My name’s Jariel and I’m an AFC


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I suppose it’s time to face facts. I’ve reverted to my AFC ways and I’ve been paying the price.

I have lost count of the women I've dated this past year. Many of them I've laid and around 90% of them I've kissed. You could say I'm a good looking guy - I'm tall, in good shape and have good features. I get women hit on me regularly, have many admirers, get lots of compliments about my looks and initial interest from women is usually sky high.

To see me during these initial encounters, many people would think I'm a master DJ/player, and that’s what I convinced myself. I figured I was having so much success with women, I no longer needed to apply any DJ values or play the game. Of course, I’m doing a lot of things right. I’m building excellent rapport and escalating to sex, which is making for some fun first dates, but when it comes to long term dating/relationships with girls I like...hell, even just getting a second or third date, I am failing in the most pitiful way.

As many of you will have noticed from my field reports and recent posts, I seem to fall into the same pattern over and over. I get to know a girl, we build a good connection, we make out or have sex (often several times), her interest level is sky high, then all of a sudden, she turns cold and runs away.

Ok, let me rephrase that...she gets caught up in the initial seduction, the sexual chemistry, but loses interest once she gets to know me.

There are only so many times I can blame the women. Not all of them can be slvts, players or loonies. When I think about it, the answer is obvious: my good looks may be getting my foot in the door, but my personality is repelling women. It’s time to admit to myself I’ve got complacent and have neglected all the great lessons I learned here and all the mental conditioning I put myself through. I’ve put my heart into the gym, my diet and getting into shape, but that just isn’t enough when you’re lacking in other areas.

Reflecting on past dates there are a few things women have said that trouble me. I’m hearing the term “sweet” and “nice” way too many times for comfort. The last girl I fell for told me I’m a sweetheart and a nice person, and I sat there and took it as a compliment. The old Jariel would’ve heard alarm bells ringing and would’ve confronted her for that comment. Likewise, I’ve been having lots of people at work talking about how polite and sweet I am, and a few times women have apologised for swearing in front of me, fearing I might be offended. Seriously, it made me feel like a 10 year old.

But that’s not all. My composure and body language is a textbook example of a beta male. Although I am confident in myself, I realise that I do not convey that impression. I put it down to my suffering attention deficit disorder, but I tend to get very restless and feel a sense of urgency about everything. I fidget, talk and move way too fast, my breathing is shallow, my voice changes pitch and my eyes dart around during conversation. Three women have commented that I seemed like a nervous wreck during our dates. Of course, I denied it because it wasn’t true, but if that’s what my body language is saying, then there’s something seriously amiss. A number of women have got it into their heads that they intimidated me. Completely ridiculous, and yet there has to be something I’m doing that makes them think this. In fact, one woman I was dating told me that my nervousness made her feel uncomfortable and put her off. I valued her directness and honesty (doesn’t happen often), but I took no action to correct this.

I used to be so smooth and suave. I would neg hit and use ****y and funny to tease women, and would have great fun with it, and would deliver my dry sense of humour in a cool kind of way. These days I’ll often follow up with “I’m just joking” or grin/laugh emphatically so they know I’m just joking. It makes me appear cheeky and goofy, which is inconsistent with both the way I look and my natural personality. What’s more, it always feels like I’m trying too hard.

Add this to the fact that I play the humility card way too often, I neglect my social proof and I let each woman believe she’s the only one I’m into, instead of letting her know there are other women in my life, many admirers and showing her I have value. I reassure women too often and fail to provide any challenge or chase. I’m always way too polite and considerate, caring too much about how people think of me.

Frankly, I’ve reverted to an AFC of the worst kind and I need to get back to my DJ mindset. I know what I should be doing, I’ve been preaching it here for years, and yet for some reason I’ve not been practising it. It's just like getting fat. You don't realise how much you've let yourself go until one day you look at yourself and wonder how the fvck you allowed it to happen.

I’ve certainly paid the price for my complacency. As a matter of fact, all these painful rejections I've been during this past year are exactly like those that brought me to this site in the very beginning.

