North American girls still have no respect for men

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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Gotta love this "grass is greener" overseas nonsense.

Now I know personally it's waaaay easier to meet drop dead gorgeous chicks in other countries. I've been on vacation, with family, and friends in other countries met and had a lot of damn good looking younger women just stare at me while I was out at night. (To the point where you start thinking to yourself..."Is this real?") Guess I looked pretty good and was having fun with friends so..

But to think moving to another country and having to become part of THEIR culture and the way THOSE chicks and their families do things for your 'perfect' girlfriend/ future wife. Sorry but I'll never be that desperate. I don't care how 'hot' she is.

Most in other countries are VERY close with their immediate and surrounding families and friends. So close in fact that everyone will be in your business..CONSTANTLY. Their mom, dad, uncles, aunts etc and you'll not only be dealing with your 'perfect' girl...but the way they and their families do things and you will have to LIKE it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Respect starts with self-respect. Until American men begin demanding and earning respect en masse, expect more of the same. It's easy to blame women but leadership had to be ceded in order for the leadership vacuum to exist.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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samspade said:
Respect starts with self-respect. Until American men begin demanding and earning respect en masse, expect more of the same. It's easy to blame women but leadership had to be ceded in order for the leadership vacuum to exist.
Its not gonna happen for the simple fact that men of inferior stock are no longer filtrated from natural selection.

Dumbasses, sheep minded men and man cvnts are free to prosper and reproduce as fast as the welfare state supports them, those men althought not able to pose as competition, are more than enough to push to the stars the price of pvssy with their "compliment+like" game and joining the limitless number of white knights already existing among the able men.

When natural selection filtrated the men, those remaining had a bigger share of women to pick therefore women as well were filtrated through look and nurture ability.

In this case its not about alphas vs betas but about men able to operate in society and men unable to do it (and the m/f ration as well).

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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Who Dares Win said:
Its not gonna happen for the simple fact that men of inferior stock are no longer filtrated from natural selection.

Dumbasses, sheep minded men and man cvnts are free to prosper and reproduce as fast as the welfare state supports them, those men althought not able to pose as competition, are more than enough to push to the stars the price of pvssy with their "compliment+like" game and joining the limitless number of white knights already existing among the able men.

When natural selection filtrated the men, those remaining had a bigger share of women to pick therefore women as well were filtrated through look and nurture ability.

So tell say that today's men are sheep-minded cvnts....when was this time of great men? Looking back at history, I'd say that most men were sheep minded, as you call them. There was never any era of a bunch of alphas (I hate that f**king word) just roaming around peacefully, and everyone f**king hot women.

Every generation had white knights, frustrated chumps, and guys who were clueless about women. The only difference was, in the old days a woman HAD TO marry you in order support herself. What no one tells you is, it's not as if the men were madly in love with these women. They were pressured into that sh!t too.

I just hate these "good ol' days" postings because it makes it sound like there was a time when an average guy could strut around town scooping up the hottest girls just because he was a "real man". Nah, dude. Average was average. Even back then. The guys with money and looks and power were pulling the hot broads and leaving the leftovers for everyone else.

the game is the same


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Burroughs said:
You can HAVE cake and eat it too...there is no 'price' to modernization that is the excuse government think tanks and ad agencies give for societal breakdown

Go to India, China, even Japan..modern high rises, internet, sleek hospitals, fast cars....but the traditional roles of how men and women should behave towards each other have been retained.

we could have all the amenities of a modern world and nurture kind, feminine women who know their place and know how to please a man....they exist in other countries where you can also buy porsches and ferraris...america is too far down the road of feminism for a reversal most is up to wise men to move if they have to.....leaving a nation of bloated fatties and whimpering AFCs to die of sadness


Have you actually been to China? Many of the women there are gold diggers and will bleed you dry unless you are constantly showering them with gifts, while another large portion simply want a ticket out of the country. Not to mention that cheating and promiscuity isn't really a big deal there. Most young chinese women that date foreigners are in the double digits for number of partners. Not to mention that in China it is more common for the man to cook, rather than the woman. So unless you enjoy forking out money for restaurants, then you'd better learn to cook.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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floydb25 said:
It's also common sense. Those countries aren't as developed or advanced as we are, so they stick to traditional roles. My family is from the Middle East, so I know what you're talking about, and why it is that way. Americans are spoiled and shallow - with all the money, easy access, shortcuts, media, etc. This turns them into snobs. Everything is accessible; people want more and more.

