My girlfriend broke up with me

we all eat food

Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I dont really care, me and her were nothing alike, she was too boring for me, I just went out with her for the sex i guess.

Anyways, is it DJ to not talk to her anymore, or should i be on good terms with her


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
depends under what terms you guys broke up?
was it a fight and she left you or you left her
or was it nothing serious and you guys stay as friends with benefits..?

we all eat food

Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
She just broke up with me cause like she said she didnt have any more time for me, and she LJBF me and i said we cant be friends, and were not gonna stay friends with benefits so ya know


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Don't give her any of your time.

If she wants it she has to give you what you want.

Thats the way it works.

Still if you are forced to interact with her be it at school or work or whatever don't act all p!ssed off around her just be cordial and keep conversation to an extreme minimum.

we all eat food

Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
Don't give her any of your time.

If she wants it she has to give you what you want.

Thats the way it works.

Still if you are forced to interact with her be it at school or work or whatever don't act all p!ssed off around her just be cordial and keep conversation to an extreme minimum.

ok sounds logical, but her friends already thinking im a jerk and she probably does also


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
we all eat food said:
ok sounds logical, but her friends already thinking im a jerk and she probably does also
Meh, fvck them.

You two would never be real friends so no sense in putting on some charade and being a girlfriend to her while she talks to you about all the other guys she's fvcking and asking you for relationship advice about them.

I'm sure you or no guy out there wants to hear that sh!t. Even the biggest AFC's if you were to privately interrogate them wouldn't want to hear that sh!t even if they go along with this phony friendship b.s.

That LJBF stuff is an insidious mean spirited massive act of disrespect on a chick's part dressed up falsely as a true olive branch of friendship in order that she can...

1. Not be hated by you since chicks can't stand to be hated by anyone.
2. Keep you around incase her new relationship doesn't work out and she needs an immediate ego gratification fallback plan.
3. Get over any remaining emotional feelings for you quickly as the false friendship progresses because the false friendship itself helps to cement her self brainwashing that you are now just a friend ie seen as a friend.
4. She drifts away from the friendship entirely or worse keeps you as her girlfriend for life telling you all about the guys who are doing things to her you wish you'd be doing instead.

The man who entertains this garbage goes through a slow death of dignity.

Don't be that man.


The only time friendship with an ex is acceptable is if you have both fallen out of love with eachother and mutually agree to end the relationship but remain friends since you agree you both work better that way.

This type of situation is balanced as you two are equals with neither of you having more power over the other.

MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
You two would never be real friends so no sense in putting on some charade and being a girlfriend to her while she talks to you about all the other guys she's fvcking and asking you for relationship advice about them.

I'm sure you or no guy out there wants to hear that sh!t. Even the biggest AFC's if you were to privately interrogate them wouldn't want to hear that sh!t even if they go along with this phony friendship b.s.

That LJBF stuff is an insidious mean spirited massive act of disrespect on a chick's part dressed up falsely as a true olive branch of friendship in order that she can...

1. Not be hated by you since chicks can't stand to be hated by anyone.
2. Keep you around incase her new relationship doesn't work out and she needs an immediate ego gratification fallback plan.
3. Get over any remaining emotional feelings for you quickly as the false friendship progresses because the false friendship itself helps to cement her self brainwashing that you are now just a friend ie seen as a friend.
4. She drifts away from the friendship entirely or worse keeps you as her girlfriend for life telling you all about the guys who are doing things to her you wish you'd be doing instead.

The man who entertains this garbage goes through a slow death of dignity.

Don't be that man.


The only time friendship with an ex is acceptable is if you have both fallen out of love with eachother and mutually agree to end the relationship but remain friends since you agree you both work better that way.

This type of situation is balanced as you two are equals with neither of you having more power over the other.
Very nicely put. Always interested in your answers KontrollerX, keep that **** up.

Back in the day a few years back, i have faced this situation twice. The first time i stayed friends, and exactly as the above is out down, that's what happened, she used me for an ego boost when things didn't go her way.

I learnt from my mistake, and the second time i kept my dignity. Sometimes you look back in the past and you want to slap yourself for the stupid AFC things we did, but in the end, i guess we can't regret it, for i wouldn't be who i am now without my failures.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks MMA Juan.

Some guys are so stuck in their AFC mindset though they will continually entertain stuff like this no matter how much damage its proven to do them time and again and remain orbiters of some chick that massively disrespected them just in hopes they will get some scraps of affection from her eventually.

And hey sometimes they succeed and get sex from the girl in an emotional moment or a makeout touchy feely session but it inevitably goes right back into friendship mode when the girl regains her senses or meets someone else.

Guys like this just make me so sad for short changing themselves so much and rewarding bad behaviour and losing their good years as orbiters begging and waiting for scraps when they could be out after something better.

Its like that speech from Braveheart reworked here a little bit heh:

You may take my life but you'll never AFCdom!!!

And all the AFC's cheer.


Don Juan
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
we all eat food said:
I dont really care, me and her were nothing alike, she was too boring for me, I just went out with her for the sex i guess.

Anyways, is it DJ to not talk to her anymore, or should i be on good terms with her
Always be on good terms... you never know if you need help one day. Sh*t you could be broke down on the side of the road with a dead cell phone.. and she drives by...

..if your an a**hole to her now... how does that help in this scenario :nono:

we all eat food

Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
The Sperminator said:
Don't contact her she already said she doesn't want to be friends.

actually its the other way around, and i knew her fro about a year before we went out