It’s unreasonable to think I can get back to where I want to be over night. I just need to retrace my steps, one at a time. My first step is to work on my composure. Following the advice given to me in another thread, I have started mediating on a daily basis and am trying to keep my mind focused in the present moment, while being consciously aware of my posture, my speech and my breathing, and making a big effort to hold eye contact and stop myself from fidgeting.

So far, this is helping a lot. I was opened by a hot young girl just a couple of nights ago at a Christmas party. I neg hit her a few times in a dry and cool way, held eye contact and spoke in an unwavering tone. There was something about our interaction that made me feel in control. Then gradually her friends started coming over to talk to me and I found myself among 5 hot girls, all of which were vying for my attention. The more attention I gave to her friends, the more she wanted me. It was classic DJ stuff. I never even had to ask for her number as she volunteered it herself. I felt good behaving this way, more natural, more consistent with my personality. What’s more, I’m already noticing people paying me more respect. I remember this same thing happening when I first put this stuff into practice many years ago.

Next up, I want to try and kill off my nice guy traits, and my excessive politeness and consideration. I need to push myself out of my comfort zone here and stop trying to make everyone like me. This is a very ingrained habit, so it will be difficult.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this and let you know where I’m at right now. Perhaps other DJs who have experienced a similar rise and fall can offer some support or advice.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Nice to see that you're wanting to give yourself an overhaul. It takes a lot of practice to change your natural behavior.

It sounds like you've got your physical state pretty much taken care of (something that I could probably use a bit of work on) but your natural personality needs some work. This is why so many PUA fail at LTRs - they put on a fantastic first impression, but they fail to have it live up to their natural personality.

Jariel said:
Next up, I want to try and kill off my nice guy traits, and my excessive politeness and consideration. I need to push myself out of my comfort zone here and stop trying to make everyone like me. This is a very ingrained habit, so it will be difficult.
This stuff isn't necessarily bad. It just needs to come out at the right time to balance off any 'jerk' traits you may have (or in this case, develop).

I see the Don Juan personality like a balancing scale. Too much 'jerk' and women won't like you. Too much 'nice' and women won't be attracted. Once you get your personality balanced just right, you're not only going to be unstoppable, but women will cling to you and WANT to hold onto you for long periods of time.

Before I got married, women I dated enjoyed the first two months with me. After that, they would usually want to move on. After I terminated my marriage and got back into the dating world, I started noticing something different. Women are clinging to me and not wanting to let go. Every woman I've dated since then has wanted to keep me around for the long haul. When I end the relationship, they get extremely mad.

My guess at what made me hit this level of balance is the level of 'jerk' in my personality. Before my marriage, I pushed it really far with women. It made them initially attracted, but they wouldn't stay. Now I don't push the 'jerk' attitude. It seems to naturally come out just a bit through my sense of humor, and it seems to be enough to keep the woman entertained. I've NEVER had as much success at keeping a woman around in my life than I do right now.

Jariel, I wish you the best of luck in finding the right balance in your personality. You may have to push a little further to the other end of the scale in order to train yourself, but I'm sure that women will see you as one hell of a catch once you get your personality properly balanced.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks Desdinova. I appreciate the support and words of advice. The first stage of recovery is admitting I have a problem. It's taken long enough, but now I can start rebuilding.

I absolutely agree with you on the balance thing. I, like most DJs/PUAs in training, went to the far end of the jerk scale too when I started out. I also went to extremes with the c+f, playing women off against each other and alike, before I found the middle ground.

Like you, I am very good at being a playful jerk and letting it come out in a not so serious or destructive way. That's something I need to tap into more to help balance things out.


You just need to slow down, you go too gung-ho and this can put women off and I'm pretty sure many AFC's or people in transition from AFC to respectable man/DJ would love to have your problem. You are not an AFC, far from it, in fact you are being disrespectful to yourself and to actual AFC's by making such a daft comparison.

