paying for a girl...


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2011
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Is it wise/gentleman to pay for a girl on a first date ? I've always been against it because there's no promise for a second or third date usually. You never know if they flake. When i don't pay i feel like a **** lol

Anyway, i'm gonna take this new broad out, would it come off as nice guy if i payed for her cover and got her a few drinks if she behves?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I'm curious to this as well. I have usually always refused to pay for a girl on the first date and right now it comes to the point that the first "date" with a girl is always just hanging out at the apartment because I don't want to take them out and then refuse to pay for them.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
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FVCK THAT SH!T!!!! never pay for no b!tch! if she suck ur **** maybe spend 5 dollars. a broke ho is a no-no


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2011
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i'm just gonna be blunt with her then... "if you add up all the wasted cash on first dates, i would prolly have enough to upgrade from mercedes to aston" but in a joking manner


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
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fvck 50-50 if b!tch want the d!ck she gonna work for it, other wise she can get her moochin ass on somewhere


Apr 29, 2011
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I'll pay maybe on the second, but defiantly the third date. She ain't gonna get a free meal out of me.


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2011
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EvilAgenda said:
Great idea, come out as being cheap.
i told her jokingly i don't pay on the first date because i'm not guarranteed anything, lady gotta work. She laughed and hit me.

All night she wanted to **** but kept playing "i'ma make him jealous" i let her do her thing and i would grab her mid way and she liked it... towards the end it was too hot and wanted to get out.i just wanted to get laid as much as her but got too aggressive and told my friend. F@CK
oh well, she's a girl from my old ocmpnay and she took my bbm, her interest level was hi so i'lll just be distant from her for a bit. I know she'll call me to party and **** next week

overall great night, had tons of fun and almost picked up HB8.75 but her man came and took her hand!
Jul 3, 2011
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Mass said:
Is it wise/gentleman to pay for a girl on a first date ? I've always been against it because there's no promise for a second or third date usually. You never know if they flake. When i don't pay i feel like a **** lol

Anyway, i'm gonna take this new broad out, would it come off as nice guy if i payed for her cover and got her a few drinks if she behves?
The problem isn't with paying, but with DATING before you've gotten physical. The date puts her on the spot and you don't want that.

Dating was for an era when men and women didn't hang out alone. Now it's completely unnecessary. If you do go on a date, either try to kiss her HELLO, or go for early kino, and end the date immediately if she balks. Same if she puts a time limit on it like "I only have an hour." To that I say "Can't be in two places at once" and just walk.

Demonstrate that you're willing to start over with another chick if things don't work out with her. OR, just enjoy the date for what it is and don't worry about getting physical. Talk about how you don't want to commit, even mention other women, because if you aren't going for even a kiss, she'll have nothing to reject.

I generally don't pay for dates, but as an AFC, it can be useful if you want datintg practice. I paid for dozens of dates with my high-school MLTR (I was HER primary), and it was the best "dating bootcamp" I could ever have wanted. I learned how to conduct myself on a date, a skill that serves me well to this day.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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In my opinion, men haven't been 'expected' to pay for years but it comes across as petty to say "I'll never pay for a woman" because you should treat it as you would your friends, it's better to come across as not caring, so either split it 50/50 or pay for her expecting her to return the favour. If a guy pays for a meal or a round of drinks for him and myself then I'll get the next meal or next round of drinks. It's just common courtesy and shouldn't really be an issue to consider anymore, worrying about that should be left to the 'gold-diggers' and 'sugar daddies'.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
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I always pay for the first date (even if it goes poorly) unless I get outright annoyance and refusal on the part of the girl. This comes with the caveat that I DO NOT ever do something expensive for the first date. This way, I don't invest anything significant up front, but I'm still acting the part that I enjoy - a quality man with the $$ and good sense to take care of the woman I'm with.

On paying in general: After a few dates, if I'm really into the girl, I pay for everything unless she puts up a fuss. Only when she really fights me on it will I let her split or pay for something.

If it's just casual, then we split or alternate everything.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
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Deadly_Ripped said:
I'm still acting the part that I enjoy - a quality man with the $$ and good sense to take care of the woman I'm with
or as the b!tches call it "a sucker with money that i can use an leave"
EvilAgenda said:
Great idea, come out as being cheap.
i'd rather be cheap than broke!


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
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Jake_tha_Boss said:
or as the b!tches call it "a sucker with money that i can use an leave"

i'd rather be cheap than broke!

I prefer to be neither broke nor cheap. I achieve that by spending my money on inexpensive, exciting dates. If I spend $20 on a woman's share of a date and we both have a good time, and she considers that "using me", then the joke's on her.

If I feel like I'm being used for my money, then I cut the date short and bounce. I will never allow myself to feel the shame of continuing even though I feel like I'm being taken advantage of.

After getting that feeling, I've laughed in a woman's face, I've walked away in the middle of the night in a city street from our date, and I've just dropped off the map - cold turkey. Btiches who want my money don't get it, but women who appreciate the gesture enjoy the fruits of my labor as much as I do. Sharing is fun!

Oh and I don't spend money that I don't have or can't afford to spend, therefore I am neither broke nor cheap. I win/win/win.