You don't hear people complaining about their hunger, diseases, serious life struggles, etc. Hell no. They complain about not being able to find a hot person, how they can't get laid, aren't cool or popular enough, the drama between their friends and dates, etc. That's the kind of spoiled lifestyle we have over here. And that's why you have all this stupid ****.

This applies to a lot of guys on here, too. "Why didn't she call back? My life is ruined... Nooooo!!!" Those aren't real problems, and is very comparable to the female mindset. "Why can't I get everything I want; choose whoever I want; use people as I please; have everyone wait around hand and foot? My life is so unfair; everyone is an *******!!!" -- as they're not paying for anything they own, living with someone else (and taking them for granted), etc. It's just stupid, shallow, society / peer-based **** that people make out to be a big deal. Gossip, drama, complaining... All about pointless ****.

Just the way it is. We're so spoiled that we complain about game, even. I mean, come on...

This is also why you shouldn't sympathize with people who aren't genuinely struggling. Having your heart-broken due to being shallow and chasing after trophies, or complaining about your peers making fun of you, or whatever dumb **** people complain about = not real problems. It's the only problems they have, within their lifestyle. Now its a big deal. Blah.
Not all non-western or middle eastern countries are as backwards/primitive as you suggest.

In my hometown overseas you will see BMW, Mercedes, Ferrari, Porche, Lambos left, right and center. You will see 1.5+ million dollar homes left, right and center. I know because I have family that own some of them. Hell I have a cousin with a 150k Porche Spyder in the middle east. They are not all "starving" or in "traditional" roles there.

Don't make sweeping generalizations about foreign countries.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Mantis Toboggan said:
So tell say that today's men are sheep-minded cvnts....when was this time of great men? Looking back at history, I'd say that most men were sheep minded, as you call them. There was never any era of a bunch of alphas (I hate that f**king word) just roaming around peacefully, and everyone f**king hot women.

Every generation had white knights, frustrated chumps, and guys who were clueless about women. The only difference was, in the old days a woman HAD TO marry you in order support herself. What no one tells you is, it's not as if the men were madly in love with these women. They were pressured into that sh!t too.

I just hate these "good ol' days" postings because it makes it sound like there was a time when an average guy could strut around town scooping up the hottest girls just because he was a "real man". Nah, dude. Average was average. Even back then. The guys with money and looks and power were pulling the hot broads and leaving the leftovers for everyone else.

the game is the same
Are we talking about the same post?

I didnt say todays men are sheep minded cvnts, I simply said that those were once filtered and no more now so they are added to the normal male population with obvious results.

About your leftovers line thats true, however being the leftover still more numerous than low value men they were in no position to be demanding or entitled as the average men had much more choices.
Can you say the same about some fat trashy single mom now?


Mar 12, 2011
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SharinganUser said:
Have you actually been to China? Many of the women there are gold diggers and will bleed you dry unless you are constantly showering them with gifts, while another large portion simply want a ticket out of the country. Not to mention that cheating and promiscuity isn't really a big deal there. Most young chinese women that date foreigners are in the double digits for number of partners. Not to mention that in China it is more common for the man to cook, rather than the woman. So unless you enjoy forking out money for restaurants, then you'd better learn to cook.
Exactly. I know girls from China who just want a rich guy and will accept nothing less. They are not obedient to their man just because the man can stand up for himself. They could care less about that crap. If he doesn't have money, they are out of there so fast.

Same reason why you hear guys kill their wives or daughters when they come to lovely land of the west where democracy, women's rights, and freedom is all the rage. They were respected in the middle east and got served by their women, then the women come here and realize they have more power than than the men even though the man is to be the bread winner.

I know another girl from the middle east who killed her husband because she had entitlement issues and wanted to be rich. She got the money, and house and bank accounts and is now driving a bmw with his money.

The guy happened to be my brother.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
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Just beyond reach
I'm writing a book right now on how and why to objectify women. You are right that mostly all women are useless cvnts. 1 in 100 is worth a sh!t. The other 99 need to be objectified, stepped on, pissed on, and kicked out. For any of you guys getting toyed with by women, just know that Mistic is out there getting revenge for you. I do to women what they have been doing to men their entire life. Thats also the reason they come crawling back. Treat them like dirt and they'll stick to you like mud.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Trump said:
Same reason why you hear guys kill their wives or daughters when they come to lovely land of the west where democracy, women's rights, and freedom is all the rage. They were respected in the middle east and got served by their women, then the women come here and realize they have more power than than the men even though the man is to be the bread winner.
Then why do they come to America?