As Pook says "for if you believe, you shall become". Very true, your problem is you are in your mid-thirties, you want a relationship instead of random sex and you are either picking the wrong and/or you're going in too gung-ho, far too early. Try and take your time with things. You don't need to have sex on the first encounter, you don't need to go out of your way to impress them and show them your best traits. Just take things at a slower pace, spin less plates, become less outcome dependent. If you find yourself having negative emotions from the dating game, then take a break from it. Focus on other things in your life, work, friends, family, hobbies and interests.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Jariel said:
My first step is to work on my composure. Following the advice given to me in another thread, I have started mediating on a daily basis and am trying to keep my mind focused in the present moment, while being consciously aware of my posture, my speech and my breathing, and making a big effort to hold eye contact and stop myself from fidgeting.

This is good stuff Jariel, i suffer from, at times, being animated and kind of over the top with my speech and behavior. Put simply, I get kind of nutty. I think I'm the male version of HPD (Histrionic personality disorder)

But when I'm concious about it and stay cool and calm I'm pretty damn suave because I'm very witty and my humor is clever.
Like you said, be mindful of your posture, voice tone, hand movements should be slow, and deep not shallow breath.

So, if I couple that with ceasing being too loving and infatuated with girls in the early stages I think I'll be alright.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Nobodies perfect. Just keep trying to improvd yourself. Dont ever get complacent either. If you once were strong and then decided not to lift weights for a certain amount of time your strength will decrease. Same thing can apply to game. Make sure to keep working out your game muscle.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
st_99 said:
This is good stuff Jariel, i suffer from, at times, being animated and kind of over the top with my speech and behavior. Put simply, I get kind of nutty.
I've actually found that this can be a great advantage. I've pushed myself to be incredibly and sometimes over-enthusiastic about a subject, and the response I get from women is very positive. When I get to the point where I'm dancing around with her in circles about some silly thing that I'm excited about, she'll feed off my vibes which will raise her emotional state to my level. Emotional fluctuation is a GOOD thing in her books.

Find a way to channel your positive energy into the woman, and your potentially negative trait will become 100% positive.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
For those who haven't seen Jariel's pics...he's like that 1% of exceptionally good looking guys...jacked as hell, bad a$$ a lot of these women could just be using him for sex. Let's face it, for the average guy, unless you get a bar or club hook up or something, most attractive women don't go all the way on a first date, especially if they view him as more than a hook-up. When women view a guy as LTR potential, they draw it out and try to make him earn it so he won't just leave after he gets the sex.

For the other women, it could be like has already been said that his personality isn't in congruence with his bad boy looks. People assume things about each other, and some women are probably disappointed that he's just a good guy, not abusive or game playing etc. .

But I'm guessing a lot of it is the first. They are judging him, fairly or unfairly, as being a meathead that is just good for sex.

I think it's funny actually that Jariel is actually living the life a lot of guys on this forum want. He goes on first dates/hang outs whatever and gets sex with hotties and they don't get attached lol.


rhcp83 said:
For the other women, it could be like has already been said that his personality isn't in congruence with his bad boy looks. People assume things about each other, and some women are probably disappointed that he's just a good guy, not abusive or game playing etc. .
Then he is choosing the wrong women. The women are low quality and not worth dealing with.
But I'm guessing a lot of it is the first. They are judging him, fairly or unfairly, as being a meathead that is just good for sex.
If he didn't put out so easily, he'd be more of a challenge to a female and he would come across as a serious person. Many people won't take people who put out too easily, seriously!

I think it's funny actually that Jariel is actually living the life a lot of guys on this forum want. He goes on first dates/hang outs whatever and gets sex with hotties and they don't get attached lol.
It gets old quickly though. At some point most people want to settle down with partner, start a family, get married, have a house together etc. Maybe that's what Jariel wants for himself in the future?

I don't envy Jariel one bit, he is having a rough time of it, but his story just goes to show you that DJism is a double-edged sword.

Lord Sidious

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Well, I have the oposite problem - women don´t want to leave, in spite of being honest about what I expected (just physical relationship). It sucks!!!

Anyway, it seems you have a part of your issue solved - you know exactly what you´re doing wrong.

Good luck, bro!

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
There's no shame in taking a break from dating and building yourself back up. It's easy to front and seduce but once the smoke clears, she will see you for who you are. Congruency when meeting and dating and then finally settling into really getting to know each other is the key. If you're one way when you first meet a girl but then once she gets to know you and you change/revert back to someone else, that won't work.

