PornHub CEO wants to turn kids trans and guys into gays


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Biologists have studied animals that showed that if an animal population gets too big and crowded, (inferior) animals turn sexless or have homosexual sex until the population reaches a normal viable size.

So you can just as well blame our overcrowding on this world for the proliferation of transgender and homosexual men - society is self-neutering. And is that so bad? I'd say that most transgenders have mental problems that you really don't want to procreate, so let them opt out of the gene pool.
First thing to keep in mind is that humans have some essential differences with animals in the realm of cognition and behavior. Assuming this concept is applicable to humans, you should see the most sexless and homosexual behavior in third world countries and less in developed countries where the population is declining. The opposite is observed country by country. Canada has less population density than the United States and yet you see more homosexuals there than in the USA.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Canada has less population density than the United States and yet you see more homosexuals there than in the USA.
Canada apparently still has too many people. :p

First thing to keep in mind is that humans have some essential differences with animals in the realm of cognition and behavior.
I know, bro, but it's just as 'plausible' as a PornHub CEO turning the population trans/gay.

For one thing, I don't think a straight male can 'turn gay'. If someone 'turns' gay, they were gay already but 'in denial'. It's not like there are more homosexuals now than before, it's just that it's now safe (in some civilised countries) to be gay and not get killed for it.
That's why you don't see many gays in muslim countries, because they punish homosexuality, sometimes even executing 'deviants', so the 'deviants' stay hidden from view.

But they are there all right, they're just scared to come out of the closet.

And way before guys transgendered into 'women', there were plenty of people who thought they were born in the wrong body, they just couldn't do anything about it. Some of the ftm women could cut their hair, bind their breasts and wear male clothing, but mtf couldn't do more than cross-dress.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Canada has less population density than the United States and yet you see more homosexuals there than in the USA.
Canada apparently still has too many people. :p
Actually I just looked it up and I was wrong, there's more transgendered people per capita in the United States than in Canada.

Regardless porn is a weapon of war and there is a transgender agenda being pushed. It's Hegelian/Marxist.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Regardless porn is a weapon of war and there is a transgender agenda being pushed. It's Hegelian/Marxist.
And you know who that weapon of war cannot touch? The people who don't go on PornHub.

If mentally weak people can be pushed to become transgender and opt out of the gene pool, why should regular people care?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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And you know who that weapon of war cannot touch? The people who don't go on PornHub.

If mentally weak people can be pushed to become transgender and opt out of the gene pool, why should regular people care?
This is why it's important to educate people. Sure you can more easily get ahead when other people are being destroyed but I would rather not get wealthy by impoverishing others. This is the active destruction of human capital, which if left unchecked can lead to slavery and loss of freedoms.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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This is the active destruction of human capital, which if left unchecked can lead to slavery and loss of freedoms.
If you consider mentally weak/defective people 'human capital', then I understand why you're so worried about the influence of porn.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Why not just cut out the middleman, be honest, and say "I don't care. It's not me it's effecting, so it's not important." I'd have more respect for you if you just did that instead.
I did.
For me, that went fine. I don't care about PornHub. Never have, never will.
Seriously, who gives a fvck what the CEO of PornHub wants? This isn't discussion worthy.
Is the CEO of PornHub actually able to do anything at all about his intentions? I don't think so.
All you're pointing out that PornHub gets visited by a lot of lonely wankers, that doesn't really strike me as impact on civilisation.
At least not where I live. Maybe PornHub is more influential in America, but I doubt that the CEO can actually influence gender confused kids or closet gays, but apparently you do think so.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Whenever a group of people discuss a new social problem, there always seems to be that one guy that just has to jump in and get mad at others for caring. You said you don't watch pornhub. If others want to discuss or even organize against pornhub, then why does it effect you anyway? If you truly don't care, then why are you sabotaging the conversation?
Social problem? What is the social problem here?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I saw so many scenes of ways in porn that it no doubt normalized it for me
Also, @NoBiscuits should read this.

I personally don't watch porn all that often, except for maybe photos of naked women or something on my phone lol, but I believe that what you are saying has merit. There was a poster on here not that long ago that was talking about having a girl do anal play on him lol. I made some comment about how if a woman is hot or attractive there is something wrong with you if you need to have her do some weird **** on you lol. I don't think this is the case for everyone, but I like to compare porn to any other dopamine stimulating activity. First, you start with basic "vanilla" stuff where you see a hot woman getting pounded. Over time this loses it's novelty, where it is less stimulating, so you need to start branching out into other things to have the same feelings. You might start getting into weird choking stuff, face fing, etc. It then might start getting into even creepier **** like **** and ball torture, incest porn, bestiality, etc. List goes on and on but you understand what I'm getting at.

