New training, advice needed


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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hey guys,

i was training for 3 month, with a great program, it was with the body weight.

anyway i got some great results, but decided to quite since i'm doing Wing Chun and it's just not good for me anymore.

the explenation is simple, i was becoming too much physical, i was using my physical strength and not using the extension of the muscle (which is the ideal)
i don't know if you guys can understand it, but i know i can feel it when i'm practicing its more powerful, and my opponent can really agree with me on it ! :)

long short story, now i can work on: cardio, 6/8 pack, and back

for cardio, i'm good, although i may need some creative idea on how to make it more benefical, i mean carrying weight while running or doing sprint etc.

but for me to work my 6 pack, i need a good program. i need to work on it to take a maximum of benefit.

and for my back, i need to work on that, without including chest, arms or shoulders, do you know some exercice i can do for that ?

so for that, i really need your help !


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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jumping rope, this summer i was doing 3500 reps for 40minutes with 1 minutes of relaxing every 700 reps. i think i'm gonna do it again.
BTW it's not working on your endurance to run more, isnt it ?

my back and my abs it's because i'm not working on physical strength.
i mean abs or back will not do me wrong when i'm practicing wing chun.
this is the only 2 thing i can work on it and develop without care about my practice.

for the 2 exercices, the first one involved arms, and i want only back nothing else
the secon one looks pretty good for what i'm looking for. but how can i work out on it at home ?

for abs i saw the '8minutes abs' is it good ?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
A good program for a six pack? Get down to under 10% bodyfat by eating right. Six packs are made from your diet not in the gym.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
yeah but you can increase their volume, so they can be bigger even if you doing a good diet it's always better if you can see them bigger