Next time you see a blond asian chick...


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Player, you get into a huff really easily......

Also, there is no "inherant" value in anything....just value we place upon things...If people understood this concept....99% of this site would be utterly useless...

this is a really stupid thread, and also, I feel the most for the blacks with Red hair......them and albinos....I mean its "in" to be white, but not that white.....

Someone define "Provincialism" to me, I'm guessing it implies a sort of small town, small minded perspective on things....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
thank you for that information. was his father real hawaiian or one of the migrated asian races such as Japanese that lived their?
Got me! My assumption has always been that he was "real Hawaiian" but I can't say for sure. I don't know enough about any of the Asian cultures to have an educated guess on the matter. :D

(I've always thought Keanu was a hottie! Talk about your Alpha Male! *drool*)


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
keanu reeves, mmmmm......

he is hottttttttt hottttttt, i burn my tongue just saying his name. hottttttt. hotttttt. those eyes..... hottttttttt.....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DankNuggs
Keanu is a flaming homosexual......Case closed.....
Gay or not, I'd do him. I wouldn't give you the same pleasure :p


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
I read somewhere about a year ago that some scientists are "afraid" that the blue-eyed blond was going to be extinct within a century, since the true (whatever that means) blue-eyed blonds only come from Finland and Sweden or something, and the genes are recessive. SO it's possible that there could be genuine blond Asians, but somehow one of the parents would have to be carrying the Scandinavian gene, which would bring about questions of racial purity, which seems kind of gross.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by doctoroxygen
I read somewhere about a year ago that some scientists are "afraid" that the blue-eyed blond was going to be extinct within a century, since the true (whatever that means) blue-eyed blonds only come from Finland and Sweden or something, and the genes are recessive. SO it's possible that there could be genuine blond Asians, but somehow one of the parents would have to be carrying the Scandinavian gene, which would bring about questions of racial purity, which seems kind of gross.
First off, scientist don't need to worry, the living blue-eyed blonds today don't even give em the time of day. Secondly, that means we should all go out and do them now while we still can.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DankNuggs

Someone define "Provincialism" to me, I'm guessing it implies a sort of small town, small minded perspective on things....

That is precisely right. :) "Myopic" would be another suitable substitute.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DankNuggs
Classical studies was a hobby in HS and College, so I went after school to go bum around and see the sights...The generic sights were amazing, however overall I found the city overly concerned with tourism which was a turnoff. You could barely walk the streets without bumping into a kiosk of cheap, generic italian, and american products....

If your in the southern half of Italy, i'd recommend Florence, the Amalfi Coast, and the Isle of Capri for a truer taste of Italy....

Wow, I'm impressed! I like that you're well-travelled - it it humbling and enriching (that's why arrogant shytheads who haven't travelled much piss the hell out of me - they are ignorant and arrogant because they just don't know any better).

The amazing thing about Italy is the variable climate and relief, even though it is such a tiny country. It's not even the size of Arizona, according to the CIA factbook. But still - I had the privilige of taking the train to both the North and the South of the country, and there was so much variation and discrepency between regions that it was hard to believe that I was still in the same country! Sure, they spoke the same language - but the difference in looks (the Northerners were taller and fairer, like Alpine peoples, while the Southerners were squat, muscular, and quite dark... almost like Turks), and the difference in lanscapes was amazing. The North was often lush and green, while the arid and rugged landscape of the Western coast of Southern Italy was amazing. :) I don't think I'll ever experience anything like it again. And the people, oh the people! Wonderful, honest, expressive people, they are. If they don't like you, they don't - and if they do - they can't stop expressing it! I really liked that about them - it was the same whether I was in Turino in the far north or in Napoli, Siracusa, Palermo or Reggio di Calabria in the South. I can't wait to go back there again. :)
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DankNuggs
Player, you get into a huff really easily......

Also, there is no "inherant" value in anything....just value we place upon things...If people understood this concept....99% of this site would be utterly useless...

this is a really stupid thread, and also, I feel the most for the blacks with Red hair......them and albinos....I mean its "in" to be white, but not that white.....

Someone define "Provincialism" to me, I'm guessing it implies a sort of small town, small minded perspective on things....
1. why would you feel sorry for blacks with redhair???

2. I think jackie is thinking that I have not travelled in my lifetime! In his stupid rush to make a point he didn't read my pidgin Japanese word that I cussed at him...I guess he isn't all that travelled after all.

3. Ahn yan hase yo! Korean...fawk the spelling...

4. I do have a reason for getting into a huff easily...believe me it has nothing to do with racial tension's all marketing 101

5. Notice how jackie is describing let foo's know he is well travelled...another sign of an insecure ego...

6. jackie has no game. he has no women...he just sits on his computer for most of the day posting. As you head know I do it during my down time from training heads....

look at the above post by can see his weakness...that is if you have real game in spot others weakness and you design how your going to exploit them...

jackie can be played by any smart girl who can see right through him...then he will be a broke jackie wacky (that is if he isn't gay_)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Give me a break....

Originally posted by Player_Supreme
6. jackie has no game. he has no women...he just sits on his computer for most of the day posting. As you head know I do it during my down time from training heads....