The fact that Gen Z identify as trannies or gay in record numbers isn't a coincedence. Porn is almost certainly one of the main influences.

Incest porn is also on the rise as well as tons of other degen shvt that didn't even used to exist (like diapers and furries)

It's causing the moral fabric of society to crumble and taking a passive libertarian attitude is a mistake, that's how tyrants come to power, by controlling the culture/narrative. Doesn't matter if it effects you on an individual level, the bottom line is that this is a societal issue. What people do privately effects broader society so it does in fact matter.
See the comment I left above but I totally agree with your comment about Gen Z. I've had a hard time understanding this whole gay and transgender push over almost the last decade now. However, I'm more recently starting to understand and accept that there is a push to try to normalize deviant behavior.

Now, why they actually want to normalize deviant behavior is a bit more complex though.

First, I think homosexuals, particularly gay men, and transgendered freaks want to feel "normal" and a regular part of society. I'm going on 34, if you talk to any boomer they can tell you stories about parks being used for gay hookups, etc. Gay bars really didn't become more of a widespread thing until honestly not all that long ago, so for a very long time it was almost like an underground cult. I think gay men feel that they were "oppressed" in the past and now feel the need to push it into other people's faces, even if they themselves never actually experienced this lol. I think it's a similar place for transgendered people, where they feel that they were oppressed and needed to keep everything a secret. One trend I've noticed with this community is many of them seem to literally HATE anything remotely related to traditional values, as these traditional values actively reject them.

There is also a deviant type sub culture with gay men as well. Their dating app grinder is a great example, it has a feature on it where if you have a match it will show you the location of where you are at in say the mall. I personally believe that this was created so that you could have more a more clandestine meeting in some strange place. Clandestine meetings at parks, rest areas, etc. are very common. There's also something called a "bath house" where gay guys essentially just fool around with each other lol. Hell, a while ago there was a gym I went to and the sauna and locker room had several instances of gay guys using it as a pick up joint at certain hours, I could elaborate on this story and there was even some police involvement at one point lol. Gay pride parades have always been outlandish displays of degeneracy lol.

With this said, I also partially question if they are actively trying to groom the younger generations to be like them. Again, this idea ties in with what I mentioned above, where they feel the need to be "normal" and this is just another way to go about it. In my honest opinion, I believe that transgendered people are mentally ill but instead of encouraging them to get help they are encourage to embrace their confusion. They probably also feel better about themselves by encouraging other confused people to embrace the same feelings they had. I think it's the same concept for homosexuality here. At the end of the day, these individuals will almost never be reproducing, so this is their way to go about doing so. I like to compare it to a cult or religion to be honest.

What I'm discussing here also ties in with other types of deviant behavior. People that are like this know they are not normal but want their behavior to be accepted. Almost a decade ago Sweden had this vote on legalization of necrophilia for instance lol. Same idea with anything you can think of.

I'm not sure if it's simply these people want to feel normal or if there is much deeper motive from other parties that are actively trying to dismantle traditional western cultural values.

So when we were swiping ppls hustler mags back in the day was that the same goal?
I swear this modern narrative is blind to history.
You can literally watch silent film porn.
Before that it was painting and sculpture
My post above breaks this down pretty well. The biggest thing to consider is that a hustler mag is nowhere near the same as watching porn. You typically read through the magazine and are done with it. You aren't constantly scrolling through countless varieties of content. Something else is photos may not stimulate dopamine like a video would. Pre internet, people just did not have access to literally countless varieties of porn immediately available. Hell, it was actually not all that accessible even in the 2000s and nothing comparable to today.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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They definitely were. But look what happened when we stopped. lol

It's very unfortunate to be bullied. But something that got lost over time is that bullying is not meant for the victim. It's meant to show observers of the bullying what happens when you behave out of line. Next time you see a photo or video of bullying, pay attention to who the bystanders' eyes are focused on.

About meeting points, sodomy was still illegal in many US states up until the 90's. This is why bathrooms in Central Park used to be meeting spots. It created a black market, but the overall commonality of homosexuality was, as we can all agree, significantly lower back when it was banished to shady areas and shameful sex shops.

