Oldie but good videos on catcalling


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Oldie but goodie I posted before. See here, the chubby construction worker is having FUN with the cat calling. He's not looking stone faced, nervous and creepy about it just hanging loose and having fun and that's why the women don't seemed as creeped by him. This guy knows he doesn't really have a shot at these women. He's like a Kevin James. Comes off harmless and funny. if you look like a Dexter and cold and mumbling they're going to think you're a predator rapist.

If you come off as autistic like Elliot Rodgers they're going to really be creeped. With women body language and how you sound also means a lot. Here are two vids. I do like how the one guy said he wouldn't allow his daughter to dress like that and brutally honest. Same in the second video some of the guys questioned have frame and not a ashamed.

If a woman dressed showing a lot of skin and is attractive men will notice. This is simply human biology and how we're programed. Feminist are trying to go against human biology. The second video of the trainer jogging, I'd totally would rail that chick!

Anyway, when it comes to PUA and cold approach regardless if it's catcalling or more subtle I think a big factor is HOW you sound. Joke, and don't be an emotionalist autistic creep. Have fun and a sense of humor like the old, chubby construction worker.

Woman Endures Cat Calls Walking in Street: 'It Makes You Feel Like A Fool' - YouTube

Watch What Happens When The Tables Are Turned On Catcallers - YouTube

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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So let's send Super Chad out to make cat calls and see what happens.
It's harmelss. They need to Stop dressing like they do if they don't want to draw attention. Simple.
These chics will be begging for cat calls from Beer Gut Bob when they are 50.

More hate for men being men.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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So let's send Super Chad out to make cat calls and see what happens.
It's harmelss. They need to Stop dressing like they do if they don't want to draw attention. Simple.
These chics will be begging for cat calls from Beer Gut Bob when they are 50.

More hate for men being men.
Also love the Venice Beach and NYC videos. Two places it looks super easy to cold approach, especially in the summer at Venice Beach or New York. Venice Beach must be a fun place to do it. At least maybe less rich LA girls if you're not rich. Most anywhere in the country you wouldn't have the chances to PUA cold approach like you would Venice Beach or places in New York.

I don't how that one older Chad Lite looking guy scurried away though and cucked. Hell no I wouldn't hide from the camera. I would be like the others and straight up tell that feminist Lisa Gurerro how I felt.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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So let's send Super Chad out to make cat calls and see what happens.
It's harmelss. They need to Stop dressing like they do if they don't want to draw attention. Simple.
These chics will be begging for cat calls from Beer Gut Bob when they are 50.

More hate for men being men.
This video has a Chad Lite say it works 9 of 10 times, European guy, and a Tyrone Lite too has interesting reply.

Masks Don’t Seem to Stifle Men Catcalling Women - YouTube


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Catcalling is overblown, at least in my city. I've spent time on the walking path with the most foot traffic and no one is catcalling. Some men try to do legitimate approaches there. I've done plenty of approaching off of that walking path. I've gotten phone numbers, arranged first dates, and even had instantaneous dates from that.

Venice Beach must be a fun place to do it.
Venice Beach has become overrun with homeless people.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Catcalling is overblown, at least in my city. I've spent time on the walking path with the most foot traffic and no one is catcalling. Some men try to do legitimate approaches there. I've done plenty of approaching off of that walking path. I've gotten phone numbers, arranged first dates, and even had instantaneous dates from that.

Venice Beach has become overrun with homeless people.
These videos are mostly NYC, LA and such. Few places like NYC catcalling is still fairly common. Most places in the US you hardly ever see it anymore. NYC most younger people walk everywhere.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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feminist Lisa Gurerro.
Lisa Guerrero definitely comes off as a feminist in those videos that you posted. Despite being around 50 years old at the time those Inside Edition episodes were recorded, she seemed attractive.

Lisa Guerrero was an NFL cheerleader, model, and actress in her 20s before she became a sportscaster/sports reporter around age 30 despite not having a Bachelor's in Communication or Journalism. She did that until she was around 40, then posed nude in Playboy at 41 and got a job as a correspondent for Inside Edition, which she's been doing since 2006 (her early 40s).

Lisa's entire career has been based on being good looking. She might act feminist when it's convenient for her but she owes everything to male sexual fantasies.

She did manage to stay attractive for a very long time. She is 59 right now and will turn 60 in April.

These videos are mostly NYC, LA and such. Few places like NYC catcalling is still fairly common. Most places in the US you hardly ever see it anymore. NYC most younger people walk everywhere.
New York City is one of the few places in the USA where foot traffic is common. It's possible to both catcall and to do legitimate street approaches on city streets in New York City.

In Sun Belt cities that mostly grew after the automobile and air conditioning, there's typically not good street game. Miami is an exception because it has good street game and good beach game.

Los Angeles is an older city than a place like Phoenix that mainly grew after World War II. Even still, Los Angeles has not been known as a good street game city, but it has some pockets (mainly in suburbs/at the beach). Santa Monica's 3rd Street Promenade has been known as a good approaching spot over the decades. Multiple beach locales offer the opportunity to do approaches near a walk/bike path. Homelessness has been an issue for decades at 3rd Street Promenade, Venice Beach, and other beaches but it's gotten really bad in the last 10 years.