First of all, how on EARTH did you quantify me like that from a bunch of INTERNET POSTINGS? Oh my God - you must be psychic! You're GOD HIMSELF! *Bows down on floor and hits forhead on the ground in awe* :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And as for your quote up there..... look at your own post count. moron. I've been here since 2001, sometimes going weeks and weeks without posting. You on the other hand, have moved your Godzilla butt in here and have kind of taken root, like a focken bacterial stain on the bathtub that you can't get rid of. You post incessantly, and half of them involved masturbating yourself over how slick you are, and the other half involve getting into online arguments like this. Look, you already have more posts than me in about HALF the time I've been here. So let that be evidence of the weakness of your accusations, and your general foolishness. (Yes, you may shut the fvck up now. ;) )

I post whenever I feel like it, and I try to make most of my posts thoughtful. You obviously don't - your posts are most painful to read. The gist of every thread you start goes along the lines of 'Don't supplicate... don't get played..... lay down your pimp backhand..... fvck beeotchez all night..... dozens of them...'

Well thank you very much, Mr. Black Einstein -- but as if that stuff you regurgitate is original! So give it a rest unless you have anything original or inspiring to post. I am being 100% truthful when I say that not ONE post by you has moved me to do anything except pick my nose while chuckling. :D I've just kept quiet about the low quality of your rantings (that just pepper this board like bulletholes on a hoodlum's car), until now. I just can't stand the utter amateurism anymore. It's childish - and the worst part of it is that we have to listen to it coming from a 41-year old man. :rolleyes: Freakin SAD...... :D


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2003
Reaction score
c'mon folks... this is lame. 99% of us won't ever see naturally blond azn gals even if they do exist (i'm not sure and i don't care)
Jake... and the other dude (can't even 'member his name) stop. this is childish.
That said...
I have met a blond azn. Except she's a surfer gal and her hair got bleached naturally =b so booya they do exist
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
1. I'm 44...not 41...let's not get it twisted.

2. Your the one who wants to stay in the dark...

3. Game recognizes game. You have none! Actually you do spit hatred twards whites and blacks advice desquised as advice every now and then...remember your comments about low foreheads of whites and beefed up blacks...

4. You know about me...we know nothing about you. You've seen what I'm working with first hand...we know nothing about YOU. You've seen my photo's...we know nothing about you...

5. Except I do know you..don't I jake. I've got you figgured out don't I. It's my way. Your a fake jake. Just like Starfag was when he sent me those faked photo's.

6. I do get women quickly and easily...and I've shown proof. I've posted evidence of my game. My in box gets full from people asking for advice...check with the mods on my email traffic!!!

7. I've turned haters into head shakers...remember HB..on the Flame thread...yeah he emailed me for help kid. I've saved his comments if you want me to send them to you.

8. I know women. I MANIPULATE WOMEN! there is a place for my voice here on this forum and the one that I moderate (players university and the pimp network).

9. What do you have other than your own self hatred? A degree in a western school. A few contacts around the world? But no women...that is the purpose of this whole forum...


10. Never mind responding with the "I'm here to better myself bull" Because it still boils down to what your working with on your deck!

Good day Jake! I'm through with you so not post to me ever again!

Oh it looks like I really made you mad this time..Anger is a weakness kid. Control your emotions and you control yourself!!!

My players at P.U watch this forum that is why I defend myself so strongly!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
Good looking asians don't exist.
HAHAHAHA! I find humor in this. Sick ignorance.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
1. I'm 44...not 41...let's not get it twisted.

2. Your the one who wants to stay in the dark...

3. Game recognizes game. You have none! Actually you do spit hatred twards whites and blacks advice desquised as advice every now and then...remember your comments about low foreheads of whites and beefed up blacks...

4. You know about me...we know nothing about you. You've seen what I'm working with first hand...we know nothing about YOU. You've seen my photo's...we know nothing about you...

5. Except I do know you..don't I jake. I've got you figgured out don't I. It's my way. Your a fake jake. Just like Starfag was when he sent me those faked photo's.

6. I do get women quickly and easily...and I've shown proof. I've posted evidence of my game. My in box gets full from people asking for advice...check with the mods on my email traffic!!!

7. I've turned haters into head shakers...remember HB..on the Flame thread...yeah he emailed me for help kid. I've saved his comments if you want me to send them to you.

8. I know women. I MANIPULATE WOMEN! there is a place for my voice here on this forum and the one that I moderate (players university and the pimp network).

9. What do you have other than your own self hatred? A degree in a western school. A few contacts around the world? But no women...that is the purpose of this whole forum...


10. Never mind responding with the "I'm here to better myself bull" Because it still boils down to what your working with on your deck!

Good day Jake! I'm through with you so not post to me ever again!

Oh it looks like I really made you mad this time..Anger is a weakness kid. Control your emotions and you control yourself!!!

My players at P.U watch this forum that is why I defend myself so strongly!

*sniff* *sniff*...... I guess this is goodbye then. :(

:)rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D )

See ya dude. And don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. :)


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
Asians (women) are hot :D