You can't make it go away completely, but you can decide whether to push it up or down. The PornHub CEO (and probably most people of influence) are trying to push it up. I think you're correct in that it's a conscious and deliberate decision for them.
I'm not saying it didn't happen in the past, but some guy today in the U.S that is under the age of 40 AND gay has probably never been oppressed. Sure, he may have experienced some bullying, but who hasn't at some point. A lot of this woke nonsense is concentrated around identity politics and how certain groups of people were oppressed and therefore if you are a part of it you are a victim.

My personal opinion. I think homosexuality has been a part of human history for a very long time. However, I am also of the believe that many of these ancient taboos associated with sexuality were there for a reason. People thousands of years ago probably noticed certain issues whenever a certain behavior was tolerated for instance. This may not even have to do with homosexuality, but they probably associated it with other types of deviant behavior.

As you and I both mentioned, in more recent times this would have been at seedy places like at a hidden spot in the park at night or some **** lol. Again, there's a sub culture within the gay male community that is in my opinion very creepy and deviant. It's basically like sex addiction, but I think the reason why it can get so weird and creepy is because you essentially have a demographic where everyone within it has a male sexual brain AND where they are very likely attracted to you one another. It's different for a heterosexual man, because unless he is a celebrity or something along those lines he has to typically put in a lot of work to have sex with women if he isn't paying for it.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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They definitely were. But look what happened when we stopped. lol

It's very unfortunate to be bullied. But something that got lost over time is that bullying is not meant for the victim. It's meant to show observers of the bullying what happens when you behave out of line. Next time you see a photo or video of bullying, pay attention to who the bystanders' eyes are focused on.

About meeting points, sodomy was still illegal in many US states up until the 90's. This is why bathrooms in Central Park used to be meeting spots. It created a black market, but the overall commonality of homosexuality was, as we can all agree, significantly lower back when it was banished to shady areas and shameful sex shops.

You can't make it go away completely, but you can decide whether to push it up or down. The PornHub CEO (and probably most people of influence) are trying to push it up. I think you're correct in that it's a conscious and deliberate decision for them.
The solution is not bullying but holding people accountable to reason. Your perspective feeds into a false dichotomy of either Marxist/"social justice" group think or conservative/social standard group think.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Not sure what you're suggesting here. You want to present logical arguments and have all members of society choose as individual free thinkers based on reason? Or something else?
Condition yourself and people around you to think rationally, using both positive and negative reinforcements. For example, when people are openly sexually deviant, you shun these people openly for acting like animals. You don't physically attack them because that would drive them underground and give them legitimate grievances.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Condition yourself and people around you to think rationally, using both positive and negative reinforcements. For example, when people are openly sexually deviant, you shun these people openly for acting like animals. You don't physically attack them because that would drive them underground and give them legitimate grievances.
Bro, these people were going underground already because they were shunned in the first place OR were afraid of this happening or other ramifications, such as getting attacked, etc. This goes for homosexuals but also for people that are doing other weird ****.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Bro, these people were going underground already because they were shunned in the first place OR were afraid of this happening or other ramifications, such as getting attacked, etc. This goes for homosexuals but also for people that are doing other weird ****.
Yes, like I said, that gave them some legitimacy in their grievances.

I want to make it clear that I condone the use of force in defense when a person's individual is being violated. The whole transvestite story time thing that is going on in schools is a violation of the rights of those minor students and should be stopped and punished.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Yes, like I said, that gave them some legitimacy in their grievances.

I want to make it clear that I condone the use of force in defense when a person's individual is being violated. The whole transvestite story time thing that is going on in schools is a violation of the rights of those minor students and should be stopped and punished.
People are going to be upset or feel "wronged" whenever something about them on a personal level is rejected, bullied, etc. People are going to have their feelings hurt, not everyone is going to like you or accept's just the reality of the world.

The transgender story time thing is the craziest **** to me. Again, I'm not sure if this is a tool to try to groom the younger generations to be like them or some push to where they want to feel accepted, have children more open to those that are different, etc. Regardless of which one it is, I think it's bizarre and inappropriate.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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People are going to be upset or feel "wronged" whenever something about them on a personal level is rejected, bullied, etc. People are going to have their feelings hurt, not everyone is going to like you or accept's just the reality of the world.
Emotions don't identify with reality and are not a basis of action. Someone having their feelings hurt is not what matters, but the use of unwarranted force which mitigates the use of the mind. Causing bodily harm to someone for no rational reason is evil and the person who was harmed has a legitimate grievance.

