Next time you see a blond asian chick...


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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Re: Re: Re: RE

Originally posted by Player_Supreme
LMFAO! Your so full of shyt Jake.

"noticed most black female celebrities get weaves to lengthen their hair, get blond weaves,"

a few did for a while. Holly barry set a trend for short and sassy...its what ever the trend is." Mulatto's as you call them were popular for a while, then they went outta style and that new singer is bringing it back...just like dreds went in and out...

It's not an attempt to emulate white anymore's an attempt to keep up with fashions.

remember cross probably didn't since you live in Asia some where buried deep studying book lore on people...

And before you ex-wife is the almost the same complexion as I am.

No, I'm not. People of color in American HATE to talk about it, but it's true. And I don't live in some village in China dude.
Apr 3, 2003
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Next time you see a blond asian chick...

Originally posted by MVPlaya
Awww.... I love you too, Jakey

. Btw., where do you get that White genes are recessive? Maybe a few white traits tend to be recessive, but not most/all, I'd guess.
He gets that idea from his own twisted distorted reality that all races except asians are mongrel dogs of the earth. Watch his writing....he hates being his own race and over compensates being asian by hating other races and putting them down!

I would love to see what he looks like!

I'll bet he looks very bookish, with jell in his hair, slicked back, thick assed glasses that can see into tommorrow...yeah you know the type...
Apr 3, 2003
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Re: Re: Re: Re: RE

Originally posted by jakethasnake
No, I'm not. People of color in American HATE to talk about it, but it's true. And I don't live in some village in China dude.
Oh so now it's people of color now huh....well I'm of color and I don't hate talking about it...I just did...whatever that mysterious "it" is.

uhh jackey, you need to get out into the real world... all those articles and books your reading will make you go blind!

I never said you lived in china..I said asia duuuude!

I think every brotha on this site will laugh at what you just said about " People of color in American HATE to talk about it,"

Now that's funny ra-ight thurr!


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2004
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"educated" people of color hate themselves

I partially agree with the poster that stated that people of color want to be white. This phenomenon is mostly visible in educated circles. Not to generalize Asians, but this is why you see prissy, ivy-league girls with blonde hair uttering such things as like "dude," "whatever," or only dating white guys. Indeed, I read a study recently on interacial marriages, and it concluded that the higher the education level of a minority, the more likely he/she is to have a caucasion partner/bride (I apologize for not having the dates or the names of the researchers at the moment).
This is why you don't generally see that many black or hispanic people with this problem (although, with the increasing numbers of hispanics attending college, the number of hispanics wanting to be white is increasing as well). In fact, in my own observations, I find that the more uneducated a minority person is, the more he/she hates caucasians. That's why if "Greg Peterson" walks through the ghetto, he will probably be robbed while being called a "punk white boy." On the other hand, I have been witness to educated minorities or minorities from money saying quite bluntly that they would never go out with a n*gger or a spic, or that they hate n*ggers and spics.
People in cirles of minorities that use words like "thur" or "nigga" or "papi" will probably never see this phenomenon because of the people they hang around. However, in more educated (at least on paper) groups, internalized racism is quite too real.

(Note: I am an hispanic male with internalized racism)
Apr 3, 2003
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People in cirles of minorities that use words like "thur" or "nigga" or "papi" will probably never see this phenomenon because of the people they hang around. However, in more educated (at least on paper) groups, internalized racism is quite too real.

I use words such as thur..nigga..I hang out in some pretty high circles in California.

It's called code switching. I switch language styles in the drop of a hat.

I try not to become overly verbose or exhibit lame verbosity when I do it...

If you don't know what verbose means look it up right thurr!


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
LOL!! Post all you want dude... it's all good.

Playa Supreme - you have NO idea. :D You really don't. You're a small fish holding his cokk and screaming for attention in a little clogged up ditch that is cyberspace and Sac-Town (It's a dusty and hot little redneck town that barely qualifies as a 'city'... it feels more like a Gold Rush town than anything else. Pretty, but hardly a place for a true 'playa' as you so sophomorically like to say.). Anything and everything you post reeks of provincialism and poor upbringing. I feel bad saying this to you as in Asian circles you would be considered an 'uncle' as you are much older than I am, but still - what needs to be said has to be said. Sorry.

