kind of assumptions I am always faced with when I take this position. Such absolute rubbish, "well if things are changing that means the end of the world!"

Uhh.. No bro, it doesnt.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Danger said:
Let me get this straight.....

You think that the "yes means yes" shenanigans which just passed in California is "equality"? Where a male student can be expelled from a school based on a girl's word that he raped her, all without proof?

Or how about the Duke Lacrosse players being painted as rapists, losing their season and having their faces painted everywhere, when it was a false accusation from the start?

Meanwhile their accuser didn't face any charges at all? Is this your definition of equality?

If you truly think that it is all about "equality", then I am not surprised at your agreement with Exception that women should be held unaccountable and it only cements the argument that you are combating anything which may put some accountability back on women. You are essentially still indoctrinated into thinking "evil patriarchy".
You cant be serious..

One retarded law in California that no one pays attention to and the duke lacrosse case.

And the world is burning?

Do we really need to sit here and go through the past several millenia of all the different ways that women have been suppressed, marginalized, and been treated as second class citizens/property? How they still are in many cases?

I have no interest in the pendulum swinging back the other way and men being in that position either, i simply am able to view reality in a sane manner and see that that is nowhere near happening.

All this comes down to is a bunch of scared beta men who have been hurt by women in the past saying "oh god what will they do to us if they have MORE power!"

Stop being victims and grow a sack as exception says, take accountability for your life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Danger said:
Let me get this straight.....

You think that the "yes means yes" shenanigans which just passed in California is "equality"? Where a male student can be expelled from a school based on a girl's word that he raped her, all without proof?

Or how about the Duke Lacrosse players being painted as rapists, losing their season and having their faces painted everywhere, when it was a false accusation from the start?

Meanwhile their accuser didn't face any charges at all? Is this your definition of equality?.
We were talking about women holding down top professions (such as doctor or lawyer) but before that what we were really talking about was how not being angry and vengeful to the entire gender, and not fearful that they are secretly plotting to take over the world, does not make you a feminist.

What you were talking about was cherry-picked stories that support your seemingly narrow world view. Of course I don't support injustice towards anyone, like the ones you referenced. But why are you trying to make it so black and white? Why does me having no problem with women holding positions of power somehow mean I think it's okay for women to frame men for rape and get away with it?

The two are not at all connected. You're just trying to connect them so that your shrinking world makes sense. You'd be much more relaxed if you just adapted with the changes to society, whether you are happy about them or not. That's how species survive - you adapt or die.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Flame away if you must, youngsters. Just remember this: there is a difference between gender equality and feminism. Feminism, despite it's proclaimed intentions, in effect seeks to maintain the advantages of gender equality along with the advantages of chivalry. While rejecting the disadvantages of each.

For the record, I have no particular objection to women being lawyers, doctors, or politicians. My remark was not so much a personal response to you, jurry. It just reminded me of Zarky's similar attitude about feminism.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
TheException said:
Just as in any group, there are fringe elements. In recent discussions, I have noticed a form of defense which really, in the end, harms the idea of sosuave(and the manosphere as a whole).
Where is this "radical edge" of the manosphere? I gotta see this.

Or is this just another retarded filler post some highly strung quasi purple piller can morally preen and prance around because he has some gay online beef with a real talker who elicited the feeelz?

Ironic and kind of telling that C-word a dude who admitted he was a she before "he" promised to leave and never post here again because we were "rape apologists" lulz and jurry another one of our resident anti-white anti-male sh!tlibs who hates those yucky 1950's housewives coz they cooked and were dumb and stuff appear to be the loudest yapping vaginas in this ridiculous thread that will no doubt blow out to 9 pages of pure loveshack-esque poz.





Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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zekko said:
Flame away if you must, youngsters. Just remember this: there is a difference between gender equality and feminism. Feminism, despite it's proclaimed intentions, in effect seeks to maintain the advantages of gender equality along with the advantages of chivalry. While rejecting the disadvantages of each.
Well this where I think we can all agree, zekko. I, along with most posters here I'm sure, are anti-feminism.

Danger said:
Your inability to counter the false rape accusation serves to demonstrate the weakness of your position..
I didn't realize I had a responsibility to counter anything. I'm sorry, I can't help you with your feelings on this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Danger said:
You don't have to counter anything, nor do my feelings have anything to do with it.

The fact still stands, your inability to mount any tangible response beyond a personal attack clearly demonstrates the weakness in your position.
What I'm asking you, Danger, is why is it so important to you that I have a strong position on the Duke Lacrosse team rape accusation? Obviously I am against anyone being falsely accused of rape. What more do you want?