Trump is raising an interesting point. If you get married to a foreign woman, she'll get corrupted by western values and turn against her man.

The only question I would have is why is foreign women having a statistically lower divorce rate than domestic marriages? Why would sites like continue making money if foreign women were really that liable to get corrupted.

Trump said:
I know another girl from the middle east who killed her husband because she had entitlement issues and wanted to be rich. She got the money, and house and bank accounts and is now driving a bmw with his money.
So what? I know a woman who had a boyfriend whom the boyfriend killed her and drove off with her car. How did I know that? The police called me because my name was on her diary, along with my phone number. I didn't even know there was a connection with this woman or what she wrote about me.

Was she arrested for her crime?

Trump said:
The guy happened to be my brother.
You came from the Middle East or did your brother go to the Middle East to find a wife? Demon seed people will always be around no matter where you go to. Your brother got a demon-seed wife and a criminal are you going to say all women are demons who kill men?

I'm sorry about your brother (mine got killed too in child-birth, and both of the at that), but if you are honest with yourself, then say that all women kill men and are murderers.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
corrector said:
Then why do they come to America?

Trump is raising an interesting point. If you get married to a foreign woman, she'll get corrupted by western values and turn against her man.

The only question I would have is why is foreign women having a statistically lower divorce rate than domestic marriages?
Why would sites like continue making money if foreign women were really that liable to get corrupted.
Well, it depends on who these "foreign women" are, right?

Are we talking about foreign women from industrialized countries? Women who have education, and career goals, BUT are still divorcing less than Americans?

Or are we talking about foreign women from rural areas who have no goals in life other than to pop out kids and raise them?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Iceberg said:
Well, it depends on who these "foreign women" are, right?

Are we talking about foreign women from industrialized countries? Women who have education, and career goals, BUT are still divorcing less than Americans?

Or are we talking about foreign women from rural areas who have no goals in life other than to pop out kids and raise them?
We are talking about the first.

If you go to the site you will see most of the tours this place offers and encourages is the Ukraine/Russia where most of the women there can pass as white and they have good jobs and ambition and are exude sexual energy.

There is no tours to the Domenican Republics or a number of other places, probably because of the issues you are raising. Again, you have allot of stereotypes about foreign women that simply are not accurate.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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I guess So Suave should have a 'foreign affairs' section now with Big Jimbo and Winston Wu as moderators?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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The only question I would have is why is foreign women having a statistically lower divorce rate than domestic marriages?
I can't speak for other countries, but the divorce rate in China is skyrocketing.

In 2009, one in five Chinese marriages ended in divorce, according to a report by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The report said 1.71 million Chinese couples broke up last year -- 160,000 couples, or 10.3 percent, more than the previous year.

The figures follow an upward trajectory. Last year the divorce rate -- the number of divorces per 1,000 people -- stood at about 1.85 per thousand. In 1985, the figure was only 0.4 per thousand.

You came from the Middle East or did your brother go to the Middle East to find a wife? Demon seed people will always be around no matter where you go to. Your brother got a demon-seed wife and a criminal are you going to say all women are demons who kill men?

I'm sorry about your brother (mine got killed too in child-birth, and both of the at that), but if you are honest with yourself, then say that all women kill men and are murderers.

I don't think that is what he was saying at all. I think he was just saying that you have to be just as cautious(if not more) dating foreign women as you do with domestic girls.

As Naughty Ninja said, this "grass is greener" attitude is a lot of nonsense. And I'd like to add that it's one of the reasons a lot guys get suckered by foreign girls. For example there are a lot guys who send money to their overseas Thai girlfriend, but what they don't know is that she has 10 other guys doing the same thing and she has a local boyfriend as well. And despite all this nonsense, the guys getting suckered say they like more traditional women. It's not good to put them on a pedestal simply because they are foreign.