In contrast to you, I have the oceans to explore and make mine. I graduated from one of the top universities in the WORLD, and have a bright future ahead of me. I have set plans to attend graduate school in either business or law, possibly in Europe (mostly likely London). I already have years of international life experience and some international work experience, and have personal contacts all over the world, in Asia , Europe, Australia, Canada, and the U.S. (East and West coast). I travel often, and my list of contacts grow and grow every time I hit the road. I have all the right connections, international, and domestic (United States), and all the recognition and open-doors that I will ever need thanks to my Alma Mater (though whether I make it big will depend on how I utilize those connections). I am also ambitious. The world is my fukkyn oyster.

And look at you, posting every 5 minutes like some rabid hound on Ritalin. Maybe you should be working overtime instead. Get a life - for a 40 year old your life is looking pretty pathetic. :D

And as for your goading me into a verbal altercation like some punk-ass schoolyard bully, back off - I'm not interested. This will be my last post to you on this particular matter, though if you wish to discuss other stuff, I would be happy to oblige. Otherwise, give it up. ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Re: "educated" people of color hate themselves

Originally posted by baracus
I partially agree with the poster that stated that people of color want to be white. This phenomenon is mostly visible in educated circles. Not to generalize Asians, but this is why you see prissy, ivy-league girls with blonde hair uttering such things as like "dude," "whatever," or only dating white guys. Indeed, I read a study recently on interacial marriages, and it concluded that the higher the education level of a minority, the more likely he/she is to have a caucasion partner/bride (I apologize for not having the dates or the names of the researchers at the moment).
This is why you don't generally see that many black or hispanic people with this problem (although, with the increasing numbers of hispanics attending college, the number of hispanics wanting to be white is increasing as well). In fact, in my own observations, I find that the more uneducated a minority person is, the more he/she hates caucasians. That's why if "Greg Peterson" walks through the ghetto, he will probably be robbed while being called a "punk white boy." On the other hand, I have been witness to educated minorities or minorities from money saying quite bluntly that they would never go out with a n*gger or a spic, or that they hate n*ggers and spics.
People in cirles of minorities that use words like "thur" or "nigga" or "papi" will probably never see this phenomenon because of the people they hang around. However, in more educated (at least on paper) groups, internalized racism is quite too real.

(Note: I am an hispanic male with internalized racism)

Fascinating post. Man, I would HATE to be an Asian who openly says (or even thinks) that they'll "never date a chink". That is SO pathetic, it actually cracks me up! LOL! :D

I guess people suffer from internalize racism to varying degrees, but the case you describe are extreme cases. Actually, I think it's all about economics and power. Say instead of Europeans taking their ships all over the globe and colonizing the world, some African King or Chinese Emperor sent armadas to ravage Europe and the New World - you would see a VERY different World Order, with all sorts of people getting deep tans to emulate blacks, and to copy the fashions and culture of China. There is no inherent VALUE in whiteness or 'looking more white', it's just the context in which we swallow that message (living in a white-controlled world/nation) that affects our thinking. That is the first step in overcoming internalized racism, and all parents that are people of color should make sure to instill this knowledge and self-awareness in their children. Otherwise, you risk their having low-self esteem and indentity crisises.

Think outside the box. ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Firstly, what college you graduate from, what was your major.

Secondly, even assuming you're correct about white genes being predominantly recessive, you know that recessive genes show themselves in the phenotype every other generation right? I myself am an example of this, dad is 5'7, mom is 5'5, I'm 6'2, Grandpa is 6'1. Blond Asians exist.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
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Also Jake 'da fake.....I don't care whether you went to Oxford or not, nor you alma maters connections, or how great you are....Don't qualify yourself on the internet, or in reality, it reeks of insecurity and desperation....

Alot of guys here are intelligent, you can tell from your posts that you are as well, leave it at that.....

Player Supreme : The globalization of the world IS the pervasive spead of American culture which is dominated by whites...Its unfortunate, when I was in Mexico, all the billboards with models had american (read white) looks with a touch of Mexican...When I was in Rome, the busiest place and most expensive sandwich i ate was McDonalds...

The african american aesthetic is growing both domestically and internationally, but guys like David Hasselhoff get more attention overseas than Jay-Z or Puffy...

You want to talk about internalized racism, lets talk about institutional racism which is the cause of the divide......


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DankNuggs
Also Jake 'da fake.....I don't care whether you went to Oxford or not, nor you alma maters connections, or how great you are....Don't qualify yourself on the internet, or in reality, it reeks of insecurity and desperation....

