My Girl just broke up with me over facebook?!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Swashbuckler said:
"Ok I completely fvcked up. And I hate what I have done. I've missed you so much and I hate being without you. I really hope you will talk to me. I want to try to fix everything that I've broken between us."
Free translation:

"My branch swinging didn't work out, can I go back until I find something better?"


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
That's what I thought, and now she's telling me there was no other man, and that she was scared of being hurt. She thought I was too good to be true, and she thought I was getting annoyed.

This is absolute crap... She's trying to play to my ego? I can't believe she changed tunes so quickly.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
From personal experience, they change tunes faster than we get them out of their underwear, even though I already consider myself adept at the latter.

She wants to reel you in, and there is no guarantee that she won't do the above to you again weeks down the road. But I would think it keeps us sane not to allow such women to come back into our lives.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Swashbuckler said:
That's what I thought, and now she's telling me there was no other man, and that she was scared of being hurt. She thought I was too good to be true, and she thought I was getting annoyed.

This is absolute crap... She's trying to play to my ego? I can't believe she changed tunes so quickly.
The No Contact is a true magic.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
by the sounds of things you've been replying, and thats not productive because getting back with her isnt productive either! 4 hours distance between, and you're going to a new school, I would just leave it man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
Swashbuckler said:
That's what I thought, and now she's telling me there was no other man, and that she was scared of being hurt. She thought I was too good to be true, and she thought I was getting annoyed.

This is absolute crap... She's trying to play to my ego? I can't believe she changed tunes so quickly.

HAHAHAHA, it's like my friend who broke up with his chick, and now is living life working out and DOING STUFF. she is blowing up his facebook like "ooh looks like you can handle this fine lady!" and stupid sh!t like that

her excuse is THE WORST i've heard, lolololol. Sounds like she has some problems, I wonder if even fvck buddy sex is an issue here


Senior Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
quick question for my dude Swashbuckler

when you look back at this relationship, how will you remember it?

will you remember all the good times you shared? will you remember how much you cared for each other? how much you helped each other learn and grow?

or will you remember it just for the facebook breakup and for your "no contact" response?

will you look back at this relationship with pain or pleasure? fear or love?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I'd put my money on the fact that there's no other dude. I think this was a chick's "preemptive breakup" or something. Depends on what the OP wants. If he wants to get back together he could probably do it at this point by SLOWLY letting her back in. But it's also a point where he seems to be in control and could very well decide he wants to pursue other options. LDRs are usually more trouble than they're worth.

Remember both these folks are very young. Women in their early 20s are quite unpredictable. He could get back together with her and then she could do this all over again 3 months from now.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Swashbuckler said:
I'm at a friends place bouncing in and out of a party whilst making mexican food, and she texts me something I thought all along. This is her text word for word:

"Ok I completely fvcked up. And I hate what I have done. I've missed you so much and I hate being without you. I really hope you will talk to me. I want to try to fix everything that I've broken between us."
You've done well so far. Don't fvck it up now!!!

At the moment she's worried you won't be there as a reliable back-up plan and it's driving her crazy. You've bruised her ego and now she will say or do anything to get back your approval. She wants you as a nice submissive little orbiter.

She's trying to reel you back in and get you on a hook again. BUT as soon as she gets her claws stuck into you and she knows she's "got you" I guarantee she will do the same thing again sooner or later.



Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Swashbuckler said:
You know what I just deactivated my facebook. I don't want to keep getting messages from her. I'll probably want to respond.

Plus, I need to focus on papers instead of facebook. It might be good to go off the social radar for awhile.

Good work man! :up:


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
I fvcked up... I finished my paper yesterday and then talked to her in a park.

She wanted be back so bad. She said she regretted sending that thing on facebook the moment she sent it. All her roommates are pissed off at her, her mom's pissed at her, and she asked me if I'd get back with her.

She told me she got scared that I would leave and find another girl. She told me about her past long distance relationships, and none of them bode well.

I asked her about her birthday, and she's going to the thing I thought she was going to, her roommate's brother's wedding where her ex will be, and her roommate's dad wants her ex and her to get back together, so I don't doubt that her ex will show up. She told me she's trying to get out of it.

I straight up told her I wouldn't be here when she got back. I'm moving out and going on after I graduate.

Then I asked her if she still loves her ex, and she said yes, and I said is there any way you would go back to him, and she was really quiet, and said it would take a lot.

I told her that I wouldn't get back with her knowing she still was in love with him and she'd go back with him. I told her: "If and when you stop loving him, you can give me a call, but I won't put my life on hold for you." Then I said goodnight and she slowly left the car almost like she wanted me to stop her.

So, it looks to be over. I doubt she'll stop loving that dude. He's a controlling douche; have fun. I'm moving on.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Swashbuckler said:
I fvcked up... I finished my paper yesterday and then talked to her in a park.

She wanted be back so bad. She said she regretted sending that thing on facebook the moment she sent it. All her roommates are pissed off at her, her mom's pissed at her, and she asked me if I'd get back with her.

She told me she got scared that I would leave and find another girl. She told me about her past long distance relationships, and none of them bode well.

I asked her about her birthday, and she's going to the thing I thought she was going to, her roommate's brother's wedding where her ex will be, and her roommate's dad wants her ex and her to get back together, so I don't doubt that her ex will show up. She told me she's trying to get out of it.

I straight up told her I wouldn't be here when she got back. I'm moving out and going on after I graduate.

Then I asked her if she still loves her ex, and she said yes, and I said is there any way you would go back to him, and she was really quiet, and said it would take a lot.

I told her that I wouldn't get back with her knowing she still was in love with him and she'd go back with him. I told her: "If and when you stop loving him, you can give me a call, but I won't put my life on hold for you." Then I said goodnight and she slowly left the car almost like she wanted me to stop her.

So, it looks to be over. I doubt she'll stop loving that dude. He's a controlling douche; have fun. I'm moving on.
how is two adults having an intelligent conversation about their feelings about one another "fvcking up"?

it sounds like you both clearly communicated where each other is at and you stood firm that you don't want to be with her until she moves on fully from her ex.

you did the right thing in talking to her bro (in my opinion).


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
cannot understand why women behave like this
she only wants you because of the power move you made by going No Contact.... its a nuclear move... and it pushes every attraction button left a girl.

but the moment she wrote you the break up letter on facebook, she knew what the hell she was doing. She thought of it for days. logically she knew you are not what she wants in the long run. It is only the way how you reacted with indiference that caused her to go desperate.

its ilogical, it does not make sense at all, it never will, just women natural behavior.

just move on, talking to her was a mistake in my opinion...specially when you know she has feelings for her dumb ex.

i would have laughed at her face and walked away.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
After being completely hurt all day, I just decided to forget her completely. I texted her that I'm deleting her number and removing her on facebook, and she's like "I'm going to be very sad." and "Just know I'm going to really miss you, and I enjoyed every second with you," but now she's deleted and I have no way to contact her via aim, facebook, or phone. Hopefully, I can move on and forget her.