Question and request for advice

Bayern Anhaenger

New Member
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, just found the forums. Nice site.

I've liked this chick for about (atleast) 2 years. We talk on and off, and see each other occasionally (she goes to a dif. HS than me). I'd like to start trying to move into the direction of dating, and such. However, about 1.5 years ago, she said I'm not really her type. Should I be staying around and trying to hook up with her?

We jsut went out to Homecoming, and afterwards I went in for a kiss, and, I was way off (far side of the cheek), and am stsill trying to decide if she moved really fast to avoid it, or I moved too fast (first time trying to do it, REALLY awkward) "going in".

I'm an awkward guy around chicks, well, atleast the ones I am attracted to. I'm kinda nerdy (if ya needed to know).

She's always been really nice to me (one of the few girls I've known that are).

If you need to know anything else, just lemme know, and I'll post it asap.

Also - she said she had a massive headache during the dance... Should I assume it was a headache, or should I be sorta thinkin that she wasn't really into it that night? She was coming off some sort of cold... She danced fine tho... I think it was an actual headache, but it coulda been faked... I dunno. SOrry if that was rambling.


Master Don Juan
Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria
you should read anti dumps posts on the machine for filtering out women by interest level and other stuff(go read) to finally find your ideal partner.. you are obviously looking for something thats lasting i can see... so i think that system will work for you.. print it out and give it a shot.

its near the bottom of the DJ bible.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
She's uninterested. You need to find a nerdy girl to bang or read this site better and practice self improvement. Take off the glasses and hit the weights. If it doesn't work get a friend with a good personality and humor and take down notes man because you're clingy, unexperianced, and unattractive (at least to the point of sexual attraction). Don't waste your life wishing you were something else, become it and live up to your full potential.

Bayern Anhaenger

New Member
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry Guys

Guys, I'd like to apologize one final time before I make the transition. I doubted you guys, and you all turned out to be correct. sorry for that. this website is a great tool to all. i shall use it to transform myself into a... don juan:-d thanks guys. you've already helped me innumerably.