On a side note, whenever someone asks me why I like Asian chicks, I never really know what to say because frankly I just love small *****.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I physically can NOT lower my standards that low unfortunately...cant go below a 6 and even 6's have sometimes extreme entitlement issues.
Haha, thats a good point. I know what you mean man. Nothing brings on erectile dysfunction faster than the moment you realize you just can't do it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I physically can NOT lower my standards that low unfortunately...cant go below a 6 and even 6's have sometimes extreme entitlement issues.
Nobody is saying you have to get with an average chick. She just doesnt have to be gorgeous or stunning. There's plenty of cute / attractive girls out there. Gotta realize the difference between lust / infatuation and quality, and separate them accordingly. Most people go for the former, and then try to find the latter (in the same person). Doesn't work. These hot, exciting, shallow girls are generally not LTR candidates. If more people realized this, and stopped trying to get involved with them - there would be a lot less complaining. These girls are fun, and not to be taken seriously. It's not a big deal if they play games, act like retards, don't call back, have no intelligence, etc - because they're not quality. Why are you getting upset over a loser? They're not going to change. Treat them as they are.

This, again, is why bad boys are so effective. They don't care about the hoes they are chasing after, and certainly don't sympathize with them - because they know they're not worth getting frustrated over, or involved with. They just want sex, and don't get attached. It's the other guys who get wrapped up in their bull****, and end up getting screwed over as a result. They care too much, and even get disappointed over these losers. Most of these girls chase after these same bad boys BECAUSE they're losers. Losers attract losers.

Becoming a good judge of character, and treating people how they deserve is a must. But for this to happen, you have to eliminate desperation, low self-esteem, co-dependancy, etc, and re-adjust (or even have) some standards. That takes work.

As for the entitlement issues - certainly, nothing is definite. But you gotta go with the odds. Just as someone who's older is likely to be more mature - someone who's not gorgeous is likely to be non-retarded. The chances of it happening are much greater.

It's not always your "game" or appearance that needs changing - a lot of times, its the kind of people you are chasing after, getting involved in, associating with, etc. Many times, this IS the case. A retard is still going to be a retard; a skank is still going to be a skank - no matter how smooth, hot, or exciting you are.

It all depends on what you want, of course. But that separation between good and bad people is a must. Too many people are improving themselves to attract losers - only to complain about them constantly. Uh, yeah. Good idea.... It's almost like they're saying, "I couldn't attract any losers before, but now that I've improved my looks and game, I attract them in hordes. I'm so pimp; go me!" :trouble:


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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You know, guys, I'm jumping in here late.

But, if I were to replace everyone's names with flowery things like "hotgurl62" or "lovelyxoxo," this whole thread would pass for a bunch of bratty little 16 year old trust-fund girls whining in 17 magazine.


For a bunch of men, some of you sure cry like little girls.

I swear, some people just aren't built to function in the real world...


Apr 18, 2011
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loveshogun said:
You know, guys, I'm jumping in here late.

But, if I were to replace everyone's names with flowery things like "hotgurl62" or "lovelyxoxo," this whole thread would pass for a bunch of bratty little 16 year old trust-fund girls whining in 17 magazine.


For a bunch of men, some of you sure cry like little girls.

I swear, some people just aren't built to function in the real world...

No one here is whining. some of us here are uninteresting, boring, losers, outcasts,

what do you expect us to do? Remain outcasts forever.

The solution for losers, outcasts, unteresting, boring people is to move
to Brazil.

Those people that are cool can stay in North America.

But outcasts like me and LiveFreeX have to go overseas.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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gspshields2 said:
what do you expect us to do? Remain outcasts forever.
Well, after all the threads that you've said basically the same thing and didn't take any of our advice?

Yes. I do expect you to remain an outcast forever.

Could you just do it with a little less crying, please?

When you're ready to play ball, you can come back and we'll help. Until then, I think you need to ban yourself from the internet and go find out what you want to be able to say about your life.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
loveshogun said:
Well, after all the threads that you've said basically the same thing and didn't take any of our advice?

Yes. I do expect you to remain an outcast forever.

Could you just do it with a little less crying, please?

When you're ready to play ball, you can come back and we'll help. Until then, I think you need to ban yourself from the internet and go find out what you want to be able to say about your life.
We can't really dispute the fact that girls overseas are a lot easier to impress than here.

Why go the hard route of staying in North America?

Thats like saying I want a challenge, the hardest challenge I can get, or do I want the easy route? Most people avoid difficulty and look for easy way.