Pay for dinner, noobs

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Agent Zero said:
You're 39 and unmarried. I'm just warning guys who they take advice from.
A warning from you should tell them more than enough.

Still looking for you to post your personal words of wisdom that will enlighten us all...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Snow Plowman said:
...Age doesn't mean sh!t
Marraige comes down to the person, whether thats for them or not. Honestly marraige isn't for me and marraige wouldn't fit well in my lifestyle so...I'll be 39 and unmarried.
No need to argue that point to a guy who believe that a guy who's married is necessarily a step above a guy who's not. He probably also believe that a guy has to have at least a six figure salary to land a woman. He's been reading too many romance novels.
Jul 5, 2007
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Original poster - you are missing the point in your own advice

you are to not take a girl to dinner until you had sex.

A dinner first date will not work more often than not, because the best possible first dates are the ones with the most isolation, aka watching a movie at her/your place, having a few drinks together, and escalating things to sex..........and then you can go to dinner


because you are going to give her mind blowing sex, you are going to say "hey baby can u get me this time? i'm a lil low on money" - and then SHE pays for YOU


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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The "dinner" date shoudl be saved for a woman who Qualified for you.
End of freakin'; story.
Action dates or just Meeting Up is the way to go when you first meet her.
If she's interested, she will still like it.
She wants to see YOU. Not food, or some dumb movie. How is she going to get excited about you?
Do things together. Do somethign out of the ordinairy.
The dinner and a movie is so boring women will vomit if they hear somethign like that as a first date from a guy they are (were) interested in.
Don't do this sh*t anymore.
Save it for the girl whom you KNOW is LTR material.
No flowers, No candy, No Cards,
None of that sh*t for some girl you just met!!!
Do not qualify a girl just because she showed up! Or she's "hawt."
Fck that.
No "Thanks for coming!"
Don't be overly grateful to some chick because she decided not to stay home and watch TV.
She will think this is low value behavior.
"Why is he so grateful?"
"He must not go on too many dates."
"Maybe this guy really IS a chump."
"Maybe I made a mistake."
If other women don't want you, why should she?
IF you act in the typical AFC behavior, guess what?
This makes her think you don't know sh*t about women, and you must not have any experience with women.
Bad signs.
Avoid this behavior.

Here's something I just thought of, which helps me reason out proper behavior.
Put yourself in the plac that a woman you just met, bought you flowers, and candy, and cards, and bowed down to your every need, told you how much she "loved" you after the first date, was overly self deprecating, was very needy, and jealous, and suffocated you with her 24hour surveillance/attention?
How would you feel?
You'd next her. You'd say "That b1tch is crazy!! I'm outta here!"

Now take that and chew on it a while.
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
The "dinner" date shoudl be saved for a woman who Qualified for you.
End of freakin'; story.
Action dates or just Meeting Up is the way to go when you first meet her.
If she's interested, she will still like it.
She wants to see YOU. Not food, or some dumb movie. How is she going to get excited about you?
Do things together. Do somethign out of the ordinairy.
The dinner and a movie is so boring women will vomit if they hear somethign like that as a first date from a guy they are (were) interested in.
Don't do this sh*t anymore.
Save it for the girl whom you KNOW is LTR material.
No flowers, No candy, No Cards,
None of that sh*t for some girl you just met!!!
Do not qualify a girl just because she showed up! Or she's "hawt."
Fck that.
No "Thanks for coming!"
Don't be overly grateful to some chick because she decided not to stay home and watch TV.
She will think this is low value behavior.
"Why is he so grateful?"
"He must not go on too many dates."
"Maybe this guy really IS a chump."
"Maybe I made a mistake."
If other women don't want you, why should she?
IF you act in the typical AFC behavior, guess what?
This makes her think you don't know sh*t about women, and you must not have any experience with women.
Bad signs.
Avoid this behavior.
you just summed up my thoughts in a nice mature way there buddy lol

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Interceptor said:
...Now take that and chew on it a while.
I'm telling you guys, this type of reality is beyond the understanding (or maybe the ability) of a lot of guys...