Been there, done that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for the supportive words and advice guys, you know it's always appreciated and so good to know I can turn to this forum whenever things get too much.

It is great in many respects to be able to play the field, have sex and not worry about breaking someone's heart, but unfortunately there's a cruel twist at work for me. Those women I don't really connect with and only want only for sex usually end up obsessed with me, while once in a while I end up falling for a woman I've had sex with and she's not interested in anything more.

I wouldn't say I was desperate for a relationship and am happy to keep banging chicks, but when I do meet another keeper, I would really like to maintain her interest.

But this isn't just about girls if I'm honest. There are a few aspects of my personality I'm really not happy with and want to work on for my own benefit and for the sake of gaining more respect in general.

It's easy to front and seduce but once the smoke clears, she will see you for who you are. Congruency when meeting and dating and then finally settling into really getting to know each other is the key.
This is really interesting because I would say that my current behaviour - the niceness, the cheekiness etc - is the side of my personality that is not natural or congruent. I only act this way to appear likeable to others. This submissiveness is something I really need to change.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
Fascinating posts Jariel - thank you.

The things I noticed that had left my game, after being locked away for 7 years in a relationship, was that though CF and cheeky humour were still around (naturally), I had become really slack on eye contact. Especially during sex.

What was easy for me before - really connecting through the eyes all the way through - had become an afterthought because I was using my eyes to turn OFF my previous partner. That worked (eventually) but I was still in that funk when I started dating again.

You don't need any help - you're already on your way to redemption. Just thought I'd share.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
it has nothing to do with you being "nice"

look, you are better off than probably 80% of this forum, at least, your problem is very easy fix, but it's a problem still

your problem is simply, what you are sellign women, and what you are actually providing women, are 2 different things

you are a good looking guy. girls, believe it not, have AFCish tendedices. they, like men, build the opposite sex up in their mind as to be something, sometimes they are wrong, sometimes they are right. you are good looking, come off as confident,assured, women like it. once they met you, the figure out you aren't confident, you aren't sure of yourself,.

it's not so much that you are nice. there is nothing wrong with being nice if you are nice by nature. being nice has nothing to do with being a DJ.

fo;r you to substain any type of LTR whatsoever, the package has to match up with what the woman is actually getting. when i met my wife, i was arrogant, spent time with her but was always busy, was clear i was feeling her yet, never smother her because i had **** to do. 4 years later, i'm still arrogant, sure of myself, i still spend time with her but don't smother her, i give her her space.

you can't be one hting then revert to something else. and the only way for you to fix your problem is to establiah what it is you want to be, then go meet women.

basically in a nutshell is your problem is inner game. i'm ont saying go run a million dollar company r anything, but figure out who it is you are, develop a very stable life outside of women, then come back tot he women. it will make your seduction that much more potent.

I wouldn't say I was desperate for a relationship and am happy to keep banging chicks, but when I do meet another keeper, I would really like to maintain her interest.
let me use a horse racing anagoy if you will.

a good trainer, will know he has a runner (slang for a really good / talented horse) the first time he works him in the morning. he'll know. if not the first time, not very soon afterwards. John Sherrifs was telling everyone had the next ruffian in his barn about a year before zenyatta ever hit the race track in 2007. he knew what he had.

but even though they know what they have, they still make all the horses, go through all the trails, the races, the allowance races, the stakes races, the derby preps, before making them their kentucky derby horse.

because talent alone, will not win you a kentucky derby. the horse has to learn how to run, he has to bulid stanima, a lot of horse racing ****, goes into training a kentucky derby winning horse besides having a good horse.