Jake_tha_Boss said:
she suck ur **** maybe spend 5 dollars. a broke ho is a no-no
That's paying for sex, which is something I don't do. I also don't pay based on need i.e. it doesn't matter whether I'm dating a student or an heiress (done both), either way I pay because they and I both like it - plus it makes the whole experience more enjoyable when there isn't that awkward splitting of the bill and one person always ending up paying slightly more than the other and whatnot. It has a surprisingly large impact on the whole experience.

Women suck my dikc for free, and they do it sober, drunk, in public, or anywhere I damn well want them to, because I can turn them on with a single suggestion in their ear or touch. Sex has nothing to do with my wallet. I feel sorry for guys who feel like they're purchasing sex and attention by paying for things.

You know, I think I can identify a potential difference here in feelings. See, I only date high quality women whose company I enjoy, and I never pay for sex. Therefore, when I pay for something, it's simply because I personally enjoy the act of providing for a woman I'm dating, and it simplifies things. I don't feel obligated and I am always considering whether or not I think she's using me. Some chumps on here seem to think that paying for stuff = keeping the woman around for longer. In my case, whether or not I pay for stuff, if she's not fun and attractive and acting right, then she's gone. She's working for me, not the other way around.

(Internet dating is different, because you can't really pre-screen, hence the fact that I do low-cost dates and will cut-and-run if it's not going well)


Oct 20, 2006
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Deadly_Ripped said:
paying for sex.. is something I don't do. ... either way I pay because they and I both like it ...Women suck my dikc for free... I never pay for sex. Therefore, when I pay for something, it's simply because I personally enjoy the act of providing for a woman I'm dating
Paying for a date = paying for sex. I have no problem with either. The man should pay for the date.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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This is a very controversial topic. As DJ's though, most of us should be leaning to the do-not-pay for her side, but I see some rebels up in here.

Put it this way:

Think of a date as an interview for the most important position in your life. You are the CEO of the company. Would you spend money on a newbie who hasn't been working in your company for a day? Are you going to PAY her more because she's good-looking? SCREW THAT.

Dating is about trial and error. Now, unless you're a psychic, you have no clue what this chick is going to be like; hence, you get to know her(which is the reason why you're out with her in the first place). She--although maybe a HOT one--is a stranger. You don't know what she has to offer you and vice versa.
The times when men did everything are over. If they claim that they are equal then us, then she better have money in her wallet or she's gonna be washing some dishes(either at the restaurant or at my place for having paid for her).;)

This is what I tell them(in a playful way): "We're just hanging as friends so you're paying for your own! ;)"
OR "I usually don't give in this easily, but since you are (insert insulting compliment here), I'll make an exception. Where are you taking me?"
OR I just go up to her for the approach and ask:

Me: Hey, are you shy or something?
hb: (answers) Why?
me: Because (enter situation you're both in) and you haven't come over to say hi or asked for my number. What's going on here--are my good looks really that intimidating?
hb: cracking up at how confident you are (reacts to your confidence and reacts receptively or rejects you).

If she your game is solid and she likes you, sweet! If she doesn't, then examine where you blew it(if you did) and find another chick. You have a lot to offer and she misses out on you anyway. That's the game in a nutshell.

What do I do on the 1st date? I split it in half OR have her pay for me. WTF, how do you do that Robyn? Well, I make the situation seem like she messed up in somewhere (playing hard to get, didn't get back to me on time, flaked and re-scheduled) and then let her know I'm a really busy guy, but that I want to see her(gotta give her a little value at a time) and then tell her you'll allow her to make it up to yo by doing (what you want her to do) in this case, buying you dinner. It has worked pretty well for me so far! I got a 9 to pay for me at subway. She did it with smile on her face and invited me over to her place next week.

The other option is telling her the following( my favorite):

me: guess what?
her: what?
me: I'm freaking psychic ;)
her: (talks but you cut her off and say)
me: Hooold, it I'm having a moment (hold your hand against your head) I got this vision you're a big brat who didn't get spanked enough as a child.
her: (reacts positively and punches you)
me: It's getting clearer now! You attract these losers that want to "take you out" and pay for you an everything, but you know what. It all means nothing to you because they're all the same and you gotta manage your time.
her: (amazed and how you know this)
me: You owe me so YOU'RE coking for me ;) My favorite food is (enter food here). I'm busy all week, but I'm free Friday night. I'm excited to see how well you cook! Or you can just take me out (she will pay either way, haha).

It's hard to give an example that fits all of you guys, but hopefully you get the idea. This works for me 90% of the time. This conveys all the right things. You are talking about loser guys (which conveys you aren't one yourself); you make her feel feminine as she cooks for you. Make sure you reward her efforts by saying you liked her food and how just because she made you dinner doesn't mean she gets to take you home or anything. PM if you want more of this.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
Yes if you want to be successful with women you are going to have to pay. Period. If you talk about going dutch shes going to think your cheap and put you in the friendzone. Dont spend a small fortune on her, but a drink or two at Applebees should suffice.

Marvin Gaye

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Negative thoughts down the drain just relax, let t
HoneyLove said:
Yes if you want to be successful with women you are going to have to pay. Period. If you talk about going dutch shes going to think your cheap and put you in the friendzone. Dont spend a small fortune on her, but a drink or two at Applebees should suffice.
I'm sure you give awesome head


Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
HoneyLove said:
Yes if you want to be successful with women you are going to have to pay. Period. If you talk about going dutch shes going to think your cheap and put you in the friendzone. Dont spend a small fortune on her, but a drink or two at Applebees should suffice.
All you want is a free meal.