Number Closed but No Response

Number Closed but No Response

  • delete

  • Keep saved just in case

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Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
If I get a number and no response, it's deleted. I write it as disinterest. AMS is the only one who says keep the number. Easy for him to say cuz he's a 6'5 Tyrone and got a lot of money. Most of us aren't that, so it's best to delete.

Why the hell do you want to keep a bunch of numbers and text logs in your phone anyway? To remind yourself of your failures? To hell with that. There's a 1/256 chance she'll come back around. Even then, it's not for an alpha role. Had a woman recently call me back to meet me, but she gave me a link to subscribe to her onlyfans. Blocked her.

You're not a beta if you lose a woman's number. You're just removing dead weight from your phone. Level your asses up. I bought a brand new Lexus. I got blown in it within a week of ownership. Step up your looks, money, style, game, etc.

Case closed.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2019
Reaction score
If I get a number and no response, it's deleted. I write it as disinterest. AMS is the only one who says keep the number. Easy for him to say cuz he's a 6'5 Tyrone and got a lot of money. Most of us aren't that, so it's best to delete.

Why the hell do you want to keep a bunch of numbers and text logs in your phone anyway? To remind yourself of your failures? To hell with that. There's a 1/256 chance she'll come back around. Even then, it's not for an alpha role. Had a woman recently call me back to meet me, but she gave me a link to subscribe to her onlyfans. Blocked her.

You're not a beta if you lose a woman's number. You're just removing dead weight from your phone. Level your asses up. I bought a brand new Lexus. I got blown in it within a week of ownership. Step up your looks, money, style, game, etc.

Case closed.
it's not dead weight. your phone doesn't weigh more if you have more contacts in it.
you are right, don't keep the number "just in case one day she is interested" if she is not interested today she won't be interested tomorrow.
but so far nobody has come up with a valid reason to delete numbers. "just so I dont text her again" is not a valid reason, get some self control. "just so I am not reminded of my failures" is not a reason, get some self respect.
you don't think when you delete an email from gmail, google keeps a copy for their records for ever and ever? because why wouldn't they? data is power.
and lol at the lexus comment. I didn't know a lexus (a toyota cough cough) impresses anybody.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2023
Reaction score
Keep the number of an unresponsive female? What for? Too clutter up your contacts of more willing candidates?

Serves little purpose, and if she reaches out weeks or months later then you can just be real and reply "who's this?" "oh it's you". Maybe hint that you clear out your contacts regularly of people you don't hear from and keep the ones who respond, giving her the DHV that she's in competition for you.

Not only that but if you keep her contact and she responds a year later, and you instantly recognize her gives the impression that you held on to it pining for her to finally come to you. Not a good look.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Men get rejected or just flat ignored for all sorts of reasons; one of the main ones being thirst/desperation.
Deleting after 24hours is fine, but it signifies, a) placing too much investment and expectation with someone you hardly know, or even only just met, and b) placing too much value on oneself, i.e. you think you're so much different to every other schmuck who has come on to her that day. If you're the type to be deleting after a mere 24hrs, you probably gave off a very weird vibe in the first place; like your whole existence is hanging by a thread on this person's acknowledgement. Something to think about.

A few points;
-Most women have at least five inboxes, to which they receive a steady stream of messages from guys pretty much on a daily basis, even the ugly ones. Most of these dudes will have been disqualified long before the first message is ever sent. Let me tell you, unless you have a vivid imagination, outstanding social skills, genuinely authentic high value in some way, or ideally all of the above, you're no different to the rest. If you've piqued a girl's interest, she's not leaving you hanging for 24hrs, or much longer than that anyway.

-Out of all of those encounters, most women will have had AT LEAST one guy who has gone off on one, simply for the fact that this bird didn't reply within a timeframe that he deemed 'acceptable'. This is someone she hardly knows, in many cases with OLD, has not even ever met. Yet, he's already acting fcking weird, pretty much because he probably hasn't been laid in forever and now one woman shows half a second of interest.

-Women have evolved to play the game. And most are more competent at it than most men. I take numbers, and ye some never even message back, so what. There are a million more where they came from.

Men who are successful with women are not investing in taking numbers. They are investing principally in themselves and success with women is simply a bi-product.
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Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Men who are successful with women are not investing in taking numbers. They are investing principally in themselves and success with women is simply a bi-product.
I like this. I have nothing against spam approaching but that time could be better spent improving oneself.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
This is a good standard to have. As you said, it goes back to respect. Do not allow disrespect.

Let's be honest, any person nowadays, and especially a girl, has their phone with them 27/4. It takes less than a few seconds to reply. That whole I've been too busy is a simple translation for "you're not important and I rather do a hundred other things".