I have been on what, well upwards of 100 first dates in my life. probably closer to 150. i knew within 30 mnintues of my first date with my now wife, that she was "special". i nver told her that, but i knew she was different from all the other horses i trained in the morning so to speak. but even with that still, you still have to treat her like all the other horses yyou train in the morning, to establish a good framed relationship. I still took it slow, spun plates, did my own thing and let her do her own thing, all these things, that weed out pretenders from real contenders. if you have a real winner she will past every test.

you are basically taking these horses after they run for the first time and putting them in the kentucky derby.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Viagra4soul: That's something that definitely applies to me too. I think it comes down to lack of awareness and complacency on my part, but I have really neglected eye contact in recent times. Since writing this post just couple of days ago I have started paying more attention to this (among other things) and am already noticing a huge difference with my interractions. Just this morning I was talking to a girl and as I looked into her eyes I could see her getting flustered. The other night when I was approached by another girl at a party, we had very strong and steady eye contact during our conversation and I could really feel the spark between us.

I also believe that my lack of eye contact, having my focus flitting around, could be one of the reasons these women assume I'm nervous.

Backbreaker: A very insightful post, as I've come to expect from you mate. I do agree with you in terms of being nice and the last thing I want to do is turn into some try hard bad boy, but I have to confess that my "niceness" of late has become more like supplication as opposed to natural decency.

you are good looking, come off as confident,assured, women like it. once they met you, the figure out you aren't confident, you aren't sure of yourself,.
I think this sums it up and explains why I attract/keep women I'm not into, but lose it with those I am. It's also true that I've not been as confident as I'd like to think as I always expect these great dates to fail and have developed a self-defeating attitude.

It's not like I've become depressed or downtrodden as other aspects of my life are going better than they've been for a long time. I think it's just general complacency, causing me to let my game and my attitude slide.

As for the horse analogy, I'm with you on that and I need to slow down.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
North America
Great thread Jariel. Really inspiring especially at this time in my life - I recently had a similar issue with a woman that really made an amazing impression on me, and she lost interest. I made AFC mistakes despite being on this forum for a long time. I invested way too hard and let it show.

There is nothing that can be done about this now, only to really understand the lesson before one moves forward. The next hottie that comes around will meet a very different Serg.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
I think this post is a helpful reminder:

"Anxiety creates attraction. The more anxiety you create in a woman, the more she will lower her guard enough so that your game will be well-received. It forces her to question her value instead of yours. In any casual relationship, one person is creating anxiety while the other person is receiving it. If you’re not the one creating it, then it’s not her that’s getting gamed."

Roosh is genius sometimes.

I feel like I am on a more evolved philosophical level then almost all american women (and the ones that aren't would be snapped up right away). Life for me is not all about status, survival, and material goods. I'm a high-minded person. Therefore, I don't bother to flash status, accumulate material goods, and I treat people with empathy and respect.

This doesn't work with american women! They are not similarly evolved. I'm tired of getting rejected for sex by 1's and 2's, and it's affecting my outlook on life. Therefore I need to get back to basics, and I think Roosh's post is a good starting point to keep in mind.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
From the comments:

"I used to think that gaming a girl prior to sex and a relationship was enough and that once you’ve slept with them and got them hooked, you can turn it all off and start being yourself around her and letting yourself fall more and more in love with her… How wrong i was.

Women are designed to naturally scorn and punish a man the minute he gets too loving and caring. It’s both laughable and frustrating. It’s the reason why i’m choosing to stay single and just have fun because i’ve yet to receive a positive experience of a loving relationship in the long term."


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
you are good looking, come off as confident,assured, women like it. once they met you, the figure out you aren't confident, you aren't sure of yourself,.
while i agree that this is a problem, you would think that at least some girls would be a little more forgiving and not be so quick to next.

I mean, what the hell. When I meet a girl and kind of picture what she is like based on first impressions, Its not like I throw her out like yesterdays garbage just because she isnt exactly what i pictured. I still let it play out a while longer.

Jariel is only getting a couple dates and they are nexting, how can a person be so rigid as to next someone they THOUGHT was super confident and great looking but then saw the person had some insecurities. Thats nuts if u ask me. Its not like he's acting like some kind of manic depressive freak.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
omkara said:
"Anxiety creates attraction. The more anxiety you create in a woman, the more she will lower her guard enough so that your game will be well-received. It forces her to question her value instead of yours. In any casual relationship, one person is creating anxiety while the other person is receiving it. If you’re not the one creating it, then it’s not her that’s getting gamed."

I definitely agree with this, its just another way of saying you have to hold or keep the frame at all times.