The tone of your comments seem to be that unless I'm adequately outraged and signing up to fight this war that is supposedly being waged against men, that I'm letting my gender down (at best) or pro-feminism (at worst).

Seems to me you want soldiers for your war, and anyone who doesn't join you or share the same passion as you is a disgrace. I don't know what to tell ya, man. Feminism, as zekko defined it, is a form of activism that I unequivocally condemn. There are many feminists out there, but I don't think it is spreading like Ebola.

You seem deathly afraid that if we don't all band together to fight the monster that is feminism, that it will take over the world. I'm sorry, but I just don't see it that way. It sounds to me a lot like the people who thought giving African Americans the right to vote would mean the end of the world.

It's like saying because I don't donate any money to cancer research, that I'm pro-cancer. Some men have been wronged by women. Some women have been wronged by men. What can I tell ya? That's life. But if you go through life feeling that you have to fight against some invisible force all the time, I just think you are going to end up very tired and angry - and maybe even alone. I don't wish that on you at all, for what's its worth.

Go Duke!

EDIT: I just saw the negative rep you gave me with the note "you love losing." I'm not fighting! If this was a real war I'd be a draft dodger and headed up to Canada so fast.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Danger said:
The first tactic of liberals is to call an element "fringe" or "radical" so as to try to remove any support from them.
Considering I am conservative....I much prefer you use the example of conservatives calling individuals "radical islamists". :up:

Did you know that even the idea of men aggregating in this kind of forum, or the red-pill itself is considered fringe?
So I guess that makes you the "fringe of the fringe"?

The key takeaway is that you are requesting the right to call people "insecure" or "fearful" in lieu of attacking their argument or position
1. I do not need to request anything from you.

2. Attacking the evolutionary and subconscious reasons for your behavior is in fact.....attacking their position.
Everyone recognizes that you are attacking the person, not the argument. This is a classic argument fallacy.
*Every ManoMastur
That means not relying on typical feminist words of "you're just insecure" or "you're just afraid", which are only variants of the all too common "man-up".
And.....the PERFECT example of what this post is about. Its not hard to notice a ManoMastur. :whistle:

I actually happen to love the "man-up" phrase. It's actually SUPER masculine.

AFC: I just want to tell her(ex-gf) how I feel!
Exception: No, man-up

AFC: I sent my ex 3 dozen roses!
Exception: That's pathetic, man-up

AFC: Im so broken that I want to just cry
Exception: Man-up instead

AFC: I can't take any sort of criticism and being called "insecure" just boils my blood. These guys are so mean to me and don't understand that feminism is EVERYWHERE. These guys must be liberal, brainwashed, chandelier swinging white knights.
Exception: Dude....you aren't yourself when you're hungry. Man the fvck up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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TheCWord said:
LOL what a pus$y. This is some white knight beta sh!t. Misandry denier. Keep pretending hypergamy doesn't exist. Keep defending all those cheating $luts. Brainwashed by feminist society. I'll bet you let women disrespect you without even shoving them into a wall, huh? LOL fagot. Do you even lift bro?

(For those whose sarcasm meter is broken, I think TheException is one of the best posters here)
I gotchu pal.

You hear about the Duke Lacrosse Team yet? Crazy right.....:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
jurry said:
Excellent post.

I think of female equality and womens rights etc. as a huge positive for men, especially a DJ. The only type I can imagine being afraid of it are weak betas who can only get women because of their financial security and societal suppression, for example almost all of recorded history up until about 40-50 years ago.
My first read through of this I wasnt sure if I agreed or not. But actually I do. I think you are exactly right, as I find myself completely not giving a sh1t if women succeed professionally or not.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
zekko said:
Agreed, that's really all this thread is about.
The question should why would would someone in the manosphere want to enable women's bad behavior, and help them in their efforts to shame and manipulate men in the process?
But let the world burn, just so long as you get a vagina to stick your weiner into? Can't say I can go along with that attitude.
As others have said.....women becoming more s1utty is not the "world burning". Maybe for those who settle for these women. Sounds like to me though, if you have been with a chick for 11 years that she is not one of these.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Where is this "radical edge" of the manosphere? I gotta see this.

Or is this just another retarded filler post some highly strung quasi purple piller can morally preen and prance around because he has some gay online beef with a real talker who elicited the feeelz?

Why you gotta attack the person and not the argument bro? You must be a feminist! :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2014
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Telling people to man up or be a man as you put it is pretty leftist aka feminist. If you're a conservative why try to actively colectivize the manosphere and shame? Just be an individual and stop saying stuff that makes you sound like a feminist troll. I'm not saying you are feminist but wtf is the point of shaming guys here.