Never pursue anyone that does not see value in having you in their life. Period.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I like this. I have nothing against spam approaching but that time could be better spent improving oneself.
Talking to people and making contacts is part of life. Being unable to deal with a bit of rejection every now and then or the most basic of sh!t tests does not bode well.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
it's not dead weight. your phone doesn't weigh more if you have more contacts in it.
you are right, don't keep the number "just in case one day she is interested" if she is not interested today she won't be interested tomorrow.
but so far nobody has come up with a valid reason to delete numbers. "just so I dont text her again" is not a valid reason, get some self control. "just so I am not reminded of my failures" is not a reason, get some self respect.
you don't think when you delete an email from gmail, google keeps a copy for their records for ever and ever? because why wouldn't they? data is power.
and lol at the lexus comment. I didn't know a lexus (a toyota cough cough) impresses anybody.
LOL stop drinking cherry flavored haterade! For real I bought the Lexus for myself (2017 XV60, look it up), girls at work chasing me is just a bonus, and I wasn't pressed for poontang. I had a Pontiac for 17 years, started getting too problematic. Besides the finance payments will boost my credit even higher. Levelled up credit, social circle, and women while reducing maintenance costs (I do my own so long as it won't void the warranty.) Win-win all around!

If you buy a luxury car to impress a girl, you're a damn fool.

Still delete the number. The "who's this" is typically a DHV, as in you have better things to do than pine for her. If she comes back around she either gets on your program or like Shark Tank, I'm out. Adopt the Shark Tank mindset like Mark Cuban. (Wish my Lexus had Mark Levinson sound BTW LOL!)

I have several cars I'm modifying now to keep me busy. Then again, why chase a girl who isn't interested in me barring a beta role? If a girl you wanted to get sexual with denied you, but called you a month later to subscribe to her onlyfans, would you subscribe? Of course not (I won't wager on the 1/256 chance that you do subscribe).

If you choose to keep it in your phone, don't initiate contact. Move on, she already did anyway.

This should help.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
it's not dead weight. your phone doesn't weigh more if you have more contacts in it.
you are right, don't keep the number "just in case one day she is interested" if she is not interested today she won't be interested tomorrow.
but so far nobody has come up with a valid reason to delete numbers. "just so I dont text her again" is not a valid reason, get some self control. "just so I am not reminded of my failures" is not a reason, get some self respect.
you don't think when you delete an email from gmail, google keeps a copy for their records for ever and ever? because why wouldn't they? data is power.
and lol at the lexus comment. I didn't know a lexus (a toyota cough cough) impresses anybody.
It can be worth it if you see the same chick online 6 mos or a year down the road and she has a higher interest level than before. This way you don't have to ask for the # again and you can use call-back details to re-establish rapport. Women can sometimes change their interest level if they had been burned out or "seeing someone" before. If she's near the top of your range, she may be worth another shot.

That being said, the message attachments they send you *are* dead weight and can mess up your phone's operating system.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
Reaction score
LOL stop drinking cherry flavored haterade! For real I bought the Lexus for myself (2017 XV60, look it up), girls at work chasing me is just a bonus, and I wasn't pressed for poontang. I had a Pontiac for 17 years, started getting too problematic. Besides the finance payments will boost my credit even higher. Levelled up credit, social circle, and women while reducing maintenance costs (I do my own so long as it won't void the warranty.) Win-win all around!

If you buy a luxury car to impress a girl, you're a damn fool.

Still delete the number. The "who's this" is typically a DHV, as in you have better things to do than pine for her. If she comes back around she either gets on your program or like Shark Tank, I'm out. Adopt the Shark Tank mindset like Mark Cuban. (Wish my Lexus had Mark Levinson sound BTW LOL!)

I have several cars I'm modifying now to keep me busy. Then again, why chase a girl who isn't interested in me barring a beta role? If a girl you wanted to get sexual with denied you, but called you a month later to subscribe to her onlyfans, would you subscribe? Of course not (I won't wager on then1/256 chance that you do subscribe).

If you choose to keep it in your phone, don't initiate contact. Move on, she already did anyway.

This should help.
Don’t let that hater get to you. Getting my 23 IS350 F sport next week. Mark levinson and memory package. Ordered it because it’s a nice looking car that is fun to drive. I must be a real loser.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2019
Reaction score
Don’t let that hater get to you. Getting my 23 IS350 F sport next week. Mark levinson and memory package. Ordered it because it’s a nice looking car that is fun to drive. I must be a real loser.
I am not a hater. lexus is a reliable brand and of course a guy should buy a car because he likes it not because girls like it. however, guys here talk about lexus as if it's a ferrari. these days even a bmw 3 series won't impress anybody. needs to be a 4 series or higher. girls are not stupid, they know a lexus is just a toyota with a lexus logo. but I will also tell you, one time I overheard a girl say "wow he drives a lexus" as if it's a big deal. I guess it depends on the girl.