The transgender story time thing is the craziest **** to me. Again, I'm not sure if this is a tool to try to groom the younger generations to be like them or some push to where they want to feel accepted, have children more open to those that are different, etc. Regardless of which one it is, I think it's bizarre and inappropriate.
I think of the earlier Indo-European people's that inhabited the steppe. The nomadic men had a custom of kidnapping children from Slavic or Germanic tribes to raise as their own due to the lack of women that would accompany them. That was their way of passing their legacy. Since these people don't plan on having children on their own, the story time thing is a way of destroying the psychologies of those children and thus passing on their legacy that way.

This is how the early American settlers would do it. If you weren't married by a certain age, they would just wish you off politely and excommunicate you from the settlement. But the missing piece in doing this today is the social cohesion and uniform set of values each person lives under. Whether you liked them or not, the expectations of you were clear and enforced.
The concept of social cohesion is not a value because there is no such thing as a collectivized consciousness. No one can have the same set of values because each person grows up to have volition, which sets up a unique context for that person.

What's not realized by many of the older generations today is that being conservative and holding up agreed upon social standards is actually holding up Marxism and social justice itself, not traditional Christian values. We are, for all its faults, more unified under the rainbow flag than any other flag because the rainbow flag has taken the throne and, at the very least, made the rules very, very clear. Social conservatives of decades prior were praising the idea of individuals setting their own standards and walking away from power (eg. Atlas Shrugged). This left them incoherent and disorganized as a group. They may still exist in subcultures and meet online in their own black markets for dissident ideas, but are at this point they're completely absent from all areas of real consequence and influence (partly because of their rivals' competency and partly their own mistakes).
Politically speaking, conservatism and Marxism are forces to be reckon with but are also a false dichotomy if you want a long term practical solution. Much of the political and corporate establishment is pushing Marxism for the purpose of gaining power over others. The solution is to educate people and pull the proverbial rug out from underneath them.

Teenagers in school today who get the most praise are those who rank high on the progressive stack. A trans student would get praise and then use that status to harass those who shunned or disapproved of them (eg. calling them bigot, racist, fascist, etc.). So what you're suggesting cannot work today without new leadership to back it up and unify the population under a clear set of new rules. Yes, this requires violating individual liberty and there's simply no way around it. The best rulers are ones wise enough to make good decisions, because they will be making decisions for the population.You would otherwise only be able to create a highly localized and unenforceable subculture somewhere within the dominant one.
Abolishing public education altogether would be a good solution there. What is required is the disillusion of most the government and those corporations that place their political agendas above profits for their shareholders.

You don't need a leader if you know how to lead yourself. Violating people's individual rights doesn't solve anything, and creates more problems. For example, when institutions allow these trans athletes compete in women's sports, these women, or girls' parents need to walk out. The problem is government interference that gives these so called minorities grounds for civil action. Much of the problem would be solved by repealing the Civil Rights Act.

Values reign downwards from leadership, not upwards towards it. If the leadership says "we here are a people who like apples" then those who like oranges would be shunned unless they took charge and became the new leadership. This is why who the CEO of PornHub (and the existence of PornHub itself) matter. You can't reverse the trend from the bottom up. Only top down. And you also can't just box yourself into a room and ignore the whole thing the way AmsterdamAssassin thinks he can.
Man is a rational animal and doesn't need a leader to think for him. There are agendas that are being pushed, however the government and private institutions are a reflection of what people are willing to put up with and what they expect from them. As long as people expect some external force to advocate on their behalf, as oppose to working to take care of oneself, you will have big government. As long as people think that porn is not harmful and enjoy it, you cannot get rid of the market for it. If government gets involved and bans it, the market for porn goes underground as it does in middle eastern countries. The solution is to educate people that pornography is a weapon of war:



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Sensationalism. Just don't watch porn if you're so susceptible that you 'change' into transgender or gay from watching porn.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Society is full of sheep, its always been this way. There are very few leaders, most are followers. Society was very successful when it had a common goal and mindset to get behind. Its why America became #1. We don't have that anymore. Too many fragmented groups wanting power and telling everyone else how it should be.

The middle east with all of their different religions is proof. They've been killing each other for years.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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You really have to find normal friends.
The problem with this argument is that normality is a social construct. What's "normal" today is vastly different from what was normal when you were a young man. And the reason for that is aptly demonstrated in post #2 in this thread. Passive "not my concern" types like yourself are the primary reason why this degenerate sh!t has been spreading like cancer.
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