Dank Nuggs,

I suppose you're right. I'll stop doing that. ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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Btw, what were you doing in Rome? Beautiful city, isn't it? :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by MVPlaya

Blond Asians exist.

From the strictest logical standpoint, I guess what you say could be true. Afterall, I haven't met every Asian soul on the planet.

But when I was referring to recessive genes, I was talking about pigmentation of hair and eyes. In 'hapas' (mixed white/Asian), the occurence of light colored eyes with darker Asian features is more common (like Kristen Kreuk of the show Smallville... she happens to be half Dutch, btw) than the occurence of light hair (I'm talking blonde like a Swede) is, which is pretty much non-existent. If you see a Northern Euro mixed with a dark Southern Euro (like a Spaniard or Italian or Greek), they usually come out with darker hair (rarely sandy blonde.... a very dark, borderline brown/blonde, at best).

I never claimed that facial features of whites such as the low brow, the hairiness, thin lips and tall, narrow noses are always dominated by more Asian features like the flatter face, rounder nose, fuller lips and small brows - it's roughly a 50-50 proposition as far as that stuff goes. I've met hapas whom you'd have no CLUE they were mixed as they looked so Asian, and I've also met some that looked exotic like a Latin person (the most common outcome), some that looked oddly Middle Eastern, and some that looked like a intermediate between a Meditteranean Euro and a Northern Euro. But as far as hair color goes, it's pretty darn likely that they won't be blonde. But never say never. :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
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Originally posted by jakethasnake
Btw, what were you doing in Rome? Beautiful city, isn't it? :)
Classical studies was a hobby in HS and College, so I went after school to go bum around and see the sights...The generic sights were amazing, however overall I found the city overly concerned with tourism which was a turnoff. You could barely walk the streets without bumping into a kiosk of cheap, generic italian, and american products....

If your in the southern half of Italy, i'd recommend Florence, the Amalfi Coast, and the Isle of Capri for a truer taste of Italy....


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Firstly, I'd guesstimate that about 50% of "caucasian" genes would be recessive, same as you. And there's something about Kristin Kreuk's eyes, drives me wild, makes me want to ƒuck her brains out until... eh, I'm getting off topic. Secondly, thing to keep in mind is that recessive genes skip generation, and have 1/4th probability of manifesting themselves in someone's phenotype. So with racial mixing between Brits and Hong Kong Chinese, assuming we have a simple pure model of dominant and recessive genes, 1/4th of the grandchildren should develop blonde hair.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
as quoted from jakie da wackie:

"Playa Supreme - you have NO idea. You really don't. You're a small fish holding his cokk and screaming for attention in a little clogged up ditch that is cyberspace and Sac-Town (It's a dusty and hot little redneck town that barely qualifies as a 'city'... it feels more like a Gold Rush town than anything else. Pretty, but hardly a place for a true 'playa' as you so sophomorically like to say.). Anything and everything you post reeks of provincialism and poor upbringing. I feel bad saying this to you as in Asian circles you would be considered an 'uncle' as you are much older than I am, but still - what needs to be said has to be said. Sorry."

1. Jackie…I didn’t take one word of offense from your post…so don’t worry. What I said to YOU had to be said so sorry if it hurt your feelings. Look at your statements:
“that facial features of whites such as the low brow,”

***still up to your old ways huh!

“Btw, what were you doing in Rome? Beautiful city, isn't it?”

***very poorly disquised attempt to act like your worldly don’t you think!

“I guess people suffer from internalize racism to varying degrees,”

****and in others it’s pretty obvious don’t you think.

“There is no inherent VALUE in whiteness or 'looking more white',”

***most folks can’t see how your just jealous that your not white, so why not devalue them and everyone else while your at it to hide the fact that you feel asian and small and insecure!

Sorry I have to call you on this shyt…but it’s about time we put a stop to it…

Oh what is up with you guys calling others uncle and'd think you were acting kinda black wouldn't you!

And why do the vietnameese do the same thing? Why don't you spit something you really know about...

I also do not believe you've ever been to Sacramento so nice try pal.

When are you going to post up that picture so we can all see just how worldly you really are!!!

Lastly you don't speak this asian language but Baka!

I too have lived in other countries.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
Close Player, but not quite. Keanu is a Hawaiian name. His father was half-Hawaiian, half-Chinese.
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Eileen
Close Player, but not quite. Keanu is a Hawaiian name. His father was half-Hawaiian, half-Chinese.
thank you for that information. was his father real hawaiian or one of the migrated asian races such as Japanese that lived their?